Bubble tea~

EXO Tamer

(A/N: anneyo lovely readers~ mianhe for the long update but basically EXO-K had come over to London so I was a bit busy ;P I'm also going to Poland on Monday for the holidays so I might try to stick in a chapter tomorrow but if I'm not able to I apologise in advance. If there's no chapter up tomorrow I'll try post one up Thursday the latest ^^ NOW other then that, don't you just love the poster for this story? I DO! I'm so grateful to eunmi23 who designed and created the poster and background (via the stereo hearts graphic factory). KAMSAHAMNIDA!~  I LOVE IT!~ I hope you guys will be able to enjoy the fanfic and please leave some comments and subscribe~ I'M OUT NOW!)



“Ya! Chita!”

You turned around to see Luhan running towards you. Water from the ocean dripped down his face and you felt a smile tugging at your lips.

“Where are you going?”

“Just for a little walk down the beach.”

“Let’s go together then”

His hand slid into yours and you blushed at the contact.

“Come on then.” He led you down the beach, towards a rocky pool.

“Wa! Look at that!” He shouted as he pointed towards a little crab.

You couldn’t help but giggle at his pabo-ness.

“Why are you laughing?” He demanded with a cute pout.

“Nothing.” You slyly said before you lightly pushed him towards the crab.

He let out a loud scream as he grabbed your arm.

“Aigoo.” You laughed “Calm down its only a crab.”

The crab slowly started to make its way towards both of you and Luhan scrambled backwards as he dragged you along. Suddenly he tripped and pulled you down.

You closed your eyes as you landed on top of him.

“Aish you pabo.” You said as you opened your eyes.

The breath in your throat caught as you realized the small distance between both of your lips, you looked into his eyes and blinked in surprise.


“Mianhe~” whispered Sehun.

You both got up and brushed yourselves down.

“Ah!” You lightly screamed as a wave unexpectedly hit your feet. You heard Sehun laugh at you and you gave him a glare.

“It’s cold!” You shivered.

“Aigoo come here my pabo.”

MY pabo?

He gently lifted you just as another wave came. The cold water brushed his feet and you giggled as his eyes widen in surprise.

“Don’t laugh.”

“I can laugh as much as I want to, what are you going to do about it?”

“How about…” He suddenly started to spin you and you shut your eyes tightly whilst screaming.

“Ok! Ok!”



Your grumpily got up from the floor as you rubbed your back.

*It was just a dream.*

Your rubbed your eyes as you looked at the clock.


*Aish, seems acceptable enough.*

You went over to your wardrobe as you grabbed some clothes. You then made your way towards the bathroom.

You quietly tip-toed through the hallway as you heard a snore come form EXO-K’s room.

You made your way to the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into some fresh clothes.

Once changed you quietly left the bathroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen. You looked through the fridge and the cupboards before you remembered that you needed to go shopping.

“Aigoo.” You let out a loud sigh as you headed back up the stairs.

You headed towards your room but suddenly stopped in front of the boys room.

*Maybe I should check up on them?... Then again…what if I see something I shouldn’t see?*

You shook your head as you decided to check up on the ‘guests’.

You quietly opened the door to EXO-M’s room. Everyone was sound asleep. You quietly giggled at the sight. Two of the members were hugging each other on the bed whilst the other four members were scattered out on the floor.

You closed the door as you proceeded to EXO-K’s room.

Once again you opened the door lightly and peeked in.

Both of the single beds had been joined together to form a ‘double bed’? On it three members were spread out whilst on the floor D.O had his feet all over Chanyeol. You counted the members and realized that one was missing.

*That’s strange?*

You looked at the members and tried to recall who was missing..


You shut the door as you looked up and down the corridor. No sign of him anywhere.

*Maybe he just went to the toilet and I didn’t realize?*

You continued to your room nonetheless and looked for your purse as you brushed your hair and put it up into a simple ponytail.

“Found it!” You proudly announced before you quickly covered your mouth as you remembered the sleeping members. You picked up your phone and realized your uncle had sent you a text. You opened the message as you made your way down the corridor.


-To: Chita-

-From: Evil Uncle-


Hope you guys enjoyed your first night together! I’m sure you all got along perfectly fine. Won’t be coming back home tonight so take care of the boys and pass on the message.

Have fun!


You just finished reading the text message when you collided into something solid.

“Ow!” You rubbed your nose as you looked up to see the new wall.

You immediately blushed as you noticed a shirtless Kai. You stared at his abs for a millisecond before you looked up and into his eyes. This only made you blush more as a smirk formed on his face.

You covered your face with both your hands, “Ya… ermm… maybe you should cover up?”

“Eh? Wae?” He asked.

*Because there is a girl under this roof as well who is not accustomed to seeing guys run around shirtless in her house, especially such well built guys!*

You were about to say something when Sehun interrupted. He stood defensively in front of you as he covered Kai with a towel.

