Work, Work, Work - it's what runs through everyone's mind

EXO Tamer



Your alarm had you flying out of your bed before you could comprehend what was going on. You slammed the alarm silent before you groaned.

*Great time for school*

You quickly ran out your room and towards the bath room through the living room. You barely managed to stop a scream as you tripped over your uncle who was sprawled out on the floor in the living room.

*Aigoo, this man* You quietly got up as he let out a loud snore. You tip-toed the rest of the way towards the bathroom and got ready for another tedious day at school. You quickly showered, out on your uniform and tied up your hair into a side pony tail. *There!* You looked at your reflection in the mirror and smiled approvingly.

You got out of the shower just as your uncle was stirring to get up.

“Ya! Ahjusshi, you never told me you were coming home today!” You shouted from the kitchen as you hastily prepared breakfast.

“Mianhe, but it was a sort of last moment decision.” He said as he walked into the kitchen looking as unruly as ever. *How the hell is this guy an organized manager of a popular boy band?*

You quickly prepared toast and looked up at the watch.

“Wae are you in such a hurry today?” he asked as he sat down at the table and started to fiddle with the burnt toast you prepared.

“I have school you know. Not everyone is a popular star who can miss school you know.” You plainly stated, if anything your uncle was a pro at forgetting minor things in a normal person’s life, an example being school. “Don’t you have to go to work today as well?”

“Ne, but that’s later. I have a meeting with Lee So Man and later the boys are off to their goodbye concert before preparing for their comeback.”

You stared at him dumbfounded. “I swear these boys have only just debuted?”


“And they’re already having a goodbye concert?”

“Aigoo, you should see how hard these boys work. I think they deserve a  break… Like someone else I would know.” He eyed you suspiciously and you raised an eyebrow in question.


“What are you doing after school today?”

“Ermm, work, like always?”

“You know you shouldn’t be working so hard yourself. I can afford the bills and pay for your clothes yet you continuously insist on working so hard, as if your life depends on it.”

“Working like this makes it easier for me to live, you know this uncle.” You hated this conversation, no matter how many times you explained to him that this sort of life style suited you fine, he always argued against it, despite the fact that he himself led no different lifestyle.

“At this tempo you’re going to work yourself to your grave.”
”Oh well.” Was your only replied, you stared at your half eaten toast and tried to stop your thoughts from wondering off to your parents, your mom’s sudden death and your father’s mysterious disappearance.

*Why can’t I cook?* You looked up at the clock and noticed it was time to leave before you were late. Before your uncle could say anything else you quickly grabbed your bag and ran out the house.

“I’ll call you later Uncle!” You shouted as you ran down the street towards your school.

“Aigoo, my poor niece.” You uncle took a large bite of the toast before he quickly spat it out into the sink when he realized that the toast was still burnt.


School past relatively quickly for you and just as you left the building you realized you had a message from your uncle:

-To: Chita-

-From: Uncle (manager)-

Im off to meet the boys and Lee So Man I left a decently cooked sokoki in the fridge and managed to buy you packets of Ramen. Enjoy and don’t wait for me, I’ll probably stay over in Seoul. Have fun XD


You laughed at your uncle’s use of emoticons. *This man is too old for this* You fixed your bag onto your shoulders and took off to work.


You arrived at the restaurant in 10 minutes and quickly ran to the back room to get changed.

“Ya! Chita!” You turned around to see Eunjae unnie waving at you as she too arrived for her shift.

“Anneyo~” you greeted as you tied your shoes. “I take it that it’s just you and me today then?”

“Yep, until 12.” She laughed as you pretended to fake defeat.

“Go change Nathan oppa now, I’ll join you in a sec.” You left the changing room and headed to the till to change Nathan’s position.

“Ya! Finally someone is here to exchange me!” He greeted as he eagerly took off his apron and handed it to you.

“Aigoo, calm down.” You laughed as Nathan ran back to the changing to get ready to go home. You attended to the client who had just been ignored by Nathan in his excitement at the sight of you.

“Mianhamnida.” You formerly apologized and took the women’s order before you went about to the other clients.

Before you knew it, it was starting to get dark outside and slowly older men and drunks started to fill the restaurant.

“Anneyo haseyo can I take your order?”

“Ne, can I have this, this and this.” He pointed at your chest and immediately you covered yourself *Tough luck you .*

You ignored his comment and set about to writing down his order as he and his friends started to laugh and sing a drunk song.

This for you, was the night shift, but no matter how bad it got it was better then sitting alone at home where thoughts of your parents could creep up to you and crumble you. For you, any sort of work was a relief. Of course you didn’t need to work. Your uncle was perfectly capable of providing you with food, clothes and the house but he was unable to prevent the painful memories and thoughts of your parents, only work could do this. And since your father’s disappearance, work was a part of your existence. You grabbed another order before you noticed Nathan returning to exchange with you again. The restaurant (by day that is and bar by night) was open 24/7 most days you worked here, but on days that you had no shift you would work as a cleaner and a carer at a Grandma’s house. The Grandma was overly nice and she always insisted that she didn’t need help but you couldn’t stop to rest for a bit, you didn’t want to.

