Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea



Kyuhyun was sitting comfortably by his room desk, typing up an essay that was actually due two days ago later that afternoon, and was enjoying his day of no school and practice in only a pair of boxers.

The two of them have been at it for hours. His poor baby was exhausted and pained afterwards, so they just laid around bed talking for a few hours, not wanting to go to school or training.

Not so long ago, Yesung crawled out of bed to get something for them to drink, and so Kyuhyun decided to flip open his laptop and get some overdue work done while he’s at it. Kyuhyun offered to get the drinks instead, seeing his baby limp painfully, but Yesung just shoved the younger’s head into a pillow and said that he was capable of walking around himself. Yesung’s too stubborn to question sometimes. Kyuhyun’s baby.

Kyuhyun was staring blankly at the bright laptop screen when a voice interrupted his brain freeze.

“Banana or strawberry milk?” A hoarse, but velvety voice asked.

Kyuhyun looked up from the keyboard to the doorway to see Yesung holding two full glasses in each hand, dressed in only a white button down dress shirt. Only.
It was one of Kyuhyun’s shirt, not that the younger cared, so it was longer on Yesung, reaching down halfway to his thighs.
Only one button was actually button up, but even then, it wasn’t buttoned at the right spot.

Kyuhyun found the elder extremely y again as he studied the man standing by the door.
Yesung’s dark hair was back to its usually scruffy mess, but his eyeliner was sort of smeared, giving him a more dark and seductive look.
His lips were another sight to see. They were red and swollen, probably a bit bruised too, but there was also a small bleeding cut on his lower lip from when there kissing got extremely vicious.

Kyuhyun’s eyes slowly made its way down the pale neck that were now peppered with love bites once again, and down to the smooth, milky thighs.
Kyuhyun could see his own claw marks on the beautiful skin and bruising fingers on it already. It was y, yes, but it also made the younger feel bad.

When Kyuhyun failed to answer Yesung’s simple question, Yesung walked into the room and set the cups down on the desk.

What the elder did next surprised Kyuhyun.
Yesung gently moved Kyuhyun’s outstretched hands away from the keyboard, and then slid up onto the younger’s legs so he was saddling Kyuhyun’s lap comfortably, and then curled up against the younger’s chest, resting his chin on the boys broad shoulders.

Kyuhyun blinked once in surprise, before wrapping his arms around the elder’s slender form.
“You alright, baby?” he asked quietly, pressing his lips to the soft hair right above the elder’s ear. Usually, Yesung would never come so willingly to the younger, let alone be the first one to make skin ship.

He felt the elder nod once before curling up tighter.

“I should be asking you that instead.” Yesung whispered, looking up at Kyuhyun.

“Me? Of course I’m fine.” Kyuhyun said with a small smile, rubbing the elder’s lower back softly.

“It doesn’t look like it.” Yesung said, resting his cheek against Kyuhyun’s shoulder.
“Tell me what’s wrong?” he asked, nuzzling the younger’s collar bone.

Kyuhyun sighed and leaned back in his chair, still holding his lover close.
Yesung could see stuff in Kyuhyun that a normal person can’t see. That’s why Kyuhyun loves him so much.

“I hurt you, didn’t I, baby?” Kyuhyun asked softly, gently the side of Yesung’s face that was still resting against his shoulder, with one finger.

“No. Not really.” Yesung said, leaning into the delicate touch.

Kyuhyun grimaced a little in doubt, before gently pushing Yesung back so he was leaning back against the desk, and reached down to gently spread his lover’s legs apart.

“Don’t lie to me.” Kyuhyun whispered, gently tracing the claw marks he had left on the elder’s pale, smooth thighs, and felt Yesung wince. “I don’t like it when you lie.”

“I’m not lying.” Yesung said quietly, looking up into Kyuhyun’s sad eyes.

“Baby, no. Look at this. If this isn’t hurting you, then what is it?” Kyuhyun sighed, gesturing at the red marks and hickeys all along the elder’s inner thighs.
He gently brushed the ed dress shirt away from the elder’s upper body to reveal bruising finger prints on his delicate hips.

