I'm Sorry

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea


***NOTE***: There might be some (*cough*) A lot of typos here and there.


Kyuhyun was joking around happily with a crippled Yunho when he felt his phone vibrate since he can’t hear it through the loud, booming music at the party.

He excused himself and quickly ran into the luxurious bathroom where it was quieter.
He closed the door behind him and flicked on the lights before fishing his cell phone out of his back pocket. Kyuhyun looked down to check the caller ID to see that it was Leeteuk calling him.


“Cho Kyuhyun! Where the hell are you!” LeeTeuk screamed through the receiver, causing Kyuhyun to pull the phone away from his ears from the sound.

“I-I’m at Changmin’s!” Kyuhyun stammered, rubbing at his sore ears.

“You’re what?! How could you be partying at someone’s house at such a time?!” Leeteuk yelled.

“Wh-What do you mean?”


“Uh…n-no.” KyuHyun stuttered out before quickly looking down at his phone to check the date.

August 24th…….August 24th…….August 24th……..August 24th……..

Yesung’s birthday.

“Oh my god.” Kyuhyun breathed out in shock, the phone slipping from his fingers and fell to the tiled floor with a loud clatter.


“What do you mean? What’s wrong?!” Kyuhyun said, quickly picking the phone back up and brought it back up to his ear.

“Oh, so now you care, huh?” Leeteuk snarled.

“SHUT UP AND TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG!” Kyuhyun screamed, genuinely worried about his lover.

“He’s locked himself up in his room and god knows what he’s doing in there. He called me at 8, but all he said was ‘He left me…..he left me…..’ while crying his heart out. God damnit! Do you know how much it hurts for him when someone leaves him like that?! And of all days, today?!” Leeteuk yelled exasperatedly. “You better get your back to this dorm right now!”

Kyuhyun blinked once, his mouth open wide in shock as he tried to take in the information. He left his baby…..his poor lover that has now completely broken down because of Kyuhyun’s mistake……


 “Jongwoon, look at me! I’m not going to leave you! I never will!”
“Oh baby, don’t scare me like that. You know I’ll never leave you.”


“Then…….Then what is it that I do, will hurt you?”
“Leaving me.”


“I’m sorry, please don’t be mad. Please don’t leave me.”


 “Please, I’m sorry. Don’t leave me.”


“No, Kyuhyun. I’m fine. The past is the past. I don’t want to talk about it”


Kyuhyun quickly hung up and ran out of the bathroom.
He didn’t need to be told twice if his lover was emotionally unstable, because Kyuhyun knew that Yesung would do the same for the younger. Be there for Kyuhyun when he’s emotionally broken.

He didn’t bother to excuse himself from Changmin before running straight back to their dorm, not even bothering to stop a taxi since it would still take time.


Kyuhyun kept running, ignoring the odd glances or glares that were shot his way as he ran down the busy streets of Seoul.
He ignored the burning pain in his leg from running so hard.
He ignored the dull ache in his chest from the labored breathing as he ran.
He ignored the dryness in his throat and the need to cough.
He ignored the light headedness from the lack of oxygen.
He ignored the hot tears that forced their way through.
He ignored the annoyed honks of cars as he crossed the street without looking.

All he cared about right now, is that he’s killing his lover.
The man that he loved most is in pain because of his choice of friendship over love.
KyuHyun had brought out Yesung’s worst fears and his anxiety, the last thing Kyuhyun ever wanted to do.

Kyuhyun pressed hard and repetitively at the up button in front of their dorm buildings elevator.
“Hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up!” he growled through gritted teeth, still pressing at the button in annoyance.
The doors finally slid open with a loud ding, and Kyuhyun quickly stepped in before poking furiously at the close button, not caring if there’s someone calling out for him to hold the door open.

He wiped hastily at his tears as he stared at the digital numbers that slowly ascended as the elevator made its way up the building to their dorm level.

The doors slid open again with another loud ding, and Kyuhyun stepped out of the elevator before running straight over to their dorm door, and was about to knock on it since he was in too much of a hurry to search his pockets for the keys, when the door flew open to reveal a raging Leeteuk.

“You’re stomping around like a monster!” he snapped, but KyuHyun pushed right past him and ran straight to Yesung’s room, to find the door locked.

“Baby! Baby please! Open the door! Please, I’m sorry!” Kyuhyun yelled desperately, rattling the locked door handle helplessly.

“You’re scaring him!” Leeteuk snarled, jerking the boys hand away from the door.

“No! Baby please! I’m really sorry!”  Kyuhyun yelled, but of course, he got no reply from Yesung.

