Anneyo haseyo, my name is Conchita~

EXO Tamer


You stared dumb-funded at the bold man who stepped out the bus. *Ok, maybe I don’t always listen to Uncle when he talks about ‘EXO’ but I do remember him saying that they were teenage boys… since when did they get to looking like 40 year olds?*

“Anneyo Yoonsuk.” Bowed the man as he noticed you and your uncle standing there.

“Anneyo Gongyang, the boys all here?”

“Ne, just getting their stuff now before they leave the coach, who’s this?”

You noticed ‘Gongyang’ looking down at you as you stood there not knowing what to do.

“This is my niece, Conchita. Conchita this is EXO’s coach driver Gongyang.”

You let out a sigh of relief when you realized that this, rather old, man was not staying with you.

“Anneyo haseyo.” You bowed.

“Good luck looking after the boys Conchita.”

“Was that suppose to be a warning?” questioned your uncle.

“Aniyo, just good wishing… Let me tell them to hurry.”

You expected Gongyang to enter the coach to tell the boys to hurry but instead he just proudly side-stepped to your right before loudly shouting “PALLI!”

*I could have done the same -.-“*

“We’re coming!” You heard someone bellow from the coach. You notice someone start to leave the coach.

Your breath caught in your throat as you watched a handsome brunette leave the coach- film style. His eyes locked with yours and immediately a smile formed on his face, somehow you couldn’t resist and a large smile also appeared on your face.

“Anneyo Haseyo.” Came his delicate voice, you bowed back in response but you couldn’t seem to utter a single word. That is until you felt your uncle slightly nudge you with his foot.

“Oh, erm, Anneyo haseyo.” You started to blush at your own foolishness.

“You must be our manager’s niece, right?”

“Ne, my name is Conchita-“

“-But you can call her Chita.” Cut in your uncle. You gave your uncle a death-glare as all shyness vanished from you *aish! This man!*

“My name is Suho and I am Exo-K’s leader and the guardian of EXO, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Where are the other’s Suho?” asked Gongyang you noticed him slowly starting to grow impatient. *What’s the rush?*


“Aigoo… YA! BOYS HURRY UP AND GET OUT MY DAMN COACH!” You stared at the coach driver baffled. *Charming.*

You exchanged a look with Suho who only rolled his eyes as he dragged his bag towards the sidewalk.

Next to leave the bus.. or more like jump out the bus was a giraffe.

You stared at the tall guy who had his back to all of you, he looked around confused but once he caught sight of you and your uncle a large smile immediately lit up on his face. He flung his bag over his shoulder and ran towards you. *Wait! Why is he running towards me?!* You stood rooted in your place not knowing whether to run or not. Suddenly you were lifted into the air and spun around. You couldn’t help but scream as this stranger laughed and shouted a greeting.

“Ya! Chayeol! Put the poor girl down.” Immediately Chanyeol placed you on the ground at Suho’s words. The world spun and you lightly tripped but your uncle steadied you as he laughed.

“What’s so funny?” You asked as you grabbed onto your head as the world slowly came to a halt.

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

“Anneyo haseyo! My name is Chanyeol!” shouted the tall giraffe.

“Calm down Chanyeol, you aren’t on stage and she can hear you.” Said your uncle.

“Anneyo haseyo,” you replied unsurely. “My name is Conchita butyoucancallmeChita.” You quickly uttered before your uncle could intervene. You looked up proudly at your uncle who had a smirk on his face then you looked at Chanyeol who looked utterly confused.

“Erm… I mean you can call me Chita… if you like.” You slowly clarified.

He only nodded as another member got out from the coach. *Aigoo, I’ve only met two of them and I’m already tired.*

You couldn’t help but giggle at this member’s expression, he looked utterly lost and terrified. You gave him a reassuring wave and smile to which he only replied with an awkward hand gesture *Was that meant to be a wave? O.o*

“Ermm Anneyo haseyo?” he said as he bowed to everyone.
”Conchita meet D.O, the completely confused member who I’m guessing has just woken up?” You heard a giggle come from both Chanyeol and Suho which seemed to confirm your uncle’s assumptions. “D.O meet Chita, my niece.” 

