Task #5

They Lost Hyukjae!


A few hours later and fresh up from her nap, Lily stared out the clear doors to the balcony. The sky was clear and the multicolored leaves of the trees beneath danced in the passing breeze. It indeed looked like a beautiful fall day but she just wasn't feeling up for it. She let out a long sigh, sinking back into the pillow.


“So I take it that drawing a mustache and beard on me didn’t cheer you up enough?”


"What the- where the hell did you come from?!" Lily demanded, putting down the pillow that she grabbed and almost threw in surprise. She was under the impression that everyone had gone to their respective schedules, leaving her with some precious alone time. And then this sneaky little bastard appears. “I... don’t know what you’re talking about. Who drew on you?”


Kyuhyun gave her a look that said “Don’t give me that crap.” Lily tried to maintain an innocent appearance, but it was too much effort - even keeping her eyes open took too much effort - so she just lied back on the sofa. “Okay, I did it. I’m sorry. Retaliate away.”


"Alright, that's it. You come with me now," Kyuhyun said, taking her hand and yanking her up off the sofa. Lily not putting up a fight was worrying him.


“Leave me alone...” Lily protested feebly, whacking Kyuhyun weakly with a pillow to make him let go. “I wanna go back to sleep. Go away.”


"I finished all my schedules for the day and I come home to find a sulking zombie in my living room. Come on, get up!" he urged, pulling her more forcefully and successfully getting her on her feet.


"OW!” Lily cried out when pain shot up her back. It wasn’t spasming anymore, but it was still sore. She massaged it awkwardly with one hand because Kyuhyun wouldn’t let go of the other.


“What, are your hips hurting? You grandma,” Kyuhyun said, the worry in his eyes contradicting his mocking tone.


“You sonofaGRRR. For your information, I fell asleep at an odd angle last night, so my back’s sore,” Lily informed, now pounding her lower back with a balled-up fist.


“Pffft, whiny brat,” Kyuhyun retorted before disappearing back into his room.


“Says the dude who fell off a chair and whined ON TWITTER!” Lily called after him. She did nag him about that one tweet where he posted a photo of his bruised arm, complaining that he fell off a chair (because he was rocking back and forth like an idiot) and no one came to help him when he cried in pain.


kyuhyun arm tweet


A moment later, he came back holding a flat, rectangular box. “Here. Put some on.”


Lily looked at it curiously. Pain relief patches. Sometimes, this boy can really be useful. Nodding her thanks, she made her way to the bathroom. Facing her back towards the mirror, she awkwardly tried putting on the strips, but the edges keep on sticking to each other before she could plaster them properly. She also couldn’t position them on the right spot. Several more tries later, her back and fingers were covered in adhesives, but no patch attached. Her back also hurt a little bit more because she had to twist to see the whole time. Giving up, she went to her last resort. Poking her head out the bathroom door, she called out, “Kyu, could you help me put these on?”


“Aish, jinja?! You can’t even put on pain relief patches by yourself? How did you manage to survive until now?” he complained, yet still he went to help her anyway.


Lily gave him a silent snarl. “I wish they threw you into the army gates, too," Lily grumbled, handing him the remaining patches. “They keep on sticking together before I could position them on the right spot. Will you just help me?!”


“Fine,” he agreed, snatching the patches from her hand. “Where do you want them?”


Lily leaned forward slightly, one hand holding onto the sink for support while the other lifted the back of her shirt. “Here. Stick one on right here,” Lily instructed, pointing at a spot half an inch above her jeans’ waistband. Lily waited for the slightly warm sensation of the patch, but nothing came. She looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was staring intently at her back, an odd, slightly pained expression on his face.


“The hell’s wrong with your face, Cho?” Lily demanded. Her question seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He still looked weird though. He looked uneasy and nervous and... was that a blush creeping up his cheeks?


“I uh...” he trailed off, looking lost. Clearing his throat, he said, “I... Your pants. I mean - I uh... I need to just...” He made a sort of tugging gesture. It took a few seconds for Lily to understand that he’s asking permission to lower the waistband a bit to make room for the patches. Lily had to hide her grin. This was probably the first time she’s ever seen him flustered. It was surprisingly adorable. Helping him out, Lily unhooked the belt (she was still wearing Shindong’s old jeans, which were so baggy she had to belt it tightly to keep it on) and let it slide a couple inches down her hips. She heard Kyuhyun take a deep breath when she did, making her chuckle silently. Flustered Kyu is just too cute.