“no, Kyu, you idiot! Come here!” LeeTeuk snapped, dragging the struggling boy into the living room with some difficulties.

“No! Yesung needs me!” KyuHyun said loudly, struggling to pull away.

“The he does!” LeeTeuk barked before throwing the younger down onto the couch heavily. “Listen to me! I think you should hear why he’s acting like this first. You need to know you’re mistake.”

Kyuhyun immediately stopped struggling and looked up at the elder in surprise.

“This isn’t the first time someone has done this to him. I’m sure you know by now.” Leeteuk sighed.

Kyuhyun nodded once and adjusted himself a little on the couch so he wasn’t half sliding off, wanting to hear his lover’s story.

“The first time, he-“

“It’s happened more than once?!” KyuHyun gasped in disbelief.

“Yes. Twice actually. Now shut up and let me finish.” Leeteuk said, trying to keep his cool as he shot the boy a glare.

Kyuhyun apologized quickly before giving the elder his full attention.

“Yesung looked up to his father a lot when he was young. He thought his father was smart and strong; you know the whole father and son thing.” Leeteuk said irritably with a wave of his hand, wanting to get to the point.

But Kyuhyun didn’t know, because he didn’t remember anything at all with his biological father, but Kyuhyun decided not to tell Leeteuk because if he did, Kyuhyun will have to launch into his own story.

Leeteuk started speaking again after Kyuhyun nodded once, pretending that he did understand.

“The first time happened when Yesung was young, only 7 years old…..”



A young Jongwoon was sitting happily by the TV, watching some Korean drama on his birthday, when the front door opened.

“Appa! You’re home early!” Jongwoon said happily, sliding off the couch and ran towards the front door to greet his father that just entered the house.

But tonight, instead of hugging the boy or ruffling Jongwoon’s hair lightly, his father went straight to his room after taking off his shoes, and that’s when Jongwoon heard his mom start crying.

Jongwoon immediately ran into the kitchen to comfort his mother and ask her what’s wrong, but after many attempts, his mother still wouldn’t answer him and continued crying.

After a moment, Jongwoon heard his parents’ room door open again and he ran back into the living room to see his father walk towards the front door again with a large bag.

“A-Appa, wh-where are you going?” Jongwoon asked.

“I’m leaving.” His father deadpanned, slipping his shoes back on.

“Leaving? Where? Why?” Jongwoon said curiously, biting his lip nervously.

“I’m leaving.” His father repeated. “With MiSun.” He said, grabbing his jacket.

“MiSun? Your secretary?”

“No, my girlfriend.”

“Why are you leaving?! Is it because of me? I’ll be good! I’m sorry!” Jongwoon cried out, reaching forward to grab his father’s large hands just as his younger brother, JongJin, opened his room door.

“What’s going on?” JongJin asked quietly, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

“Appa, please don’t go. What about Umma and JongJin?!” Jongwoon continued to cry, ignoring his younger brother as he tugged at his father’s hand. “Please Appa, I’m sorry. I’ll change! I’ll be better!”

“Jongwoon, no. It’s not your fault.” His father sighed, pulling his hands easily out of the 7 year old boys.

“Are you really leaving?” Jongwoon sobbed, looking up at his father that he loved so much.

“Yes. I’ve got someone waiting for me.” And with that, his father left without another word.




Kyuhyun sort of stared at Leeteuk with his mouth hanging open in shock and disbelief.
His happy and bubbly Yesung had gone through that?!

“Yup…..” Leeteuk sighed after he finished the story. “And ever since, Yesung tried to change himself into someone he thinks his father would like.” He worked hard, and when he was 10 years old, he secretly went out to work for money because he wanted to save money up to make his mother’s wish come true-To open a café. He wanted to make his only guardian proud, so by 17, he had enough money to buy a large café in Seoul for his mother. If you remember, it’s the one you were sitting in front of when I scouted you.” Leeteuk said.

Kyuhyun tilted his head a little as he remembered that cold night in the snow and the sweet smell of pastries and the bitter scent of black coffee mixing in with the cold air.

“Anyways,” Leeteuk started again. “I’ve been friends with him since kindergarten, and I couldn’t stand seeing him work so hard all the while joining all these singing competitions in hope to make his own dream come true. He always wanted to be a singer, since grade school, and his father encouraged him to do so. I told him to audition for my father’s company at 18, and almost immediately, they accepted him. Leeteuk said, leaning back against the couch as he took a trip down memory lane.

Kyuhyun sat there for a moment, staring into empty space.
Jongwoon worked so hard to be so perfect.