D.O’s eye’s only widened as he seemed to notice you for the first time. He then also made his way over to Suho and Chanyeol quietly.

Followed by D.O you noticed a relatively darker looking member hop out the coach. He looked a bit ruffled and confused but when you got a good look at his features you noticed he was actually quite good looking.

“Kai! Come here and meet my neice!” shouted your uncle when Kai simply stood beside the coach staring at you. *Well he is a bit awkward.*

“Anneyo haseyo, my name is Conchita but you can call me Chita.” You greeted as he came towards you scratching his head in a cute gesture.

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Jongin but you can call me Kai.”

“Ya! Baekhyun-ah! What are you doing?!” Suddenly two members tumbled out of the coach as you looked over Kai’s shoulder.

“I already told you my bag’s strap got caught on your bag and yet you still carry on going!” The two boys both started to argue, before your uncle could tell them to stop. A deep voice came from the coach.

“Both of you stop it.” Immediately the two boys stopped arguing and out of the coach came another tall guy. You stared at the new handsome guy as he slowly approached you, it was then you started to realize that he was not smiling. In fact, if anything he had quite a mean mafia look. Kai immedialty stepped out of the way and you shrunk under his Mr. Mafia's stare and this time when he greeted you, you couldn’t even reply.

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Kris.”


“Its ok, he’s not as bad as he looks.” You looked to the side of Kris and noticed that beside him stood a… now tiny looking, member. The one who had first started the argument.

Finally you managed to whisper a quiet greeting and perform a 90o bow.

“Aigoo, see Kris what you did! You already scared her! This is why you should always leave the coach last.” Kris only gave the other guy a silent stare.

Finally your uncle spoke up for you.

“Kris, Baekhyun, meet Conchita my niece.” You bowed again and managed to clear your throat.

“But you can call me Chita.”

The two managed to shrug off your shyness as the other previous member with who there had been a ‘problem’ with approached you.

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Chen.”

You noticed this member had a firm jaw-line and you couldn’t help but swoon over his looks. You regained some nerves before you introduced yourself.

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Conchita, but you can call me Chita.”

He gave you a charming smile before he proceeded to join s.

The next member to leave the coach was a pretty looking boy with a pink mask over his mouth.

He took the mask off as he approached you and you immediately bowed in greeting before he could notice your blush, *this is one pretty looking member*

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Conchita, but you can call me Chita.”

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Luhan.” He replied, he looked around dazed before he noticed the other members and went to join them. *Wae does everyone look so confused today?*

You exchanged a look with your uncle who innocently shrugged.

Suddenly out of the coach came a boy with a guitar strapped to his back and a small rucksack.

Your uncle waved him over as he continued to shout at him to hurry. However this member seemed unmoved and took his time in approaching you.

“Anneyo haseyo?” Rather than greeting you it sounded more like a question, you couldn’t help but wonder whether to answer with a ne or with a greeting.

“Lay, meet Conchita my niece. Chita meet Lay.”

“Anneyo haseyo.” You greeted him.

Behind him a small adorable looking guy followed suite he looked around the road in wonder and you couldn’t help but giggle. *He’s toooooo cute*

“Anneyo haseyo.” You greeted as he approached you, that seemed to snap him back into reality as he bowed back in greeting.

“Anneyo haseyo my name is Xiumin.”

“My name is Conchita, but you can call me Chita.”

“Xiumin your face seems more puffy then usually today…. Aigoo did you eat again before bed.”

A blush crept up his cheeks as he clenched his bag to his chest. You and your uncle both laughed at his expression before he huffed and walked away in embarrassment. *Aigoo! His cheeks are so adorable I just want to pinch them!*

“Aish! Where are the maknaes?” You heard Gongyang mutter under his breath. Before you knew it the guy was shouting again.


