Kyuhyun's Past

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea

***NOTE***: This chapter was sort of cut in half.



Kyuhyun groaned and pulled the pillow over his head lazily, trying to block out all the sounds, but the annoying, high-pitched sound continued on.
He shifted around and slammed his hand down on the annoying invention called an ‘alarm clock’.

He let out another unsatisfied groan before shifting again so he was spooning the other sleeping figure comfortably.

“Mmm……..Baby, wake up.” He muttered quietly, nuzzling the fluffy black hair.

“Just five more minutes……”Yesung whined quietly, curling up closer to the warm body behind him.

“I want that too, but we’re gonna be late if we don’t. Baby, come on.” Kyuhyun grumbled, giving the nape of the elder’s neck a light kiss, before sitting up slowly. He was actually quite surprised that Yesung didn’t get up willingly like usual. The elder was a very light sleeper half of the time.

“Ugh fine. When did you care about being late or not?” Yesung muttered, also sitting up. “Icallthebathroom!” Yesung said quickly, before clambering over the boy and raced his way to the bathroom.

“Wait, wha-Oh no you didn’t! It should be my turn this time!” Kyuhyun yelled, climbing out of the bed clumsily and ran to the bathroom just in time to have the door slammed in his face. “Let me shower first!”

“No.” Came a muffled reply from behind the door as Kyuhyun heard the soft fabric of Yesung’s shirt being taken off. “You always shower first. It’s my turn now.”

“Let me shower with you then, baby!”

“Hell no.”

“Baby, let me in—Oh wait. Hey, nice choice of boxers.”

“.” Yesung said, spinning around to see Kyuhyun standing by the doorframe with his hand on the door handle, the door swung wide open. He pressed his face into the palm of his hands and sighed heavily. “I need to get that lock fixed.”

Kyuhyun chuckled evilly. “Yes you do.”

“Get out Kyu.” Yesung grumbled, sliding his boxers off and chucked it sat the boy irritably. It’s not like the boy hasn’t seen him already.

“Whatcha gonna do if I don’t? Chase me around again? Or ‘lock’ me out?” Kyuhyun smirked as he caught the black boxers and watched as the elder stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. To Kyuhyun’s great pleasure, they had to change the shower curtain because of Kyuhyun’s break down incident and the old white curtains were stained with his blood, so they had to buy a new one. It wasn’t water resistant cloth this time. Instead, it was plastic. Clear plastic. Oh yes….

“No. I’m going to stab you.” Yesung replied back, turning on the water.

“Stab me?” Kyuhyun asked, his brows furrowing together in curiosity. “With what?” He continued, his lips as he watched the elder step under the running hot water and wet his long, dark hair, the clear water trickling down the milky expanse of his smooth skin.

“My razor.” Yesung muttered, shaking some water out of his hair before reaching for the shampoo, causing Kyuhyun to fidget uncomfortably, wanting to just climb straight in and shower with his baby.

“You can’t technically…….stab someone with a razor, baby.” The boy said, making a face.

“Want to see me try?” Yesung snapped back, lathering the bubbly soap into his dark hair, before rinsing it out.

“Uh……I’ll pass, thanks. I like my blood inside my body.” Kyuhyun said, watching as his hyung rested one foot on the edge of the tub and ran a razor up his oh-so-perfect legs.

“Hey, who knows? Maybe I’ll do more internal damage instead.” Yesung chuckled darkly, still slowly shaving his legs, causing Kyuhyun’s eyes to widen in slight fear.

“Baby, you have problems.” Kyuhyun said.

“And yet you love me~!” Yesung sang happily, switching legs.

“Shockingly.” Kyuhyun snorted to himself as he walked in to take a seat on the closed toilet seat, only to be hit on the head with a bar of soap.
Yesung had surprisingly good aim.
“Um, ouch?” Kyuhyun said rubbing at the sore spot where he had just got hit by a flying cleansing object.

