Band's worried

The discovery

The next few days were a livng hell for Gikwang. Besides having such a huge and hectic schedule, he felt that ever since their discovery of fanfiction, his friendship with Dongwoon had changed. After practice, him and Woonie would go to the kitchen and make some healthy refreshing drinks for themselves and the rest of the members. Now, Dongwoon was the first one out of the practice room. They rarely talked anymore, and when they did, Dongwoon aways looked away and rushed their conversation to an awkward end. Gikwang didn't notice it before, but he felt empty. He felt hurt.

The rest of the band noticed the sudden change between the dynamic duo. One day after practice and after Dongwoon rushed out of the room, the band approached an unsuspecting Gikwang.

"Hey pabo, what's going on with you two?", asked Junhyung rather bluntly.

"Sorry Kwangie, we're just worried about you two", Yoseob quickly imput, not wanting to startle Gikwang more than Junhyung alread did.

"N-Nothing's wrong you guys." Gikwang tried to do his signature smile.

"Don't lie to us Kiki, come and tell us what's wrong", Hyunseung offered with a nice comforting smile towards the dancer.

Gikwang knew they were right. He had been denying it for far too long, but he couldn't anymore. It hurt him that his best friend wouldn't even look at him, much less be near him for more than the needed time.

He sighed and looked at the others with a serious, yet pained expression. "Just leave it alone guys..." and with that, he left.

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Aww thanks! xD hehe
Sweeeeetttttt overload~~~~~ XD
I love your story~~~ :3
@MelodyBS- yes they did! :D
@Kawaiizaki- Awww thanks!!! ^^ I shall!
Kawaiizaki #4
Weee!!!! Love your story. Update soon! ^^,
AWWW so cute ^w^ finally they said their feelings to each other <33
Hehe sorry for the wait ^^;
Love it!!! ^_^ finally!! <3
Ahh thanks! ^^
the best moment ^^d