She then felt warm fingers on her skin. It made her jump a little. “Right here?” Kyuhyun confirmed the spot in a low, slightly thick voice, a voice she’s never heard him use before. What was wrong with him? His being weird was starting to make her feel... weird.


“Yup, there,” Lily agreed.


Carefully, Kyuhyun peeled off the protective sheet and placed an edge of the patch on her back, slowly rubbing it up and down to make sure it stuck evenly. Lily couldn’t help but watch his serious expression in the mirror. The intense look on his face, combined with the feel of his fingers through the patches, was doing some unusual things to her insides. It suddenly felt twenty degrees warmer in there.


Lily couldn’t handle it anymore. She cleared , breaking the spell. “Are you done?”


Kyuhyun quickly snatched his hand back and slipped them into his pockets. “Yes. Done. You’re all patched up. Now let’s go cheer you up,” he said before quickly stepping out of the bathroom.


“Wait, where are we going?!” Lily called out, hurriedly straightening her clothes and following after him.


He stopped abruptly and turned around, which caused her to almost crash into him. With a smirk, Kyuhyun replied, “To do Task number 5.”


The mysterious Task #5. After months of wondering what it was and playing hours of Starcraft because of it, she’s finally going to find out. Unable to hide her excitement, Lily asked, eyes sparkling, “What is it?”


"We're going on a date.”


“With who?”


“What do you mean ‘with who’? You are going on a date with me!” Kyuhyun clarified as he made his way to the front door.


The grin on her face froze, and then disappeared all at once. "Whatever gave you the idea that me going on a date with you would cheer me up?!" Lily questioned, still following him.


“Are you unable to just be quiet and do as I say?” Kyuhyun sighed, frustrated. He put on his coat and held hers open for her.


Lily automatically slipped her arm into her coat while complaining, “What, am I your servant? Do you pay me to do what you say? Um, NO. So why should I?”


“AISH! This woman!” Kyuhyun exclaimed, scratching his head violently and walking out the door, leaving Lily to rush after him.





Five minutes later, they were in a cab on the way to wherever Kyuhyun was taking her. Lily was silent, her attention focused on the streets, fascinated by the people and places she’s seeing. This was, after all, her first time in Seoul. She only had until tomorrow afternoon to admire it before she had to go back to Sydney and hit the books hard (final exams start in a week - it was a wonder she managed to make it this far after all those trips abroad. She had to spend plane rides cramming. It was horrible but necessary.) Kyuhyun glanced sideways at his date, amused at how awed she looked, looking through the window. He leaned forward and whispered something to the driver. Chuckling a little, the driver nodded in agreement.


“Kyu! Is that - is that - “ Lily asked while excitedly tapping his arm.


“Yes, yes, that’s Namsan Tower,” Kyuhyun confirmed. “We can go there later.”


Lily turned and faced him with a pout. “Why not now? Where exactly are you taking me?”


“You make it sound like I’m kidnapping you,” Kyuhyun retorted. “It’s a surprise, so wait and see.”


Lily rolled her eyes at him and went back to looking like a clueless tourist. Whenever they passed by a major landmark, without her asking, he gave short backgrounds about them. He surprised even himself that he knew that much about all those tourist spots.


Finally, the taxi pulled over. Kyuhyun paid the cabbie with a smile and thanked him for the ride. Lily thanked him as well before stepping out. Looking around, she tried to figure out where this was. There were several small shops and restaurants along both sides of the street they were on. Which one were they going to?


“Here we are!” Kyuhyun declared, standing in front of a cute little cafe, arms wide open, grinning widely.


kyuhyun no other gif


"Kona Beans," Lily said in a flat tone.


"Yup," Kyuhyun replied proudly.


"We're going on a date… in your own shop," Lily reiterated. "I’ve only been in two dates my whole life. Well, okay, just one official date. The other’s just... meh. Anyway. Donghae brought me to L.A. Siwon, even though it wasn’t really a date but a ploy by his sister, took me to Italy. YOU are bringing me to your coffee shop."


"Dating is about getting to know each other,” Kyuhyun explained as he pushed her towards Kona Beans. “You know my Super Junior life so now you'll get to see 'normal Kyuhyun' in action.”


"What makes you think that I wanna know any more about you?! YOU SAID THIS WILL CHEER ME UP! And you are never NORMAL,” Lily contradicted, letting herself get dragged along.


