Uri Neun, Super Juni-OR!!!!

They Lost Hyukjae!

(Credit to whoever originally made the gif above. It's not mine.)




"Miss, please come with me."



Lily jumped as a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. She turned quickly to face its owner. It was a huge guy who kinda looks like WWE's Triple H with SECURITY printed in big black letters on his yellow shirt.



"M-me?" Lily stammered. What did she do?



"You are Lily, right?" the security asked. Lily nodded.



"You have been requested…" the guy started, then stopped to make sure that no one's within earshot before finishing with, "backstage."



Backstage. That means… Lily didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They didn't forget all about her after all. The security man asked her to follow him and she happily did.








"Uri neun, Super Juni-OR!!!!!"



"AAAAAAAHHH!!!" Lily yelped, waking up with a shock. What the hell was that?! 



A vibrating sound and then another "Uri neun, Super Juni-OR!!!!!!!!" assaulted her still sleepy ears. Why so LOUD so EARLY?!?!?! Eyes half-closed, she searched for the source of her sleep's disruption. She had another late night with the boys last night, celebrating the success of their first Australian concert. It was also a mini-thank you party for her, which made her tear up. Leeteuk made a brief yet heartfelt speech about how much her help meant to them. She couldn't help but hug him after. Hyukjae also said some words, all the while being good-naturedly teased by his bandmates. He had a hard time looking Lily in the eyes and she found him so adorable she wanted to keep him in her pocket. Donghae also thanked her, barely able to express how much Hyukjae meant to him and how glad he was to have him back. The bromance was just so touching that Lily wanted to vomit rainbows. 



And like all Korean special gatherings, alcohol was mandatory. She was a featherweight at drinking, could barely even be considered an occasional drinker, yet she had about four shots of soju last night, which amounted to about  half a bottle. It was the most she's ever drunk in her life. It's a wonder she was able to get back to her hotel room.



Wait, how did she get here again?



"URI NEUN, SUPER JUNI-OR!!!!!!!!!!!!"



"SonofaGRRRRR!!!!" Lily growled, finally finding the noisemaker. It was her phone - no, wait, A phone that looked like hers but was too scratch-less to be - alarming. She quickly swiped it off and was greeted by the derpiest group picture ever. It made her smile.



Slowly, Lily's mind woke up. Oh but she did have a good sleep, however short it was. Then memories from last night came back to her.







She kept the smile on her face but her head was throbbing like crazy. What the heck was this thing they're drinking?! She hardly felt anything after the first two shots so she downed two more. Turns out it was the sort that sneaks up on you. Now she felt like Thor was hitting her over the head with his mighty hammer. She really really really wanted to lie down somewhere. Casually, she massaged her temples. Leeteuk was telling a story and she was starting not to care. She had to get rid of this headache.



Maybe if she threw up, she'd feel better. 



Quietly excusing herself, she stood up to make her way to the ladies' room. She managed to get about two feet away when dizziness kicked in and she stumbled backwards. A pair of strong hands caught her, her back hitting something firm. She turned her head and was face to face with Donghae, their noses only a breath apart. 



"Careful," he said, looking into her eyes.



He had really soulful eyes. Up close, they were mesmerizing. She can't believe how only a day ago, she found him unremarkable. It took her a few seconds to snap out of it and straighten herself up. 



"Thanks," Lily said, a little flustered. 



"Where are you going? I'll go with you," Donghae offered.



"Oh, uh, restroom. I'm fine, really. I can manage. Thanks again," Lily politely declined. She managed to walk a few steps before tripping again. Once more, Donghae caught her. Without saying a word, he wound his right arm around her waist and held her left hand with his. He then asked a passing waiter where the restrooms were. The waiter motioned down the back to the left. Donghae nudged her forward and they walked: him supporting her, she trying hard to walk straight and not be conscious at all about his touch.



They were eating at a small Japanese restaurant, only a little bigger than a hole-in-the-wall type, a few blocks away from the hotel. The management rented out the place for the after party so the band, along with the staff, could eat and talk freely. As expected, because everyone else was drinking, there was a line to the restroom, and this restaurant, because of its small size, only had one. They were fifth in line when they got there.



