Early Morning Stroll

They Lost Hyukjae!

Author's Note: I realized that the Chapter 8 I'm writing is seriously long, so I've decided to serve it to you in bite-sized pieces (labeled 8.1 to 8.5), plus a couple of surprise mini-side chapters, just because. :D Anyway, enjoy!





Still in Hong Kong...
She woke up with a snort. The dream she had was a happy one - a memory replayed by her subconscious, probably in an effort to make her feel better. But contrary to it, Lily felt tears as she rubbed her eyes. Sitting up, she heaved a deep sigh, considering going back to sleep. But somehow, all her sleepiness has gone. Instead, she felt like having some fresh air.
Throwing one leg over the bed's edge, she hit her heel against something. The room was pitch black. Cursing, she fumbled for the bedside lamp's switch. What time was it anyway? 
The radio alarm clock said 4:53AM. Only three hours of sleep and yet she was wide awake. Must be that long nap she had earlier. Finding it, she clicked the lamp on. Now where were her slippers?
A couple of minutes later, Lily was walking down the hallway to the elevators. She didn't really bother getting dressed - she just wrapped the fluffy white robe that the hotel provided over her pajamas and that was it. Who would be awake at this hour anyway? The ones who are would either be too drunk or too sleepy to care what she looked like. 
Letting her feet lead her, she found herself padding out to the pool area. Cool, early morning air kissed her face and lifted her spirits a little. She stopped by the edge of the pool, closed her eyes, and inhaled deeply as she stretched her arms upward. 
"AAAAAAAAHHH!HHHH!!!!!" shrieked Lily.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" freaked Siwon, who just surfaced from underwater. 
"What the-YOU!!! I WAS THIS CLOSE TO A HEART ATTACK!" Lily screamed at Siwon. 
"YOU'RE complaining?! You startled me so bad I almost drowned!" Siwon returned, splashing his arms in a gesture of exasperation. 
"What are you doing here at this hour anyway?!" Lily questioned, calming down. She occupied the nearest pool chair.
"Cardio," replied Siwon simply, as if she had to have known that already. "And may I ask the same about you?"
"I was just…" Lily trailed off, remembering the dream that brought her here. 
*dream sequence*
The sun was pleasantly beaming its rays down on them. Clare opened the plastic container and handed it to Lily, who grabbed a handful of the brown stuff and crushed it in her palm before scattering it by the pigeons roaming about in the grass. Startled by a shower of something from out of nowhere, the pigeons dispersed. Then, curious as to what it was, a couple of brave ones started cautiously pecking at the morsels. The others, realizing it was food, joined in. Clare scattered another handful of crushed chocolate cake on the grass, attracting a small flock of pigeons from a few meters away. 
The birds must've sounded out a call only audible to their kind because before the two girls knew it, a flock of a dozen or so flew right towards them. Freaking out, Lily and Clare tossed out the remaining chocolate cake and ran, laughing all the way to a lone park bench under a tree. 
"You know, this is why we're friends." Clare said, dusting off her hands.
"Why?" Lily asked, doing the same.
"Because we're probably the only ones crazy enough to throw chocolate cake at birds and get mobbed by them in return," Clare answered.
"That's true. Which reminds me, I should've brought the cookies you baked, too." Lily agreed.
"Why, d'you wanna kill them with chocolate overdose?" Clare quipped.
"No, because the cookies you made are as hard as rocks. We could've used them as weapons when those pigeons came at us!" Lily returned, ducking away just in time to avoid Clare's flying left shoe.
*end dream sequence*
"Lily? Hellooooo?" Siwon said, waving a hand in front of her face. "Is anyone there?"
Gently slapping his hand away, Lily grumbled, "Dude, it's not like you're talking to a ouija board so stop it." She heaved a deep, sad, sigh.
Sensing the unusualness of Lily's mood, Siwon hastily dried himself, put on his robe, and settled beside her. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, worried. He may have known her for only a little over a month, but she has always had a positive energy about her, someone who has a smile ready for anyone anytime. Right now, he could almost see the proverbial dark cloud hanging over her head. It was a little disconcerting. 
Lily looked at him, debating whether or not to tell him. Genuine concern was written all over his handsome face, yet underneath it she could also see traces of tiredness. She really didn't want to add to his stress. No, she had to think of something else to say. 
"It's nothing. I'm not really a morning person so--"
"No. Lily, tell me," Siwon pressed.
It was a command, albeit a gentle one. He didn't really know her. He didn't really have to care. He could be spending this time catching a few minutes more of sleep before having to start a tiring day. Yet he's here, sincerely waiting for her to share her misery. Clare, if you can at least listen to this telepathic message, I just want you to know that your future husband is the greatest guy, Lily thought.
Letting out another sigh, she poured her heart out to him, all the worry and anxiety and loneliness she has been feeling the past two weeks rushing out through her words and tears. She told him about how dumbfounded she was by Clare's reaction. She enumerated the times she tried and failed to contact her. How horrible it feels to wake up everyday knowing that her best friend hated her. How scared she was that she might lose Clare because of this. 
"I haven't even had the chance to tell her about this trip," Lily sobbed, wiping her dripping nose on the sleeve of her robe. She didn't even care how disgusting she looked. "I don't even know anymore if I should tell her. I wanna come clean, tell her about everything so she can't accuse me of keeping secrets. But then she might hate me even more for getting to spend more time with you guys. I just---UGH!!! I don't know anymore! What should I do, Siwon?"
Looking at her anguished face, he couldn't help but feel her pain. Carefully, he looped the edge of his towel around his index finger and gingerly dabbed at Lily's tears. With each wipe, more came. He sighed and scooted closer, pulling her head down to rest on his shoulder. Lily buried her face in his robe, trying to drown out her childish bawling.
"I… I honestly don't know what to say now, Lil," Siwon began, trying to calm her down by her hair. "I completely understand what you're feeling, and I think it's not fair to you. But.. Clare has her side to tell, too. I'm sure she doesn't hate you. I think… she needs time alone to deal with her feelings. When she's sorted herself out and realized that your friendship is more important than this whole thing, she'll come find you and everything will be back to normal."
Lily sat up, her bawling now reduced to unattractive sniveling. "I hope you're right," she said, sniffing. "I hope it's soon, too. I miss her so much already."
"Are you feeling better now?" Siwon asked, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Do you want to have some breakfast?"
The mention of food woke Lily's stomach up with a growl. Siwon barked out a laugh upon hearing it, making Lily throw whip him with his towel. 
"What?! It's not like yours never grumble like that," Lily muttered, pouting.
"It does, but not as loud as that!" Siwon laughed, earning himself another towel whip. "Okay, okay, come on, let's go grab-"
But before he could finish, a high-pitched squeal emanated from the pool area entrance. Both whipped their heads around to see a group of three fangirls spazzing outside the glass door. One of them must've spotted Siwon and is now on the phone, probably calling up all her fangirl friends to get them to come down. The other one was rummaging through her bag for what could most possibly be a camera. The third one though was completely still, eyes narrowed, looking intently at them with a confused expression.
"Your fans really are admirable. To be up this early just to catch a glimpse of you," Lily observed. Then, it hit her. "Oh crap! They can't see me! Crap! But there's only one way in and out and they're blocking it!" She ducked behind the pool chair.
"Lily, come on. It's fine. They're nice fans," Siwon reassured, reaching out his hand to her. "Just stay behind me. They won't even notice."
"NO," Lily refused. "Dude, you have an image to protect. I shouldn't even exist in your world. Besides, if you ever get caught in a scandal, might as well be with someone suitable for you, not with something like this," Lily reasoned, pointing at her disheveled appearance. 
"Wait, what do you mean-"
"JUST GO!" Lily ordered, giving him a shove towards the door while taking care to stay hidden. "Dazzle them with your smile. I'll come up when they're all gone."
"If you don't go to them this instant, I'm going to plant Yesung in your room while you sleep." Lily threatened. 
Hesitating for a couple more seconds, Siwon reluctantly left her there, crouched behind the pool chair.


