Football match

EXO Tamer

(A/N: Just so that everyone knows I'm english and I live in England and football here is actually called soccer in America. So that there's no confusion when the story talks about football I'm talking about the 'england' version anyway.... just to clear that up if there's any confusion ^-^)

"Ok so how are we splitting up?" You asked as you walked into the middle of the football pitch and placed the ball at your feet.

"Well there are 13 of us, including you... either way one team will have an extra player." Stated Suho.

"Unless one of us doesn't want to play."

Everyone exchanged a look.

"No way am I missing a match with my hyungs" said Tao as Kris stared him down.

"Ok, ok whatever. We'll just give the weaker team an extra player." You said.

"Then I guess the weaker team is automatically anyone with you." teased Chanyeol.

"Ya!" You kicked the ball at him. Which resulted in him immediately apologizing.

"Ok so who's captain of each team?"

"Kai, Bai, Bo?" said Luhan as he put his hand in the middle.

Eventually it was decided that Kris was captain of one team and Luhan the captain of the second team.

"Ok, then you guys take your picks. Luhan you can start." said Suho.

"Fine... erm, ok I'll be nice. Seeing how this is Chita's first game with us I'll pick her first."

"Yay!~" You half danced as you made your way over to Luhan's side. "High-five!"

"Fine. But I take Tao then." said Kris.


*wait a minute! Who the hell is Baozi?!*

You watched Xiumin approach your team and high-five Luhan.

"So you're Baozi?"


"Waa! So cute!" You poked his cheek as he puffed them up.

"What are you two doing?" shouted Tao from the other team. You only replied by turning around and sticking your tongue out at him, he also simply replied by sticking his tongue back at you.

"Aigoo, he's such a baby." You whispered to Xiumin who replied with a 'look'

"He's the maknae, so I guess it's his right, and besides... you stuck your tongue out first at him."

"Meh. I guess you're right."

"Kai." said Kris and you returned your attention back to the team picking.



"Pick Baekhyun." You heard Xiumin whisper before laughing like mad man.

"Ne, pick Baekhyun." You suggested as well, although you had no idea why. You just felt like backing up Baozi.

Luhan let out a loud sigh. "Your lose but Fine! Baekhyun!"

"Oh yeah!" You saw Baekhyun cheer as he ran over to your team holding up a high five. You laughed at his dorkiness as you high-fived. "We are so gonna kick their sorry asses."

"Chen. Here now." You laughed as Chen dragged his feet over to Kris' team.

*I take it everyone on his team is bad then, judging from Chen's un-eagerness to join..... OR maybe Kris is just EVIL :o*

"Chanyeol palli!" Chanyeol also eagerly joined your team going around giving everyone high fives.

"Ok we'll take Suho then."

"Well my team is obviously the stronger one so you can take D.O too."

"What? No. How do you know that? We are obviously the better team and we are going to win this match."

"But I have Xiumin on my team."

"And Baekhyun..."

"Guys maybe..." You noticed D,O trying to say something but both captains were busy arguing over which team was better.

"I have Sehun on my team."

"So? I have Tao who can wushu all of you... well except Conchita."

"Thanks" You interjected.

"Well we have Chanyeol he can..... ermmm..."

"Step on your feet!" You shouted.

"Yeh! And don't think I won't do it!" started Chanyeol.

"You wouldn't step on my feet Chanyeol, would you dongsaeng~?" Innocently asked Suho.

"..well... erm... no hyung... mianhe~"

You laughed at how quickly Chanyeol backed down in front of Suho before your attention returned to D.O who was still trying to say something.

"YA! GUYS! MAYBE YOU SHOULD ALL LISTEN TO THE ONE REMAINING PLAYER!" You shouted over the arguments. "D.O, you were saying?"

D.O thankfully looked at you before addressing the teams. "I was saying that maybe I'll sit out and just be referee?"

"That's fine with me." said Luhan a bit too fast which earned him an elbow from you. "Ow. I mean if you want to sit out that is."

"Yeh... I think looking at the teams, this is one match I don't want to be part of."

"Suit yourself! Let's start!" shouted Luhan as he ran into the middle of the pitch.

"Ermm shouldn't we discuss team positioning?" asked Chanyeol as we all stared after our captain.

*Oh gosh. If the others are anything like Luhan then we are actually ruined.* You thought as you noticed the other team already discussing their tactics.

"Oh right. Fine. TEAM DISCUSSION!"

You all gathered around into a circle and stared inwardly.

"Ok so who wants to be in goal?"

"I'll be goal." Volunteered Sehun.