Lily felt the effects of the alcohol worsen. The throbbing was now accompanied by a heaviness that made her feel like an anvil was connected to her neck instead of a head. The world started tilting. She needed to put her head down somewhere. Shifting so she was standing in front of him, Lily leaned backward, her back against Donghae's chest, and rested her head against his neck. He moved closer until the whole of her back was pressing against him and wrapped his other arm around her. Lily sighed and closed her eyes, her hands on his.



At the feeling of bouncing, Lily opened her eyes. What was happening? The ground was moving but she could feel that her legs weren't. Was she flying? She tried to move them and realized that they were wrapped around somebody's waist. How-?!



Feeling her move, Donghae turned his head slightly and said, "It's okay, we're almost at your room. Just go back to sleep."



She did as she was told. Next thing she knew, her head was resting on a soft, warm pillow, a plush blanket covering her. She felt someone looking at her and wanted to know who it was, but her eyes were just too heavy to crack open and the pillow was just oh so comfortable. 



"Good night," came a soft whisper. At the touch of soft, warm lips on her forehead, Lily surrendered to unconsciousness.



*end flashback*




That was the last thing she remembered. 



She covered her face with her hands, embarrassed. Why did she have to get wasted like that? Oh, she must've looked like such a mess. And to think that Donghae had to carry her back to her room when she was totally knocked out. She must've weighed a ton, not to mention that he was probably tired as hell from the other night AND the 4-hour concert he just performed in. Why, out of all nights, did she have to---



Wait a minute. Why was she wearing pajamas? How did she even get pajamas? They were cute though, purple with silvery moon and stars, kinda like a wizard's hat.



OMG, did Donghae--?!






ASDFGHJKL!!!@#$%^&*()!!!!!!! Didn't she turn that darn alarm off already?!



Resisting the urge to throw a brand new phone against the wall, Lily tried to shut the noise off again but found that someone was calling. Were all alert tones in this phone set to that? She'll find out whoever tinkled with the settings of this phone and hit him over the head with it.



"Hello?" Lily croaked. 



"Whoa, you sound awful. Are you feeling better? You were totally out last night," Henry said. Lily couldn't remember the last time it wasn't Henry on the other line. The other night has somehow conditioned her mind to have a mini anxiety attack when Henry calls.



"I'm better, thanks," Lily replied after clearing . "What's up? Lost another member?"



"Sometimes I wish I could lose some of them," Henry said before shouting, away from the phone, "DONGHAE! PUT MY BACON DOWN! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BACON! GO GET SOME YOURSELF!"



Lily chuckled. There really isn't any dull moment with these guys. 



"Hey, sorry about that. I hate it when they take my food, especially bacon," Henry said. " Anyway, we were wondering, actually DONGHAE WAS WONDERING," Henry said louder, obviously trying to let everyone hear. Someone was protesting in Korean and there were a few teasing noises. "…if you'd like to come with us to our photo shoot later? Actually, you have to, because I've already told the manager you would, and seeing that you're supposed to be my cousin who's making a documentary about us for her thesis, it just makes sense that you do. So how about it?"



Wow, he really wasn't lying about coming up with a more detailed backstory for her.



"Well that doesn't give me much choice, doesn't it?" Lily answered good-naturedly. "What time? And where?"



"Sydney Opera House. 7:30," Henry replied.



"But it's already 7AM!" Lily complained. "I still have to shower, dress up - oh wait, BUY unsoiled clothes to dress up in - and wait for a train or a bus to go there. How am I supposed to do that in 30 minutes?! I'm a girl, you know."



"Ugh, women. You sound like my sister," Henry said. "Fine, 8 o'clock then! Just get here before 9 because the shoot ends then. We don't want that many people around. Also, if you look in the closet, you'll find enough clean, brand new clothes and underthings for you. We've already sent a car over to take you here. Just ask for it at reception. So, will you make it by 8?"



Lily couldn't help but laugh at how this sounded like a weird, early morning version of Cinderella. She walked over to the closet. She opened it and was greeted by a pile of shopping bags. She wondered how they picked the size of the "underthings".



