
The discovery

They were so far coming up with nothing to do. All the ideas on the internet seemed funny...but not enough for them to leave the comfort of their cozy couch.

Gikwang sat on the band couch with his legs on top of Dongwoon's and watched TV, while the younger looked through sites and shared the ideas that appealed the most to him to his favorite hyung.

"Oh look at this! We could pull a prank on one of our hyungs by putting hair dye on their shampoo bottle! Won't that be fun!? 'Specially if we do it to Junhyung!", Dongwoon shared with Gikwang.

Looking at the maknae with wide eyes, he shook his head visiously. "Do you KNOW what he'd do to us if he took a shower with blue or pink hair?! You do remember what he did to us just for prank calling him, don't you?!"

Shuddering as the memory of the Joker chewing them out while he chased them around with a butcher knife came back to haunt him, Dongwoon quickly discarded the idea. "Yeah I 'member, hyung. I never want to experience that again...", and continued looking through ideas.

After a few more ideas being disregarded, Gikwang took charge of the laptop while Dongwoon layed on his lap. He typed in their names and looked through the sites that came up while he played with the younger's hair. He'd seen these sites before, most of them were blogs of him and the rest of the band made up by fans world wide. He scrolled through, going from page to page untill a certain site caught his attention. Kiwoon fanfic. If his suspicions were correct...

He clicked on it. And once he did, his eyes went wide with shock, and his cheecks turned red with embarrassement.

"What's wrong, Hyung?", Dongwoon whinned as he noticed Gikwang tense up. Getting up from Gikwang's comfortable lap, he directed his sight at the screen before them. And once he did, his reaction was the same as his shorter band mate.

"W-What is this Hyung???", Dongwoon said, after what seemed like ages of pure awkward silence. He looked around the screen, his eyes going from title to title. Some were specific. Some were vaguely descriptive. Some were even rated M...

Gikwang didn't know what to say to his hyung, mostly because he didn't know if he SHOULD say anything at all. All the topics on this fanfiction website were too much to take in. His eyes scattered around the screen, and settled upon a number on the top corner. 300+ stories?! What is this?!

They stayed there, for who knows how long, untill at last, Dongwoon spoke. "Hyung....I know this might creep you out...but I'm kind of curious now..."

They slowly looked at eachother, both mimicking the look on the other's face, before Gikwang said,"Well, which one do you want to look at, huh Woonie?" Because truth be told, he was curious aswell. I mean, discovering that you and your best friend have fanfictions about eachother having a love relationship, who wouldn't be curious?!

"Hehe, any one of them except the rated M ones!" Dongwoon joked as he scratched the back of his head. He was surprised that Gikwang even went along with his idea. He thought his hyung was going to get up and reject his idea without a second thought. Having Gikwang agree with him always made him happy.

"Ok then....Let's see... How about this one Woonie?" Gikwang said as he placed the cruiser over a title. "It's about us being at a highschool, along with the other Beast Members."

He looked over to the maknae only to see Dongwoon scoot over to him closer, hugging him in order to look at the screen better. He didn't know why but this sudden act made Gikwang's stomach feel weird...maybe it was lunch time.

"Sure thing Kiki!" Dongwoon smiled as he settled his head on Gikwang's shoulder.

"Ok. Here goes nothing..." and click. They began reading.

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Aww thanks! xD hehe
Sweeeeetttttt overload~~~~~ XD
I love your story~~~ :3
@MelodyBS- yes they did! :D
@Kawaiizaki- Awww thanks!!! ^^ I shall!
Kawaiizaki #4
Weee!!!! Love your story. Update soon! ^^,
AWWW so cute ^w^ finally they said their feelings to each other <33
Hehe sorry for the wait ^^;
Love it!!! ^_^ finally!! <3
Ahh thanks! ^^
the best moment ^^d