“Eomma!” Kyuhyun called out the moment they stepped in the door. About a dozen female heads turned at the sound of his voice, their faces lighting up in unison at the sight of him. Lily felt like ducking behind something - anything - just to hide from them. She wasn’t ready to be murdered yet.


“O, Kyuhyun!” Mrs. Cho greeted warmly from behind the counter. “I didn’t know you were going to help out today.”


“I uh... brought a new part-time employee,” he replied, steering Lily to the back of the counter and placing her in front of his mother.


Lily stood there, frozen, eyes wide, as Mrs. Cho smiled sweetly at her. She was usually good with parents, but she wasn’t really prepared to be presented like this. When she didn’t speak, Kyuhyun shook her a little, waking her up from her initial shock. “Anyeonghaseyo,” Lily greeted meekly with a 90-degree bow. “Lily-imnida.”


“Anyeong, Lily, it’s nice to meet you,” Mrs. Cho returned. Lily wasn’t sure why she was suddenly very nervous. It’s just Kyuhyun’s mother, she told herself, no big deal.


Ohmygaaah it’s Kyuhyun’s mother! And I look like this?! she freaked out in her head while trying to maintain what she hoped was a pleasant smile on her face.


“Son, I think you can let go of Lily now so we can start working,” Mrs. Cho said softly, trying not to be overheard by the small crowd in the cafe. “You don’t want the customers to get the wrong idea, do you?”


Only realizing that there were fans watching, Kyuhyun took his hands off Lily’s shoulders right away. “Please train her well,” he said with a sheepish smile before disappearing into the back room.


Lily wanted to grab him and keep him there beside her, but he really left her alone with his mother now. Her stomach knotting up, Lily followed Mrs. Cho as she introduced her to the other staff and then proceeded to give her a crash course on being a Kona Beans barista. Since she’s new, she was given the no-experience-required job of dishwashing and clearing tables. Putting on an apron, she went to work right away, trying her best to just blend in and not get noticed. Keeping her head slightly bowed, she gathered empty cups and saucers and wiped down vacated tables. She could feel eyes on her, probably Mrs. Cho’s. She dared not look and just pushed herself to keep working.


“Excuse me, aghassi,” a high-pitched voice said as she felt a tap on her shoulder.


“Can I help you?” Lily replied, turning to face her. The speaker was a young girl, around the age of a high school senior and a university freshman. She had permed hair that fell way past her shoulders that was held back from her face with a glittery headband. She looked like those typical doll-like girls in Korean dramas.


“Do you know Kyuhyun-ssi?” questioned the girl, going straight to the point.


“No,” shot the lie out of Lily’s mouth instantly.


“But we saw you come in with him. He even introduced you to his mother,” piped up the girl’s friend, who could pass as her twin.


“Uh...” Lily paused, wracking her brain for an instant excuse. “She’s the owner, isn’t she? He just found me outside with my resume and asked if I was looking for a job. Then he brought me in here. I didn’t know he was the owner’s son.”


The two girls looked at her skeptically, sending Lily’s heart beating triple time. Thankfully, they gave her a shrug, indicating that they more or less bought her explanation. She was about to leave when the first girl tugged at her apron.


“Unnie, do you really not know that he’s an idol?” she asked, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.


“He’s Super Junior’s Kyuhyun!” the second girl informed in a conspiratorial whisper.


“Ah... really? I uh... I don’t really follow Kpop...” Lily lied, trying desperately to get out of this conversation. The two girls gave her surprised looks before launching into a long-winded narration of Super Junior’s history. Lily had to stop herself from correcting them when they got a few facts wrong, but overall, she was impressed with the amount of accurate information they knew about the boys. Impressed and a bit creeped out.


“This is him in high school before he debuted,” the first girl said, handing her a photo. Lily was pretty sure that Clare showed her pre-debut photos of the boys back when she couldn’t care less. This was the first time she really looked at one. She couldn’t help but break out a small smile.


pre-debut kyuhyun


“He’s so adorable, isn’t he?” gushed the first girl.


“Yeah... Uh... Can I keep this?” Lily asked.


The two girls looked at each other and giggled. “I think we’ve made a new Gaemer!” the second girl exclaimed.


“Sure, unnie, you can keep that. Just let us stay a little longer here, okay?” the first girl bargained.