"Ok so Sehun-ie is goal keeper. From there Baekhyun, Chita and Chanyeol you three will be defenders. Arasso?"

"Ne!" You cheered along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun,

"Ya! Keep it down. Now me and Baozi will be attackers."

"Ok so whats the plan then?" asked Chanyeol who was already jumping up and down.

"...ermm.. I get the ball past it to Xiumin who passes it back to me, then I shoot and... we win?"

You, Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun all stared at Luhan whilst Xiumin happily nodded.

"...Erm maybe we shouldn't even go on the pitch seeing as how quick you'll win and won't even need us." Stated Sehun sourly and the rest of you nodded.

"Fine... lets just improvise then. Now team cheer."

"What do we shout?" You asked as Chaneyol started to drag the circle around.

"Our slogan!"


*Ergh? Slogan? Ergh... ok I'll come up with something.*

"1! 2! 3!"



*well that was awkward.*

You noticed that you were the only one who shouted something completely different.

"What was that?" you heard Kai remark from the other team.

"I thought we were meant to shout out our slogans... That's my slogan." You innocently defended as everyone on your team stared at you, eventually Chanyeol burst out laughing and hugged you.

"Awww you're so cute!" He spun you around.

"Wa!! Put me down Big foot!"

"Ok that's enough hyung, put her down." said Sehun as Chanyeol continued to spin you round.

"Fine." He placed you on the ground and Sehun helped to balance you.

"Wow, gomawo." You said as for the second day in a row your world spun.

"Everyone positions!" commanded Luhan.

You took your place in front of Sehun and in between Chanyeol and Baekhyun as Luhan stood in the middle having a face off with Kris. You giggled at how tiny Luhan looked next to Kris.

"I doubt you look any more intimidating to him then a little girl does." You shouted at Luhan.

"Swap positions with Chanyeol!" You heard Baekhyun join in the teasing.

"Come on little hyung I'll take him on!" laughed Chanyeol.

"All of you just be quiet!" replied Luhan.

All three of you laughed.

"Ya! What's taking so long!?" You heard Kai shout from the opposite team. That reminded you to check his position.

*Dammit! Why is he an attacker?!*

You looked at the other teams positions. Tao was in goal whilst Suho, Lay and Chen were defenders with Kris and Kai being attackers.

"Hey! Referee, maybe you could come over here and start the game!" shouted Chen. You all looked at D.O who was contently sitting on the ball and staring out into space. Only once Chen shouted did D.O realize that everyone was waiting.

"Oh right... Mianhe?"

D.O walked into the middle of the pitch and placed the ball in the middle.

"Ok Kai, Bai Bo. Best of three starts." You heard D.O say.

"Go LUHAN!" You cheered.



"Ok, Luhan's team starts!" shouted D.O before walking off the pitch. You stared after D.O shocked at seeing him shout.

*He actually shouted? Mr eyes-as-wide-as-the-moon-and-as-quiet-as-a-mouse shouted?*

"Ya! Chita! Attention on the game!" You heard Sehun shout behind you.

"Mianhe!" You replied. Your attention went back to the game.

Luhan passed the ball first to Xiumin who passed the ball back to Luhan only to be tackled by Lay and passed to Kai.

"Way to go hyung!" You heard Baekhyun shout as all three of you prepared to defend the goal.

"Here he comes!" shouted Baekhyun.

"I can see that you know!" You replied. "Tackle him then pass me the ball."

You genuinly expected Baekhyun to at least attempt to tackle Kai and not... squeal like a little girl and do a double take when running up to Kai.

"Ya! What are you doing!" You shouted as you heard Chanyeol burst out laughing.

"Awww man." You ran up to Kai and unexpectedly tackled him before passing the ball to Chanyeol.

"Not bad." congratulated Kai as he ruffled your hair.

"Ya! Stop doing that." He gave you a thumbs up and a killer smile before jogging back to his team.

"Well done Chita!" said Chanyeol as he gave you a high five.

"It was nothing. KAI'S TOO EASY!" You shouted loud enough making sure he heard you.

"Where did Baekhyun run off to anyway?" asked Chanyeol.

"He's here!" You looked back at Sehun to see him pointing at Baekhyun who was hiding beside the goal.

"Aigoo." You laughed at Baekhyun. "I guess its up to me and you to protect Sehun and the goal then." You said to Chanyeol whilst holding out your fist.

"Yep! Let's win this!" shouted Chanyeol as he fist-bumbed you.

"GOAL!" Shouted Luhan as he ran back to your side of the pitch cheering along with Xiumin.

"We scored!" he happily annouced.

