Tour time!

EXO Tamer


“Follow me~” You announced as you headed up the stairs. All the members eagerly followed you, all except Chanyeol who ended up rolling off the sofa and slowly dragged himself up the stairs. You led the guys to the first, larger room.

“Here is one room.” You announced as you opened the door to reveal the small room. You expected some sort of and groaning but instead the boys remained silent as they examined the room.

*Maybe they’re so baffled by the cheapness of the room that they can’t speak?*

“Is this room for all of us?” Tao asked unsurely whilst giving you an innocent look.

“Aniyo, this is just one room, here is the second room.” You proceeded to show them the second smaller room. Only you groaned as you realized that you should have shown them the smaller room first *Makes the second room seem better no?*“Well…. Erm… it looks bad but… well, this house is sort of small.”

“Aniyo.” Replied Suho who entered the room. “It’s just perfect.”

You rolled your eyes at the use of the word ‘perfect’ *Yeah, right.*

“It’s ok, you can tell me the truth.”

“Ok maybe it’s not prefect but it’ll pass.” Announced Baekhyun which earned him a whack from Kai. “What?” He questioned, you laughed at his honesty.

“Ok so I guess I’ll leave it to you to split into the room and get comfortable. When you’re ready just come downstairs I’ll make some food or something.” You made your way downstairs as the boys quickly split up and investigated the rooms.

You went into the kitchen and started to look around for food. Your face dropped when you remembered that your Uncle hadn’t brought any food for all of you.

“What now?” You muttered as you rummaged through the cupboards. Eventually you managed to find a box of rice, 2 packs of Ramyun and two small squids which had been at the bottom of the fridge.

“I hate squid.” You grumbled.

You set the food out in front of you and stared at it as you wondered what you could make out of this.

Eventually you decided to make dinner in a buffet-sort-of-style.

You boiled the rice and mixed it with a couple of chopped vegetables and made a large bowl of ramyun soup from the last two packs.

When all the ramyun and rice was ready you placed the two dishes in separate bowls and stared at the squid. *I hope the guys won’t mind a Spanish dish as well*

You took the squid and started to prepare Calamares a la romana.

“What’s that?” You almost jumped out your skin as D.O peered over your shoulder.

“Aigoo…” You started to laugh at the awkwardness. “It’s a Spanish dish called Calamares a la romana. Its simply fried squid.” You then continued to placed the squid onto a separate dish as D.O stared at you as you cooked. If it was one thing you could cook it was Spanish food.

“Ermm, can you help me take this to the table?” You asked as you handed the bowl of rice to D.O. He simply took the bowl and left the kitchen, you then picked up the bowl of Ramyun and struggled to balance the squid. Ever so slowly you made your way towards the table in the living room. All the members of EXO were spread out throughout the living room, and everyone seemed to be investigating their own corner.

“Guys, FOOD!” You announced as you slowly bent down to put the food onto the table.

“Let me help you.” You gave Chen a grateful smile as he took the squid from you to allow you to comfortably grip the ramyun bowl.

“Ohhh! What’s that?” asked Chanyeol as he took a seat beside you and pointed at the squid.

“It’s Calamares a la Romana.” You told him and all the other members before anyone else could ask you again.

On your left Kris took his seat and opposite you was Luhan, you shifted your gaze as you felt your cheeks warm up from the cute boy across. *What on earth is wrong with me? Maybe this will wear off tomorrow?*

“Let’s eat!” Shouted Chanyeol as he first dived in for the food.


After everyone had eaten enough and all the plates were empty D.O and Chen started to collect up all the dishes to clean them.

“So when are we getting a tour of the house?” Asked Chanyeol as you sat down next to him on the sofa.

“Oh yeah! Just let Chen and D.O finish the washing up and then I’ll show you all around the house.”

“You seem to have a lot of English books.” Said Kris as he stood beside the bookshelf reading a classical looking novel.

“Well English is my first language and I like reading a lot, I just feel more comfortable if the book is English.” You explained.

“Chincha? English is your first language? Wait so where do you come from?” Asked a rather shocked looking Xiumin.

“Ne, well my omma was Korean and my appa was.. is Spanish. I lived in quite a lot of countries when I was young after my omma’s death. I just moved here to South Korea around a year ago.”

“Ah, chincha? But your Korean’s so good.” Said Suho as all the members started to gather around you eager to hear your story.

“Well I did learn Korean since I was five and I have actually lived here before…” When none of members said anything you decided to simply sum up your life story. You took a deep breath before continuing. “Well basically, when I was first born I lived in Majorca, a small island not far from Spain. At the age of five my appa decided to take me to Seoul but we only lived there for two years. Then he decided to move to Hawaii for three years after which he moved us to Alaska for three years. Eventually we moved to California and when he disappeared I decided to move in with my uncle who, as you know, lives here and is your manager.”

Silence filled the room and all that could be heard was the rain outside begin to slowly fall.

Suddenly Chen cleared his throat and you all turned your attention to him and D.O who were both standing in the hallway.

“We finished… shall we start our tour now?”

“Ne!” You jumped up from the sofa and led the members to the first attraction: The kitchen.

“Here is the kitchen, we cook and eat breakfast here but then lunch and supper are eaten in the living room, if you guys ever get hungry or want something to drink just help yourselves.”

You then led the boys towards the door which led to the garden.

“Here is the garden, it’s sort of large and has no fencing but you don’t have to worry about the neighbors coming here - they are an old couple and rarely leave the house.”

“Where does that lead?” asked Luhan as he pointed towards the little pathway at the back of the garden leading into the forest.