“Alright, thanks. Enjoy your meals,” Lily said with a slight bow, finally escaping the teenagers. She made a beeline for the back of the counter and proceeded to wash the dishes she’s collected. Where the hell is that brat? she thought irritably while soaping the cups. She turned her head left and right but there was no sign of him. Exhaling in frustration, she moved on to soaping the saucers.


Mrs. Cho must have seen her looking for Kyuhyun because she approached her and said, “Lily-ah, you can take a break after you finish that. Kyuhyun’s in the kitchen through those doors.”


Lily couldn’t stop herself from blushing as she bowed and thanked the older woman. Ah, this is really embarrassing, she thought miserably. Mrs. Cho might be thinking that I’m some clingy girl who can’t function without her son. Ugh.


Hearing Mrs. Cho’s suggestion, one of the other staff came over and offered to finish Lily’s dishes. Lily insisted on doing it herself, but Mrs. Cho stepped in and told her to wash up because she was introducing her to the co-owners. Flustered, Lily quickly washed and dried her hands. Why was she being introduced to so many important people today when she looked like a hobo? Plastering the best smile she possessed, she followed Mrs. Cho to face Sungmin’s and Leeteuk’s moms.


“Oh, so you’re Lily! Yes, Ming has mentioned you to me,” Mrs. Lee revealed. “He forgot to mention that you’re pretty!”


“You have lovely eyes,” Mrs. Park agreed with a sweet smile that reminded Lily so much of Leeteuk. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”


“Unnie!” Mrs. Lee protested, lightly hitting her friend’s arm. “I was gonna ask that for Ming.”


“What? My Jungsoo is 30! He needs to get married soon after he gets out of the army!” Mrs. Park retorted. “How old are you, Lily?”


Lily was freaking out in her head. What the hell was going on? Her Korean was alright at best, but they were talking really fast and she maybe heard something about marriage. Instinctively, she reached out her hand behind her for something to hold onto for support. She was not prepared for this conversation at all. Suddenly, she felt warm fingers enclosing hers.


“O, imu, you’re here,” Kyuhyun, appearing out of nowhere, greeted Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Park with a respectful bow. “How are you?”


“Kyuhyun-ah!” Mrs. Lee returned his greeting warmly and gave him a quick hug. “You’re growing more handsome every time I see you! How is Sungmin? Is he eating and sleeping well?”


Lily had to hold back laughter at her comment. Mrs. Lee was too adorable. She now understood where Sungmin got all of his effortless aegyo capabilities. She gave Kyuhyun’s hand, the one that was discreetly holding hers behind her back, a squeeze.


“Yes, imu. Hyung’s happy and healthy,” Kyuhyun confirmed with a shy smile. “If you’ll excuse us, our new employee is just about to go on break.”


“Oh, sorry for keeping you,” Mrs. Park said. “Go on, go on break. It’s nice to meet you, Lily.”


“Nice to meet both of you, too,” Lily replied, courteously bowing before turning to leave. She followed Kyuhyun, who still hasn’t let go of her hand, into the kitchen. But right before the door closed, she caught Mrs. Lee asking Mrs. Cho, “Is she dating your Kyuhyun?” to which Mrs. Cho replied, “I don’t think so, but I’m pretty sure he’s working on it.”


“The heck did you leave me alone outside for?!” Lily snapped, elbowing Kyuhyun slightly in the stomach.


“Ooomph!” Kyuhyun over-acted. “Do you abuse all your dates like this?!”


“This is NOT a date,” Lily contradicted. “Who the heck makes someone work on a date-”


Her rant was cut short when Lily spied a tray of purple cupcakes sprinkled with little golden stars and edible pearls sitting on the kitchen counter. They reminded her of those pajamas they bought for her back in Sydney, and also the cake Jiwon made in Hong Kong. Excitedly, Lily approached the yummy things, eyes sparkling, a big grin on her face.


“I knew it. Food will cheer you up,” Kyuhyun teased. “You like them?”


“That depends. Did you make them?” Lily asked, raising an eyebrow.


“If I could make those then I would’ve made your birthday cake myself instead of dragging Siwon’s sister halfway around the world just to make it,” Kyuhyun shot back. Then, realizing what he’s revealed, he redirected his gaze elsewhere while scratching his head.


Lily stared at him in disbelief. Did she understand him correctly? Was he the one who planned that surprise birthday party?


“Y-you... you asked Jiwon to make me that cake?” Lily questioned. “And the party? You arranged that?” She assumed all the while that Siwon was responsible for that. Kyuhyun was the last person she’d ever guess.


