Preparations for THEM

EXO Tamer


“Damn this!” You shouted out loud informing the entire school of your displeasure. Another E in History. *Damn you, you stupid teacher*

History was most definitely not your favorite subject, but it was compulsory. It’s not your fault you had fallen asleep on the sofa before doing your homework…. Yeh, ok it was your fault. You sighed, defeated, as you headed out of school and turned your phone on. *I wonder when Uncle’s going to call me?*

You started to head towards your next job, helping the grandma. Her house was only a 15 minute walk from your school so you decided to go snail pace. As if on queue, your uncle called.

You picked up your phone just as you slipped on the curb and tumbled down.

“Owww!” You shouted into the phone.

“Mwoh?!” asked your panic stricken uncle.

“Never mind.” You stood up and dusted down your skirt, this is one cursed curb. No matter how many times you pass this same curb you would ALWAYS fall, no exceptions.

“Aigoo, great way to answer the phone. Anyway, I’m coming home tomorrow.”

An awkward silence followed as you started to wonder why on earth your uncle would call to inform you of such a thing, usually he just came and went. You’d only know he was home whenever you tripped up over him as you headed towards the shower in the morning.

“Ermmm, so?”

“As always so charming, my niece. Well anyway tomorrow I hope you can take a day off, we are having guests coming over in the afternoon and I need you to help me clean the house before they arrive.”

“Who’s coming over?”

“You’ll see, so can you take the day off?”

“Well tomorrow is Saturday so I do have the morning free…”

“What about the afternoon?”

“I guess I’ll work something out.”

“Good girl. Anyway see you tomorrow morning then.”

“Yep, Anneyo”

You put the phone back into your bag and looked up at the small cupcake store…. *I guess I do deserve treat* You went inside and decided to order.



“Ya! Boys!” shouted Yoonsuk as he attempted to grab the attention of both EXO-K and EXO-M, all of who were vigorously practicing MAMA together.

The boys were oblivious to his attempts at grabbing their attention and were only focused on perfecting their dance.

Suddenly the song was cut off and all 12 heads turned around to face the culprit.

“YA! Hyung!” shouted Sehun who looked the most tired out of all his other hyungs. “We need to perfect this dance.”

“Not anymore. You’ve finished promoting now.”

“We know, but what about our comeback?” asked Luhan.

“You don’t need to worry about that for the next three months.”

“Wae?” asked Suho who just managed to stop a yawn from escaping his mouth.

“I’ve managed to sort you out a three month vacation!” Yoonsuk announced expecting cheering from the boys, the only thing he got in return were groans, the only member who genially looked curious was Tao.

“Where are we going?”

“What do you mean where we’re going, you should be asking about our comeback.” Scolded Lay as Tao slunk back in exhaustion.

“Boys calm down! I’ve already discussed this with Lee So Man who strongly agrees that you boys should take some time off.”

“But we’ve only just debuted!” argued Kai.

“I know, and your debut was a huge success which is why you boys deserve this time off even more.”

“But like this we’ll never be the best, we’ve got to work hard to get our dreams.”

“Yes but working so hard you can barely walk is not going to help you, in fact if anything it will bring you down.”

The boys all looked at each other in confusion. Eventually everyone turned towards the two leaders, Kris and Suho. The two leaders exchanged a silent look. *What to do? I guess we can’t really argue with Lee So Man.*

“Arasso.” Sighed Suho.

“Where will we be going though?” asked Kris.

Eventually a smile crept on Yoonsuk’s face when he realized the boys were slowly giving in. “You’ll be staying at my house by the beach, with my niece.”

“MWOH?!” Everyone shouted in unison, his niece?

“Ne, calm down. She’s a very nice girl I’m sure you guys will get along perfectly fine.” Yoonsuk smiled reassuringly but immediately doubts were starting to form in the boys minds.

“Anyway, you’ll be leaving tomorrow afternoon. I’ll meet you at my house, until then you guys better be prepared.”

“But what about the press and our fans?”

“Calm down. I’ll take care of everything all you have to do is have fun and relax.”

“Have fun?” whispered Chen as if he had never heard the saying.

“Ne, my niece will teach you what that is. All you guys need to do is….” Yoonsuk looked unsurely at all the boys. Despite the fact that he considered all the members of EXO as his own sons, Chita was his blood niece, he promised his sister he’d protect her no matter what. Will she really be safe with these boys?

Of course he wasn’t worried about the boys hurting her physically but mentally…. He was unsure.

“Ermmm hyung? Is there something you want us to do?”

“Ne… Just… make sure Chita doesn’t overwork herself either, make sure she has fun and relaxes as well.”

The boys look unsure but eventually Suho took the initiative and agreed.

“Don’t worry hyung we’ll take care of her!”

*I know you boys will* Yoonsuk nodded and left the room.

“Ya! Hyung, what do you think his niece is like?” asked Tao as the boys gathered around to discuss their situation.

“I just hope she’s not some big fanatic, I actually do plan on relaxing.” Stated Kris as he lay down on the dance floor.