"Alright. Tell Donghae I'll see him at 8," Lily said, braving some cheekiness.



Henry barked a laugh and said, "Wait wait wait," followed by a change in sound. He's put her on speakerphone. "Can you say that again, Lily? I didn't quite hear you."



Blushing and with a wide smile, Lily repeated, "I said, tell Donghae I'll see him at 8."



She ended the call right away, but not before hearing a chorus of whoooo-ing and clapping.









Everyone was patting him on the back, on his shoulder, nudging him, and ruffling his hair. He buried his face in his hands, not wanting them to see the huge smile that didn't want to go away. He wanted to smack Henry for doing that, but he was also glad he did. It was wonderful to hear her say his name. And in an hour, he'd see her again.



What the hell, Donghae?! his good sense said in his head. You've known her what, a day? A day and a half? Why the hell are you acting like this?!



He didn't know. He really really did not know. But from that moment on the train when he was holding her hand and thought, "This girl is something," he didn't want to let her go. He can't even believe that he thought her a mistake when they first met. She felt so comfortable. He wanted to be near her, looked for excuses to touch her. Last night…








He sat across from her. What a beautiful view he had. Lily looked so happy, which made him happy, too. He felt energetic even though he probably should be dead tired right then. But her smile and her laugh were making him feel giddy. It took some effort to not stare at her the whole time and also to not kick Siwon under the table for being beside her and being all… gentlemanly. It was irrational, but her smiles should be directed towards him. He wanted to own those smiles. And maybe those lips…



Suddenly, Lily got up. Donghae hurriedly averted his eyes and pretended to be listening to whatever Leeteuk was saying. When she passed by him, he discreetly turned around to follow her with his eyes. Good thing he did because a second later, she misstepped and stumbled. He got up in time to catch her. She turned to look at him, their faces only an inch apart. If he leaned a little closer, he could already… The thought took his breath away.



"Careful," was all that came out of his mouth. He wanted to ask her if she was alright. He wanted to tell her to go and rest already. But the way she was looking back at him, there was something behind that look - could it be what he hoped it was?, made the words freeze on his tongue.



Lily blinked rapidly several times and straightened up. No, don't go away, he pleaded in his head.



"Thanks," she said.



"Where are you going? I'll go with you," he blurted out before he could stop himself. 



"Oh. Uh, restroom. I'm fine, really. I can manage," she replied politely. He nodded, letting her go. She took a few steps and stumbled once more. He was right there to catch her again. This time, he didn't ask permission and just wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand. She was clearly too drunk to walk and he wasn't taking any chances. After asking a passing waiter where the restroom was, he guided her slowly to it.



The restaurant, being small, only had one restroom so there was a line. A bunch of equally drunk people were in front of them. Lily was really wobbly. He hoped she could make it in there before passing out. He held her tighter, but she shifted. He thought she was going to move away but instead, she positioned herself in front of him and leaned back, resting her head by his neck. He could smell her hair. It smelled like vanilla. He moved closer until all of her back was pressing against him and wound his other arm around her waist. She never let go of his hand. 



They would have to go on the rest of the tour without him because he never wanted to move from this spot forever. Finally, the restroom door opened. Time to move up the line. He tried to nudge Lily forward but she wouldn't move.



"Lily, the line moved," he whispered into her ear. Nothing. He gently shook her. Nothing. She was completely out. He knew this would happen. There's no other choice but to bring her back to the hotel. He tried maneuvering her onto his back but the moment he let go slightly, she threatened to topple over. Luckily, Henry stepped next to him in line. Together, they got her onto his back and into the car. He told Henry that he could bring her back by himself and that he could go back to the others. Henry just nodded, already tipsy enough not to care.



As he was walking down the corridor to her room, Lily stirred. He told her to go back to sleep and she did. Arriving at her door, he realized that she'd left her bag at the restaurant. Gingerly, and trying his best not to get any y thoughts, he felt her pockets for the key. They were empty. How the heck is he gonna bring her in?