“Yeah... so?” Kyuhyun challenged. “Is it a crime to throw someone a surprise party?”




Something flashed in his eyes as he met hers. It was that same intense look that he had back in the bathroom awhile ago. It was momentary, but Lily caught it, and it stopped her heart for a second. What was that? It suddenly made her feel disconcerted and also very much aware that he was still holding her hand. His long, slender fingers were laced through hers, and it surprisingly felt natural for them to be.


“I uh... I overheard Donghae planning his yacht thing, and... you know... I thought that it felt lacking and the others agreed that we should get to spend your birthday with you so...” Kyuhyun trailed off. He mentally kicked himself for thinking of the lamest excuse in history of lame excuses. He was supposed to be smart! But as usual, when Lily’s present, all his wits leave him alone to fend for himself.


Should I just tell her the truth? he asked himself.


Cruel sniggering echoed in his head. You idiot, a mean voice said. Do that and all you’ll end up with is cupcake icing in your face.


“Oh... I see...” Lily replied, not sure what else to say. Thoughtful Kyuhyun was unimaginable to her. This was as much a surprise as her learning that Tweety Bird was actually a boy. There was a weird kind of knot forming in her stomach, making her panicky. She searched for a way to get rid of this unusual feeling. It felt like how one’s stomach feels like when in a rollercoaster and it suddenly drops. Then, getting an idea, she reached into her pants pocket and took out the photo that the fan gave her.


“Well what do you know, you grow up to be quite a decent guy after all,” Lily said to the photo.


“Wait, what is that? Why are you - NO!” Kyuhyun cried out when he saw the photo, making a grab for it, but Lily was quick to hide it. “Lily, give that to me. No. Don’t look at it.”


“But why? You were so cute!” Lily teased, stretching out to keep the photo out of his reach. Using the hand holding hers, Kyuhyun yanked her towards him. Standing in an unbalanced pose, the pull sent Lily toppling into Kyu and they both slam against the refrigerator. The impact knocked over an open bag of flour sitting on top of the fridge, covering the two with impromptu fake-snow. Kyuhyun sneezed, puffing out a huge cloud of flour, making Lily laugh out loud. Taking the edge of her apron, she lightly wiped flour off of Kyuhyun’s nose and eyelashes. Then, on impulse, she held his cheeks with both hands and playfully stretched out his eyes, making them more chinky.


“YA!” Kyuhyun verbally protested, but not really doing anything to stop her. Her touch froze him on the spot.


“You really didn’t need to, you know, get your eyes fixed,” Lily commented. “You already looked good.”


His heart fluttered at her words. He wasn’t an insecure person, but he wasn’t that confident of his past looks either. Her seeing that photo that he almost never wanted to see again and saying that he looked good made him feel unbelievably wonderful.


“If I didn’t, would anybody even notice me when there’s Siwon and Donghae beside me?” Kyuhyun mumbled. That was one thing he has kept to himself all these years, his secret insecurity. He’s always maintained that the surgery was a career move, but in reality, there was a little insecurity involved. This was why he held a secret admiration for Hyukjae. Even though everyone keeps on putting him down for being the last in looks, he never went under the knife and instead trusted in his talent and personality to get to where he was today.


“Well, Siwon IS very handsome, in an in-your-face sort of way,” Lily said. “And Donghae IS a living chibi character. But you’re.. you know. Cute. In an annoying, evil kind of way. And when you stand onstage singing, it’s... very difficult to notice anybody else.”


“I’ve always known you had a secret crush on me, Lil,” Kyuhyun teased cheekily, trying to cover up his wildly beating heart.


“AS IF!” Lily cried in outrage, grabbing flour from his shirt and throwing it in his face.


“AIGOO! What happened in here?!” the patisserie exclaimed when she walked in on two flour-covered people sitting on the floor. Scrambling to their feet, Lily and Kyuhyun apologized for the mess they made and started cleaning up right away.






As the sun half-hid in the horizon, Lily got promoted to helping out with preparing drinks. She had a little practice during the slow hours of the day. Now that it’s rush hour once again, she was needed to fulfill customers’ orders quickly. It wasn’t so hard. Everything had exact measurements and mixing instructions that were easy to memorize. A group order of the same drinks came so Lily was asked to triple a particular recipe. Unable to find a calculator, Lily began doing the calculations in her head.


