Chapter 1: Heartbreak

If i can catch the wind...


   Onew sighed as he stared out to the curtain of rain that was blocking the poor sun. He didn't like raining especially when his mood was not so good either. He kept staring at the outside view through the window, then slowly pressed his forehead against the cold glass. He needed something to cool down the sadness in him. Then slowly yet painful, the madness and sadness in him started to erupt like a volcano. His face turned red, he could feel his heart burning and then his eyes were also burning. And tears started to drop. The hot teardrops rolled down his cold cheeks, he never thought that he would cry because of Hyo Joo. Why? Because their love was so perfect. Being in love for more than three years now and it ended with a " I'm sorry". A three years relationship ended in a second. Is that what love really means? 

       "Love is a lie, it's all fake." He whispered.

       "IT'S ALL FAKE!" he shouted and grabbed the lamp on his right and threw it to the ground. It broke into pieces as it hit the cold wooden floor, just like his heart.

       He waited a second and stared at the broken lamp on the floor. It was a gift from Hyo Joo on his 19th birthday. His face turned red again realizing the fact that he just broke his most precious thing. He scanned the room, then he spotted a music box on a big glass case across from he was standing. He stared at it for a long time then ran over. He pressed his forehead against the glass and stared at the music box once more.

      The glass case was locked. He used all of his strength and punched through the thick glass. It made a louder noise than he thought it would. The pieces of broken glass fell down, some were stuck on his clothes, and some on his own hand. It started bleeding. The cuts were deep and some of the glass pieces were still sticking in there. He didn't care, he leaned over and takes the music box out.

        It was a wooden box with flowers textures that was carefully made. He opened it, the  beautiful melody of Canon started to play. Inside the box, beside some carefully-folded-colorful-papers there was nothing else in there. He took a green piece of paper from the box, unfolded it...

           He unfolded the little note.


         "Onew-ah, if i can catch the wind then will i be able to stay with you forever? And if i can you will always love me right?- i love you, Onew. >.< i'm catching to wind!:D"


            While reading the note, he noticed he was crying again. He broke down onto his knees. He stared at the note. A teardrop dropped on the note, he quickly wiped it off. Then once again, he stared at it. Suddenly, he stared at the wooden music box again. He reached for it and took all the note out. He carried all of them to the window and threw them all out. A gust of wind blew and took all the notes flying farther and farther until he could see nothing but a dark, lonely road.

          Closed the window, he walked toward the sofa and sat down. He was trying to calm himself down by thinking of something else but the more he tried to think about happy events the more memories about Hyo Joo kept on coming like a wave; the waves of memories hit his heart hard, they left deep marks and salting the wounds. He never thought that it would hurt this much, even though he heard people said that love is pain for countless time.

            If he has a chance he would want to go back and ask her what he did wrong. But he knew that that chance will never come. His love was hopeless. Even if Hyo Joo could catch the wind now, they could never go back to what they used to be.

            This love meant so much to him. Can he move on? Will there be another that will be able to break the wall and walk into his heart?


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Chapter 22: You should update ya know :(
justmebeingme #2
Chapter 22: Update soon !! I LOVE YOUR STORYYY !
Update soon please? c:
Krazy_Fangirl #4
Finally you're back :D<br />
Yaay! im so happy about this..<br />
Please update soon ^^
lovethesmiles #6
ahhh! i waited so long! THANKS <3
lovelyrai #7
his life his hers and hers is his...... dun dun dunnnnn!!!!<br />
youve ot my attention lol
du dung! .. pls update soon. . :)
love love love love your stories! :D<br />
please update it asap. :))<br />
SSZE_A501 #10
new reader xD<br />
i love your storieee<br />
<br />
update soon