“Oh, if you follow that pathway it’ll lead you to an isolated beach, no one really goes there because this pathway is pretty much hidden in our garden and the second path which leads you there is over grown with stinging nettles and no one in this little town really visits the beach that much so yeah.” You shrugged your shoulders but the members all just looked at you in shock.

“You have the beach right in your back garden and you don’t use it?” asked an outraged Baekhyun.

“What do you mean I don’t use it? One: I never said anything about me not using it but everyone else not using it and Two: I barely have time these days to visit the beach these days.” *Did I just contradict myself?*

You then led the members to the little greenhouse which immediately had everyone running out from there due to the hot and stuffy atmosphere. You only laughed as all the members gasped for breath whilst you led them upstairs.

“This is my uncle’s room which he keeps locked whenever he’s not here.” You said as you pointed towards a shut door.

“This room here is the bathroom.” You opened the door to reveal a rather large bathroom. The boys all stared in awe at the size.

“Wow, even our hotels don’t have such large bathrooms.” Said Sehun.

“Hey, how come the toilet is bigger then our rooms?” asked a frustrated looking panda. You only giggled as Kai whacked Tao over the head.

“Mianhe but I wasn’t the architect of the house, besides any complaints should be towards my uncle it was he, who brought the house after all.”

“Where’s your room Chita?” asked Chanyeol.

“My room is the one at the end of this corridor its beside the bigger room of yours. Oh yeah, how did you guys eventually split?”

“Well EXO-K is staying in the bigger room whilst EXO-M will be staying in the smaller room.”

You stood there utterly confused… EXO-K? EXO-M?

Kai seemed to notice your confused expression and laughed as he asked, “You wouldn’t happen to be a fan of ours Chita?”

You had no idea what to say so you only shook your head in response whilst trying to put on an innocent look.

Chanyeol jokingly gasped as Luhan approached you, “Do you know anything about us apart from the fact that we are called EXO and your uncle is our manager?”

Everyone stared at you as you tried to laugh off the awkward atmosphere.

“Well… you know…” You let out a large sigh as you gave in. “Mianhe but I don’t know a single thing about you, I’ve recently been really busy and I don’t usually listen to what my uncle is talking about.” You innocently smiled as the members all looked taken back.

“How old are you again?” asked D.O who’s eyes seemed to continuously widen.

“Ya! Old enough to work and young enough for you to all be classified as my oppas.”

“Wow, I think that means she know our ages.” Said Luhan to the other members.

“Aigoo, I guess we’ll just have to teach her some things about us,” began Suho “Basically together we are one boy group called EXO, but we actually promote as two groups EXO-K and EXO-M. I am the leader of EXO-K and Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, D.O and Baekhyun are all members of this group. We promote in Korea and all of us are Korean. However EXO-M promotes in China and Kris is their Chinese leader. They have four Chinese members: Kris, Luhan, Lay and Tao whilst Xiumin and Chen are Korean but in EXO-M, get the basic idea?”

“Ne… well, that’s nice.. I guess? Do you guys want to watch a movie then?” You decided to veer the attention away from you as you ran down the stairs to the living room away from the awkwardness.

The boys simply stood at the top whilst exchanging looks eventually Kai shrugged and went downstairs to join you in the movie watching.

“So what are we going to watch?” He casually asked as you went through your uncle’s DVDs.

“THIS!” You happily announced as you pulled out a Jackie Chan DVD.

“Erm, what’s this?”

“You don’t know Rush Hour?!” You asked horrified.

“Ya! Don’t judge me, you didn’t know a thing about us!”

You only gave Kai a look as you whispered “Where have you been all these years?” He gave you a smirk as you proceeded to the DVD player.

“OMO! YES! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!” Shouted Chanyeol as he snatched the DVD out from your arms.

“Chincha? Wait are you a fan of Jackie Chan?”

“Jackie Chan? Did someone say Jackie Chan?” asked Tao as he ran to your side.

“Are YOU a fan of Jackie Chan?”

“YES! YES!” You then grabbed Tao’s arms and started to jump around the room as you two recited some of his famous lines.

“Calm down you two.” Laughed Luhan as he sat down onto the sofa. Tao quickly pushed him out of the way as he dragged you onto the seat beside him.

All the members eventually found their own seats just as the film began.

You, Tao and Chanyeol kept bursting out into fits of laughter whenever a funny scene occurred and you and Tao seemed to remember all the individual lines of both Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker.


“Waa! Next movie: RUSH HOUR 2!” You shouted as the movie ended and you quickly played the next DVD, immediately you returned to your seat beside Tao and Chanyeol as you all burst into another round of singing War!

“War! Hu! Yeah! What is it good for? ABOSULTELY NOTHING!” You couldn’t help but giggle as both Chanyeol and Tao struggled to master the English in the song and with Chanyeol’s deep voice, the whole thing seemed even more comedic.


When the second movie finished you were about to start playing the third one when you noticed that the whole of EXO looked overly tired.

“What time is it?” You casually asked as you notice Tao start to slowly doze off.

“9pm.” Replied Kai as he stretched and yawned.

“Time for bed then!” You jumped up from the sofa dragging both Chanyeol and Tao off.

"Come on guys, you should spend your first night here in your rooms and not on the living room floor - that's where my uncle sleeps." 
Suho and Kris helped you to round up all the members into their own rooms. Once everyone had finally landed in there own rooms (with both maknaes immediatly falling asleep) you bid everyone else goodnight and headed off to your own room for a good night sleep.

(A/N: Anneyo all my lovely subscribers~ Here's the next chapter XD hope you enjoyed this chapter and as you can see I AM A MASSIVE FAN OF THE MOVIE RUSH HOUR!!!! All of them, just gotta' love Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. Anyway ^-^ Im off to write the next chapter so please wait patiently~ Saranghaeyo~
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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.