Loveless Marriage

Last Chapter! Yes I'm serious....


I lay in bed with my eyes fully open. I can’t sleep. BEEP BEEP BEEP my phone started going off.

“Are you sleeping?”
“Can you open your door? I want to see you.”
“I’m already sleeping”
“Good night JunHyung, I’ll see you in the morning.” I hung up the phone.

The next morning I woke up extra early. Uncle was getting ready to go to work.

“Up already? You should sleep in it is summer.”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“Well I’ll see you later, I have to go now.”
“Wait…can I come with you too?”
“With me? To work?”
“Yeah, I never seen your company before…it can be like bring your daughter to work day or something.”
He thought about it for a moment “SURE! I was always envious of Mr. Kim bring in his little girl when he couldn’t find a babysitter. I’ll show you off today to my workers then.”

JunHyun pov

I knocked on her door. She’s not replying to my text.

“JiYoon” She wasn’t in her room. “Where did she go?”

I walk down to my mom and John.

“Where did JiYoon go?”
“Oh she went to work with your dad. He was really happy about it, he said he was going to show her off to his workers.”

Was she trying to avoid me?

JiYoon pov

“Would you like some coffee?” The secretary asks me.
“Ummm sure”

She politely smiles and went out to get me some coffee. Uncle came into his office.

“So what do you think?”
“People are nice, and your office is bright. I like it.”
“Did you say yes to coffee? The coffee downstairs in the café is great!”
“Really? I’m glad I said yes then. It’s so cool having your office on top of your café.”
“Well you know how people like to read while sipping on coffee or tea when they drink that’s where I got my idea from. I sell my publishing in the café.”
“This company doesn’t feel like a work place, it kind of feels like a second home. But then you are one of the best publishing companies out there in the market too…I’m surprise I thought you would have like a huge tall building as an office.”
“Nah I like to keep things simple and small. I don’t need headaches.”
The secretary came in “Coffee is here”


“We’re home!”
Auntie came over to the door with a serious face. “Honey we need to talk JiYoon can you go accompany John upstairs please.”

Uncle and I looked at each other, what was going on? As I pass by the kitchen I saw a familiar face, it was the CEO of Sidus. What was he doing here? I hid by the staris and listen in on the conversation.

“Hello you must be JunHyung’s father.”
“Yes I am but who are you?”
“I am Jung Hoon Tak CEO of Sidus.”
“The entertainment company? Why are you here?”
“I’m here to talk about your son JunHyung. I had offered him a chance at stardom and I’ve been patiently waiting for him to bring you two over to me so we can talk about his contract. I was getting impatient so I thought I come to you two myself.”
“JunHyung? He want’s to be in the entertainment business? Since when?”
“Since I found him. He’s a very good performer.”
“Well this is his decision whatever he decides it’s up to him.”
“So you support him?” Auntie furiously ask.
“It’s his future I might not like it but it’s his future.”
“Honey how can you say that? You’re just going to let him do it?”
“Well even if we say no do you think he will listen? He’s already got a contract waiting for him.”
The CEO stands up “I guess I should let you two talk about it with JunHyung. If you guys have any questions here’s my card.”
Auntie crushes the card in her hands “We won’t be calling you. JunHyung is not going to become a trainee.”

I heard footsteps so I quickly ran up, I couldn’t let him see me. BEEP BEEP BEEP I pull out my phone and answer.

“JiYoon, can we talk?” It was HyunAh.
“Sure what is it?”
“Can we meet face to face? I’ll be waiting for you at the ice cream shop.” She hung up.

I nervously walk over to the ice cream shop. Why did she want to talk to me face to face? I enter the shop and found her sitting in the back corner.

