Loveless Marriage

“Shhhh, you’ll wake them up.”

Huh? I slowly open my eyes. There were two burly figures in front of me. I rub my eyes.


My vision was clear now. It was mom and auntie in front of me with a camera. My left shoulder felt really heavy.

“What are you guys doing?”

I look at my shoulder, what the hell was on my shoulder? It was JunHyung’s head! I flick him off and he opened his eyes.

“What?” He asked angry.
“Wake up. Our moms took pictures of us sleeping on each other.”
“Why were you sleeping on me?”
“You were the one sleeping on me!”
“Why would I be sleeping here?”

We both stop and think.

Flashback to yesterday night

He followed me out to the porch and we sat down not talking to each other. After a while our fathers came out with soju and beers asking us to drink with them. We sat across from each other glaring and drinking the alcohol. After a few hours all of us were drunk. Our fathers were singing some trot song happily while we both were still glaring at each other. I took one shot and he followed me like we were on a soju duel or something.

“I don’t want to marry you…you who do you think you are…coming here. Go home!” I drunk yelled at him.
“I don’t want to marry you either! I have a girlfriend!” He yells back.
“Well then why are you here? And why don’t your parents know?”
“We..we’re on a break.”
I started laughing. “Idiot, that means you don’t have a girl friend!”

He pointed at me and open his mouth but nothing came out. He started to fall backwards. He was knocked out.

I grin. “I guess I win.”

Our fathers stop singing and started laughing at JunHyung.

“JiYoon-ah, take him in.” My father orders me.

I got up and lend him my help. We walked into the living room and he suddenly slips cause us to land on the couch. I move off him and sat next to him.

He doesn’t look that bad if I look at him like this. He looks peaceful like an angel…I shook my head and lean back. His head started to tilt and landed on my shoulder.

End of flashback

I got up and peeked outside. Our fathers were knocked out on the porch with bottles around them. So it did happen.


To let my dad and uncle rest, mom and auntie made JunHyung and I take the two kids out after breakfast. They wanted to go fishing.

There was this river that was couple miles from our back yard so we went there. My dad had built us a little dock there couple years back. This was the place my dad and I would come to get away from stress.

I helped the two kids get their fishing rod ready and we sat down waiting for the fishes to nibble on the bait.

Thirty minutes pass…nothing.

One hour pass…nothing.

One hour fifth teen minutes pass…nothing.

I look over the dock and saw nothing but seaweed and ropes down there. I don’t think there’s any fishes down there. I look back at John and JuMi.

“Hey guys-”

What was in their hands? JunHyung, JuMi and John had water balloons in their hands. I step back.

“Attack now!” JunHyung commanded.

They started running after me with water balloons and water guns. JunHung grabs a hold of my wrist and we stared spinning around. I was trying to get away from him and he was trying to pin me down so the two boys could attack me with their water gun. We spin around a few more times until finally I pushed him and he fell right into the water.

“That’s what you get!” I yelled out before walking away.
“Noona comeback!” JuMi yells.
“JunHyung can’t swim!”

I stop. He can’t swim? I look back and saw him struggling in the water.

“How could he not know how to swim?”

I ran back and jumped into the water. I pulled him out and pushed him on to the dock.

“He’s not moving.” JuMi pointed.
“Noona hurry try CPR again.” John suggested.
I back away. “No, no more CPR.”
“But he’ll die.” John cries.
“Quick go get mom and auntie.” I told them.

They held hands and started running back to the house. I look back at JunHyung. His face was getting pale. I can’t let him die. What am I going to do? I can’t just let a person die. I start to pat on his cheeks.

“Yah. JunHyung wake up.”

I panic, I can’t just let him die. He better live after this… I close my eyes and started mouth to mouth again. But when I touched his lips they started to move. I open my eyes, OMG HE’S PLAYING WITH ME AGAIN! I try to push back but his hands grab my head and starts pushing me down again. JERK! I push away and sat back. He sits up and grins at me.

“That was for yesterday.”

He starts laughing and walks away. I got up and step back, not knowing that I was already at the edge of the dock I fell into the water.

JunHyung’s pov

Ah that idiot fell for my trap. I walked over to the trees and hands JuMi and John each a dollar.

“Let’s go get ice cream!”

JuMi looks back at the dock and pulled my hand.

“Hyung, where’s my noona?”

I look back. She should be there. She wasn’t there and all our fishing stuff was still there. JuMi ran back.


I ran after him and searched the water. I saw her but what was she doing? Why was she under water? I saw her moving around and kicking. Is she stuck? I jump in and swim down to her. I looked at her leg. It was stuck in seaweed and ropes. I calm her down and started pulling the seaweed and ropes off. I grab her and we started swimming back up. We crash onto the dock and stared at each other trying to catch our breath. NOT GOING TO LIE SHE LOOKS HOT RIGHT NOW. emot1-whoo.gif

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

She nodded her head yes and rolled onto her back.

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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 22: OMG...i almost to cry...T.T
very very loved with your story!!!!!
Chapter 22: Owh..so sad.
I'm JUNAH Shipper.but i love this story
I love this story very much, even though it has ended. But to me, this is the best writte fanfic I've ever read. The feelings you portrayed the 2 of them is really strong. And it moved me to tears. It was so good! I have read this story for about 4-5 times already (including your sequel) it was realy awesome!
I hope you would continue to write more fanfics on Jiyoon and Junhyung ^ ^
Chapter 22: I cry alot., why why why.. T.T
gotta read the sequel
Nice story
e4ever #6
omg i almost cried this is so sad i was too shoked when i relized that she left but i love the story i realy love it thanks
snowff88 #7
this is really good. one of my favourite fanfic ever!!
modueca #8
It was a really good fic.<br />
You made me laugh, squee (many times), and cry.<br />
I can't wait to read the sequel.
PureEvilness #9
OMSquigglez I won't lie I cried after I finished this. And call me crazy but I once wanted JiYoon to get with Joon. It was a beautiful story and I'm gonna start on the sequel immediately!