
The discovery

After Kai left, Gikwang layed down on his bed, too drained from crying his heart out. When Kai spoke the truth Gikwang's been hiding from himself, he couldn't hold it in. 

The reason he felt giddy when Dongwoon hugged him, when Dongwoon smiled at him, or when Donwoon looked at him with those adorable eyes and called his name, was because Gikwang loved the maknae.

He just didn't know if he could go through with his feelings.

Dongwoon loved him...but only as a hyung. Maybe not even that anymore. So if Gikwang went up to him and confessed, would he reject him? Is there the possibility that Dongwoon would return his feelings?

Probably not.

Gikwang didn't think his heart could handel such a rejection, especially from someone like Dongwoon. Someone who meant the world to him.

'So I'll just have to put my feelings aside', Gikwang thought as he let out more tears, not bothering to stop them this time. A few minutes passed as he looked at Dongwoon's empty bed, and before he knew it, he drifted off to a deep sleep.


Dongwoon was tired after pacing back and forth on the roof of the building. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to confess, he really did. But he thought that after all he put Gikwang through, the dancer wouldn't even want to be near him. So he stayed on the roof until he came to a decision. He went to the nearest store, bought one of Gikwang's favorite candies and a pretty flower ( he honestly didn't know there were different types of flowers) and headed back to the apartment. 

He stood outside the door, trying to calm down his nerves a little bit, hoping he wouldnt mess this up. 

"Ok Dongwoon, just look at him, say you're sorry, say why you're sorry, hand him the gifts, and confess your love for him! Easy, no?", he said to himself. 'Here goes nothing!', and he opened the door, only to find Gikwang asleep on the bed. 

"Oh Kiki, the one time you actually fall asleep", Dongwoon whispered as he took in the sight of Gikwang sleeping. He set the gifts down on the desk and moved over to his bed.

As he was passing his bed, he heard a small sob and his name come from the dancer. Dongwoon stoped in his tracks and glanced at Gikwang with a shocked expression. 'Have I really caused you that much pain?' He sure hoped he hadn't. Gikwang shouldn't cry, he was too beautiful to cry. He looked best when he smiled that one of a kind smile which made the whole world stop with awe. That's when Gikwang looked most beautiful. And to see Gikwang cry, in his sleep, because of Dongwoon was too much for the maknae. He sat next to the sleeping Gikwang and held his hand. 

"I'm sorry Gikwang, I really am. I shouldn't have let those stupid fanfictions get in the way of our friendship. But they did make me realize something. You know what it is Kiki? They made me realize that I love you, and I want to be with you for as long as I can. I just hope you won't reject me." Dongwoon stared at Gikwang, giving him an affectionate gaze, which also held some sadness.

"uhhnnn....", Gikwang started to stir in his sleep, eventually waking up and lazily opening his eyes. The first thing he saw was something he didn't expect. Dongwoon was staring back at him, with an expression Gikwang couldnt categorize. 

"Woonie?", he said as he got up a bit, only to realize that Dongwoon was holding his hand. He looked at their interlocked hands, and then at Dongwoon, with confusion in his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Kiki, I-Im so sorry!", Dongwoon yelled as he hugged Gikwang. The dancer just stood there in shock. Dongwoon, who wouldnt talk to him for two weeks, was hugging him. 


"I'm sorry. I was stupid, a supid stupid jerk! I shouldnt have ignored you so badly! I just didn't know what to do! Please forgive me??!", Dongwoon practically yelled into Gikwang's shoulder.

Gikwang was too shocked to say anything right now. Dongwoon was in the same room as him...Hugging him...saying he was sorry? Maybe he did want Gikwang to be his friend...Could they be anymore? Probably not. Anywyas, Gikwang was just happy that Dongwoon was talking to him again.

"Woonie, its okay... I'm just glad you're talking to me again", said the dancer, who returned the maknae's hug, not wanting to let him go.

"Still I'm sorry...."

They stayed like that for a while, none caring too much for time. The rest of the band members, according to Dongwoon, were out for the night, something about a double date? So they wouldn't be coming home early.

Gikwang was so happy. Even if Dongwoon would probably never return his love for him, he was glad he could hug the maknae again.

Dongwoon removed himself from the embrace and stood up to get the gifts he had set down earlier on the desk and brought them to Gikwang. 

" I brought these as an 'I'm sorry gift'...I hope you accept them", Dongwoon said shyly, as he handed the gifts to Gikwang. 

Gikwang stared at he rose and chocolates. He knew they weren't meant to show love, but just friendship. Somehow, he couldn't hide his disappointment. He had wanted a love confession...

His mind was practically read a moment later.

Dongwoon sat next to him again, and held his hand one more time. 

"Kiki, I know you will probably hate me, or be mad at me, but I have to tell you this"

'Oh no, here comes the rejection...'

"Those fan fics were the reason I was avoiding you for so long."

Gikwang was sure he heard his heart break at that moment. 'Please just stop'

"They made me feel weird, and the fact that I continued to read them made it worse"

The dancer felt the tears starting to flow out of his eyes. He looked down, trying to hide his face. 'Why dont you just say it already?!'

"And I had to get away to get my thoughts straightened out. When I did, I thought I should tell you face to face, that's why I got those gifts"

'I can't do this...'

"And well here it goes...Kiki..-" Dongwoon was cut short. Gikwang looked at Dongwoon with tear filled eyes and it broke Dongwoon's heart to see him that way. 

"I'm sorry Woonie, but I cant handle it right now", and with that, Gikwang ran out of the room.

Dongwoon stayed there, in complete shock and confusion. He looked around, seeing the rose on the floor and picked it up. 

"Did he know I was going to confess..and stopped me because he didn't feel the same?" Dongwoon's vision blurred as he threw the rose on the floor and ran out the room, out of the apartment, not really having a destination set in mind. 

He didn't care where he was going, all he could think about was how much his heart hurt at the sight of Gikwang crying.


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Aww thanks! xD hehe
Sweeeeetttttt overload~~~~~ XD
I love your story~~~ :3
@MelodyBS- yes they did! :D
@Kawaiizaki- Awww thanks!!! ^^ I shall!
Kawaiizaki #4
Weee!!!! Love your story. Update soon! ^^,
AWWW so cute ^w^ finally they said their feelings to each other <33
Hehe sorry for the wait ^^;
Love it!!! ^_^ finally!! <3
Ahh thanks! ^^
the best moment ^^d