“Ya! Hyung! You shouldn’t walk around like that when there’s a girl in the house… especially if she’s not your girlfriend.” He whispered the last part.

“Aigoo….Arasso.” He walked past you with a big smirk on his face and you couldn’t help but playfully stick your tongue out at him.

He shook his head as he fixed his hair.

“Ermm.. Kamsahmnida.” You told Sehun. Despite having just seen a shirtless Kai you couldn’t help but also blush at the bed-hair Sehun.

“No need to thank me.” He bent down to pick up your purse which you had dropped when you collided with Kai. “Here you go, wait, where are you going?”

“Oh, I need to go to the market to buy us some breakfast. We are out of food.” You smiled at him.

“Give me five minutes to change and I’ll help you.”

“You don’t have to, I can man-“

“Aniyo.” He quickly ran back whilst you made your way downstairs to wait for him.

You put on your sneakers and looked out the window to assess the weather.

*Meh! It’s only wet and the sun is out, I guess I’ll leave my jacket at home.*

You heard footsteps making their way downstairs rather loudly.

“Shush, hyung!” You heard Sehun violently whisper.

You peeked your head out from the corner and saw both Kai and Sehun, both of them were overly dressed up with sunglasses on.

“Ergh? Seriously?” You asked as you eyed them up and down.


“Dressing like that only makes it more obvious.”

“Well we can’t exactly parade outside just like we are. We have to look out for fan girls and the paparazzi.”

You rolled your eyes at the two boys.

“Don’t worry about that it’s early for a Sunday so I doubt there’ll be a lot of people at the market also my uncle sent you here mainly for the reason that there are barely any fan girls here, the main inhabitants of this town are older people who, honestly, I doubt they could care less about who you are.”

“I guess you do have a point.” Sehun agreed. He took off his sunglasses and the thick coat.

“You see? Much better, honestly like this you attract less attention.” You smiled at him before you turned your attention to Kai. “Well?”

“Aigoo… Fine.” He took off his jacket but kept the sunglasses on.

“It’s better then before.” You sighed as you opened the door. “Kaja!”  