This time you couldn’t help but laugh at this man’s fury you were immediately silenced when he gave you a glare. *Well I’m sorry Mr.-sensitive*

Finally the last two remaining members came out the coach. One of them wore a a cute American cap which gave him a basket ball player charm, he smiled when he noticed you staring *wait! What?!* and you managed to give him a shy smile. The other member looked rather like a panda and you couldn’t help but laugh at the two as they both slowly approached you. You could clearly see they were both shy… But to be honest, you were in a no better position.

“Sehun, Tao. Meet Chita my niece. Chita meet Sehun and Tao, the two maknaes.” You all awkwardly bowed and you felt another blush creep up your cheeks as you locked eyes with Sehun *Omo! What is going on?*

“Well that’s everybody!” Your uncle announced as he clapped his hands together. You followed your uncle to where all the members were gathered. They all looked relatively awkward as they clustered around on the small sidewalk.

“Boys! Listen up!” Your uncle announced as you stood behind him. “You’ve all met my niece now so I think it’s time we showed you around the house, follow me!”

The members all started to gather their things and you were all about to enter the front porch when someone loudly cleared their throat. You all turned around to see Gongyang impatiently standing by the coach.

Your uncle then gave you all a crocked smile and started to slowly back up to the coach. “Well…. Actually… it turns out I’ve got to go now… so ermm… Conchita-“

*Oh no! It’s the full name* You glared at your uncle as you knew where this was going.

“Why don’t you show them around and… I’ll… just call… you lot later?’

“WAIT, so your just leaving us? Like this?” Questioned D.O

Your uncle only nodded in response and you couldn’t help but face-palm. He then quickly ran to the side of the coach and jumped in. All the members simply stared at the coach as your uncle franticly waved. Once the coach had turned the corner you slowly opened the gate to the porch and started to make your way home. You turned around expecting everyone to be following you but instead all of EXO was staring at the empty road. You cleared your throat but there was still no response. *What the?*

Suddenly your phone blasted out some music informing you of a text message, that was when all twelve eyes turned to look at you.

“Hehe.” You took your phone out form your pocket and looked at the message.


-To: Chita-

-From: Eunjae-

Just got out from the cinema, I’ll call manager oppa now but.. You want a three month holiday, right?


You decided to text back your unnie as you searched for your keys to the house.


-To: Eunjae-

-From: Chita-

Well it’s not exactly a holiday but yeah… three months off would be nice, doesn’t need to be with pay tell manager that I’ll work it all off when I get back.

Gomawo~ ^^


You sent the message just as Suho hobbled over to your side.

“So I take it you guys do want to come inside then?” You laughed as you found your keys and opened the doors.

As soon as you entered the house you threw the keys onto the counter and invited EXO inside.

“Come on in, it looks like there’ll be a storm tonight.” You announced as you noticed that the clouds had started to turn grey. “Once you’re all inside I’ll give you a tour of the house, tell you some rules and show you your rooms.”

As the corridor started to slowly overflow with the members you urged them all on inside, “Come on, come on. Treat this as your own house. You and me will be sharing the same roof for the next three months!”

Slowly you noticed the members start to relax, suddenly Chanyeol shot through s and flung himself on the coach.

“Home sweet home!” He shouted into the sofa, you giggled at the sight.

“Ya! What do you think you’re doing?!” Demanded Kris as he started to prod Chanyeol off the sofa.

“Aniyo, it’s ok. I did say feel at home.”

Your eyes met and you couldn’t help but melt at the intensity of his gaze. Suddenly from his mafia face, a smile broke through. His smile immediately lit up the room and you couldn’t help but smile back like a fool.

It was only when Suho tapped your shoulder that you were brought back into reality, only the smile stayed plastered on your face.

“So dongsaeng? Care to show us our rooms?”




(A/N: Next chapter yay~ I could keep writing but I promised my omma I'd go to bed early today, so I kept my promise to you and now I've also got to keep my promise to my omma. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and DON'T YOU JUST <3 EXO? Especially their signature smiles *o* *cough*especiallyKris*cough* anyway well, please stick around to my story and now that the members have all arrived Im sure it'll be much more fun ;P

Im out! Kamsahamnida~)

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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.