"1-0" Stated D.O from the side-lines whilst talking to Baekhyun.

"We're gonna win this!" cheered Sehun.

"Oh by the way that was a good tackle Chita." praised Luhan.

"Yeh, I have no idea what happened to Baekhyun."

"Eh. Don't worry about him, he always does that. He's actually afraid of the ball." said Xiumin.

"So why on earth did you want him on our team?" You questioned.

"Because... he's my lucky charm. Whenever he's on my team I always play better" laughed Xiumin.


"Don't bother Chita. Come on, lets get back into positions. Sehun! You all good there!?" said Luhan as he ran back to cover Kris as Tao prepared to kick the ball out.

"All good hyung!" replied Sehun.

Once the ball left the goal it quickly traveled to your side of the pitch.

"Here it comes!" shouted Chanyeol as you both stared at the ball heading straight towards you.

"I've got it!" You charged at the ball and suddenly you understood why people do double takes.

When you realized that the person you were about to tackle was enormous Kris you were also tempted to run the opposite way.

*Heck! I've taken guys bigger then him on!*

You ran up to him but he quickly blocked you with his back, pushing you out of reach of the ball.


You heard Kris laugh as he started to move the ball forwards, backwards, forwards and backwards and there was nothing you could do to take the ball from him.

"You're such a tease." You let out your frustration but kept on attempting to tackle him. "This ain't fair."

"Come on Chita!" You heard Luhan cheer, but there was nothing you could do. Finally Kris passed the ball to Kai who was then tackled by Chanyeol.

"So mean." You said as you lightly pushed Kris.

He gave you a shocked look.

"Mwoh?" You giggled.

"Nothing... just.. I didn't actually expect you to be so good at this."

"Well I'm full of surprises." You winked at Kris before continuing, "I used to play a lot of sports with my dad and cousins. My dad was exceptionally good at football so I had to learn some decent skills in order to be able to take him on in a match."

You smiled at the memory.

"It must be hard now that he's gone... I'm sorry."

You felt tears build up in your eyes.

*I hate these memories*

"Yeh well now's not the time to be reminising."


You looked at Sehun who was shouting at you whilst holding the ball in his hands. You ran away from Kris and into an empty spot on the field only to be blocked by Kai.

"Oh man. You again?"

"Can't get rid of me, can you?"

"Hmm I do recall it's you who's always running up to me."

He fell silent and you laughed.

"Baekhyun! Come on! We need your help here!" You shouted at Baekhyun to come help you as Xiumin was blocked by Kris.

"Sorry. No can do! I'll just cheer you on from the side lines!" replied Baekhyun.

You rolled your eyes as this time Kai laughed.

"Is he always like this?"

"Pretty much."

"Aigoo. Still bringing you luck Baozi!?" You shouted at Xiumin as you noticed him struggling to get away from Kris who was completely towering over him.

You heard Luhan burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Ya! Luhan stop laughing!" Shouted Sehun from the goal as he passed him the ball.

"Guess you should go after him then." You told Kai as both of you turned around.

You started to slowly jog away. "Woooowww!" You shouted as you almost slipped on the mud. You felt someone grab your hand and help you balance.

"Gomawo~" You told Kai as you struggled to regain your balance. "What the..!" You slipped again and fell backwards into the arms of Kai.

"Ok.. you two look really awkward." teased Chanyeol as Kai helped you balance.

"You're not exactly helping." You replied.

"Why are you so heavy?" You realized that Kai was leaning backwards whilst you were awkwardly lying on his chest. "Wait let me..." He took a step back and immediately you knew it was a mistake. Kai slipped on the mud and lost his footing, you closed your eyes as you fell.

Both of you fell onto the muddy ground and you heard Chanyeol burst out laughing.

"Well that worked." You said as you opened your eyes.

*and talk about an awkward fall.*

You noticed that rather than falling on his chest or something like that *because that would be 100 times better then this right now* you were sitting in between his legs. You felt him get up.

"I know right." replied Kai who seemed oblivious to your current positioning.

*How to style this out?*

"We- have- two- fallen comrades-" announced Chanyeol between laughs as he ran to tell the others whilst pointing at the two of you.

"Chanyeol stop laughing. You should have helped her up." remarked Luhan as he ran up to you and held out a hand.

"What about me hyung?" complained Kai as you got up from the floor with the help of Luhan.

"Bwahahahahaha!" You heard Kai laugh as though he had suddenly inhaled a large amount of laughing gas.

"Mwoh?" You questioned as you turned around.

Suddenly Luhan was also laughing.

"Wae? Wae?" You asked suddenly panic stricken.