You can take her back to your room. You have the key to that… said a naughty voice in his head. He shook his head hard to make it shut up. This wasn't the time for hormones to be talking.



Right then, a coordi noona exited from the room next door. He requested for her to try getting a key from the reception. With a curious and slightly judging look, she agreed. Ten minutes later, she came back with the key. Both of them settled Lily on the bed. Feeling like it wasn't right to leave her like that, he made another request. He wanted Lily to be comfortable. Exiting the room until the noona was finished, he leaned on the wall outside and closed his eyes. He was really tired. But he wanted to stay with her and watch her sleep. He can't do that. Alone in a room with her… He didn't trust himself.



Finally, the coordi noona came out. He thanked her profusely. She just gave him a look that said, "Kids. I don't even wanna know." and left. As quietly as possible, he re-entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed. He'll just watch her for five minutes. Just five minutes, and then he'll leave. 



Lily stirred. He froze. She never opened her eyes. He relaxed. She sighed, a contented smile on her lips. Out of its own volition, his body moved, bringing him close until his face was hovering right above hers. He took a good look, admiring every little bit - the way her eyebrows were arched, the way her lashes curled up from her eyelids, her flushed cheeks and peculiarly round little nose, her full, pouty, pink lips…



He closed his eyes and leaned in. Then, abruptly, he stopped, and opened his eyes. He looked at her lips once more. No, he couldn't do it. She should be conscious when he does it. Mustering all self-control he had left, he whispered, "Good night," and planted a light kiss on her forehead. That will do. For now.



*end flashback*





"So what happened last night?" Hyukjae asked. "Seems like you two suddenly became a lot closer."



"You jealous?" Shindong joked.



"Of Donghae or of Lily?" Sungmin quipped.



"Probably of Lily!" Ryeowook said, making everyone laugh.



"Aish, shut up you guys," Hyukjae said, pouting. He turned his attention back to Donghae. "So?"



"Nothing happened. I brought her back to her room," Donghae replied, shrugging.



"And?" Zhou Mi prodded.



"And then I went back to my room," Donghae said.



"That's it? Nothing in between? Nothing juicy that would make her want to 'see you at 8'?" Henry questioned further, doing a horrible imitation of Lily.



"A gentleman should never kiss and tell," Siwon lectured as he settled down with his second large cup of coffee.



"Siwon's right," Leeteuk agreed. "Lily is a nice girl and you shouldn't be talking about her like that."



Everyone shifted in their seats uncomfortably. 



"But really Donghae, what happened?" Leeteuk finally gave in, smiling his cute dimpled smile.



"He already said nothing happened so will you guys shut up about it?" Kyuhyun complained, sounding really irritated.



"Looks like our little baby's still sleepy. Here, eat some food. It'll help cure the grumpiness," Yesung said, stuffing Kyuhyun's mouth with a danish. Their maknae shot daggers out of his eyes towards him and took a huge, angry bite out of the bread.



"Are you guys finished with breakfast? It's time to do your hair and makeup," their manager popped up. Reluctantly, everyone got up to do their job.









Lily felt like such a VIP for arriving at Circular Quay in a town car. There weren't that many people since it's Sunday and it's not 8AM yet. Still, she was a bit self-conscious as she stepped off the vehicle. Thanking the chauffeur once more, she walked towards the Sydney Opera House. Even though she's been here a few times, the view still made her stop and look around. To her right were quaint little shops and cafes. To her left were the harbor where seagulls flew freely and the famous Sydney bridge. She inhaled deeply as a light breeze blew from the water. It was freezing but in a lovely way. Smiling, she took out her phone and took a picture of the scenery. It was a quiet, sunny winter morning. It felt great.



"BAH!" someone shouted right into her ear.



"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Lily shrieked, almost dropping her phone. Instinctively, she started lashing out towards the direction of the sound.



"Ouch! Ow! Stop it! It's me! IT'S ME! STOP!" Kyuhyun yelped, catching her hand.



"You sonofaGRRRRRRR!!!" Lily growled, using her other hand to hit him some more. "I almost jumped into the water because of you! WTF Kyu!"