“Kyuhyun.” Yesung said, bringing the younger’s attention back to him. “I’m not lying. You haven’t hurt me at all. You just love me, and you couldn’t control yourself during . But you didn’t hurt me. I promise.” He said, sitting back up and wrapped his arms around the younger’s neck, burying his face against the crook of his neck.

“Then…….Then what is it that I do, will hurt you?” Kyuhyun asked, hugging the elder close.
He felt a bit better after hearing Yesung’s reassurance even though he didn’t say much, but he knew his baby understood.

“Leaving me.” Yesung answered almost immediately, his arms tightening around the younger’s neck.

Kyuhyun tensed at those words. Of course. Leaving him.

Leeteuk had told Kyuhyun not so long ago on the phone that Yesung has separation anxiety and depression. The younger knew there was more to it, but Leeteuk wouldn’t say anymore. He said it was none of his business to tell.

Kyuhyun rubbed gentle circles into his lovers back soothingly when he felt the other curl up even tighter and his delicate frame started shaking and his small fingers dug painfully into Kyuhyun’s shoulder blades.

“Shh…, it’s alright. Tell me what’s wrong. I would never leave you.” Kyuhyun whispered softly, looking down at the elder slightly who had his face hidden against the crook of the younger’s neck, probably holding back tears from the memories.

But Yesung shook his head and stayed where he was. “I’ll tell you when I’m ready. I’m sorry.”

Kyuhyun’s heart dropped at the words. Did the elder still not trust him enough?
“It’s alright.” The boy sighed, resting his forehead against Yesung’s shoulder, not wanting to force the elder any further.

A long silence passed between them as Kyuhyun continued to rub the elder’s back soothingly, holding the vulnerable man close. Yesung was so sensitive sometimes, that Kyuhyun literally had to watch his tongue when he was speaking.

“Baby?” Kyuhyun asked softly.

“Ne?” Yesung muttered.

“Can I show you something?” Kyuhyun whispered as Yesung sat back up straight.

“Of course.” Yesung said, furrowing his brows together in confusion.

Kyuhyun smiled and gently slid his hands down to the elder’s soft thighs and lifted him up before walking over towards the bed, and set him back down on the center of the bed.

Yesung adjusted himself comfortably on the bed, sitting criss-cross, before watching the younger cross the room towards his closet curiously.

Kyuhyun came back with a show box in arm and sat down next to the elder, before pulling Yesung into his arms and leaned back against the headboard.

Yesung curled up comfortably against the side of Kyuhyun’s chest and continued to watch as the younger set the box down on his lap and opened the lid.

The younger pulled out a small glass bottle, and uncorked it before dumping the content out onto his hand.

“Look at this, baby. Does it look familiar?” Kyuhyun asked softly, threading something around his fingers before dangling it in front of the elder’s face.

Yesung’s brows furrowed together again and squinted a little, trying to focus on the swaying item as he sat up again and reached forward to still it.
“A ring?” Yesung said, feeling the cool, circular shape on his small fingers. But his eyes widened when he took in the appearance of the silver ring.
He reached down and gently took off his own ring.
They were the exact same, except that Kyuhyun’s was on a chain.

“They’re identical, aren’t they?” Kyuhyun whispered, slowly sitting back up and wrapped an arm around the elder’s waist from behind before resting his chin on Yesung’s shoulders to gaze at the rings perched on his lover’s slender shoulders.
“You remember when I told you that I really  wanted to die, but my grandma told me about something that is worth living for?” he asked, pressing a soft kiss to Yesung’s soft cheeks.

Yesung leaned back slightly onto Kyuhyun’s chest and nodded, turning slightly to look at Kyuhyun who still had his chin perched on his shoulder.

“This is it.” Kyuhyun whispered, gently taking Yesung’s ring. “You see, I’ve had the ring you’re holding ever since I was seven. My grandma gave it to me before she died. She also told me that it has a partner that was lost at sea. Whoever finds the other one, will be my lover. My destined one.” The younger said, playing with the ring a little as he smiled down unconsciously at it.