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T.T Here it is everyone. The chapter you've been waiting for of They Lost Hyukjae.


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sarapark8386 #1
Chapter 19: OMG!!! i'm taking back my vote! KyuLy is so cute! 키아아아아~
sarapark8386 #2
Chapter 16: I'm starting to hate the girl. I'm sorry. I have this habit of hating every girl who hurts our fishy. 미안해, authornim *bows 90 degrees*
sarapark8386 #3
Chapter 3: Awww~WonKyuHae moment! #ILoveLilysTeam
Chapter 25: Wow! Finally finished reading this. I'm not really a fan of idol-OC pairing in a story except for one other and this just officially became the second one! I feel bad for Donghae though. And I feel like crying now that its over :( no story between Siwon and Clare! lol
Chapter 25: oh....i won't get to meet u! T_T but it's great that ur going to SS5 Manila! ^_^
Chapter 25: Ohhhhh! There's a possibility that we'll see each other! <3 Not hoping too much though, because I'll be working on Thursday, then go only by 5pm. <\3 Which section are you in? :)
Chapter 24: Awwwww..... I loved it! I'm usually picky about Super Junior fanfics, but this was a great read! So funny and sweet!!!
Chapter 24: oh my god, I wanna cry, it's over.
Chapter 17: Siwon, who looked to be in the middle of a sleeping bag endorsement, how is this dude real? Lol.
Chapter 9: Lol, can someone tell me where yunho unknow is,he should really change his name, because I don't know him...lmao...I loved it...!