"Quit it, Lily!" Kyuhyun ordered, catching her other hand. He pinned it down to her sides. "I was just saying good morning!"



"In what language?! Self-absorbed airhead tongue?!" Lily snapped back. 



"Kyuhyun, what are you doing?" Siwon asked as he approached. "Hey, Lily. Here, brought you some coffee."



Kyuhyun let go of her and walked away, chuckling silently. She accepted the coffee Siwon handed her. It felt nice and hot in her hands. How wonderful would it be to pour this steaming cup all over Kyuhyun?



"I'm sorry about whatever that was. Our baby likes to torture people. I guess he found a new target," Siwon said, walking with her towards the rest of the group, who were visibly eating at a cafe nearby.



"It's alright. I think I'm getting used to it. Hey, thanks for…" She looked at him and momentarily forgot what she was going to say. She wasn't really paying attention awhile ago because of the creature that hell threw up called Kyuhyun, but now she saw Siwon and damn… 



Please forgive me, Clare, Lily thought.



He was wearing a plain, white, round neck t-shirt that clung to his body in just the right way - not too tight, not too lose, comfortable looking jeans, a pair of black combat boots, and aviator shades. When he took a sip of his coffee, Lily saw a cute little strand of woven bracelet around his wrist. How is it possible for this guy to make such a mundane outfit look like something out of a runway?



"For the coffee? No problem. I think coffee should be mandatory in the morning. Or any time of day, for that matter," he said, smiling widely and exposing his dimples. Lily forced down a dreamy sigh.



I'm really really really sorry, Clare, she mentally apologized to her best friend again. But your future husband is like the stuff of Taylor Swift songs.



"So how are you? Feeling better? I heard you passed out last night. I got worried when you didn't come back to your seat," he said, looking genuinely concerned.



Lily mentally kicked herself. Snap out of it!



"Oh, yeah. I had a little too much to drink. Sorry about that. I'm all better now," she said, flashing him a toothy grin.



"Yeah, thanks to Donghae," Siwon added.






As if he heard her think his name, he materialized in front of her, smiling his gentle smile, and holding two cups of coffee. He moved to hand her one, but then realized that she already had coffee in her hands. Donghae suddenly looked unsure, and then gave Siwon a "WTF dude?!" look. Siwon returned it with a small shrug and an "I'm sorry, I didn't know"  look.



Someone coughed. It sounded strangely like "er".



"Thanks, Donghae," Lily said, taking the cup that he was about to give her. "I need all the coffee I can drink today." And maybe I can use this one to give Kyuhyun a coffee facial. Lily did an evil laugh in her head, then quickly stopped it. She hoped it didn't show on her face.



"You're welcome," Donghae replied, looking relieved. "Are you hungry? We've got some food here… HENRY!"



Henry looked up, his cheeks bulging, a strip of bacon hanging from his mouth. He smiled innocently. All of the plates in front of him are empty.


        Henry eating        


"It's alright, coffee's enough for now," Lily said, patting Donghae's arm. She quickly retracted her hand when she felt a sharp sting, kinda like those gag electrocuting things you hide in your palm and shake someone's hand to shock them. Donghae jumped a little, too, feeling it as well. He rubbed his arm.



Henry looked at them quizzically. "Did I just see… sparks?" he asked, mouth still full of bacon and scrambled eggs.



The manager came and rounded up the guys. The shoot was about to start. He saw Lily and gave her a polite nod. She did a little bow in return. Ryeowook, Sungmin, and Zhou Mi, who just got out of hair and makeup, greeted her warmly before heading out. Henry gulped down a glass of water and hurried after his bandmates, still chewing. Lily sat in the chair that Henry vacated and sipped her coffee. She could see the boys arranging themselves into poses. She's never been to a photoshoot before so it's rather fascinating. 



The sound of ceramic hitting a tabletop made her look down. Out of nowhere, a steaming plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a peach danish appeared in front of her. She looked around to see who put it there. She thought she was alone. All she saw was Kyuhyun walking casually out the cafe's door to join the others.



