Chapter 39

Only That Person

"I'm soooooo full!!!!" Seungyeon exclaimed streching her arms as she had just finished eating.
She stared at Onew who still kept on eating, they were in a buffet restaurant so it was already the third plate of food Onew was eating.

"Isn't that enough already?" Seungyeon blinked her eyes at Onew who ate with good appetite.
Onew looked around. "I think I will go take more one more time."

"What? You already ate three plates! You should stop now, it's not good to eat so much so late at night." Seungyeon scoled him.
Onew looked towards the food then at Seungyeon.

"Well, okay then.. I will stop. " he sighed. Seungyeon smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Don't worry, we can come and eat here soon again if you want to."

Onew nodded and wiped his mouth to the napkin.
"Ahh, I can't wait that we live together, then I can eat your cooking every day, right?" he smiled.
"Is that the only reason you want to live with me?" Seungyeon frowned.
Onew shook his head. "Of course not. It's one of the many reasons I want to live with you."

"And those reasons are?" Seungyeon asked.

"Well.... there's so many reasons that it would take too long to say them all but.. I can summarize that to one thing.. I want to live with you because I love you." Onew said smiling.
"Araso araso." Seungyeon said and looked out the restaurant widow.

"Wow, Onew look, aren't those rowing boats there. I really love that, can we try them before we go to the hotel?" Seungyeon exclaimed excited when she saw some boats near the restaurant.
"Hmm.. okay. Let's go then. That could be fun." Onew said and got up the table.

"Be careful." Onew said to Seungyeon when he was helping her to get in the boat that was shaking as she stepped on it.
"I will. " Seungyeon said and sat down.
Onew pushed the boat to the water and jumped on it then too.

"You know how to row don't you?" Seungyeon asked.
"Ermm... I think so." Onew said trying to get the boat to move. "I can row if you don't know how to." Seungyeon said.

"No. It's fine.. I just need some time to remember how to do this again." Onew said.
He tried to get the boat moving for over 5 minutes but the boat just kept on spinning, not moving forward.

"Really, Onew let me help you." Seungyeon said.
"It's fine.. just a moment and it will move." Onew said stubbornly.
"Araso. As you want.. but I don't think we will move in a long time if we keep on doing it like this." Seungyeon shrugged looking at Onew who was trying hard.

After some more trying Onew finally gave up and sighed. "Okay. I guess you can try it if you want to.... but really Seungyeon, I know how to row.. it's just that I forgot."

"It's okay." Seungyeon smiled and switched places with Onew. Right away when Seungyeon started rowing the boat moved forward very smoothly.

Onew watched carefully how Seungyeon did it. "Okay, okay, now I remember!" he clapped his hands together and stood up to switch places with Seungyeon again. But he stood up so roughly that the boat started shaking a lot and before he knew it he fell on the water.

"Onew!!" Seungyeon's eyes widened.
"Are you okay?"

Onew was swimming beside the boat. "I'm still alive..." he said and tried to get on the boat again but by doing so, the boat almost fell over.

Onew went back to the water. "I guess I'll just swim back, we didn't get that far anyway.. and you know how to row... so.."
"Yeah. You sure you alright?" Seungyeon again asked.
"Of course. Don't worry about me." he said and started swimming, though it was hard because he had all his clothes on.

Seungyeon waited for Onew on the shore. Onew walked up the water soaking wet and shivering.

"Aigoo.. my poor Nang boy." Seungyeon hugged Onew. "Mianhe.. we shouldn't have come here."
"No.. it's not your fault, I was just being too eager to show you how I could row... that was dumb I know." Onew giggled.
Seungyeon chuckled then held Onew's hand. "Let's hurry back to the hotel before you catch a cold."


"Hurry up and take a shower and put some dry clothes on." Seungyeon said pushing Onew to the bathroom when they came to the hotel room.
"Okay. Oh, there's some papers on the table I printed, they're some houses I thought looked interesting and good for my budget. So you can check those out when you wait and let's talk about that after I come from the shower." Onew said pointing at the table.
"Okay. " Seungyeon nodded and walked there, she took the papers and sat on the bed to read them as Onew was taking the shower.


"Does any of the houses seem interesting to you?" Onew asked walking out the bathroom while he dried his hair with the towel.
"Hmm.. a few might be. I like this one, it's not too far from both our old houses and in the neighborhood there's the mall nearby, so we wouldn't have to go too far away to go shopping plus there's also some parks nearby.. and I know this area.. there is surely a restaurant for fried chicken!" Seungyeon said.

"Oh, that sounds good!" Onew exclaimed and jumped on the bed beside Seungyeon.
"Should we go and check that out tomorrow?"
"Sure." Seungyeon smiled.

