Loveless Marriage


Still not fully awake I roll out of bed and look at my clock. It was still early but I told myself to wake up early to help with breakfast. I stood up still in a sleep stage and headed to the bathroom. On my way in JunHyung got out and we bump into each other.


I look up and rub my forehead. I had hit something squishy and soft. JunHyung was rubbing his chest.

“Watch where you’re going.” He scolds me.

I yawn and nodded. I walk around him to get into the bathroom. He stops me.

“After breakfast get ready. We’re gonna go somewhere.”

In my sleep hazy stage I nodded my head and close the bathroom door.

After burning my first couple (ten) pancake auntie finally took over and cook. I'm usually good at making pancakes. After quickly eating uncle left to work, yes he worked on Saturday because he’s the president of a publishing company. Auntie and John left to go to a parent meeting for John’s class. JunHyung after seeing all my burnt pancake he walks back to bed and hasn’t come down since.


I look behind me and saw JunHyung leaning on the wall.

“Hurry up”
I look at him confused “Why?”
“Did you forget?”
”..Ummm… I don’t know”
“I told you this morning.”

I stop washing the dishes and back track…what happen this morning.

“AH! You said we were going some where.”

JunHyung walks over to the sink and took the dish in my hand away.

“I’ll finish the dishes hurry and go change we’ll be late.”

After making sure the door was lock we left to the bus stop. I for the hundredth time ask.

“Where are we going?”
He didn’t answer me.

We sat down at the bus stop.

“You’re really taking me out?”
He nodded.
He nodded.
“You’re not listening to me right?”
He nodded again.

I pout and stop asking him questions; his face expression was changing from calm to annoy. I didn’t want to annoy him since he might leave me behind. I’ve only been here for a week I still don’t know the place well so if he leaves me I will be lost. The bus appears from the distance.

Inside the bus it was pack. Where are all these people going? JunHyung walked to the back of the bus and took the last available seat. Where was I supposed to sit? The only option I had left was to stand. I walk to the middle of the bus and stood next to a man in a track suit. He looks at me and I politely bow to him.

I look over to JunHyung he didn’t care if I got a seat or where I was at. He plugs in his earphone and stares out the window.

More people came on the next stop. I was squish between the man in the track suit and a lady with a big backpack on. After couple more stops the bus got lighter. I took a deep breath. I could breathe now.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Huh? I look to my side to see JunHyung. I look behind me. He was tightly holding on to the man in the track suit’s hand behind me.

“Where do you think you’re touching?” JunHyung ask him again but now in a more angry tone.

He pulls me away from the man.

“You want me to break that dirty hand of yours?” JunHyung threaten him.

The man got out of JunHyung’s grip and ran to the front.

“Dirty old ”

JunHyung held my hand and pulls me along with him to the back of the bus. We sat down. There was room to sit now.

“You idiot, how are you just going to let him feel on you.”
“I didn’t know, do I look like I have eyes in the back of my head?”
JunHyung pats my head. “It’s okay I won’t let anyone touch what’s mine”

That sounded creepy, when was I his? He offers me one side of his earphone and I accepted.

JunHyung pov

As soon as I walked in everyone scream my name, well mostly YoSeob. I look behind me and didn’t see JiYoon. I walk back out and pull her in. When she got in everyone stop doing what they were doing.

“Guys this is JiYoon.”

KiKwang came over and grab her hand.

“I’m KiKwang.”

He was about to kiss the back of her hand but I push his head away.

“Back off KiKwang she’s off limits.”
“Ahh she’s your wife I forgot.”

Everyone greeted her and we sat down. JiYoon look around in amusement.

“What is this place?” She asks.
“We box here and it’s our hanging place.” HyunSeung explain.
“If you want DooJoon can teach you a few moves.” JiHyun offers.
“Yeah you could use them on JunHyung if you two ever get in a fight.” GaYoon laughs.
“I can teach her myself.”
JiYoon looks over at me. “You box?”

The door opens and we all stop to look. It was HyunAh and Joon. The girls except JiYoon greeted HyunAh. Joon came over and stared at JiYoon.

“New girl? Ah! We’re in the same class.”
JiYoon nod to him. “The name’s JiYoon.”
“JiYoon…” He smirks.
“Why are you here?” I ask.
“I was invited.”
“And who invited you?”
HyunAh rise up her hand. “I did. I could still come here right?”