"What's the matter?" Mrs. Cho asked upon noticing Lily staring intently at the recipe sheet.


"Oh, no, nothing. I was just… trying to triple this recipe. I was computing in my head, but mental Math isn’t really my strongest suit…" Lily admitted, embarrassed.


"You should marry my son, then. He's brilliant in Math. That way, your children can have your beautiful eyes and his amazing Math skills," Mrs. Cho joked, patting her arm lightly. Lily laughed uneasily along with her.


Hearing the conversation because he was standing right there, Kyuhyun smiled smugly at her.


"See? I can give you intelligent children. And you still wouldn't date me?" he asked.


"I'd rather marry a calculator," Lily shot back, rolling her eyes.


"Would you even know how to operate one?" Kyuhyun retorted.


“Ah jinja! I can’t with this guy!” Lily exhaled irritably, spinning on her heels and going to the other side to mix the drinks.


Mrs. Cho chuckled softly, watching Lily listen intently to Ahra, her daughter, explain to her how to mix and pour the drinks efficiently. She glanced at her son beside her. His eyes were shining as he looked at the same girl, a tiny smile on his lips, hands absentmindedly wiping the same spot on the counter.


“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” she murmured to Kyuhyun.


“What? I’m just cleaning!” Kyuhyun replied defensively.


Mrs. Cho’s eyes disappeared as she giggled and patted her son’s head. “Kyuhyun-ah, I’m your mom, remember? I know that you brought her here so we can get to know her.”


“What makes you think that?” Kyuhyun inquired, continuing his innocent play.


“Your father told me that you called him out of nowhere to come by so he did,” Mrs. Cho answered. “Even Ahra wasn’t supposed to help out today but she said that you begged for her to come.”


Kyuhyun couldn’t meet his mom’s gaze. His cheeks and ears were heating up. “Eomma...” he trailed off, his eyes pleading.


“Chukahae, Kyuhyun. We all like her,” Mrs. Cho said, holding her son’s hand. “You don’t have to worry.”


Kyuhyun gave her a forced smile. Mrs. Cho fixed his hair like she always did since he was young, a worried look on her face. “What’s the problem?”


“Eomma... It’s just... I don’t think she likes me,” Kyuhyun finally admitted.


“Oh, my little baby...” Mrs. Cho gushed, tapping her son’s cheek. “If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have spent the whole day working here with you.”






The skies are finally dark. Seoul’s city lights glinted in the night. Lily inhaled deeply, the delicious aroma of grilling meat filling her lungs. She looked to her left where the windows facing the street were. She wished they could sit there. She liked people-watching while eating. But because they had to avoid the public eye as much as possible (she’s back in full disguise - beanie, specs, and all even when eating), they had to choose a hidden booth at the back of the restaurant. Lily picked up her chopsticks and was about to get a piece of beef when she saw that the grill was empty. Once again. She looked disbelievingly at the boy across from her, cheeks puffed out because his mouth was so full of food.


“Really, Kyu? Really? I just put five pieces of beef on there and now they’re all gone,” Lily complained, placing some more raw meat to cook. “You don’t touch this. Cook your own.”


“What? I’m paying for this so the least you could do is cook for me,” Kyuhyun responded.


“Psssh... You’re still making me work until now. What kind of date is this?” Lily said, flipping the meat over.


“I thought you said that this wasn’t a date?” Kyuhyun challenged.


“You stop twisting everything around!” Lily commanded. “Here. Just eat. Eat some more. Eat,” she said as she stuffed the newly cooked beef into his mouth. Kyuhyun retaliated by doing the same, making Lily laugh as she chewed the hot meat while fanning . She began telling this story about how she and her flatmates went on a late-night hotpot adventure in Sydney and almost lost their tongues in the spiciness of the soup they ordered. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her put the remaining pieces of beef in his rice bowl and then repopulated the grill with some more raw meat. Seeing that his cup was empty, she refilled it and asked for more water, all the while continuing her story. It took him a second to notice that she was pointing something out to him. He gave her a questioning look, which prompted her to grab a napkin and wipe the grease off his chin as if she’s been doing that her whole life.


Kyuhyun didn’t really like girls who talk a lot, but he liked listening to Lily’s stories. After all, she wasn’t really talkative all the time. And she looked relaxed and worry-free right now - a complete 180 from her zombie state that morning. He laughed when she reenacted one of her flatmate’s reactions upon seeing raw pig’s brains.