“Aigoo, I wonder how old she is?” asked Baekhyun.

“Who cares? I’m actually glad we can finally relax.” Replied Chanyeol.

“You all just better behave yourselves though, this is manager hyung’s niece we’re talking about.” Warned Suho. Everyone simply dismissed his warning as they decided to practice MAMA one last time before heading back to the dorms to pack.


“YA! UNCLE! SAVE ME!” You screamed as you dangled from the top shelf after the ladder had fallen. Praise the lord that this book shelf was secured to the wall, otherwise you’d already be under the whole book case.

“Mwoh?!” Your uncle replied as he came into the room. He couldn’t help but laugh at you as you feebly kicked your feet.

You suddenly felt the ladder being placed underneath you and you relaxed your grip on the case as you quickly climbed down the ladder.

You reached the ground and collapsed.

“Never again.” You breathlessly stated.

“Who asked you to climb up there anyway?”

“We are suppose to clean the entire house no?”

“Ne, but do you honestly think the guests are going to be climbing up there?”

“…. Who knows? I don’t even know who’s coming over.”

“Aigoo, you’ll see.”

Your uncle then left the room and headed off to the kitchen.

“OH!” he shouted from the kitchen as you fixed the sofa for the 100th time. “Did I tell you they might be staying for quite some time, like 3 months? Sleeping over too?”

“ANIYA!” You replied as you viciously threw the pillows onto the sofa and headed for the kitchen, ready to scold your uncle. Your uncle though was quicker and managed to run out from the kitchen into the garden. You followed suite.

“Calm down Chita! It’s just a minor detail I forgot to mention.”

You picked up the hose and aimed it towards your uncle who immediately threw up his hands to show his surrender.

“Care to tell me who these guests are now?” You threatened.

“No need to threaten me Chita.”

You slowly started to turn the water on.

“Ok, ok. Remember the boy band that I’m the manager off?” You only nodded as you slowly started to guess where this was going. “Well, they’re called EXO and…. THEY’RECOMINGOVERTOSTAYWITHYOU!”

You automatically pressed the spray button and attacked your uncle.

“YA! UNCLE!~WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOME RANDOM GUYS ARE COMING TO STAY HERE WITH US!” You yelled as you held down the button for the water spray.

“They’re----not----ra—guys---th---EX----“ You kept attacking your uncle not allowing him to take even a small breather.


Suddenly you slipped on the ground and the hose pipe went flying out of your grasp.

“You’ll be able to get to know each other when they come over later.” Your uncle told you breathlessly. He made his way over to you and ended up slipping on the now muddy ground. Before you knew it you were rolling around in a fit of giggles as your uncle gave up and decided to create mud angels.

“What the hell?!” You laughed as you got up and noticed your uncle entirely covered in mud.

“I haven’t heard you laugh in a while.” He said, “You should do that more often.”

“Yeh well someone hasn’t really been around to hear me laugh.”

“So you laugh to yourself when your home alone?”

You could only look at your uncle un-amused. He burst out laughing and you couldn’t help but join in.

“Aigoo, go up and prepare two guest rooms for the boys please.”

“Arasso.” You made your way back inside the house and went upstairs. Upstairs there were four bedrooms. The smallest one was yours and the largest, your uncle’s, the other remaining two were supposedly used for guests.

You opened the door to the guest room next to your room. You got about to working on the dust and cleaning the beds when you realized that you have no idea how many boys there were in EXO.

“Ermmm, Uncle?!”


“How many boys are there…. Again?!”

“12, wae? Just make one room for 6 and another for 6!”

*12 guys?*

You looked at the relatively small room with only two single beds. *How to make this work?*

You stood in the room a good half an hour before you decided to head to the second room to access the situation. No better. The second room if anything was even smaller and there was only ONE single bed.

“Ermmm…. How is this going to work uncle?!” You shouted as you stared blankly at the small room. Your uncle joined your side and also stared at the small room.

“Well…. What’s the problem?”


“Just make them some beds on the floor, take out the spare mattresses and set them out on the floor. Its not science you know.”

“Well I’m so-rr-y.”

You got about to taking the mattresses from the attic and placing them in the room. Once you had set out the mattress in each room you got about to finding enough duvets and pillows. After you had accomplished your mission you proudly made your way downstairs, only to be greeted with the sight of Uncle comfortably sitting in the kitchen SIPPING coffee.

“You know what?... I can’t even force my self to comment.” You made your way to the fridge and opened the door. Empty.

“Hmmm, perhaps you could take the boys shopping with you later when they arrive.”

You closed the door and faced your uncle.

“Oh I didn’t realize you were too busy to go yourself, I’m sure they’ll appreciate this.”

Your uncle only shrugged.

“When they are coming?”

“They should be here in around 20 minutes.”

“Aigoo… So what do you have in plan for these guys for the next… Three months?”

Your uncle looked surprised by the question. “Me?”

“Ermm, ne?”

“Oh right well...” He awkwardly cleared his throat as he set the coffee down. “well.. The idea is that theseguysarestayingonlywithyousoitsabouttoyoutodecidewhattyodowiththem.”

