Fight For Me

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea


Kyuhyun quietly stepped into the dimly lit hospital room and closed the door quietly behind him.
He turned slightly to face the white, twin sized hospital bed where his lover lay peacefully.

Kyuhyun bit back a small sob and wiped hastily at his tears, before pulling up a chair and took a seat next to the bed.

“Jongwoon, baby….” He whispered, gently threading his long, thin fingers through the elder’s small, delicate ones.
His lover looked so…...pained, even unconscious. He was connected to various machines and there were many bandages and stitches all over his body, some still bleeding just a little, and dark bruises peppered his pale body.

“I’m so sorry.” Kyuhyun cried, gently pressing the small hand to his cheek and gave the palm a light kiss. “I don’t know how many more times I should apologize until you forgive me. I don’t expect you to forgive me so easily after what I’ve done to you, but I just want you to give me one more chance.” He whispered, reaching up with his other hand to the pale cheeks that now, luckily, were not covered in blood.

Yesung was unconscious still, but at least he was still alive-Barely alive.

It hurt Kyuhyun to see his lover injured so badly because of him.
Mistake after mistake, Kyuhyun hurts his lover both physically and mentally.

Kyuhyun leaned forward and kissed the soft, cold lips once just as the room door opened and the doctor walked in.

Kyuhyun got up from the chair and bowed and greeted the doctor politely.
After the formalities of greeting each other, the doctor pulled a clipboard out from the foot of the bed, and looked over it.

“So, Kim Jongwoon, we have managed to stop the internal bleeding, and have stitched up the major wounds on him, but……”

“Kyuhyun looked up at the sound of another possibility. “But what, Doctor?” Kyuhyun asked nervously.

“But he’ll be unconscious for a few days, or weeks. Maybe even months or years. It depends on his own will power to live. It’s not exactly a coma either. Jongwoon is balancing on the brink of life or death, and it really depends on how strong he’ll be if he wants to live, or if he’ll give up completely.” The doctor said solemnly.

Kyuhyun took a seat back down into the chair before he collapsed form the information. There’s a very likely chance he’ll lose his lover; his lover that saved him from all his mistakes he has made.

“The major problem is, even if he did try to put up a fight, I’m not sure he’ll make it. Jongwoon’s at a very critical and fragile state. It’s possible that his body will just collapse and give up on him during the battle for life or death.” The doctor continued.

Kyuhyun fought back the tears a she looked back down at his dying lover.
No matter how strong Kyuhyun is, there are some things that could just completely collapse his world.

He suddenly stood back up and spun around, grabbing the doctor by the collar of his shirt.
“You have to save him! Please! He’s all I have! The only person I’ll ever love! Please, save him! Help him! He’s still got a dream to fulfill! He’s got a mother and younger brother to look after! He-“

“I’ll try my best, sir. But as I said, it depends on his own physical strength and willpower to live.” The doctor said, gently prying the boy’s long fingers off his shirt.

Kyuhyun let go and stared down at the ground. “I’m sorry” he whispered.

The doctor just smiled at him in understanding, before giving the boy a small pat on the back, and left him to be alone with Yesung.

Kyuhyun fell back into the chair in despair.
He reached back up and gently slid his hands back into the elder’s limp, cold ones.

“You’ll fight for me, right, Jongwoon?” We’ll start a whole new life. We’ll be famous together, and I’ll be there by your side, giving you the love you need and want.” He whispered softly to the unconscious man.

“You said you’re mine; together forever. You can’t leave me. We’re destined to be together. I can’t lose you right after I just found you, baby. You’re all I have and I’ll ever care for.” He cried, leaning forward to press his face softly to the elder’s chest, wanting to feel the rise and fall of each small breath and the weak heart that shared the same rhythm as his own.

He stayed there for a moment, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent of his lover.
The smell of sweet cream and warm vanilla mixed with a hint of cologne and Rosemary and Mint from sharing the same bed and snuggling with Kyuhyun.

The memories of Yesung running and pouncing onto the younger brought more tears to Kyuhyun’s eyes.
He wanted to hear the low and sweet voice that would constantly persuade Kyuhyun into doing something ridiculous.
He wanted to feel those short but delicate fingers run through his hair and massage lightly at his scalp when he’s tired.
He wanted to hear the husky, ballad-worthy voice that drove Kyuhyun to extreme just to hear it sing to him for even just a minute.

He stayed there, face pressed lightly to the elder’s chest, crying quietly to himself.
He wanted to reverse everything.
This wouldn’t have all happened if Kyuhyun had realized earlier how precious Yesung really is to him.

Kyuhyun’s sobs ceased when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He quickly wiped his tears away and looked up to see who had entered the room without him knowing, to see Leeteuk.

“I’m sure Jongwoon will be strong for you, no matter what you’ve done to him.” Leeteuk said softly, looking down at his trainee that sat next to his unconscious friend.
“He loves you, a lot. I know he’ll win this battle.”

Kyuhyun stared up at his manager sadly.
He didn’t know if Leeteuk was trying to reassure the younger, or himself.
But either way, they just had to hope for the best.



Extremely puny chapter to start you guys off on the drama.
Yay..... -_-






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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(