Chapter 21: The deal

If i can catch the wind...

Review from last chapter: (Since it has been a long time since I last updated ^^)

Onew went to the hospital after the date. Jiyeon found out that the guy that kidnapped her when she was little returned from prison and was trying to kill her. They received a letter from a rock that was thrown through the window by a group of unknown people. The letter gave them a sign of what was happening.

Note: this chapter was not edited. Please excuse those mistakes you find ^^


3 days later

"Jinki-ssi. I'm afraid that I need to leave my daughter's life in your hands. She is stubborn, she wouldn't admit it even when she knows she is. She would accept my help so this might me the only way I could help protecting her. You helped her before so I trust you. I will pay you. So will you me her body guard until we get a hold of that person?"

Jiyeon's father's words kept on playing in Onew's mind everytime he looked at Jiyeon. It was hard to keep up with her conversation when his mind was full of worries and the things that her dad said.

"Hyung, hurry." Key shouted, he was walking ahead of them with the rest of SHINee.

"Okay." Onew shouted back then dazed off.

"How about dokbokki? It's delicious, too, right?." Jiyeon kept on talking as Onew dazed off into space. He had trouble focusing after the long talk with her dad yesterday. Jiyeon's dad ordered one of his assistant to come and get Onew from the hospital a few days before for a little talk. Which later on, Onew had to lied to Jiyeon that he was with his mother.



"Mr. Lee." A calm and low voice spoke from the dark side of the room Onew was standing. A while ago, a man just randomly came into his hospital room and asked Onew to follow him. Onew followed the man only because the man mentioned about Jiyeon's father. Onew had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Onew turned and looked toward the direction the voice came from. Slowly but charming, a man dressed in an expensive black suit slowly reviewed himself to the light from hundreds of light bulbs in the room. Behind him, followed by a group of men also dressed in completely black. Onew could barely see their eyes through their black sunglasses. They all looked alike. It was impossible to recognize anyone, maybe that was the whole point, not to let anyone recognize them.

The mysterious man, which Onew believed was Jiyeon's father sat down on the chair across from him, on the other side of a long dinner table. Onew straightened up. 

The room was bright and large, in another word, gigantic. This kind of house, to Onew, can only come straight out from some Disney fairy tales. The maid were countless, dressed  in the same exact black and white lolita maid dress that went up only a few inches away from their you-know-where.

"So. You must be Mr. Lee Jinki. It's a pleasure to meet you." The man said calmly with his low, manly voice. After finished his sentence, he raised his hand and made a little gesture with his index finger. The maids came in with tea and cookies. "Would you like anything else?" The man asked Onew after told the maids to leave.

"No, sir. Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you, too. And you must be..." Onew said politely with a slight bow. He paused, waited for the man to reply.

"KwangKi. Park KwangKi. Park Jiyeon's father." The man announced as he laced his fingers together and rested it neatly on the edge of the table. "You must be wondering why I want you to be here with me." Onew was waiting for the man to say just one thing.

"Yes, sir. May I ask why?" Though he was sent to a cautious mode when more men were sent inside the room, Onew tried his best to maintain his calmness.

"Don't worry, they won't harm you as long as you stay in your seat." Kwangki gave Onew a mysterious smirk before changing the subject. "I have a favor to ask. No, more like a job to offer." He said with eyes sent out a severe glare.

Onew gulped as their eyes met. "And may I ask why me?" Onew tried to say calmly. He hid his fear behind his sharp glare.

"I was expecting you to ask what it is." He said with a quite chuckle. "Well, I chose you because you are the first one my daughter, Jiyeon, ever trusted after the death of her mother beside her brother, Michael and that bastard who left her, Hongki." He grimaced as he mentioned Hongki's name.

At that very moment, the truth struck him. When she was in the hospital, no one ever came to check on her, except for her brother. But it was probably just a coincidence since her brother was also taking care of the case. Come to think of it, no one had ever came to meet her or call her beside her brother. She also never, not even once mentioned anything about her family.