"I thought you might need this," someone said from behind her. Lily jumped a little. Seriously, why do these guys love being sneaky?! She looked around to see the manager handing her a small video camera. She gave him a blank look. 



"For your documentary," he said.



Oh, yeah, that. Wow, what a nice manager. "Thanks so much. You didn't have to, really…" Lily said shyly. 



"The boys insisted. And I thought it'd be good exposure for them to be made the subject of a thesis in an Australian university," he replied. With that, he nodded and left.



Crap. Did she really have to make a video of them now? And by golly, their manager spoke English pretty well. Why the heck did he make it look like he couldn't before?



Deciding to worry about that later, she tucked into the meal in front of her. Even if it were really Kyuhyun who gave this, it's still a waste to not eat, right? Although he might've poisoned it. Or put laxatives in it. Whatever. She was hungry and there's food. She stuffed her face happily.



When Lily got out of the restroom for the third time (coffee made her pee like crazy!), the boys were back inside for touch-ups and outfit change. She quickly grabbed the video camera she was given and filmed the chaos. In the very short time that she's known them, she learned that the best thing about these guys was when they're being dorks, and the real love, friendship, and brotherhood that exists between all members. If she were going to make a documentary, even a fake one, that's what she wanted to capture.



Zhou Mi was gripping Henry's chin, trying to keep his face steady because he's lining the younger guy's eyes. Henry looked really uncomfortable at the close proximity between their faces. Beside them were Shindong and Leeteuk, talking animatedly about something as two noonas fussed over their hair. Hyukjae was hopping on one foot at the corner, trying to put on a shoe. Yesung tried to help him, and both ended up toppling to the ground. Kyuhyun had three makeup artists working on him, his face covered by big brushes working furiously. Donghae emerged from the back of a dressing screen, saw Hyukjae on the ground, and helped him up. Yesung stuck his hand out, asking for help, too. Sungmin was jumping up and down, trying to see over the dressing screen. A piece of clothing flew out from behind it and he caught it, shouted a hurried "Gomawo!" and hid somewhere to change. Ryeowook was silently patting his pet stuffed giraffe while his cheeks get powdered on. Siwon stepped out from behind the dressing screen as if he was spat out from the cover of GQ magazine.



Lily wound her way around them, dodging all the action carefully. She didn't realize she had a huge smile on her face as she focused on each member. They waved at the camera and introduced themselves. Then, a thought hit her. As loudly as she can to be heard over the clatter, she shouted, "URI NEUN, SUPER JUNI-"



"-OR!!!" Everyone shouted back out of instinct, complete with the hand signal. Lily laughed out loud. She really should try shouting that when they're asleep to see if they'd wake up and do the hand sign, too.



She followed them outside afterwards and continued filming. She was having a great time. Several times, she caught Donghae glancing at at her through the little LCD screen of the camera. It wasn't his fault, really. She kinda focused too much on him, too, like she was doing right now. He really had a marvelous profile. As if he knew she was thinking about him right then, he looked at the camera and winked. Lily blushed. This guy knew how to tickle her fancy.



The shoot extended until 10AM. At last, they were free. The manager has allowed them an hour to have a look around and then it's back to the hotel to pack. Lily's heart sank when Henry explained it to her. They were leaving for home that afternoon. The feeling she had after the concert came back tenfold. This can't be it. It can't be.



"We're going for ice cream… Do you want to come with us?" Donghae asked.



If this were the last time she's gonna be with him, of course she'd come get ice cream, even if it's the middle of freakin' winter.



"Sure, yeah," she answered, trying to sound cheerful. She resisted the urge to hold onto him.



They walked a few paces behind everyone else (Henry was smart and kind enough to sense that they wanted to be alone and so herded everyone else forward). He bought her a scoop of gelato. They walked in silence for some time, silently eating, taking turns glancing at each other when the other is looking away, walking close, very close, but not touching. It was driving both of them mad.



"Are you feeling better?"



"Thanks for taking care of me last night."



They both spoke at the same time. Laughing, Donghae gestured for her to go first.



"Thanks for last night. For taking care of me," she repeated. "I'm sorry for being a bother. I don't normally drink like that. You must be really tired today because of me."