"Actually I have applied for one place to work at and I will start working next monday! Great isn't it?" Onew exclaimed.
"So if we find a good place where we want to live at then we can move and live together pretty soon."

"Wow! Why didn't you tell me before about getting a job!?" Seungyeyon asked.
Onew looked at Seungyeon. " Well.. I wanted to know how you will answer to my proposal first... and surprise you."
Seungyeon hugged Onew tightly. "This all sounds too good to be true, being your fiancee.. living together."
"I know." Onew said squeezing Seungyeon tightly.

The two had spent hours talking, and planning their future happily when suddenly it became silent between them, as they didn't know what to talk about anymore.

Only the sound of the clock on the wall could be heard in the room anymore. Seungyeon and Onew glanced at each other and smiled slightly.

"It suddenly came so silent huh?" Onew said. "Yep.." Seungyeon nodded and put the papers back on the table then sat beside Onew again.

She kicked Onew's foot that was beside her's lightly. Onew kicked her foot back. They continued playing like that for a moment until they got bored to do that and stopped. Seungyeon laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, Onew soon followed and laid down beside her too and stared also up. Seungyeon lifted her hand up to look at the ring on her finger now.

She smiled and touched it gently. Onew suddenly grabbed her hand and kissed it.
Seungyeon turned to look at him and smiled, then intertwined her fingers with his.

Seungyeon her side to face Onew, Onew did the same.
"Seungyeon..." Onew said and stared her into her eyes.
"Why?" she asked.
"Nothing... " he said and let his fingers slide through her hair.

"How do you feel now? Your not cold from the swimming anymore right?" Seungyeon asked.
Onew tilted his head. "You know I think I still am... " he said even though he wasn't cold at all anymore, he just wanted Seungyeon to come closer to him.
"Really?" Seungyeon said and felt his forehead. "I wonder if you have fever..." she said and stood up to find a thermometer.

Onew pulled her back. "No, no it's nothing like that." he said and put his arms around her pulling her really close to himself. Seungyeon stared at Onew's chest quietly then slowly lifted her head to see his face.

"I like this.. just being with you like this." Onew said smiling gently at her.
Seungyeon nodded a little bit and closed her eyes. "Me too."
Onew smiled at her and placed his hand on her cheek and gently touched it with his thumb. "Don't sleep yet." he whispered.

Seungyeon opened her eyes and looked up at him again. "But I'm tired, and we are just here laying, so why can't I sleep?"
"Just because.." he said and gazed at her smiling.

"Are you sure this is not a dream?" Seungyeon suddenly asked.
"Hmm.. yeah, i'm pretty sure." Onew nodded.
"You just asked me to marry you today, and we are going to search for the house tomorrow where we are going to live... and our families made peace, and my brothers are maybe going to be the headmasters. It is all real?" Seungyeon asked.
"Yeah, all seems to be real." Onew grinned.
Seungyeon smiled and played with Onew's ear gently.
"What are you doing?" Onew asked.
"I don't know." Seungyeon shrugged. Onew then pekked her lips. "What are you doing?" Seungyeon copied Onew.
Onew shrugged. "Giving you a good night kiss."

"Oh, so you are finally going to let me go to sleep?" Seungyeon asked and sat up.
Onew bit his lower lip slightly and sat up too not wanting to let her sleep yet. "Well.... that was just a practice good night kiss."
"What.. practice..." Seungyeon started but Onew stopped her by kissing her lips again, this time very passionately. Seungyeon slowly kissed him back and wrapped her arms around Onew's neck while Onew continued the kiss down to her neck, then slowly moved back to kiss her lips and pulled away from her.

They both stared at each other now breathing more heavier, both their hearts were still beating wildly.

"That was the real good night kiss.." Onew said scratching the back of his head.
"Oh..." Seungyeon said touching her lips with her finger slightly as she blushed a little bit.
"You still feel cold?"

"No. Not at all.." Onew shook his head staring at Seungyeon.

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Chapter 61: cute..
hamster and dubu >///<
faced so many challenges but their love are strong together
KpopDoubleA #2
Chapter 13: This is really good you should update it please
Tomaslincoon #3
Update soon
still waiting fo the update..... the story is very interesting...
long time but I still waiting for ur update XD
please update soon^^~~
I clicked on ur tralier on youtube and i was like AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I read ur fanfic and it's very interesting ^^
PLZ update soon :)
JongU_Couple24 #8
update soon~!!!!!!
Eliano #9
Pls update soon.
EIPAHnee #10
where is the update???? desperately need one... ;-p<br />
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hope to hear from u soon...<br />
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