This. This is perfect, he thought, watching her giggle at the memory of the story she’s telling. Why can’t we just be perfect like this forever?


“And then we finally got home,” Lily ended, an exhilarated flush on her cheeks. “Thankfully we didn’t get caught.”


“Lil, why’d you stay and help out in the shop?” Kyuhyun bravely asked. “You could’ve left any time. We could’ve gone somewhere else if you wanted to.” His mother’s words have been running around his head since she said it. He knew he was being idiotic for still hoping, but he couldn’t help wondering. He’ll never know for sure if he didn’t ask, right?


A little surprised with the off-topic question, Lily confessed, “I... don’t know. I figured that you promised your mom that you’d help out in your shop today so you made the ‘date’ thing up so you could get me out of the house and not sulk and fulfill your promise to your mom at the same time. It’s one of those sneaky, resourceful things you’re likely to do.”


Kyuhyun snorted. That was indeed something he would do. “So you stayed because you think you’re helping me out? Why?”


"Well, because you're my annoying friend Kyuhyun!" Lily replied cheerfully. “I know you’re trying to cheer me up, so I thought I’d return the favor. Besides, I ended up enjoying it. It was a bit scary at first because your whole family was there - didn’t expect that. But they were all very nice and comfortable to be with.”


Kyuhyun fell silent. Her annoying friend Kyuhyun. That's what he was to her. After today, that's all he was to her. Stupid, stupid, stupid! he mentally berated himself. What were you expecting? That she'd fall in love with you with just this date? And you made her work, no less. How much more of a pabo was he going to be?


Lily noticed his face fall. "What? Don't tell me you’re still hungry. Seriously, Kyu, that was like, three pounds of beef and pork. That’s enough to feed a whole family for a week. Look how round and squishy your cheeks are getting...” Lily teased, pinching his left cheek.


Mentally shrugging off the disappointment, Kyuhyun forced himself to smile and focus on the present. Right now, Lily was with him and she was happy. That’s all that mattered, right?


“Ya, are you calling me fat?! Who’s the one who ate all those cupcakes? I had a dozen made and I didn’t even get to try one!”





Half an hour and a very heavy stomach later, Lily was walking along the banks of the Han River with her “date”. As out of the ordinary and unexpected as it was, she had to admit, it was a pretty good date. He did manage to lift up her spirits. There were still worries in her head, but being busy the whole day didn’t give her enough time to think about them. Indeed, this boy beside her can really be useful sometimes. She sneaked a sidelong glance at him. He had his hands behind him while they walked in a leisurely pace. The lights along the sidewalk reflected off of his now reddish hair.


Wow, he really is pale, Lily thought, seeing the lights casting glows on his skin. She had the oddest urge to touch his cheek where his acne scars were. She mentally shook the thought away. She’s been having the most unusual feelings that day. Maybe it’s because her time of the month’s coming?


"Are you being sad again?" Kyuhyun inquired when she remained silent.


"No,” Lily replied tersely.


"You are,” Kyuhyun insisted.


"Shut up,” was all Lily could think of as a retort. It’s been a long day and she’s far too full to argue with him.


"We can go back and work the night shift to distract you,” Kyuhyun jokingly suggested.


"You just want my free labor."


"It helped, didn't it?"


"Yeah it did,” Lily admitted.


They went back to walking in silence, basking in the crisp air of this autumn night. A couple wearing matching shirts and laughing boisterously accidentally bumped into Lily, which made Kyuhyun reflexively pull her closer to him. She looked at him once more. There was something different about him. She can’t quite put her finger on it, but he seemed... not to get under her skin that much anymore. Come to think of it, she spent a WHOLE day with him, and it was actually one of the most fun days she’s had in a long time. She always thought that she couldn’t stand him. And now she’s... she was... she was drawing a blank on what to call whatever she’s feeling right now. If only there was some sort of feeling dictionary she could consult.


"What?" Kyuhyun questioned when he caught her staring at him.


“What?” Lily asked back.


“Why are you staring at me like that?”


"I’m just surprised that you're not such a bad date after all."


It's the first time she's seen him get shy. It was so cute and sweet that before she was able to stop herself, she gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. He was surprised, but quickly recovered.


"You've been waiting to kiss me all day, haven't you?" he asked cheekily, moving his face close to hers until the tips of their noses were touching. "If you want a repeat of Guangzhou, I'd be glad to oblige. After all, that kiss wasn't done properly."