“You deserved that.” Yesung replied back nonchalantly, now gently running another bar of soap down his arms.

Kyuhyun frowned and looked down at the bar of soap that was thrown at him. Oh. It was his own.
Yesung usually used a vanilla and cream scented one, while Kyuhyun preferred Rosemary and mint. Something sharper scented. Yesung enjoyed more warm and sweet smells.
“Whatever.” Kyuhyun sighed, opening the shower curtain and set his soap back in its place, and then leaned against the wall right next to the bathtub, the shower curtain still opened half way. “You done yet?” he asked, studying his lover’s perfectly toned, , y, wet body.

“No.” Yesung said, now just standing under the hot water.



“Done yet now?”


“How about now?”

“No! Shut up!”

“……..You done yet?”

‘I’m seriously going to stab you.”

”With what? The said razor?”

“No. With a spoon.” Yesung sighed, glaring at the boy. “I’m going to stab the spoon into your stomach, and mush all your organs together before putting them into a blender along with your arms and legs, and blend them together. Then, I’m going to serve your blood, toes and fingers as an appetizer to the sharks before spoon feeding them that delicious blend of your guts ad limbs as the main course!”

“…..You done yet?”

“FINE! TAKE THE ING SHOWER!” Yesung yelled, throwing the shower curtains fully open and pushed the younger away to grab his towel off the rack.

Kyuhyun smiled happily, proud that he actually won, before stripping himself .

“Umm…..can’t you wait until I’m out of the bathroom?” Yesung said, making a face as he watched the younger strip.

“Obviously you couldn’t have either.” Kyuhyun shrugged, stepping into the still running shower.

“That’s because you wouldn’t get out yourself!” Yesung snapped as he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked towards the sink to brush his teeth.

Kyuhyun just laughed at him and took his shower.


When Kyuhyun was done showering, Yesung was already fully dressed and was now fixing his hair in the slightly fogged up mirror.
Technically, their school didn’t have uniforms because it was an academy that belonged to SUJU Entertainment for idols who wanted to continue their education and not get mobbed by crazy fan girls at the same time.
The school is also for trainees who want to be closer to the company building after school to go to training.
So technically, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Heechul, Ryeowook, and Sungmin are also SUJU trainees, but only two are actually training to be idols.
Eunhyuk and Donghae.
The other three are training to be idol workers.
Heechul is working on fashion and will be Yesung’s special designer.
Ryeowook will be Yesung’s private make-up artist and stylist, while Sungmin will be his professional photographer and stage set designer.

Today, Yesung was wearing white skinnies that hugged his legs well, and a red shirt with a black blazer on top.
But today, his hair was different.
Instead of the usual fluffy or slightly crimped hair, it was straight and plastered alongside the right side of his face.
It was a completely new look, but Kyuhyun still found it y.

“You look different, baby.” Kyuhyun said, wrapping a towel around his waist as he watched Yesung line his eyes carefully.

“In a good or bad way?” The elder asked, still lining his silver eyes.

“Good of course.” Kyuhyun smiled, and wrapped an arm around his lover’s skinny waist before giving him a light peck on the cheek.

“Ryeowook suggested me to do this today.” Yesung shrugged, fixing his hair a little more.

A long silence passed between them as Kyuhyun rested his chin upon the elder’s shoulder and watched as Yesung smeared the black eyeliner a little to give it a more natural and lighter tone instead of a straight, defined line.

“You’re so beautiful baby.” Kyuhyun whispered, gently tightening his grip around the elder’s waist.

Yesung gave him a smile in response to the compliment-A smile that made Kyuhyun heart stop momentarily.

As Kyuhyun stared in awe at the elder’s reflection, he couldn’t help but to think back to last night. Who had left this beautiful creature, and abandoned him with such deep scars?

“baby?” Kyuhyun asked quietly.

“Hm.” Yesung hummed back in reply as he set the pencil back down.

“Who……Who left you?”