“Lost at…….sea?’ Yesung whispered quietly, staring at Kyuhyun’s ring that hung on a chain.

“Mhm. I bet you found your ring at sea.” KyuHyun smiled, nuzzling the elder’s neck softly as he pulled his lover closer.

“I did.” Yesung muttered, still in slight shock. “In a small glass bottle with a note in it. I still have it.”

Kyuhyun gave the elder’s waist a light squeeze, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “I love you so much, Jongwoon.”

Yesung shifted slightly so he was facing the younger a little, resting one hand on the boys chest.
“Why…….Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He asked quietly. “Like when we first met or something?”

Kyuhyun’s expression changed and grip slackened from around his lover. ‘B-Because…..because I was…..afraid.”

‘Afraid? Now it’s your turn to be afraid?” Yesung frowned, digging his fingers into the boys chest a little, wanting an explanation.

“I just…..I didn’t want you to feel like…..I only love you because of the ring’s. Nor do I want you to feel committed to me because of the rings too. I mean, when I first saw you with the ring, I really did try to only love you because destiny told me that you are the one. But soon, I found myself falling for you, not because of the rings though. The rings have been long forgotten. I found myself falling in love with you every minute we are together; Arguing, fighting, glaring at each other, passing by each other in the hall, me nagging you…..every minute! I love your caring and sweet side. I love your strict and naggy side. I love your childishly cute personality. I love your weird and clumsy ways. I love all of you, Kim Jongwoon. I love you so much.” Kyuhyun said softly, looking down a little to gaze adoringly into the pair of silver eyes he loves so much.

Yesung stared up at Kyuhyun, flabbergasted, not knowing how to reply to all those weird but yet sweet words the boy just threw at him.
But after a moment, he let out a small giggle, before pressing his lips roughly to Kyuhyun’s, surprising the younger.

Kyuhyun let out a small, satisfied sigh as he melded into the kiss, feeling the elder’s small hands run through his long hair softly. Kyuhyun enjoyed soft, sweet moments like these- Nothing hot, touchy, or too passionate. Just soft kisses.

When they finally pulled away for breath, Yesung buried his face against the younger’s chest.

“Oh Kyuhyun. Sometimes you’re so stupid! Why would I ever feel like that? I think I know my own freedom and feelings better than you. “

Kyuhyun blinked once, before hugging the elder tightly and smiled. “If I’m stupid, then what are you?” he smiled, gently tilting the elder’s face up again.

“Smart?” Yesung teased as the boy leaned down for a soft, chaste kiss.

“Ha ha ha. Don’t make me laugh.” Kyuhyun smirked, earning a harsh smack across his chest and the cutest pout ever from Yesung.

Yesung stuck his bottom lip out unconsciously, and puffed his cheeks out in disagreement.
Who’s the one who never studies?! Who’s the one who can’t even past History, Chemistry, English, and Physical Education?! Who’s the one who doesn’t clean up after himself?! Who’s the one who spends study time out dancing at a club or sleeping his off?! Who’s the one who never cooks breakfast?! Who’s the-“

“Yeah! I get it! Me!” Kyuhyun chuckled, pulling the elder into a bone crushing hug.  “And that’s why I love you so much, because you are a perfect person who knows how to take care of me, and do things for me that I’m not capable of.” He said, pressing a kiss to the elder’s puffy cheeks. “You’re my baby. My precious baby.” Kyuhyun smiled, now reaching up to pinch Yesung’s cheeks.

Yesung turned his head away from Kyuhyun’s hand stubbornly like a child, causing Kyuhyun to laugh at his childish behavior.

“Oh! I also have something else to show you! Though it’s quite irrelevant…..” Kyuhyun said, pulling back away from his lover to reach into the box. “Ah, here it is.”

Yesung turned his attention back over to Kyuhyun, to see the younger holding a small glass bottle again.
“What’s that?” he asked curiously.