Noticed the look on Onew's face, Kwangki continued with his deal, "Jinki-ssi. I'm afraid that I need to leave my daughter's life in your hands. She is stubborn, she wouldn't admit it even when she knows she is. She would accept my help so this might me the only way I could help protecting her. You helped her before so I trust you. I will pay you. So will you me her body guard until we get a hold of that person?" He went straight to the point.

"Pardon me?" Onew was sent to complete confusion. "A body guard, you said?" Onew choked as he said those words. "I am afraid that there must be some misunderstanding around this. I am not a body guard and I am definitely not up to being anyone's body guard." Onew stated.

"Oh. Wait, did I just make this deal as a favor? My apology." Kwangki cleared his throat, still looked shocked. "Let me state this clearly, it was my mistake to say that this is a favor. I am afraid that you have no choice, Mr. Lee." His threatening voice made Onew shilvered for a moment.

A man behind Kwangki handed him a stack of paper and pictures. "You mom is Kim YoYoung, she's a quite busy woman, eh?" After scanning briefly through the paper works, Kwangki looked up to Onew with a smirk. "She is going back from Paris tomorrow. Such a great timing!" He dropped the paper works then sat back to his comfortable chair.

Onew's face froze. "Is this a threat?" Onew narrowed his eyes as he saw a picture of his mom under the stack of paper.

"I will make that a 'yes'." 

Onew stood up and hit the table hard. "What give you the right to do this?" Onew shouted. The men in black reacted as soon as Onew stood up, they ran over and grabbed his arms. "Let me go you stupid bastards." Onew shouted as he tried to break the grip.

"Mr. Lee, I suggest you calm down." Kwangki stood up slowly and walked toward Onew.

"YOU BASTARD!" Onew broke away from a man's grip and freed his right arm. He ran forward and freed the other arm. The men approached cautiously. Onew ran toward the door, he punched several men as he tried to reach to the door.

"Take him down." Kwangki demanded. The men immidiately ran and grabbed Onew's arms, he tried to fight back but it was hopeless, there were too much people. "Avoid the face though, Jiyeon will notice." Kwangki added.

One of his men gave Onew a clout on his stomach, which knocked the air out of him. Onew fell on the ground, groaned in pain. The whole world spun, he became lightheaded. He shook his head, tried to remain concious.

"Appa! Stop it. What are you doing?" A voice came out from outside the crowd around him. Everyone became quite.

Flashback ends

"Oppa. Are you listening to me?" Jiyeon sounded mad. She smacked Onew's arm. "What are you thinking? Taemin wants banana milk."

"Hyung. I want banana milk. Buy one for me." Taemin beamed. 

"Ask Jonghyun." Onew said coldly.

"Aw, but you have more money than he does.Please~~~" Taemin begged.






A/N: Sorry, sorry, sorry. I haven't been updating. I was kinda stuck on what to write next and also because of my new stories and my exams...

Okay, enough of excuses. I'M BACK ^^ BETTER THEN EVER.

please understand that I will take a while to update again ^^


Note: this will clear those confusion out there about this chapter. Okay? this chapter is mostly about the flashback, the conversation between Onew and Jiyeon's dad. The next chapter will be the other part of the flashback. ^^ okay? 



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Chapter 22: You should update ya know :(
justmebeingme #2
Chapter 22: Update soon !! I LOVE YOUR STORYYY !
Update soon please? c:
Krazy_Fangirl #4
Finally you're back :D<br />
Yaay! im so happy about this..<br />
Please update soon ^^
lovethesmiles #6
ahhh! i waited so long! THANKS <3
lovelyrai #7
his life his hers and hers is his...... dun dun dunnnnn!!!!<br />
youve ot my attention lol
du dung! .. pls update soon. . :)
love love love love your stories! :D<br />
please update it asap. :))<br />
SSZE_A501 #10
new reader xD<br />
i love your storieee<br />
<br />
update soon