No one answers.

“JunHyung maybe next time we can try that thing out.” Joon pointed to the boxing ring.
“You wanna try it out right now?” I stood up.

I stood up but JiYoon pulls me back down. My blood was boiling, well it always boil when I see Joon.

“JunHyung stop.” JiYoon held onto my hand.

HyunAh locks arms with Joon. “Come on baby let’s leave. I’m bored.”

He put his arm around her and they left.

JiYoon pov

We were silent the whole ride home. I want to ask him why he hated Joon so much but I know he wouldn't answer me. Seeing how scary he got back there I didn’t want to get him angry again.

“What?” He asks me.
“What, what?”

He stop walking and took a seat on a bench.

“You keep looking at me. You want to ask me something?”
“Can I?”

He sighs before I even ask.

“Never mind I won’t ask.”

I join him on the bench. Maybe I should get him drunk to tell me. I remember auntie had some bottle of beer left in the fridge. I got up.

“Let’s go home.”
JunHyung pulls me back down. “Let’s stay here for a little longer.”

I wonder what he was thinking about. He was all gloomy.

“Here” He hands me a pink bow key chain.
“What is this for?”
“Our…nothing. Just because.”

Joon pov

HyunAh came over to me with a box and pulls out a cake.

“What is this for?”

She didn’t look at me, she just continue struggling to open the pack of candles.

“Our anniversary.” She finally answers me.
I raise an eyebrow at her “HyunAh, it’s not our anniversary.”
She stops and look at me “…Sorry, I don’t know why-“
“Should we break up?”
“Why? Are you mad? I’m sorry it’s just a habit for me since today is JunHyung and I-“
“Can you stop talking about him? You have been talking about him and JiYoon all day. If you miss him that much we should just break up.”
“I broke up with JunHyung just to be with you. How can you tell me to break up with you so easily? It was hard breaking up with JunHyung you know.”
“Did I tell you to break up with him and come to me? Did I? You wanted to come to me so you broke up with him yourself. I didn’t tell you to do anything.”
“I’m sorry Joon. Let’s just go okay?” She threw the candles back into the bag and threw the cake away.

JiYoon pov

I sat on the bed and look around the room. I don’t see any sign of him boxing. No trophies or awards just a bunch of pictures and toy cars. JunHyung open the door and walks in.

“Can I come in?”
“You’re already in you may as well.”
“I just need to grab some stuff from the closet.”

He opens up his closet and a pair of boxing gloves fell out.

“So you do box.”
He picks it up and throws it at me. “Yeah.”
I caught the gloves and observe them. “You don’t give of the boxing type feel.”
“Why is that?” He turns around offended.
“Nothing…it’s just that if you box you work out right?”
“How come your chest is all squishy and soft instead of tone?”
He covers his chest with his hands. He grins at me. “You wanna see?”

He walks over to me.

“No.” I stood up and started walking towards the door.
He held on to me. “You ask right? So that means you want to see.”

What is trying to do scare me?

I push his arms away. “I don’t want to see your un tone chest okay.”
“It is tone. “
“Fine let’s see then.” I walk towards him and poke his chest. “See…SQUISHY” and continue to poke him.

He got mad and ran out covering his chest.

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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 22: OMG...i almost to cry...T.T
very very loved with your story!!!!!
Chapter 22: Owh..so sad.
I'm JUNAH Shipper.but i love this story
I love this story very much, even though it has ended. But to me, this is the best writte fanfic I've ever read. The feelings you portrayed the 2 of them is really strong. And it moved me to tears. It was so good! I have read this story for about 4-5 times already (including your sequel) it was realy awesome!
I hope you would continue to write more fanfics on Jiyoon and Junhyung ^ ^
Chapter 22: I cry alot., why why why.. T.T
gotta read the sequel
Nice story
e4ever #6
omg i almost cried this is so sad i was too shoked when i relized that she left but i love the story i realy love it thanks
snowff88 #7
this is really good. one of my favourite fanfic ever!!
modueca #8
It was a really good fic.<br />
You made me laugh, squee (many times), and cry.<br />
I can't wait to read the sequel.
PureEvilness #9
OMSquigglez I won't lie I cried after I finished this. And call me crazy but I once wanted JiYoon to get with Joon. It was a beautiful story and I'm gonna start on the sequel immediately!