Chapter 21

Only That Person

"And what was he talking about voting? What is going on Seungyeon?" her mother demanded.
"Well.. Omma he.." Seungyeon hesitated wether to tell her yet or not as she had just lost her husband.

The Nangs will soon tell about me and Onew to everyone anyway... I don't want to stress omma out just yet.

Minhwan looked at Seungyeon, he had the same thoughts in mind so he grabbed his mothers arm.

"Omma, you should just rest now. Let's go inside." Minhwan said and led her inside.
"But what was that all about?" she asked looking back at Seungyeon.

You will find out soon enough omma.

Seungyeon stood outside for a while longer before going inside.
She touched the necklace gently.

Why is Onew talking like only he is going to die? He is not going to die, he is not.. and if the result of the voting is against us, and they decide to kill us... then I must die too.. we are both responsible to this, not just Onew... besides it really was me who approached him first, so i'm more at fault than he is, so I should be killed more than Onew. I wish it wasn't like this, I really wish we were just normal people. I really hope the result of the voting is good for us.. yeah, we will not die, we will not.

Seungyeon tried to tell that to herself but she knew that it was highly possible they might soon be dead.

"Unnie, what are you doing? Why don't you come inside?" Hara yelled to her from the window.
Seungyeon looked up at her then finally went inside the house.

For the rest of the day the athmosphere in the house was somehow strange. People were still mourning.. some people knew about Seungyeon and Onew already, but all didn't so they were just waiting when the truth will be revealed. No one knew what would happen in the next few days.

Next morning when Seungyeon was brushing her teeth in some way she had a feeling that all will be revealed that day.
She walked out the bathroom when she suddenly saw her mother walking to her looking upset.
She grabbed Seungyeon's arm stopping her and all of a sudden slapped her cheek.

Seungyeon looked at her shocked as she had never hit her like that before. "O-omma.."

"How dare you do this to us!!! After that happened, now this!!! How dare you date the enemy, a Nang!! How dare you, you ungrateful brat, now that your father is gone, do you think we will accept this kind of thing.. you only decided to reveal such a thing now that your father is not here anymore! you are a Dae!! haven't we taught you for years and years to not do such a thing! we don't need more betrayers to our family, how can you bring such a shame to our family! You are the headmasters daughter so how could you do this!?" her mother yelled.

"Omma.. I.. I..." Seungyeon stuttered not knowing what to say.
Minhyuk heard the yelling and ran there. "Omma. Please stop this!"

Their mother glared at Seungyeon then turned away from her. "I never knew my daughter would bring such a shame to me.."

Seungyeon just stood there staring down still shocked about it.
"Minhyuk... so now everyone knows?"

"Yeah. The Nang headmaster told about it all this morning, now all the Dae's know about it." Minhyuk said silently.
"When is the voting?" Seungyeon asked.
"Tomorrow evening I heard. The Nangs will decide by themselves about what to do to you, and all us Dae's by ourselves. We must collect all the votes from all the branch families first, then we.. the head family will decide too. And then finally tomorrow evening both Nang head family and us will gather to some place to hear the results of the votes. Noona.. our family will probably decide about your fate tonigh, so be prepared.
Minhwan and I will surely be on your side." Minhyuk explained to Seungyeon.

"Ne..." Seungyeon nodded faintly and felt fear slowly increasing inside of her as she thought about the voting.


Early in the morning Wonhyuk visited IU at the hospital.

"Appa listen. She's a good Dae, she convinced the kidnappers to take IU to the hospital for a day. Appa don't do this." Seungho chased Wonhyuk out of IU's room.