You looked up at Nathan who gloomily approached you and informed you that he was taking your shift. You couldn’t help but laugh at his misery as you took off your apron and handed it to him.

“Have fun.” You whispered as you skipped back into the changing room to get ready to go home.

“Anneyo, unnie and Nathan!” You said as you left the restaurant.

“Anneyo, take care dongsaeng!”

You tightly grabbed your bag as you made your way home through the darkness. Well. Its not like anyone was going to attack you anyway. You lived in a small town not far from Seoul and most of the residents here were emirates in their 70’s.

You safely arrived home and threw your school bag across the room before you landed face down on the sofa.

“I’m soooooo tired.” You groaned into the pillow as you tried to get up. “Eh whatever.” You said as you comfortably adjusted yourself into the sofa. Just as you managed to find a comfortable sofa your phone alerted you of a new message. You looked at your phone and wished for it to teleport itself into your hands. After that idea not working for a good odd 30 minutes. You dragged yourself off the sofa and towards you phone. You looked at your phone and noticed that in reality you had two new messages. One from Eunjae and one from your uncle.


-To: Chita-

-From Eunjae the greatest-

(You stared at Eunjae’s recently changed name as you realized that your unnie had once again gone through your phone, aigoo~)

Anneyo dongsaeng~

Manager was asking you when you plan on taking a holiday? He says you have worked too hard to miss out on anymore free time from work (^.^ or something like that I can never understand what the old man is saying anyway), you better take some time off soon or else…~

I’ll come after you! I have to agree with manager on this one, a girl needs some free time~

Message me when you know when you want some time off,



“Great now manager is going to keep pestering me until I finally decide to take some time off.” You said out loud to no one in particular. You went on to the next message from your uncle:


-To: Chita-

-From: Hot Uncle from Seoul-

(I am so killing unnie next time I see her.)

Chita, make sure you eat a lot and don’t overwork yourself. Make sure your phone is on tomorrow because I need to call you and we have to discuss something.


You looked at the phone in fear, what could he possibly want now? You placed the phone on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa. Before you knew it, you were happily snoring and deep in sleep.





“Well done Yoonsuk.” You uncle looked at Lee So Man as both men lay comfortably on the roof of SM’s building.

“Kamsahamnida.” Yoonsuk replied.

“This boy band of yours, EXO, has been a great success, although I must admit I was not too pleased with the idea at first. It seems the boys have been hugely successful and if my sources are right, they seem to be working very hard.”

“Ne, they are most definitely very hard-workers. They even seem to work a bit too hard.”

Lee So Man looked at Yoonsuk questioningly. “I mean it’s very good working as hard as possible to achieve your dreams but there are certain limits that just shouldn’t be crossed. Look at Kai, he works too hard and now his waist is hurt as an effective of this.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Well…. I think its time the boys learnt to relax, they deserve at least a couple of weeks off before their comeback.” Yoonsuk unsurely looked at Lee So Man who looked deep in thought.

“How do you plan on getting them to relax?” Lee So Man looked skeptical and Yoonsuk could tell it was now or never. Before the idea had clearly formed in his head, he was already saying it out loud.

“I’ll take them to my house by the beach. My niece comes from America, I’m sure she’ll be able to teach the boys how to relax. They’ll be away from the press and my niece will be able to take care of them whilst I sort out any required arrangements for their comeback.” Lee So Man look had not changed and Yoonsuk grew worried, “I trust my niece entirely, the boys deserve this break, it’ll only be for a couple of weeks-“

He was cut off as Lee So Man raised his arm.

“How long?” The question took Yoonsuk by surprise, is this man honestly going to give EXO some time off?

“Ermm, well, well…”

“Three months.”

“Mwoh?” Yoonsuk quickly bit his tongue when he realized his informal tone towards the powerful man. *Please allow the boys to have some time off, don’t allow them to take responsibility for my stupid tongue*

“I’ll give them three months with your niece. No more and no less. Take my offer or leave it. Either way after the three months the boys are to be back in an even better shape. During those three months though, it’ll be your turn, Yoonsuk, to work your socks off, all preparations for their comeback must be ready within those three months. I trust your niece and you to do a splendid work. Protect these boys from the press and make sure that they finally relax. I agree with you, these boys definitely deserve a break, tell them of this mini vacation.”

Yoonsuk jumped up from his chair and happily strode towards the lift.

“Oh Yoonsuk!”


“Just one rule.”

Yoonsuk turned around and looked at Lee So Man’s serious face. *Oh Lord*

“Make sure they don’t fall in love.”

Yoonsuk was momentarily baffled and could only utter “Nukayo? (who?)”

“Your niece and the members. If its anything we don’t need it’s a heart broken boy group. Other then that, make sure they have fun!”

“Of course.” Yoonsuk stepped into the lift and waved at Lee So Man who had already returned to star gazing in the Seoul night sky.

*Aigoo, I hope everything goes according to plan.*



(A/N: Anneyo everyone!~ Thank you for subscribing *bows* hope this first chapter is not too disappointing I promise to make the next chapters even better. All comments appreciated and I hope you enjoy my new Fanfic! Thankyou~) 

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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.