
If i can catch the wind...

"Jiyoen, you should get some rest, you look tired." Jonghyun said caringly.

"I'm fine oppa. Don't worry." She lied with a smile. She was not okay. She worried about Onew, he still didn't gain his concious. "But Jieun, don't you need to go to guitar lesson in the morning?" She turned to Jieun.

"I told mom that I will skip tomorrow class." She said while handling a cup of warm milk to Jonghyun and Jiyoen.

"You can't skip guitar lesson, teacher Chang will kill you." Jiyoen jumped on her feet.

"Yah, but-"

"It's fine Jieun, just go, I can take care of Onew myself." Jonghyun ensured her with a smile.

"Arasso." Jieun took her bag and left the room unwillingly.

They watched Jieun walking slowly, it was like watching a movie in slow motion. She finally got to the door. They all knew that she didn't want to go.

"Ah." Jieun stopped and gasped." Unnie, almost forgot, Michael oppa is looking for you. He told me to tell you to call him back."

"Oh." Jiyeon said under her breath, her brother must be worried because she didn't answer his phone calls.

"But unnie, he sounded frightened and urgent. I think." Jieun stopped again.

Jiyoen looked up to her with her tired eyes."Huh?"

"I heard your appa's voice in the background."

"What?" Jiyoen jumped on her feet once again. This time she was really frightened. Michael would never go to appa unless something bad happened. "Let me borrow your phone." Jiyeon demanded.

"Here." Jieun offered.

"Jieun-ah, go now. It's okay." Jonghyun complained as he handed his phone to Jiyoen.

"But oppa-"

"It's okay, go now. I will see you later." Jonghyun ensured her once again while gently pushed her toward the door. Jieun screamed and tried find something to grab. After about 2 minutes of struggling and yellings Jonghyun finally got her out of the room.

"Oppa?" Jiyoen talked on the phone. "Is there anything wrong?"

"Jiyoen-ah, are you hurt?" Michael asked worrily as he recognized her voice.

"No, I'm fine. Oppa, what's happening?"

"This might sound creepy but, did anything happened yesterday?" He asked her after a relieved sigh.

It hit her hard. So, she wasn't just imagining things. He must had been released from prison and was back to take revenge. She started trembling, she quickly grabbed a chair next to her and sat down. Her heart was racing fast, really, really fast. She could feel blood rushing up to her brain and to her heart. Her face went pale. She looked around in panic. She started having trouble breathing properly.

"Jiyoen, Jiyeon, what happened?" Her brother started to panic as there was no reply from her.

"Oppa, I saw someone I was not suppose to yesterday. He tried to run over me with his car." Jiyeon finally managed to say something. Her voice was shaking, she was scared.

"Mwo?" Her brother replied with a gasp. "Appa, he's after her." Her brother whispered quitely but it was loud enough for Jiyeon to hear everything.

"Mwo? Tell her not to go anywhere." Her dad finally spoke.

"Jiyeon-ah, stay where you are. Don't go out alone okay? Tell me where you are I will come pick you up." Her oppa said to her.

"Oppa, it's fine. I'm at the hospital, no one will be able to do anything in here. I know how to take care of myself." She reassured him.

"Okay then, remember, don't go outside alone at all cost. Arasso?"

"Arasso." She answered him.

He hung up. She leaned back and tried to relax. She stared at the ceiling as fear started spreading throughout her body. She shilvered at the thought that he was after her. And that was when she realized: Onew was there with her last night.

He must had saw Onew. Onew was helping her. What if the bad guy is after Onew now? Those thoughts began to attack her brain. She was scared. Anything can happen to her but not to Onew. She caused too much troubles to him already. She sighed and burried her face into her hands, trying to relax and chase away the thoughts.

"Jiyeon-ah, what's wrong?" A calm, warm but hoarsed voice startled her. She looked up, Onew was sitting on the side of the bed, looking at her with worries. His face was pale and cold. His lips were dried and white. He looked weak and lifeless. Jiyeon stood up, poured some water and walked toward Onew.

"Nothing. You are finally awake. Here." She lied and gave him the glass of water, smiling to ensure him.

He drank it slowly and smiled at Jiyeon weakly. She could tell that he was still really weak but he was still smiling. She gently placed the back of her hand on his forehead and then on hers.

"You still have a fever." She said while handing him the pills that the nurse told her to give to him when he woke up.

"No, your hand is cold. That's why." He took the pills with a obedient manner. That made Jiyeon laughed.

"Pss, my hands have a perfect and normal temperure. You are sick that's why." Jiyeon said and stuck her tongue out.

Onew smiled. That was the happiest smile that Jiyeon had seen ever since they first met. She smiled back at him.

"So, what happened?" Onew stood up and tried to walk.

"You fainted, and-" Jiyeon helped him to get up.

"No, not that, the thing you were talking on the phone earlier." Onew took a few unstabled steps with Jiyeon's help.

"Huh?... Oh,... that...it's nothing." She frozed. Damn, she at lying.

"You're lying!" He stopped and stared at her with a fierce expression.

"No, I'm not. Seriously." She tried to hide her nervousness.

Onew grabbed her arm and asked her again, "Tell me, what happened?"

"Hyung, you're awake, but what's wrong?" Jonghyun opened the door and saw the scene.

"Nothing." Onew let go of Jiyeon's arm and said bluntly.

The atmosphere became awkward.




Glass shattered and a loud noise startled them all.

Jiyoen saw something flew right passed her face, the wind brushed her nose gently. She fell back but luckly Jonghyun catched her. Her heart throbbed as she spotted a few men dressed completely in black hopped in a car and drove away outside the window. She spun and looked at the direction the object had flew. It was a rock with a piece of paper attached by a thin red threat. She looked at Onew and then to Jonghyun. They were terrified. She stood up, her body was still shilvering from fears. She picked up the rock and was about to open it, when Onew snatched it away from her.

He quickly untied the threat and looked at the paper.




It has been 5 years.

But I'm sure, you still remember me.

I'm back

And your life has came to an end.

                                        -The one you should remember.


The words were printed in red ink, it looked red but it smell like blood.

Onew dropped the paper and stared blankly at Jiyeon. He sensed something, but he didn't know that from that day on, his life depends on her and her life depends on him.




Sorry, it has been so long since I have updated.

I will try to update more offen!


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Chapter 22: You should update ya know :(
justmebeingme #2
Chapter 22: Update soon !! I LOVE YOUR STORYYY !
Update soon please? c:
Krazy_Fangirl #4
Finally you're back :D<br />
Yaay! im so happy about this..<br />
Please update soon ^^
lovethesmiles #6
ahhh! i waited so long! THANKS <3
lovelyrai #7
his life his hers and hers is his...... dun dun dunnnnn!!!!<br />
youve ot my attention lol
du dung! .. pls update soon. . :)
love love love love your stories! :D<br />
please update it asap. :))<br />
SSZE_A501 #10
new reader xD<br />
i love your storieee<br />
<br />
update soon