The hospital, again!

If i can catch the wind...

Onew sat still, he didn't dare move an inch. Jiyoen was sleeping with her head on his shoulder. She looked tired, there was still a sign of fright on her face. The taxi kept on moving, the rain kept on dropping, he stared blankly out to the rain.



Who could that be? Who would want to kill her? Who? He wondered as he started to recall the images of the accident. The car didn't seem to want to stop or slow down. Why didn't she move? Those thoughts began to torture his brain, his brain was tired, too tired to think, too many things happened today. He sighed and took a look at Jiyoen, who was still sleeping peaceful on his shoulder, then to his right hand, the bandaid was wet and blood started to pass through the bandaid. His hands were freezing so he could barely feel the pain, but he knew that it was still there. His eyes began to close, he was tired, it was about time for him to have some rest. His eyes closed, his brain went blank. Good night my angel.








"Jinki oppa." Jiyoen said softly while tapping his forehead gently, trying to wake him up.

He opened his eyes slowly, yawned and stretched as he found himself laying on her lap. He shot right up as he saw her face looking down at him.

She giggled as she realized how nervous he was.

It was still raining really hard outside.

"You're here." The driver announced.

"Oh!" Onew said. He felt a little dizzy, his forehead was burning hot. He felt sick, like really sick. He opened the car door trying to stay in balance so that Jiyoen won't notice that something wrong was happening. But he was too weak to even step out of the car. He lost his balance and fell. She quickly grabbed his waist and catched him.

"Are you okay?" She asked worrily.

"I'm fine, I just woke up that's why." He lied, he didn't want her to worry.

"Are you sure you okay?" She asked, still didn't take her hands off his waist.

"Yah." He said steadily then stepped out of the car.

"Bye! Good night." She rolled down the window and said.

"Night." He said weakly with a weak smile.

The car started moving slowly. She stuck her head out and waved at Onew, he stood there and waved at her too.

"Go inside. It's raining." She yelled. The car drove farther and farther, she could only see his blurry image.

"Huh?" She said as she saw that blurry image suddenly collaped. Her eyes widened, she tried to look into the dark to find that blurry image but it was no where to be found. What happened to him?

"Hey, stop, STOP!!!" She yelled at the driver, she accidentally slapped him as she began to panic.

The car stopped. She jumped right out of the car and sprinted toward Onew. She was frightened, her face turned pale as she found Onew laying lifeless on the floor. She kneeled down and took a look at him. He looked pale. He looked competely lifeless, no sign of moving.

"Oppa, Oppa wake up!!! WAKE UP OPPA!!!" She slapped him rapidly as she started to cry. But no matter how hard she tried he still remained lifeless.

"What happened?" A voice came from far away began to get closer and closer. She looked up, it was the taxi driver.

"Ahjussi, he..., he..." She stuttered in between the sobs. She was choked in her own tears. 

The taxi driver approached, kneeled down and bridal-styled carried Onew and ran toward the taxi.

Jiyoen's mind went blank, she couldn't think, she couldn't bring herself together to stand up. She was scared. What if something happens to him? She thought as tears rolling down her pale face.

"Agassi, what are you doing over there? Get over her and open the door for me." The taxi driver demanded as he found her dazing out in the rain.

She snapped to reality. " Ne!" She yelled and ran towards the cab. She looked at Onew then opened the car door. The taxidriver lied him down steadily on the back seat, Jiyoen went in right after. She placed Onew's soaking wet head on her also soaking wet lap. She brushed the hair on his forehead away and realized that his forehead was burning hot.

Is it because my hands are freezing cold or his head is burning hot? She thought in worry.

She placed her hand on his forehead once again to make sure. It really was burning hot. She quickly took off her her sweater and dried his hair; wet hair can cause him to be more sick. The taxidriver the heater, Onew's body started to warm up but his face was still as pale as before. Jiyoen took Onew's hands and held it tight. This can warm him up. She thought. They were holding hands all the way to the hospital.

They went into the emergency room. Some nurses gathered around him for some checkups and pushed Jiyoen aside.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jiyoen asked a nurse who was running to get the doctor.