“I’m not exactly sure either. I just found it on shore one day.” Kyuhyun shrugged, tugging the cork open with a loud Pop, and gently slid a scrap of paper out from it. “I just wanted to show it to you. All that’s written on it is LOVE.”

Yesung frowned slightly, and gently took the piece of paper from Kyuhyun, before letting out a scream and chucked it back at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun caught the fluttering piece of paper in surprise before turning to look at Yesung in shock. “What was that for?!” he asked, staring at his lover who was now hugging a pillow tightly, one of his legs outstretched forward to push Kyuhyun away from him as if Kyuhyun was some sort of contagious disease.

“Th-That…..That bottle. I-I threw it out!” Yesung squeaked, still pushing Kyuhyun away inch by inch with his foot.

“This?! Really?! You have horrible hand writing then.” Kyuhyun said, waving the piece of paper in front of Yesung’s face, causing the elder to kick him backwards and land heavily on the wooden floor next to the bed. “Ouch, baby. Would you calm down?” Kyuhyun sighed, rubbing his sore bottom as he got back up.

“Why do you have it!?” Yesung asked, literally hyperventilating now.

“I told you! I found it!” Kyuhyun said, crawling back onto the bed and gently rolled the paper back into the small bottle. “Why did you write it though? So hastily too?”

Yesung made sure the younger had put the bottle away before finally sitting back up straight, still hugging the sapphire blue pillow close to his chest with both arms as he gnawed nervously on his lower lip. “If……If I tell you, you promise you won’t laugh, right?” he asked, looking up at Kyuhyun with such innocently cute, wide, shining eyes that Kyuhyun would never say no to.

“Of course, baby.” Kyuhyun smiled, reaching up to the elder’s cheek softly.

“Well…..uh….I was….searching for my…..destined one…..” Yesung said quietly, rocking back and forth with the pillow still clutched close as he stared shyly down at his knees.

“Well duh.” Kyuhyun said, rolling his eyes, earning a painful pinch on the from Yesung who hadn’t looked up from his knees at all.

“I…….I wanted to find my loved one before debut. Before all this idol training. Before all of this hard work and stress. I threw it out to sea before I signed the contract under SUJU Entertainment, hoping the sea would answer my wish somehow. I was…..I was hoping that I would find love, and experience true love before I became an idol, when I have no time at all to spend with anyone but instead, spend it all on performing on stage, or backstage. “Yesung said quietly, still staring down at his lap as a deep blush crossed over his cheeks, his arms now strangling the life out of the pillow. (If it had a life)

Kyuhyun stared at the man before him, before smiling softly and pulled the elder into his arms, giving him a tight hug. “And now, you have me!” he cooed happily.

Yesung’s eyes widened at the sudden breathtaking hug, and quickly shoved the younger away before trying to crawl away from the boy. “Who said you were my destined one?!” he barked.

“Me?” Kyuhyun grinned, staring at his lover who was now sprawled on the bed, his upper body propped up by his elbows. “You know you love me that much.” Kyuhyun said, crawling over so he now hovered above the elder.

A light blush crossed over Yesung’s pale cheeks again as he looked away from Kyuhyun’s golden brown eyes.

“The sea has brought us together. Am I not good enough? Are you not happy with me, Jongwoon?” Kyuhyun asked, trying hiding the heart broken tone in his voice.

Yesung looked back up at Kyuhyun with wide eyes. “No! That’s not what I meant, Kyu! It’s just…..I feel like, I’m not capable of bringing happiness into your life.” He said quietly.

Kyuhyun smiled and gently pressed a soft kiss to his lover’s forehead. “No, baby, you are perfect for me.”

Yesung looked up at Kyuhyun and smiled back before pulling the younger down for a small hug and some snuggling. “You know, Kyuhyun, maybe…..” he trailed off, leaning against the boy’s chest.

“Maybe what, baby?” Kyuhyun asked, gently running his fingers through the elder’s dark hair.

“Maybe……we are destined to be together.”



Yay~ New chappie!

Tomorrow, I don't think you'll have an update. Probably not. But I'll try to update as soon as possible! ^.^


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(