IU looked at Jonghyun who was asleep on the chair and leaning on her bed. Jonghyun looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Jonghyun wake up!!" IU shook Jonghyun awake.
"Hmm?" Jonghyun asked half wake.
"Appa told the Dae family about Onew and Seungyeon. The voting is tomorrow morning." IU informed.
"Oh." Jonghyun looked down sadly.
"Don't sit here!! Go help Onew!! Go to everyone and try to convince them!!" IU tried to push Jonghyun off the chair.
"What?" Jonghyun looked confused.
"Seungho and I like Onew and Seungyeon. We don't want them dead, so go convince everyone or else they'll die. Hurry!!" IU threw Jonghyun his jacket and car keys. "Go!!"

Jonghyun ran out of the hospital, still slightly confused, but regardless headed for his fellow Neng's houses to convince them that Onew and Seungyeon should live.

Jonghyun went to TOP and GD's house which was the closest to the hospital. He knocked on the door a few times until it opened.

"Jonghyun?" Narsha opened the door surprised. "Come in."

Jonghyun walked inside to the living room. All of his friends were inside GD and TOP's house, which was quite large despite being slightly smaller then the head family's house. Mika's family, Doojoon's family, and CL's family were all silently sitting down thinking about the voting for Onew.

"Jonghyun?" They all looked at Jonghyun confused.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Onew or IU?" GD asked.
Jonghyun shook his head. "Onew wants me to be with IU, and IU wants me to come here and convince everyone that Onew and Seungyeon should be together."
"About that. We don't know what to do. We love Onew and all, but dating a Dae is serious." Doojoon said.
"What is the difference between dating a Neng or a Dae? If we love each other then does it matter?" Jonghyun asked.

"TOP, if Narsha were a Dae would you still love her? Would you still be her fiancee?" Jonghyun looked at TOP.
"Bom, you would still love GD even if GD wasn't a Neng?" GD squeezed Bom's hand.
"What about you Kikwang? You'd still love Seohyun right?" Kikwang looked at Seohyun.
"Hyuna, you'd still love Doojoon if he was a Dae right?" Jonghyun looked at Hyuna.
"Does it really matter if we're from different families? We still are all human right?" Everyone was silent.
"Please think about it. Onew loves Seungyeon as much as each of you love your girlfriend or boyfriend. He love Seungyeon as much as I love IU. Why should he be punished for loving someone, when we are here free to love who we want. Please, vote for Onew to stay alive. Please." Jonghyun begged on his knees.


Jonghyun finished trying to convince his fellow Nengs and was heading back to the hospital room when he saw Key, Taemin, and Minho.

"Jonghyun!" The greeted him. "How are you with IU?"
"Fine. I'm not sure if I've been approved by the headmaster or not, but we've been good." Jonghyun said.
"Oh. I guess you have it tough then. The fate of your best friend is uncertain, and your fate with IU is uncertain. I feel sorry for you." Key said.
"Hyung, don't be rude." Taemin told Key.
"What? It's the truth he has it tough." Key stated.
"It's okay." Jonghyun fake smiled.
"What are you going to do?" Minho asked.
"I don't know, but tomorrow please help Onew at the voting. He loves Seungyeon as much as I love IU. He's willing to do so much for her, just like I am for IU. Please." Jonghyun bowed his head.
"Jonghyun, put your head up." Minho told Jonghyun. "IU told us the same thing when we were at her room earlier. We'll see what happens tomorrow."

They left Jonghyun in the hospital lobby. Jonghyun headed back to IU's room.
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Chapter 61: cute..
hamster and dubu >///<
faced so many challenges but their love are strong together
KpopDoubleA #2
Chapter 13: This is really good you should update it please
Tomaslincoon #3
Update soon
still waiting fo the update..... the story is very interesting...
long time but I still waiting for ur update XD
please update soon^^~~
I clicked on ur tralier on youtube and i was like AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I read ur fanfic and it's very interesting ^^
PLZ update soon :)
JongU_Couple24 #8
update soon~!!!!!!
Eliano #9
Pls update soon.
EIPAHnee #10
where is the update???? desperately need one... ;-p<br />
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hope to hear from u soon...<br />
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