"He will be fine, don't worry, now go outside and fill out the paperworks." The nurse said in a rush then left.

Jiyoen dragged herself lifelessly outside to the counter. She was still soaking wet. She took the form on the clipboard that the nurse prepared for her on the counter. She shilvered at both the coldness and the thought that Onew was still unconcious. She filled out the form without even looking at it. Her mind was fill with the thought that Onew is sick and she couldn't do anything about it. But wait, the only she knew about him is his name is Lee Jinki and he's 23.

Jonghyun! That was all she could think of at the moment. "Yes, Jonghyun." She checked her pocket for the cellphone, but it wasn't there. Oh silly, she lost her wallet and her phoneon the way going to the date.


          " Oh ok, wait please." Jiyoen said as she looked through her handbag.

           " What the!" She said angrily" Aish"

           " What?" Onew walked over.

           She lifted her handbag up which had a huge hole in the bottom.

           " Ah hahahahaha!" Onew busted into laughter while Jiyoen's face turned as red as a tomato.

End of flashback

She sighed tiredly. She rushed over to the counter. "Miss, can I make a phonecall?" She asked the nurse. The nurse nodded.

She dialed Jonghyun number, at least she remembered it.

Noona neomu yeppeo..., michyoe... 

He changed his waiting tone, eh? She thought. Is that really his voice? 

"Yobuseyo? Jonghyun speaking." That usual bright voice.

"Jonghyun oppa. Come to the hospital quick. Jinki oppa is-" She stopped and took a deep breath.

"Arasso, which hospital? I will be there in a minute." He said with an urgent manner.

"Oh, I don't really know, the one nears Jinki's house-" She said looking around to find a clue of the hospital name. She was too frightened to even notice the name of the hospital.

"Okay, wait right there." He demanded and hung up.

"Arasso." She whispered even though she knew that he hung up.

She sat down on a chair that was set against the wall. She leaned backward and looked up to the ceiling. She took a deep breath and close her eyes. She needed some rest.

"Oh wait!" She shot right up as she realized that------ she didn't pay the taxidriver. She looked around and search for him but there was no sign of him. Weird. Eventhough she didn't have money with her but she could at least say thank you. "Oh shoot, I left my handbg in there. Well, but I don't have anything in there anyway." She said with a whatever attitude.

"Jiyoen!" Jonghyun came in running, but wait, who was that behind him?

"Jieun?" Jiyoen murmured in surprise.

"Unnie. Is everything okay? Are you hurt? You are soaking wet. What happened?" Jieun ran and and gave Jiyoen a flood of questions. 

"Calm down, i'm not hurt." Jiyoen said to calm Jieun down then turned to Jonghyun. 

"Jiyoen, where is Onew?" He was lightly panting.

"He's in the emergency room."

"Who's the guadiance of- Lee Jinki?" The nurse said, paused to take a look at my unfinished registration form on the chair.

"I am." Jonghyun and Jiyoen said at the same time. They both turned and look at each other but didn't say anything.

"Jinki-ssi has a fever, maybe because he was in the rain for too long. He is still having a fever right now but he is not in danger so we will move him to the resting room for more observation. And please fill out the form." The nurse finished with a nod and gave the clipboard to Jonghyun.

All three of them sighed in relief.



I was too lazy to do my homework so I wrote this chapter.

Hope you guys like this chapter!!! Hwaiting!!!

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Chapter 22: You should update ya know :(
justmebeingme #2
Chapter 22: Update soon !! I LOVE YOUR STORYYY !
Update soon please? c:
Krazy_Fangirl #4
Finally you're back :D<br />
Yaay! im so happy about this..<br />
Please update soon ^^
lovethesmiles #6
ahhh! i waited so long! THANKS <3
lovelyrai #7
his life his hers and hers is his...... dun dun dunnnnn!!!!<br />
youve ot my attention lol
du dung! .. pls update soon. . :)
love love love love your stories! :D<br />
please update it asap. :))<br />
SSZE_A501 #10
new reader xD<br />
i love your storieee<br />
<br />
update soon