
EXO Tamer

The three of you entered your home only to be greeted with silence.

"Well.... at least we managed to get home before they woke up." You whispered.

You headed to the kitchen and started to go through the cupboards looking for the equipment you'd need to make the pancakes.

"Ok. I'll take it from here." You pushed both Kai and Sehun out the kitchen. You didn't exactly want them to see the mess you always make when cooking pancakes. "Go watch T.V or something. I'll tell you when you can wake the others."

Yoiu shut the kitchen door and started to unpack the shopping.

*I hope I burn less than half of them this time*


After 20minutes the pancake mixture was done. You searched for an apron as you dusted the flour (or should that be threw the flour?) off the counter.

"Here we are!" You annouced as you pulled a pan out from beneath a stack of them, this though resulted in all of them toppling over as you quickly side-stepped.


"Need some help?" asked Kai as he walked into the kitchen.

"Aniya!" You charged at him and pushed him out the kitchen firmly shutting the door in his face. "I'd rather you guys leave me alone whilst I do this."

You heard him chuckle. "Aigoo, you remind me of D.O"

You rolled your eyes before returning to making the pancakes.


You ended up frying around 30 pancakes and proudly smiled to yourself.

*Only some of them are partly burnt*

"Guys you can wake the others now." You poked your head out from the kitchen just as you saw Sehun about to turn the stereo on.

"Aniiii-" But it was too late. Music blasted out full volume and the whole house shook, the worst part of it all was the fact that currently Linkin Park was screaming his head off in the song 'Given up'.
You quickly ran to the stereo as Sehun covered his ears. You noticed him shouting something along with Kai but you couldn't exactly hear because of the music.

"You pabo!" You shouted despite the fact that you couldn't even hear yourself.

You managed to turn the stereo off and an awkward silence overcame the house.

"Well.... that was interesting." said Kai as he causually returned to watching the T.V. You heard loud footsteps come from upsatirs.

"At least it woke them up." You ran back into the kitchen as you heard someone stampede down the stairs.

"Omo!!! What happened!? What was that?! What time is it?! What's going on?!" You heard Chanyeol demand. You laughed to yourself.

"Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes!" You shouted as you made your way over to the fridge.

You lost your balance and tumbled to the ground as somoeone entered the kitchen.

"Ow." You said as you looked up at the two imposters. Kris and Chen.

"Why are you lying on the floor like that?" asked Chen.

You rolled your eyes as you dusted yourself off.

"Oh it's just such a comfortable floor I couldn't resist.

"What happened here?" asked Kris as his eyes scanned the kitchen. You dusted the flour off yourself as you went over to stand beside them, and for the first time you took in the scene of the kitchen.

Everything was everywhere.

The pans you had previously dropped were still on the floor whilst the pan with which you had cooked the pancakes was lying on the cooker with pancake mixture around it. The rest of the kitchen was pretty much covered in flour and there was egg shell on the floor from where you had accidently dropped an egg. Apple skin was stuffed in a corner of the counter and strawbeery leaves were scattered around the cutting counter. The only place which looked decently clean was where the ready food was. The pancakes were stacked high and the different fruit were all individually placed in bowls.

All in all, you were quite a messy cook.

"Out!" You said as you pushed Kris and Chen out the door.

"Maybe you want some help with cleaning?" Said Chen as you slammed the door shut.

... You looked around the kitchen and sighed in defeat.

You opened the kitchen door again to see Chen smiling a you with a knowing-smile whilst you heard Kris charging up the stairs, shouting for Luhan.

"Ok... but first. We should eat."

You allowed Chen to help you take all the food to the table whilst dodging various ingredients scattered on the kitchen floor.

"Always this messy?" He asked as you held the door open for him.


He laughed as you almost dropped the chocolate sauce.

"Maybe you should allow D.O to cook..... every now and then?"

"Hmmm.... aniya, I doubt you guys can actually cook... you are stars after all. BREAKFAST SERVED!" You annouced before Chen could reply.

You placed the food on the table and were dragged down onto your seat by Chanyeol who eagerly helped himself to the food.

You took a pancake and a bunch of strawberries with cream, and stuffed the food in your mouth.


You happily munched on the food with Chanyeol whilst the others slowly started to join you at the table. The last to joinwas Kris who was dragging a rather sleepy looking Luhan.

"How much do you guys usually sleep? You all look so tired today despite sleeping more than 12 hours today."

"We usually sleep around 3 hours, if we're lucky that is." Said Xiumin before he stuffed a rathe large cream filled pancake into his mouth.

Your eyes widden in shock (and it was not because of the way Xiumin was eating).

*3 hours of sleep a day, IF YOUR LUCKY! And here I thought with 6 hours of sleep I was lucky*

Kai laughed. "You know I'm slowly starting to think you may be a lost sister of D.O's"

Some of the members laughed at Kai's statement whilst D.O's eyes widden.

You narrowed your eyes and stared at D.O who only widden his eyes even more at you.

"Waa!~ So cute~" you pinched his cheeks before turning back to Kai. "That's not possible... I mean I am not limited to only one emotion you know."  You giggled as you hugged D.O who remained silent.

Everyone returned to eating and talking as you engaged yourself in a conversation with D.O.

After a couple of minutes you noticed that there were no pancakes left. You frowned before you found yourself staring at Chanyeol's plate. It was full of chocolate and cream and two large pancakes.

Before you knew it you stole a bite and proudly smiled to yourself when he didn't notice as he was too engaged in his conversation with Baekhyun.