The bathroom fell silent as the question echoed throughout the some-what large, tiled bathroom.
A suffocating silence took over as Yesung stood there frozen with the pencil still half-way in his make-up bag and stared down in the sink.

“N-Nobody left me, Kyu. What are you talking about?” Yesung said with a fake smile, busying himself with setting the pencil away and zipped up the bag.

Kyuhyun sighed and grabbed Yesung’s wrists, stopping his movements.  “Don’t lie to me. Baby, you can tell me anything. You can trust me.”

“No, Kyuhyun. I’m fine. The past is the past. I don’t want to talk about it.” Yesung said pulling away from the younger’s tight hold.

“Why not?” Kyuhyun asked with a frown. “So you’re not denying that someone has left you?”

“It’s none of your business.” Yesung said, taking a step towards the door.

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” Kyuhyun said quickly.

Yesung immediately stopped walking and stood by the doorway, his back still facing the younger.

“I…….I got when I was 7.” Kyuhyun started. Right now, he didn’t care about his past. He just wanted to spill his story out for the elder. He wanted Yesung to trust him.
“-By one of my step-father’s disgusting poker friends. My biological father died when I was only 2, but my mom remarried when I was 4, hoping the man would be able to raise me while she went out to work day and night to earn money for us. But he didn’t treat me like a son. He treated me like a slave. I had to do everything for him. Cook for him, wash the dishes, clean his disgustingly dirty clothes…..everything. And the thing was, I never told my mom about the stuff he’s done to me. Or what his friends had done to me. She had enough on her mind already. She died not knowing my innocence was long gone.” Kyuhyun said quietly, now staring at his lover’s back that was still facing him.
“After she died, things got worse. My step-father became more abusive, and I was constantly touched inappropriately by his so-called friends. I was only used as a slave and a slave. I felt…….disgusted by them, and dirty. I wanted nothing more than to die, but my grandma told me something else that is worth living for before she died. So I ran away instead when I was 14. And ever since, I’ve been living on the streets of Seoul.”
Kyuhyun didn’t know if the elder was listening anymore, but by the way how still he stood by the door, he probably was.

The younger hadn’t even noticed he was crying the entire time if it weren’t that his vision suddenly blurred with more hot tears.
No matter how strong Kyuhyun is, the past is always really hard on him.

They stood there in the bat5hrooom together for what seemed to be hours with Yesung’s back still facing him, but it was only 2 minutes or so.

Suddenly, after another minute, Yesung walked out of the bathroom without a single word, leaving Kyuhyun all alone, crying.

But Kyuhyun seemed unfazed by the elder’s actions.

He understood why Yesung walked out.
It wasn’t that the elder didn’t care for Kyuhyun; it’s just that it’s hard to take in and he didn’t know how to completely understand Kyuhyun’s feelings or how to comfort him. Because obviously, Yesung can’t understand Kyuhyun. Nobody can. No matter how close someone could get with Kyuhyun, they still can’t understand his past.
Nobody, including Yesung, had lived through Kyuhyun’s past themselves, so they couldn’t just tell Kyuhyun that ‘everything will be alright,’ or ‘I’m here to be by your side forever now’. Because it’s not now that hurts the most. It’s the past that brought the pain and scars to the future.  It’s the past where Kyuhyun had no love-No Jongwoon.

Kyuhyun didn’t know how much longer he had stood in the bathroom, crying, with his arms wrapped tightly around his upper body, still except for a towel around his waist.
But his quite sobs and continuous tears came to an abrupt stop when he felt strong, warm arms wrap around his neck and pulled him close.

“I can’t control your feelings, nor can I give you the comfort you need. But….I’ll be your heart and ears to listen, and the shoulder for you to cry on.” A soft voice whispered comfortingly as he felt short fingers comb through his wet hair soothingly.

Kyuhyun sniffled and pressed closer to the comforting body as the arms tightened around him.
“Baby? Baby, I love you so much.” He cried, wrapping his own arms around the elder’s waist.