"Come on you two! We have to hurry before the others wake up!" You stressed as both Sehun and Kai waddled behind you.
You stopped at a grocery stand and bowed to the seller. 
"Anneyo haseyo"
"Ah! Anneyo Chita, kwaenchanayo?"
"Ne, kamsahamnida.... What are you guys in the mood to eat?" You asked Kai and Sehun as you frowned at their fidgety state.
"Ermm... anything's alright?" replied Sehun as he picked up a tomato and sniffed it.
"Alright, I guess we'll have to improvise then. Lets just collect the freshest!"
You started to randomly pick up different vegetables/fruit as Sehun helped you ot whilst Kai 'scanned' the area -.-"
"Wa! What about this one?" Said Sehun as he picked up an unclassifiable green thing.
*is that even safe to eat?*
You both stared at the fruit in awe before Kai cleared his throat.
"Maybe we could try that another time?" said Sehun as he slowly placed the 'thing' back down. He gave you a charming smile and you felt your heart-beat immediately quicken, you gazed up at him. His eyes twinkled as he smiled and his lips- WOW! STOP THERE.
You mentally shook yourself before flashing him a smile and quickly returning to looking at the strange pile of 'thing'.
You then made your way over to pay for all your chosen products.
"We'll take that." Said Sehun as he took the bags out of your hands and handed some to a groaning Kai. "Where to now?'
"Well, we need some meat so I guess we're off to the butchers."
Eventually after half an hour you had managed to gather all the food you'd need... for today.
"Guys, gomawo~" You halted in front of a bubble tea shop and turned to Kai and Sehun with a large smile plastered on your face.
"... you look scary." stated Kai. Your smile dropped and you gave him a glare before clearing your throat.
"Oh well. Guess you don't deserve any bubble tea then, Sehun? would you like some?"
At the mention of Bubble tea Sehun's eyes immediately lit up.
"Ne~" he eagerly replied.
"Arasso, hold this please." you handed him your shopping bags as you entered the store.
"Ya! Mianhe!" shouted Kai as he shoved his bags at Sehun and ran after you into the store.
You stared up at the menu as you debated over what flavor to get.
"Aigoo, I forgot to ask Sehun what flavor he wants." You muttered to Kai.
"Just get him a mango one." 
"Fine." you approached the cashier and placed your order. "Could I please have one mango bubble tea, one honeydew melon bubble tea, and Kai?"
"I'll have the same as you."
"Make that two honeydew melon bubble teas."
You payed for the bubble tea then stood around with Kai whilst waiting for it.
"So what's for breakfast?" he started.
"Hmmmm..." you went through the small list of dishes that you could actually decently cook. "Pancakes?"
Kai pulled a face and you stuck your tongue out. "If you have any better propositions you should state so now."
"How about-"
Suddenly a loud booming voice cut Kai off and you covered your face in shame as you recognized the voice.
"Erm, who's that?" asked Kai as you turned around to eye Minhyun who happily approached you.
"Finally! I've managed to get a hold of you! You're so hard to find!" 
"Well I try." you muttered.
"Are you ignoring me? Because I have been searching for you all around town you know and this town ain't exactly the biggest."
"I'm not ignoring you... I've just recently been busy."
"Chincha? Well before you would al- who's this?' It was as if Minhyun had finally decided to acknowledge Kai's presence, and judging from the scowl on Kai's face he was not all too pleased.
"Oppa, this is Kai. Kai, this is Minhyun." You introduced the two boys.
They both glared at one another and you couldn't help but notice the size difference between them. Despite both boys being around the same height, Minhyun was pretty much a body builder and the tight shirt he was wearing today only highlighted his well built chest on the other hand, Kia himself wasn't lacking all too much. Just when you compared him to Minhyun... >.>
The atmosphere became tense and you held your breath as they continued their stare-down.
Eventually the atmosphere was broken by the arrival of your drinks. You thanked the owner for the tea and made your way over towards the exit of the store.
"Ok. Oppa we're off now." You nugged Kai towards the door as you handed him his drink.
"Wait! Dongsaeng, now that I've managed to finally find you we need to decide when we can catch up again and hang out like before we came here-" he glared at Kai before continuing. "like the old days, just the two of us."
"I think we should go." stressed Kai who was starting to get impatient, he noticed that the female shop assistant kept occasionally glancing at him and he was slowly starting to get scared that she would recognize him and end up calling other fans.
"Ya! What exactly is your problem?!" Minhyun exploded and charged right at Kai and stared him down.
*Aigoo.... I know where this is going now...*
"My problem? I don't have a problem but you seem to have a problem with me!"
"Of course I do! What do you think? Just because you're her new boyfriend doesn't mean that you should hold her back from her old friends!"
"Maybe she doesn't want to spend time with people like you! You haven't exactly given me the best first impression!"
"Well I'm sorry I haven't fulfilled your expectations!"
"YA! BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!" You noticed that a couple of the older people in the tea shop were giving you all dirty looks. You stepped in between the two boys and lowered the volume of your voice before continuing, "Firstly: Kai is not my boyfriend. Secondly: I honestly have been too busy with work and school to go out and all. Now let me introduce you two again. Kai, this is Minhyun. My oppa who I met in California and helped me get in contact with my uncle after... yeh. Minhyun, this is Kai. He is a member of the band that my uncle is the manager of and he is currently living with me along with his other members."
"Oh yeh! Your uncle is a manager." said Minhyun in a completely different tone. "well in that case: Kai... if you or any of your members hurt nae dongsaeng in any way or form I swear I will hunt you down, make you painfully suffer, twist your head off and feed you to the coyotes. Other than that: ANNEYO!"
*always an overly dramatic oppa*
"Well we've gotta go now." as you took another attempt at the exit.
"Aniya! I need to invite you to our next match. You haven't been cheering for me in a long time... If you want you can take your uncle's band?"
"Arasso, when and what time?"
"Next week at 1."
"Who you up against?"
"The Red Wolves. But don't worry dongsaeng I'll beat their sorry asses!" He laughed as he ruffled your hair. You quickly fixed it as you waited for a comment from Kai.
"Anyway... we've really gotta go now." You said as, what felt like the hundredth time, you headed towards the exit.
"Ne, arasso, see you next week then."
"Ne, anneyo~" 
You quickly left the store as Kai followed behind you quietly laughing.
You handed Sehun his drink before turning on Kai.
"Ya! Stop laughing."
At that Kai burst out into a fit of laughter and you felt your hand twitch to slap him. 
*whats so funny?*
"Fine. Sehun, kaja, lets leave this madman in his own world." You walked off with Sehun as Kai ran up to you from behind and ruffled your hair.
*he did NOT just do that*
"YA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You demanded as you escaped from his grasp and hid behind Sehun who looked utterly lost.
"Wae? How come that guy could do that and I can't?" he pouted. You glared at him as if the question was the most illogical thing ever.
"Because I've known him much longer than I've known you. I only met you yesterday." You laughed as he continued to pout and you stuck your tongue out at him.
"Ok. So you two leave me outside the store to stand for only five minutes alone but when you come back I have absolutely no idea what's going on. Why are you two like this! You enter as two strangers and leave as two best friends! I WANNA KNOW WHATS GOING ON! Maybe Kai should stay outside now and I'll go into the store with Chita." You and Kai both laughed at Sehun's mini tantrum who only sighed.
"Lets go home and cook the other's something to eat before they wake up and complain." You laughed as you skipped ahead completely forgetting to take your bags from Sehun and leaving him to tag them along whilst awkwardly drinking his bubble tea.
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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.