As the remainder of the food started to disappear you found it overly interesting to steal bites from Chanyeol's plate, the only person to catch you was D.O who you managed to bribe with bites from Chanyeol's plate.

*bam ratatatatata~*

You hummed to yourself as you and D.O experimented with a piece of Chanyeol's chocolate pancake dipped in pineapple juice.

"YA! WHERE HAS MY FOOD GONE?!" You laughed at Chanyeol who looked ariound the entire table looking for his food until eventually he gave you an accusing look.

"Mwoh?" You innocently battered your eyelashes.

"You. How Did? You."

You lauighed at Chanyeol's confusion.

"You know she's been taking your food since she finished all of hers.... Which was quite a long time ago, oh and she fed D.O too" You looked at Luhan who caught your gaze and winked. You blushed and turned your attention back to Chanyeol.

"Awww hyung! Why didn't you tell me? and you..."

"I told you they were related!" Shouted Kai across the table.

"Saranghaeyo~" You teased as you high fived D.O (who awkardly high fived back). "They were nice."

Chanyeol glared at you.

"Aigoo, I'll make it up to you, for dinner I'll make you kimchi and make sure you recieve a large portion of it."


"Everyone finished?" You annouced


"Ok, I'll clean the dishes and you guys can go watch some T.V and decide what you want to do today."

You collected up all the plates as everyone else went to the T.V with Chen staying behind to help you.

"I wash, you dry." You said as you placed the dishes into the sink.

"Maybe we shoudl start with cleaning the kitchen floor and desks before doing the dishes?" suggested Chen.

You shook your head and headed to the sink before you slipped on some flour. You hit the floor with a loud crash.

"Omo! Kweanchanayo!?" asked a panic strikken Chen.

"Ow... ne." You rubbed your back as Chen helped you up. "So maybe we should actually start from cleaning the floor."

Chen laughed and you smiled back. You took out a mop and a cloth and handed the mop to Chen.

"You mop the floor and I'll clean the counters."

Together it took you about 15 minutes to get the kitchen back into lookin relatively clean. You and Chen proudly smiled at eachother before you remembered the overflowing sink with the dishes.

"I wash, you dry?"

"Aniyo, I wash, you dry."

You decided not to argue with Chen and got about to work.

"So. What do you plan on doing with us for the next three months?" started Chen.

"Well... honestly I have no idea. What do you guys like to do?"

"Sing, dance."

You rolled your eyes.

"Guess we'll just do Karaoke for the next three months." You rolled your eyes.

"Suits me just fine."

"I was being sarcastic. I can't even sing so I am soooooo not making a fool of myself in front of you guys."

Chen laughed. "I'm sure your not as bad as you think."

"Ha! You only say that because you've never actually heard me sing. Anyway, change of topic. Besides singing, dancing and doing that what singers do, don't you guys have hobbies or something?"

"Well Xiumin and Luhan do like playing football..."

"Perfect!" You happily pounded the air before you noticed that the plates were slowly sliding off the counter. "Waaa!"

You heard Chen laugh at you as you struggled to balance all the dishes. "Just wash."  You said as you slowly balanced the plates.

"Anyway... returning to football, yep that suits me fine. If you guys ever want to go out for a match then I'm happy to go."

Chen gave you a skeptical look and you replied by sticking your tongue out.

"But your a girl..." He said.

*He did not just go there*

"So?" You bit your tongue to stop from saying anything else.

*Is this guy implying something?!*

"Erm... nevermind."

"Yeh, that's better."

You both laughed at the awkward silence and quickly finished the dishes.

"So what do you think the others have thought of?"

"Hmmm well that depends... Luhan probably suggested sleeping, Xiumin eating, Kai dancing, Chanyeol videoing, Tao walking.... Honestly? I dont think they came up with much."

"Ok lets see then."

You and Chen walked into the living room only to see all the members sitting around in a circle with Suho writing something on a alrge piece of paper.

*Where did that paper come from?*

"Any suggestions then?" You asked as you sat in between Tao and Xiumin.

"Well...." Began Suho, he handed you the paper and you stared at it.


"Nada?" You turned the paper over but it was entirely blank. "Ok well then, me and Chen came up with a suggestion for today."

You got up from the floor and headed towards the cubboard next to the front door.

"I hope you guys are up for a game of ball." You took out a ball your uncle owned and held it up. Immediatly you noticed both Xiumin's and Luhan's eyes light up.

"NE!" Both Xiumin and Luhan jumped up from their seats and you laughed at their eagerness.

"Get ready then. I'll show you my skill and kick your asses!"

Both Luhan and Xiumin ran upstairs without futher questions.

"You plan on kicking all of our 'asses' on your own." You heard Kris's deep voice ask you.

"Well... ermm... did I really phrase it like that?"

He nodded along with the others.

"Well... If you challenge me then I'll be sure to beat you! Now ka! Get ready!"

You also went upstairs to change into comfortable trousers and a loose top before looking for a pair of sneakers. Once ready you skipped down the stairs with the ball. Almost all the members were ready and Xiumin and Luhan were already at the door discussing football techniques.

"Who's missing?"

"Just Lay."

"Ya! LAY PALLI!" You shouted immediatly Lay ran out of EXO-M's room.

"Mainhe!" He ran to the door and put his shoes on. You laughed before opening the door.

"Come on then! We'll decide teams when we get to the pitch."


(A/N: Its Thursday! (well here it is ^-^) and so here you go, an update! Ok I know not much happened in this chapter but I promise there'll be much more 'things' happening in the next chapter~ well anyway stayed tuned and please comment~

Love you all, maybe if you're lucky I'll post up an update soon. >.<)

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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.