"You'll never be a bother to me," Donghae said, smiling shyly. The way his two front teeth peeks out when he smiles like that makes him look like a little kid. It was the cutest thing, she almost couldn't stand it. "I hope you slept well."



"I did, very well," Lily answered, looking away. She needed to get a hold of herself. Then, she remembered the pajamas.



"Did you uh… last night, did you… change my clothes?" Lily asked nervously.



"What? No. No no no. I asked one of our coordi noonas to change you," Donghae clarified. "I wanted you to be comfortable. I stayed outside the whole time."



"Oh. Oh good. Thanks," Lily said, breathing a sigh of relief. She really didn't want the first time a guy sees her in her undies was when she was wearing her granny . It was supposed to be her laundry day today. He was really sweet to even think about that after everything he's already done.



Once again, they walked in silence. Lily was wracking her brain for something to say. She wanted to say something nice and memorable. She wanted to say a proper goodbye. No, she didn't want to say goodbye. She wanted him to stay. She wanted him to tell her that this wasn't it. She wanted him to tell her… Heck, she just wanted him to hold her again like he did last night.



She gasped when she felt his touch. There was electricity once again and it stung, but neither let go. Donghae pulled her aside, away from the rest. They settled in front of a fish and chips stand.



"Lily, I…" Donghae started, hesitating. "I know that we just met. And this must be crazy. But would you… go out on a date with me?"



"B-but you're leaving. Today. How…?"



"I'll find a way. Just say yes and I'll find a way."



"Yes, I'd love to go out with you."








At last. At last. AT LAAAAAAST!!! I'm done with this chapter! After 4 long days! Mwahahahaha! And now I can sleep (it's 5AM!)


I really really hope you liked it. Yes, yes it's that song. I haven't heard it personally but the line was perfect! :))


So, Donghae's already made a move. Where will that go? What about Siwon? And who else wants to kill Kyuhyun? :)) 


I also just want to say… Don't count anybody out. ;)


Thank you everyone who read, commented, and subscribed. I'm happy to say that the next chapter is already halfway done as of the posting of this chapter. Hopefully I won't take so long to finish it. But since I have loads of homework to finish in the next few days, I daresay I'd need a week. (But if you're reading this when the story's already completed, well, enjoy the non-wait! LOL)


You know you're the best and I <3 you, right?


Tell me what you think in the comments!!!


And just because I'm having major Donghae feels...


   y donghae biting lip      y donghae gif   


The man is ASDFGH!@#$%^ y. Damn.


(Credit to: salanghaejjong for these gifs)


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T.T Here it is everyone. The chapter you've been waiting for of They Lost Hyukjae.


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sarapark8386 #1
Chapter 19: OMG!!! i'm taking back my vote! KyuLy is so cute! 키아아아아~
sarapark8386 #2
Chapter 16: I'm starting to hate the girl. I'm sorry. I have this habit of hating every girl who hurts our fishy. 미안해, authornim *bows 90 degrees*
sarapark8386 #3
Chapter 3: Awww~WonKyuHae moment! #ILoveLilysTeam
Chapter 25: Wow! Finally finished reading this. I'm not really a fan of idol-OC pairing in a story except for one other and this just officially became the second one! I feel bad for Donghae though. And I feel like crying now that its over :( no story between Siwon and Clare! lol
Chapter 25: oh....i won't get to meet u! T_T but it's great that ur going to SS5 Manila! ^_^
Chapter 25: Ohhhhh! There's a possibility that we'll see each other! <3 Not hoping too much though, because I'll be working on Thursday, then go only by 5pm. <\3 Which section are you in? :)
Chapter 24: Awwwww..... I loved it! I'm usually picky about Super Junior fanfics, but this was a great read! So funny and sweet!!!
Chapter 24: oh my god, I wanna cry, it's over.
Chapter 17: Siwon, who looked to be in the middle of a sleeping bag endorsement, how is this dude real? Lol.
Chapter 9: Lol, can someone tell me where yunho unknow is,he should really change his name, because I don't know him...lmao...I loved it...!