Dongwoon's ride

The discovery


Dongwoon was driving mindlessly, replaying the events that had just happened.
Gikwang ran away from him.
Ran away from him, crying.
Had Dongwoon done something wrong? He tried to apologize, and then confessed his love to Gikwang, but the dancer ran away before he could finish his confession. What went wrong with what Donwoon had said?
All these thoughts and more ran across Dongwoon's mind, who was not even bothering to see where he was going, or how fast he was going. 
The time passed by, and before he knew it, he was driving at a bridge. His thoughts were too clouded to continue forth, and he hadn't noticed before but the gas tank was dangerously low. He pulled the car to a stop and decided to get out for some fresh air, not bothering that he was at a bridge. He needed time to think. So he sighed, got out of the car and walked over to the edge of the rails.
He looked down at the water, thoughts begining to be too much for him. 
The tears fell more and more, and Dongwoon did nothing to stop them as he leaned on the rails, too absorbed in his problem with Gikwang.
Hi guys! I know this chapter's SUPER short, but Im a bit of a hurry with classes and stuff, but I promise the next one's better! :D Thanks for subscribing! leave your comments down below, dont be shy! :) AND YES! This is my version of what happened in Beast's video "I knew it". I just had to incorporate that!  
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Aww thanks! xD hehe
Sweeeeetttttt overload~~~~~ XD
I love your story~~~ :3
@MelodyBS- yes they did! :D
@Kawaiizaki- Awww thanks!!! ^^ I shall!
Kawaiizaki #4
Weee!!!! Love your story. Update soon! ^^,
AWWW so cute ^w^ finally they said their feelings to each other <33
Hehe sorry for the wait ^^;
Love it!!! ^_^ finally!! <3
Ahh thanks! ^^
the best moment ^^d