“Hey” She force out a small smile.
“Hi” I took my seat. Silence “What did you want to tell me?”
“JunHyung, don’t you think you could let him go?”
“You love him don’t you? If you love him let him go. Have you ever thought how he’s going to achieve his rap career if you stay? Think about it how can he become one of the best if you’re here. He can’t be in the music industry if he has a wife. You know how fan girls are they get jealous of their oppa’s girlfriend or girls that they like.”
“If he wants me to stay I’ll stay. If he wants me to go I’ll go.”
“JunHyung likes you, I’m pretty sure he’ll choose you. But can you live with him choosing you over his dream? Are you just going to let him throw it all away for you? Think about it.”
“Is this all you want to talk about? Why do I have to let him go? Can’t I stay and let him do his rap career? Why?”
“Like I said it would be hard for him to be an idol being still married. He’s worried about you being alone too. Can you handle it if he left you alone for most of the year? I mean he would only get couple of days off a year can you handle that? Not seeing him…besides he will be surrounded by girls, idol girls.”
“It will be hard but I can do it. I trust him being around girls, idol girls, pretty girls. Why do you think I still let him hang with you? I trust him.”
“But will this love last? Maybe it’s just a phase you two are going through right now. What if later you two decide to not stay married won’t it bee to late then?”
“I’m leaving I don’t want to continue this. If he wants me to leave I will.”

JunHyung pov

“Is this all true?” My mom ask. “Are you trying to become an idol? How can you be an idol? What about JiYoion?”
“What about me?” I ask.
“What about me? You mention JiYoon but this is my life what about me? Can’t I be selfish? I really want to do this.”
“How can you do this with JiYoon still married to you? Are you going to hide it from the public about your marriage?”
“I don’t know mom.”
“You can’t be selfish right now because it’s not just you it’s you and your wife. If you weren’t married then yeah it would be okay but you’re married. You have to think about JiYoon too.”
“Everyone is telling me to think about JiYoon but then what about me? Everyone is just thinking about her.” I stood up “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
JiYoon came in “I’m home.” Everyone looked over at her. “What’s going on?”

JiYoon pov

JunHyung didn’t say anything he just left for his room. I walked to the living room where Auntie and Uncle were.

“JiYoon why don’t you go and try to cheer JunHyung up.” Uncle suggested.
Auntie stops me “While you’re up there try to convince him to not join that company.”
Uncle stops me “No just calm him down first.”

I nodded and headed for his room. I knocked three times and turn his door knob. I lean against the wall looking at him. He was lying in bed with his eyes closed.

“Are you okay? Did..did you know the coffee at your dad’s company is really good.”
JunHyung stood up “What do you want JiYoon? Just get to the point.”
I hesitate should I talk about it? “If you want to do this rap thing then it’s okay with me…I support you. I trust you with all those idol girls and really beautiful girls in the industry. If I only get to see you for a couple days a year then I will try not to miss you so much. I will miss you though. But if you really want to do this then go ahead. I won’t stop you.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment.

“Why are you still here then? If you won’t stop me why are you here then?”
He sighs “How can I do what I want if you’re the reason why I can’t. Even if you let me do it I can’t, people will find out about our marriage. I just can’t see how this relationship will go on if I become an idol. If you support me and my decision to do this then you should have left when you found out, why stay longer? You’re making me really miserable here. You if you want me follow my dreams if you wanted to support me if you wanted me to be able to do this then why are you still here? Can’t you see it’s all you, it’s all because of you!”

I put my head down holding my tears once again…me…all me. “I’m sorry. I just thought we could still make this work with us and you becoming an idol…but I guess not.”

I got out of his room and cried on my way to my room. John came out of his room and followed me into mines.

He started wiping away my tears with tissue. “Noona don’t cry. I’ll marry you. Don’t leave.” He wipes my tears again and hugs me crying. “I don’t want you to leave.”

JunHyung pov

“Go apologize right now.” Mom orders.
“No, I don’t feel like I did wrong. I’m not apologizing.”

I stood up and grab my wallet from my desk.

“Where are you going?”
“I need to get away, I need to get out of here.”
“JunHyung you are not going anywhere.” She tries to block my way.
“Let him go. You can’t force him.” Dad stops mom and I ran out.

I need to clear my head.

JiYoon pov

I tuck John in his bed and heard Auntie and Uncle arguing.

“Why did you let him go? Why? Are you trying to break them up?”
“We can’t do anything about this. This is their issue. We can’t stop him.”
“If JiYoon gets hurt out of this I’m blaming you.”
“Don’t Honey me.”