"Aigoo, you two are so useless." said Kris as he ran over to you with a handful of tissue.

"Maybe you want to check out your... ermm.. back?' whispered Kris.

You turned your head and looked behind you. Only. it wasn't your back... It was your . It was completely covered in dark mud.

"Aish." You hissed as you took some tissue and start to whip yourself. Kai continued to laugh.

"Ya! I don't know why your laughing, maybe you should get up and check yourself out." Said Kris as he took some of the dirty tissue from you.

Kai got up and spread his arms out as he turned to show you his back.

"Omo!" You, Kris and Luhan all burst out laughing.

"Oh gosh. If you thought I was bad you should think again."

Kai looked over his shoulder and gasped.

Not only was his dirty but so was his entire shirt and not to mention the back of his head.

"Meh! I'll survive."

"Yeh sure. You'll survive, but I'm not too sure whether your hair will." you teased.

"Wae?" He brought his hand up to his hair and his eyes immediately widen.

"Now who's related to D.O?" You teased.

"SAVE MY HAIR!" He ran off the pitch and up to D.O who looked absolutely confused.

"Carry on?" You asked Luhan as you finished wiping the worst of the mud.

"I guess... Kris?'

Kris took the last dirty tissue from you.

"I'll just throw this in the bin and then we'll carry on."

"You ok?" asked Chen as he came up to you.

"Ne. Just a bit dirty."

"A bit?" giggled Suho.

"Shush, nothing I can't scrub off. Anyway, show must go on!"

"Ok positions everyone!" shouted Luhan as you walked back to your position, carefully avoiding the mud.

"It'll survive." said Kai as he walked past you to take his place.

"Wa! Chita you ok!?" You heard Sehun ask you from the goal.

"All good." You gave him a thumbs up before focusing on the ball.


After half an hour Kris and his team had scored two goals whilst your team had only scored one more.

"Come on Xiumin! We have Baekhyun on our team, shouldn't his luck be working by now!" You shouted as Baekhyun tackled Lay.

"Well he's not on the pitch so I don't think it's working!" replied Xiumin as Lay passed the ball to Chen.

"Baekhyun! Come here now! At least stand on the pitch!" You shouted at Baekhyun.

"Fine." grumbled Baekhyun as he stood on the side of the pitch.

"Aigoo... He's on now Baozi, so you should play better!" You shouted at Xiumin.

"Chita, I think you're gonna have to cover Baekhyun." said Chanyeol.

"I know." You sighed and walked over to Baekhyun. "No running off, I'll cover you." You told him.


"Wa! It's coming!" Shouted Baekhyun as he hid behind your back.

"Let me go!" You shouted back as Baekhyun dragged you around as he attempted to hide from the ball.


The ball was kicked directly in both your and Baekhyun's direction. You didn't know who kicked it but all you knew was that the ball seemed to be traveling really fast and its current goal was your face.

"OMO!" You shouted as you stood rooted to the floor (mainly because Baekhyun was holding you whilst hiding behind you)."

"Look out Chita!" You heard Sehun shout. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for the impact.

*Please don't break my nose!*

You heard the ball impact something but didn't feel any pain.


You opened one eye first and then let out a sigh of relief.

Luhan had managed to save your face from the ball by kicking the ball mid-air.

"Wa! That was daebak!" Shouted Chanyeol as he ran up to Luhan giving him a high five.

"You saved me!" Rejoiced Baekhyun as he came out from hiding behind you.

"You? I think  you mean I saved Chita." replied Luhan as he gave Baekhyun a glare before turning to you giving you a heart-stopping smile.

*I feel as if I'm staring at perfection*

"Ergh... erm... Kamsahamnida," You thanked Luhan as a blush over came your cheeks.

"Omo! Are you ok Chita? Your suddenly turning red. Maybe it's the shock?" said Chanyeol as he came up to and placed his palm on your forehead. "But you dont have a fever."

"Ergh, no I'll be fine." You said as you plotted how to kill Chanyeol later.

"Game on?" asked Luhan as he gave you a knowing smirk.

"Yeah. Sure... why not?"

"It's getting a bit hot here." teased Baekhyun as he walked past you.

*He did not just say that?* You stood in your spot dumbfounded. *That adds another person to my list to kill.*

"Ok second part of the match now! Get in your positions everyone!" shouted D.O as he walked onto the middle of the pitch, placing the ball in between Kris and Luhan.

*Things get serious from now on!*

"Ya! Hyung? Are you sure you don't want to swap with Chanyeol?" shouted Sehun from his goal as Chanyeol burst into another round of giggles.

*Ok maybe not*

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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.