“You told me…..that it’s happened more than once?” The younger asked quietly.

“Ah, yes…..the second time…..”  Leeteuk sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “The second time was with his first lover, Siwon, when he was 19.”

“Siwon……Siwon…….Choi Siwon?” Kyuhyun asked, finding the name familiar.

Leeteuk looked up at Kyuhyun a little, before grimacing and nodded once.

“Wait, Choi Siwon…..the actor?!” Kyuhyun squeaked.
Choi Siwon was one of SUJU Entertainments most famous actor and was one of their newest stars, known for his good looks and charm.

“Shut up! Yes!” Leeteuk hissed. “Yesung’s been……gay, since he was 15. Probably because when he was young, he lacked the love of a man. Anyways, they were both dating during their trainee days, but they weren’t the intimate, touchy touchy kind of couple. They shared hugs, yes, but I don’t think they’ve ever kissed or did anything absurd. You could say they were the lovey dovey pair, but after a year, during Yesung’s birthday, again, Siwon just……broke up with him, and left. I’m not going to get into details.” Leeteuk said.

Kyuhyun his lips nervously as he listened to the story.
So Yesung has lacked love as much as Kyuhyun.

“But now, now that you’re here, after Yesung has created himself a new life by drowning himself in stress and hard work, you come around and with his life! I was actually hoping you could be the one to give him love!” Leeteuk yelled loudly, completely losing his cool now. “I can’t believe I actually was the one who brought you monster into his life! What has Yesung ever done to you for you to mistreat him like that! He deserves someone better than you in his life! Yesung has done everything for you! To make you happy! You are such-“

“No, stop. Don’t yell at him. It’s not his fault.” A low voice whispered, catching the attention of the two men in the living room.
The voice was extremely quiet, but the two men yearned to hear that certain voice though, so  their ears picked up the soft sound easily.

“Jongwoon,” Leeteuk said, stopping in his yelling to turn around and look at his friend who stood in the hall way.

“Jongwoon,” Kyuhyun echoed, sitting up immediately and walked towards his lover.

Yesung looked terrible to say the least. He wore a black wife beater and dark gray sweat pants, and his eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his skin was unbelievably pale. His lips were swollen and bleeding a little from biting it so much.
His silver eyes stared blankly, almost sadly at the ground as his arms clutched a pillow tightly to his chest for comfort.

“baby-“ Kyuhyun started.

“No, don’t call me that.” Yesung whispered, looking away from the boy.

“Baby please, I’m sorry-“Kyuhyun tried again, reaching forward to brush the elder’s tears away.

“Don’t touch me.” Yesung said, stepping back as his arms tightened around the pillow.

“Let me finish lecturing him and beat him up.” Leeteuk growled, glaring at Kyuhyun’s back.

Yesung shook his head slowly, still staring blankly at the ground. “Don’t yell at him. It’s not his fault.”

“What do you mean Jongwoon? Of course it’s his fault!” Leeteuk said, walking towards his friend.

Yesung shook his head again. “It’s not his fault. I’m just not good enough. I know it. Every time they leave me, they say it’s not my fault, but it really is.”

“Oh baby, it’s not your fault. It’s my fault, and I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun breathed, reaching up to comfort his lover again, but Yesung stepped back again, causing Kyuhyun to drop his hand again with a hurt expression.

Yesung shook his head again furiously, tears streaming down his cheeks as his arms squeezed the pillow to its death. “It’s my fault. I’m not worthy enough for you to love. Everything I do is useless. No one will love me. They always leave me. I don’t get why I even tried.”

“Baby, no-“


“No! Everyone I’ve ever loved has left me! Why did you come back!? You’re not supposed to! You don’t have to pretend you love me anymore! It’s my fault, I know it! I ruined your life, I get it! Please, don’t hurt me anymore, I know I’m useless!” Yesung cried.

“No, Jongwoon-“Kyuhyun started, but Yesung pushed past him, throwing the pillow aside and ran out the front door crying.

“Jongwoon!” Leeteuk called out, but Kyuhyun quickly pushed past his manager and ran out after his lover.

Kyuhyun checked the elevator to see if Yesung had taken it, but the numbers did not move, which meant Yesung had ran to the emergency stairs instead, not wanting to wait for the elevator.

Kyuhyun ran out of the building to see that it was pouring rain, even though the sky was pretty clear when Kyuhyun has left the dorm early on today.

Kyuhyun managed to catch up to the elder right in front of their dorm building.
“Jongwoon, please, I’m sorry!” he yelled through the pounding rain, grabbing the elder’s upper arm, stopping his movements.

