The Stranger

If i can catch the wind...


"Aw, it's raining." Jiyoen said while trying to hide behind Onew's back so she could get away from the freezing cold wind that kept on blowing nonstop.

"I don't think that it's gonna stop soon." Onew said, staring at the rain.

"Oh." She said with her head on his shoulder, of course she needed to tippy toe. She was trying to be cute in such a sad situation.

"I will go and get a taxi." He said after awhile. He ran towards the rain. She, who was leaning against his back, lost her balance and fell forward. She catched herself, she looked up and was about to yell at Onew but as she realized that he was in the rain, she stopped.

She stood there and stared at Onew running around trying to catch a taxi. After about a minute, for some reason, she decided to go and help him. She ran toward him in the rain.

"Still can't?" She started.

"Duh. Can't you tell?" He said without turning around to look at her.

"Pss. Watch and learn!" She ran to the road and faved her arms, like a jumping jack. A car passed by and another. After about 3 minutes, still no sign of a taxi. She turned around and looked for Onew. He was working hard. LOL! 

Another car approached, slowed down at first but then sped up for some reason.

Her eyes widened. The rain kept on dropping, the car kept on speeding up, she just stood there and stared blankly at the speeding car. She froze. She wanted to move but her legs wouldn't move no matter how hard she tried. The rain dropped against the windshield of the speeding car. The light reflected from the windshield and hit her eyes. She blinked. At the very second, she noticed a familar face behind the windshield.

Flashback starts

"You want her back? Easy, hand over all of your heritage from your f***ing old man. Be here by 10, by yourself, alone." A man with a low and scary voice said.

"Where's my girl? DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Someone was yelling on the other side.

"Appa? Appa, appa." A little girl blindfolded and tied up to a chair in the other side of the room yelled hopelessly.

"Shut up." A man in black next to her slapped her. She fell on the ground with the chair behind her.

"Appa!!!" She cried.

"Your appa is coming little girl. Don't worry." The same man with the scary said calmly to her.

"What do you want from me?" The little girl said inbetween her sobs with all of her strength and courage.

"I want you and your family to die. Die. Die.Die" He said crazily with an evil laugh.

Flashback ends

" It's, it's...." She whispered in fear. "He's back." 



The car moved closer and closer. Everything stopped, timed stopped. The car was 5 seconds away from her. She shut her eyes.



Tik tok!


Tik tok!


Tik tok!





Onew grabbed her hands and pulled her fast.


Tik tok!


She spinned and landed in his arms. Tears were rolling. She hid herself into his. She's scared. She needed someone to lean on. She needed his voice to calm her down. She could hear his heart pounding fast and hard. His body was wet but warm. He placed his hand on her head just like last time. He was panting.







She could hear it clearly even though it was raining really hard.


Tik tok!

Time froze once again.

She could hear his heart and hers beating at the same beat. She wanted to remember this feeling. She smiled weakly.

Onew pushed her away. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF?AISH!" He yelled. She could see the fear in his eyes. His face was cold and pale. His hands were shaking, same as hers. 

She closed her eyes, she wanted more of that warm voice of his, angry but warm. His voice was the only that could calm her down at that moment.

She looked up, she stared at his eyes and smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry." She said almost whispering. She touched his forehead and wiped the water on his forehead. She leaned forward and hugged him. She hugged him tightly. She didn't want to let him go. His eyes widened. He sighed and patted her head.

"It's okay." He said, she smiled. "It's okay." is already enough for her. She enjoyed the softness and warmth of his voice.


"If time can stop and let us be together like this forever, I will be willing to give up everything." She whispered softly.




LOL, I'm sorry, i broke the promise. I said that this chapter will be long but as it turned out. It's even shorter than the other one!:P

     Hope you enjoy this chapter. I know I did!

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Chapter 22: You should update ya know :(
justmebeingme #2
Chapter 22: Update soon !! I LOVE YOUR STORYYY !
Update soon please? c:
Krazy_Fangirl #4
Finally you're back :D<br />
Yaay! im so happy about this..<br />
Please update soon ^^
lovethesmiles #6
ahhh! i waited so long! THANKS <3
lovelyrai #7
his life his hers and hers is his...... dun dun dunnnnn!!!!<br />
youve ot my attention lol
du dung! .. pls update soon. . :)
love love love love your stories! :D<br />
please update it asap. :))<br />
SSZE_A501 #10
new reader xD<br />
i love your storieee<br />
<br />
update soon