Band meeting

The discovery

*Band meeting being held in Dooseob's room...excluding Dongwoon and Gikwang.*

"Okay you guys, I called this meeting because we have to find out what's going on with those two!", Doojoon said with a serious expression as he slammed the table.

"Aaiish, Doojoonie, be quiet! They might hear us!", Yoseob scolded, grabbing his boyfriend's hand.

"Yeah, and with all this screaming and banging, they might get the wrong idea", Junhyung said, making Doojoon blush like a mad man.

"Ehh..well anyways, like I was saying...We need to get to the bottom of this." Everyone agreed, except Hyunseung, who was too busy on the laptop.

"So any ideas?", Doojoon said hopefully, looking at everyone.

"Maybe Gikwang ate Dongwoon's secret candy stash?", Yoseob asked cutely.

"Noo, Gikwang would have bought him twice the amount he ate, and they'd be fine. Its got to be something else...", Doojoon paced, thinking about more ideas.

"Maybe Doojoon read Gikwang's diary? Its pretty embarrassing.", Junhyung said, receiving various looks from the band, except from Hyunseung, who was too absorbed in something on the laptop.

"You've read...his diary??", Yoseob asked, looking like if someone told him the world's run out of candy.

"He should have learned how to use a lock.", Junhyung stated bluntly.

"Okay guys! Come on, Dongwoon's Gikwangs best friend. He probably knows more embarrassing stuff about Gikwang than Gikwang knows about himself. We need to really think!" And they did, for about two hours, 'till they couldn't come up with any sensible idea.

"Ok, let's just end the meeting here. I'm starving and we haven't come up with anything!", Yoseob whinned as he flopped on Doojoon's lap, who was sitting on the couch.

"Yeah I guess we should...", Doojoon sighed, disappointed they failed to solve this case.

"Wait you guys"

Everyone stopped what the were doing and looked over to Hyunseung, who was still staring at the laptop.

"What is it?", all asked, a bit too desperately.

"Well, while you guys were coming up with rediculous scenarios, I clicked a bunch of random stuff and ended in the history tab. Oh by the way, did you know that frowning burns more calories than smiling?", Hyunseung looked up with his big, round eyes.

"That's not true. If it was, then why are you stick straight while Junhyung's a bit bigger than you?!", Yoseob asked, receiving a glare from the rapper.

"Ah never mind that, what did you find?!", Doojoon nearly yelled, trying to keep his cute boyfriend from the death hands of the rapper.

"Oh, that. Well I was looking through and I found this." He turned the laptop around so everyone could see.

The all saw. They just didn't understand.

"Kiwoon? What's that?", Doojoon asked what they all thought.

"Its a couple, Dongwoon+Gikwang. Fans make up couples like this and write fafictions about them.", Hyunseung looked at them, like if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Well why didn't you show us this before?!", Junhyung said to his boyfriend.

"Well I was too busy reading. They're quite interesting. There's even Dooseob and Junseung.", he said as he winked to Junhyung.

"Well do you think this is what made them all awkward around eachother?", a cute Yoseob wondered.

"Most probably. There's a looooooot of stories that have been read. They probably read them and felt weird around eachother ever since.", Hyunseung stated, as he showed them all the sites in the history tab.

"We figured it out! Great!", Doojoon happily exclaimed as he hugged and kissed Yoseob.

"But what are we gonna do with this info? We can't exactly get them to be friends again. What are we gonna do, blackmail them with this if they don't become friends again?, Junhyung said as he sat and hugged Hyunseung, killing Doojoon's happy mood.

"Well that's true", Yoseob pouted as he consoled a sad Doojoon.

"I know one thing we can do.", Hyunseung said, earning looks from the rest.

"What is it you propose?"

"We read these fanfictions. What do we have to lose?" And with that, they all gathered around the laptop while Yoseob grabbed the snacks.

It was going to be a looong day.

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Aww thanks! xD hehe
Sweeeeetttttt overload~~~~~ XD
I love your story~~~ :3
@MelodyBS- yes they did! :D
@Kawaiizaki- Awww thanks!!! ^^ I shall!
Kawaiizaki #4
Weee!!!! Love your story. Update soon! ^^,
AWWW so cute ^w^ finally they said their feelings to each other <33
Hehe sorry for the wait ^^;
Love it!!! ^_^ finally!! <3
Ahh thanks! ^^
the best moment ^^d