You stared at your uncle dumbfounded. “Say what?”

He took a deep breath as he prepared himself for your wrath *Not only is my neice going to kill me but so are the boys* “Basically: I need to go back to Seoul for the night today and I’ll probably spend most of my time there during these three months.”

Your uncle warily looked at you as he waited for your reaction. *Is something wrong with her? Why isn’t she replying?*

You had no idea what to say or think. *So basically I’m going to e living with 12 boys, ALONE, in this House? Is my uncle mad?* “Let me get this right… You want me to live with 12 boys for THREE months alone. In this house. What about school? What about work?”

“Calm down, I already told you that you don’t need to work so you can take some time off or even better, QUIT… Ok stupid idea. As for school, don’t try it with me young lady! I already know you have a week left of school before the holidays, after that all your attention can go to EXO! YAY!” Your uncle cheered on his own as you stared hopelessly.

“Do the boys know about this?” *Since I’m already in this I might as well take it iin a good stride*

“Well… not yet. I mean they know that they’ll be staying here for three months and all, they just don’t know that I won’t be here.”

“Aigoo, I’m guessing they’ll find out only upon their arrival?” *I hope they aren’t too distraught- wait what?! Why do I care* Your uncle looked helpless as he realized that this could all be one huge mistake, you took a deep breath as you decided to take pity on your lovable uncle.

“So what exactly do you expect me to do with these boys for the next three months?”

Your uncle’s eyes lit up as he looked at you.

“Just help the boys relax, teach them to have fun… Perhaps show them around town, just look out for any fan girls or paparazzi, maybe take them occasionally to the beach, you know basically just have fun.”

You laughed at your uncle, *why is he so bent on getting the boys to have fun?*

“Fine I’ll try, just don’t blame me if they don’t want to return to you later, let me just call unnie now and Grandma to tell them about my upcoming plans.”

“Just hurry, the boys might be here any minute and I want you to greet them!”

“Yeah, yeah.” You ran upstairs and took out your phone. You decided to dial Eunjae’s number. After three rings she finally picked up.


You:Anneyo unnie.

Eunjae:Dongsaeng! Wait a minute! What do you want?

You:Do I really need to want something to contact my unnie?

You heard unnie sigh on the other side as you giggled.

You:Now you’re making me feel guilty.

Eunjae:Aigoo, just ask.

You:Well… Unnie I think I might need some time off work.

There was awkward silence as you waited for her reply.


You dropped the phone in shock and scrambled around the floor as you struggled to pick your phone up as you laughed.

You:Calm down unnie.

Eunjae:Mianhe, but my dongsaeng wants some time off! In this entire year that you worked not once did you take off any time and if anything even worked over-time! Wait a minute! Why do you want this time off? This is actually REALLY suspicious

You:Aigoo… I’m going to be having some ‘guests’ over for the next three months and I’ve been put in charge of entertaining them.

Eunjae:…. Dongsaeng?

You: Ne?

Eunjae:You know you haven’t actually worked that long enough for you to be able to take off as much as three months off… at least not payable months?

You:I know, I know I’m not actually asking for three months off with pay but… would three months off work be allowed. I want to return after.

Eunjae:You pretty much are worker of the month and manger oppa loves me sooo… I’m sure I’ll be able to work something out for you. Don’t worry dongsaeng, trust your unnie!~

You:Ahahahaha I do

Eunjae:Ok right now I’m off to the cinema with my family… such a pain… But I’ll call you once I’ve spoken with manager oppa. Anyway I’ve got to go now. Saranghae dongsaeng!~

You: Arasso, saranghae unnie~


You hanged up and then decided on whether you should call Grandma to ask her for a leave *Well I do only visit her around once a week. I’m sure that I won’t have to hang out with the boys 24/7* Eventually you decided to not call the Grandma and save her the trouble.

“Ya! Chita! They’re here! Come on!”

*Here we go* “I’m coming!” You replied as you threw your phone onto your bed and then quickly fixed your hair before running down the stairs.

You saw your uncle standing at the door holding it open for you.

“Come on let me introduce you to everyone before I leave.”

You looked skeptically at him but nonetheless you followed him outside towards the bus which had just finished parking in front of the house. *Well this is one big bus for a boy band. Well there are 12 members.*

“Chita come on quickly. This side.”

You followed your Uncle to the other side of the bus as the first member got out of the bus.




A/N: Anneyo subscribers and readers~ Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I left it on a cliff hanger bwahahahaha but don't worry I'll try to post my next chapter as soon as possible. I currently have a week off from school so I guess I'll just be typing up some chapters so stay tuned~

Oh! And please comment and subscriber if you haven't done so yet, kamshamnida

P.S I think I need a banner or poster (anything really XD) for this story so if you guys know anyone who may be willing to make me one, plase message me or comment (if you want to make me one I'll also be thrilled ^o^) all help appreaciated

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I like this story!! But obviously someone HAS to fall in love :3
exo ~! ^^ interesting ~ can't wait for it ~~ ^^
I look forward to the first chapter o be posted.