
The discovery

Dongwoon stayed at the bridge, leaning on the rails for a long time. He wasn’t even planning to keep track of the time. He just wanted to have time to think of how things will be now with Gikwang.

All these thoughts came into his mind, clouding it and enabling him to keep thinking. He sighed as he put his head down, trying to prevent the tears from flowing.

Not long after did he hear an ambulance siren.

I’m not dead you know!’, he thought bitterly as the siren got closer and closer. He decided to not think about it and resumed with what he was doing before. The sirens passed his location, going farther away. Dongwoon decided to ignore everything around him.

After a few minutes, he thought he was about to sleep on the rails when suddenly two arms made themselves around his waist.


He froze when he heard that voice, one that held pain and desperation.

They just stayed there for a few minutes, Gikwang crying and telling Dongwoon something the maknae couldn’t quite comprehend.

After a few more minutes, Dongwoon turned to face the short dancer, who was still clinging on to him.

“I’m sorry Dongwoon! Please don’t think about doing it! I need you in my life! Please!”

Dongwoon stared at Gikwang, confused until the thought hit him. Gikwang thought he was going to jump. Dongwoon let out a small laugh, and returned Gikwang’s embrace. The dancer was confused as to why the maknae was laughing at a time like this.

“Don’t laugh!”

Dongwoon tightened his hug, and spoke softly to Gikwang. “Hyung, why shouldn’t I do it?”

Kikwang, who didn’t have a clue that he was being messed with, started crying again.
“’re still young and have your whole life ahead of you”, Gikwang whispered as he buried his face in Dongwoon’s shirt.

Dongwoon knew that wasn’t the right answer. He wanted the truth. “I know, but that won’t stop me from jumping.”

At that point Gikwang let a muffled sob, he knew he had to confess. “Because...”

“Because what, hyung?”, asked a curious maknae.

“I need you, Woonie. I don’t care if you don’t return my feelings, but I love you and I need you in my life, ok?! I love you more than anything, that’s why you can’t jump!”, Gikwang basically screamed at Dongwoon, tightening his grip on the maknae.

Silence followed the confession, and Gikwang was dying every second.

Dongwoon’s heart was overjoyed when he heard Gikwang’s confession to him.

Gikwang had enough of the silence to know he had been rejected. ‘Dongwoon just doesn’t know how to let me down gently, not that I need it.’, he thought as more tears flowed. He didn’t want to be here anymore. He wanted Dongwoon to let him go so Gikwang could go cry somewhere else. He tried to get away from the maknae, but he wasn’t budging. “Let go!”

Dongwoon didn’t want to. He wanted to keep the short dancer in his arms. Tears flowed out of his eyes as he tried to keep his grip on Gikwang, who was struggling to get out. “No, Kiki. I don’t want to let you go..”

The dancer quit struggling and stared into Dongwoon’s shirt with eyes wide open. “...Why?”

Dongwoon lifted Gikwang’s head and made the dancer look him in the eyes. They stayed that way for a while, and then Dongwoon leaned in a bit, closing the gap between them a little. He smiled at Gikwang, holding his head as he said,

“Because I love you too”

And then he leaned into Gikwang, closing the gap between their lips.

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Aww thanks! xD hehe
Sweeeeetttttt overload~~~~~ XD
I love your story~~~ :3
@MelodyBS- yes they did! :D
@Kawaiizaki- Awww thanks!!! ^^ I shall!
Kawaiizaki #4
Weee!!!! Love your story. Update soon! ^^,
AWWW so cute ^w^ finally they said their feelings to each other <33
Hehe sorry for the wait ^^;
Love it!!! ^_^ finally!! <3
Ahh thanks! ^^
the best moment ^^d