“I know, Kyuhyun.” Yesung said softly, pressing a soft kiss to the back of the younger’s neck. “I love you too.”

Kyuhyun hugged the elder impossibly close to his chest, burying his face against the elder’s soft, black hair.
This had been the first time, ever since they were considered to be official, that Yesung admitted that he loves him.

Kyuhyun pulled away slightly only to lean down for a deep kiss, wanting to feel those soft lips that just promised him a better future.
Yesung let out a small, surprised gasp at the sudden action, but the sound was immediately swallowed up by Kyuhyun’s soft lips.
Kyuhyun gently tilted the elder’s head back for more access as one hand slid up to the nape of his lover’s neck.
Yesung’s eyes fluttered shut at the warm and tight embrace as he gently melded into the soft kiss, feeling the warm hand gently the back of his neck as the kiss deepened.
Things started to change as the kiss lingered on longer.
Instead of the soft, lip mingling kiss they started out with, it became more passionate and vicious that involved a lot of moans and some intimate touching here and there.

Yesung was panting breathlessly against Kyuhyun’s open, ravaging mouth as the younger slid his hands down to the elder’s thighs and lifted him up, wrapping the long legs around his waist, before pressing him up against the wall.

“Looks like we’re both gonna skip school and practice.” Kyuhyun said huskily, roughly at the corner of the elder’s lips.

Yesung let out an unhappy groan. ‘but I spent so much time on my hair and makeup!” he panted.

“You’re such a girl, baby. Is that seriously all you’re worried about?” Kyuhyun chuckled, pressing the elder up higher against the wall so he could let go of his thighs to reach between their bodies and the elder’s white skinny jeans.

“Well……..yeah.” Yesung grumbled, blushing lightly as he felt the younger’s fingers touch him in the most intimate parts.

“Wow, I’m surprised baby. You’re not worried about school or practice?” Kyuhyun smirked, sliding his hands back down to his thighs and carried him back to his own room.

“Just shut up and me!” Yesung yelled as he was thrown down onto the bed.

“Patience, baby.” Kyuhyun laughed, crawling on top of him.

“Why does every emotional encounter you go through always leads up to a session, Cho Kyuhyun?”  Yesung sighed as the younger busied himself with stripping the elder down, completely himself already since he only had a towel around his waist to begin with.

“Because you’re my only source of love afterwards.” Kyuhyun said softly, gently wrapping the elder’s legs around his waist as he leaned down to capture his lover’s soft lips into a tender kiss.

“Only?” Yesung asked quietly, leaning into the deep kiss as he wrapped his arms back around the younger’s neck, tightening his legs around Kyuhyun’s waist.

Kyuhyun nodded once as he pulled away briefly from their kiss only to reach up and caress the elder’s cheeks. “You’re the only person I’ve ever experienced love with, baby. I only need and want you in my life. I love you so much; sometimes it hurts, as cheesy as it may sound. You’re smile; I want to see it every day, every minute, every second. When I don’t, I look forward to seeing it during practice or when we reach our dorm. I really love you, Kim Jongwoon. Will you be mine forever?” Kyuhyun whispered, their lips barely a centimeter apart as he spoke, their forehead pressed tightly together.

Yesung looked up into the golden brown eyes as he his lips nervously; the tip of his tongue barely brushing the younger’s lips, pulling a soft sigh from the boy. “Yes, Kyuhyun. I was yours from the start, and will be yours until the end.”

Kyuhyun grinned and pulled the elder closer by the thighs, before pressing their lips back together into a passionate kiss. “Forever mine, Kim Jongwoon.”




Yay! A new update after a somewhat long time. Hm. ^.^
We'll know about Yesung's past soon, with some dramatic drama to go with it :3

Oh, and by the way, I won't be probably updating next week probably...... (Going to Great Wolf Lodge.yayyy.......)


Love you ♥




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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(