Lily couldn't believe what she was hearing. This guy was so… ARGH!!! "Oh, get out of my face!" she growled, shoving him aside and quickly walking away.






~ ~ ~






He turned, startled. Lily stood there in her big purple pajamas hugging a pillow, lips pouty, eyes sad and big.


They arrived at the dorm about an hour earlier and Lily went straight to bed. Even though she was annoyed at him like usual, it was the good kind of annoyance. He'd even dare say that Lily came home happy. They've steadily gotten closer, more comfortable with each other since Shanghai. They've talked a lot since, too, so he knew how to differentiate Lily's different tones and expressions. He learned to read between her lines. She may say something aggressive like "Get out of my face!" and either mean "For real, or I'll kick you where it hurts." or "You bug me but we're still okay." Sometimes, when he's feeling generous towards his delusional self, he'd even allow himself to notice how lately, her threats have felt much milder, and how she sends him angry texts messages when he doesn't get to reply for a long time (Dare he think it? Maybe she misses him?).


Kyuhyun turned the TV off and turned towards her. She padded over and plopped down right next to him. Lifting her legs and placing them over his thighs, she scooted closer until she was leaning against him and then buried her face in his shoulder, her arms encircling him.


"Tell me you'll be okay when you go into the army," Lily said, her voice muffled against his shirt. "I'm getting these horrible images in my head and I couldn't sleep and…" She sniffled.


His heart constricted painfully. This precious girl was crying because she was worried about him. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.


"But I won't have to go to the army for a few more years. You don't need to worry just yet," he said in what hopefully was a soothing voice.


"I know. But Donghae made a joke about it earlier and I just--when I think about him going… or any of you guys… I just…" Lily trailed off.


Of course. She wasn't worrying about him. She was crying for Donghae. Pain stabbed at his chest.


"Just promise me that when you go into the army, you'll come back to me in one piece after two years, okay?" Lily said, holding him tighter.


He sat still, urging his heart to calm down. He could feel her chest rise and fall with every breath, her heart beating against his. It threatened to break him, to make him throw away all his resolve and just grab her and kiss her and tell her how much he felt for her, damn the consequences.


But he couldn't. He shouldn't. Because to this girl, he's just the annoying friend Kyuhyun, someone who ruins nice moments with the wrong words. He couldn't believe his luck. Why did he have to fall in love with her? And why did she have to like Donghae instead?


He closed his eyes. This might be the only time he could hold her this way. He should make it last.









Clueless people are clueless. :) Hahaha! Lily should’ve gotten paid for her part-time work. :p


I’m sorry if this chapter is too loooong and draaaaagging... I’ve got a lot of pent-up KyuLy stuff hahaha! ^^ I do hope you enjoyed it even just a little bit though. :)


I'm sending happy thoughts to everyone who read, commented, and/or subscribed to this story. Thank you. 

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T.T Here it is everyone. The chapter you've been waiting for of They Lost Hyukjae.


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sarapark8386 #1
Chapter 19: OMG!!! i'm taking back my vote! KyuLy is so cute! 키아아아아~
sarapark8386 #2
Chapter 16: I'm starting to hate the girl. I'm sorry. I have this habit of hating every girl who hurts our fishy. 미안해, authornim *bows 90 degrees*
sarapark8386 #3
Chapter 3: Awww~WonKyuHae moment! #ILoveLilysTeam
Chapter 25: Wow! Finally finished reading this. I'm not really a fan of idol-OC pairing in a story except for one other and this just officially became the second one! I feel bad for Donghae though. And I feel like crying now that its over :( no story between Siwon and Clare! lol
Chapter 25: oh....i won't get to meet u! T_T but it's great that ur going to SS5 Manila! ^_^
Chapter 25: Ohhhhh! There's a possibility that we'll see each other! <3 Not hoping too much though, because I'll be working on Thursday, then go only by 5pm. <\3 Which section are you in? :)
Chapter 24: Awwwww..... I loved it! I'm usually picky about Super Junior fanfics, but this was a great read! So funny and sweet!!!
Chapter 24: oh my god, I wanna cry, it's over.
Chapter 17: Siwon, who looked to be in the middle of a sleeping bag endorsement, how is this dude real? Lol.
Chapter 9: Lol, can someone tell me where yunho unknow is,he should really change his name, because I don't know him...lmao...I loved it...!