“Let me go! You left me! I don’t want you! I don’t need you!” Yesung screamed, struggling against the younger’s tight hold.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to! Please, Jongwoon, give me another chance!” Kyuhyun said, blinking furiously as he tried to get the cold rain water out of his eyes and held on tightly to the elder.

“No! I hate you! I HATE YOU!” Yesung screamed, before breaking free from Kyuhyun and ran away, across the street.

“No, Jongwoon please!” Kyuhyun called out, running after the elder without checking the street before crossing.
The words hurt.
He didn’t want his lover to hate him.
But it was his entire fault that Yesung hated him.
It was Kyuhyun’s mistake to hurt his lover.

But suddenly, everything seemed to slow down, and all sounds seemed muffled.
Kyuhyun heard the distant sound of a car horn, and then the screech of tires just as Yesung stopped running and spun around to look at the younger that now stood in the center of the road in the pouring rain.

Kyuhyun saw Yesung call out to him, but he didn’t hear anything as he turned around himself to face two bright lights.
Car Headlights.

Kyuhyun brought his arms up as if to shield the impact of the oncoming car.
It was too late.
Kyuhyun’s going to die.

Kyuhyun felt something impact him hard and sent him flying off to the side and roll across the road as his head hit the curb of the sidewalk. But it wasn’t the cold, solid metal of a car that had impacted him.
It was hands.

Small and warm, but strong hands.

“Jongwoon!” A distant voice called out in horror as Kyuhyun’s vision blurred before him and he struggled to get up from the wet pavement.

His head hurt from the hard impact on the cement sidewalk, and his ears were ringing. All he heard was his heavy breathing as he got up on his bloody hands and knees, and the cry of his lover’s name.
He saw two of everything, and even if it wasn’t doubled, it was extremely blurry and out of focus.

Kyuhyun raised his head up a little and his eyes focused upon a blurry figure of a bleeding body in the center of the road, and that’s when he felt his heart clench.

“Jongwoon, no, please, no no no no NO!” Kyuhyun cried out, quickly crawling painfully towards his lover that lay still in the center of the round as he heard running footsteps approach them.

He gently pulled the pale, bleeding body up into his arms as Leeteuk ran up to them, panicking frantically as he called for an ambulance.
“Jongwoon, no, please stay with me.” He cried out desperately, shaking his lover a little.

Yesung’s eyes fluttered open a little as he looked up at Kyuhyun.
“Kyuhyun…..” he managed to rasp out weakly.
He reached up a little with his small hands that were covered in his own blood, and touched Kyuhyun’s cheek softly.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Kyuhyun cried out, salty tears trickling down his face, mixing with the cold rain. He pulled his lover closer to his body as he used his thumb to gently wipe away some crimson blood on Yesung’s face.
“You’ll be alright. Just please, stay with me.” Kyuhyun said, his voice cracking a little as he brushed the dark bangs away from Yesung’s eyes.

Blood soaked through Yesung’s dark wife beater and trickled in streams down his pale arms and neck. Even though the rain continued to rain down and wash away some of the blood, the wounds kept on bleeding. The elder’s breath came out in short pants, lacking even the strength to breath properly, and Kyuhyun could hear the small gurgle of the blood filling Yesung’s lungs.

“Baby, stay with me. Please, you’re all I have. We’ve still got forever to be together.” Kyuhyun cried, pressing soft kisses to his lover’s lips.

Yesung opened his mouth to speak again, but instead of words coming out, he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

“No baby, don’t talk. The ambulance is coming, you’ll be fine. I promise.” Kyuhyun whispered, but he choked on the last word.
He couldn’t promise him again. The last time he had promised his lover, he broke it in less than an hour.
Kyuhyun was no doctor either. He doesn’t know the physical or internal damage that Yesung has.

Yesung opened his mouth again, wanting to say something, but suddenly, his body tensed up, and then completely slackened in Kyuhyun’s arms as his eyes rolled back and fluttered shut.

“Jongwoon, no! Please, wake up!” Kyuhyun screamed as his lovers hand slid away from his cheek and fell limply to the floor, and the silver ring upon Yesung’s small fingers slipped off and hit the floor with a small tinkling sound.
“Jongwoon, no! I love you! Please wake up!” He cried, but his voice was drowned out by the distant sound of the ambulance as Leeteuk collapsed onto his knees next to the younger, crying with the boy.

“Jongwoon, I’m sorry. Forgive me please.”


Dramatic Chapter that is flippin long! Yay~

Sorry, I'm not that good with dramatic, angsty kind of stuff...... ^.^




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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(