I waited until they left the hall to go into my room. Everything is going the wrong way…Auntie and Uncle are arguing, which I never saw them argue before, John is crying, JunHyung is going to explode with everyone talking to him about dropping out of being a trainee and it all started with me…

JunHyung pov

It’s been a couple days since I ran out of the house. I haven’t been home since…I haven’t apologized to JiYoon either. It’s not her fault. I shouldn’t have fallen for her first. I should have stop myself from likening her so she could have left after school was over. But I couldn’t help myself…maybe the idol life isn’t for me. I pulled out my phone.

Text: Sorry…are you still mad? I’m sorry about the things I said to you. I’m sorry.

DooJoon came into our hangout place “Still here?”
He took the seat next to me. “If you’re done thinking maybe you should go home before something happens.”
I nodded “I’m planning to go later.”
“Good on the way home get her some flowers too.” DooJoon patted my back.

JiYoon pov

I walked into the room. It was empty, the boxing ring was dusty. Do they even box? JunHyung wasn’t around. The door to the men’s locker room open and DooJoon came out.

“JiYoon what are you doing here?”
“Is JunHyung here?”
“No, he just left.”
I nodded “Can you do me a favorite then?”
“Sure what is it?”

JunHyung pov

I change into some new clothes before I knocked on her door. I didn’t want her hugging a smelly me.

I knocked on her door “JiYoon-ah, can I come in? Are you still mad?” I open her door. She wasn’t in. I place the bouquet of flowers DooJoon told me to pick up on her night stand. There was something wrong with this room, it didn’t look right. I sat down on the bed and looked around. Everything seems to be okay maybe I just need to turn on the lights it was getting dark outside. I looked around again…her stuff animals, they were gone. I walk up to her dresser and pull out the draws, empty. Why is it empty? I pull open the closet doors, her luggage was gone. She couldn’t have left right? She can’t leave…I ran down and slip on my shoes.

Mom and John came in. “You’re home.”
“Is JiYoon with you guys?”
“JiYoon, isn’t she upstairs? She said she wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home.”
I stutter “She’s…she’s not there…her clothes…luggage it’s…it’s all gone.”
“Did you call her?”
“No.” I pull out my phone and called her. “Please pick up…..”

It ringed and then went straight to voice mail. I dial again and the same thing happen.

Mom started to panic “JunHyung you better go find her or I’ll…I’ll…just find her please JunHyung please.”
“Don’t worry I will.”

I ran out dialing her phone again and left a message “Jiyoon-ah please pick up please. I’m sorry. Please pick up.” I close my phone and it started ringing. “JIYOON?”
“No, it’s me DooJoon. Can come over here for a moment. JiYoon wanted me to give you something.”
“Is she there? Let me talk to her.”
“She was here, she just left.”
“I’m coming then.”


I ran in calling her name “JiYoon-ah”
YoSeob turn around to me “Hyung…”

Why were they all here? I look around for JiYoon.

DooJoon steps over to me “She’s not here. She wanted me to give you this.” He hands me a yellow envelope.
I pull out the documents and threw them on the floor. “Are you FU*CKING ME? COME OUT! JIYOON-AH!”
KiKwang picked up the papers and hugged me “Hyung please don’t act like this.”

I punch KiKwang away from me. YoSeob caught KiKwang before he tumble to the ground.

KiKwang stood back up. “Do it, take your anger out on me go ahead beat me up!”
DooJoon pulls my arms back and hold them like he was arresting me. “Calm down.”
I started laughing “This is a joke right? Like a hidden camera to see how I will react to this situation. JIYOON-AH GET OUT HERE. YOU WANT A DIVORCE COME OUT. GIVE ME THE PAPERS YOURSELF!”
DooJoon lets me go “She’s gone…I’m sorry but she’s gone.”
I got on my knees with my head down “This can’t be happening.” I laugh “This can’t be happening…JiYoon-ah, I’m on my knees right now come out…”

YoSeob and KiKwang hug me from each side.

YoSeob sob “Hyung please don’t act this way, you look like a crazy person.”
KiKwang sob after YoSeob “You still have us, please don’t do this.”

I push them both away and ran out. I dial her phone again. It ringed and ringed, she picked up.

“JiYoon-ah…it’s you right? Where are you?”

She didn’t answer me I could hear her breathing or was she crying.

“…Sorry…I’m so sorry…”
“Where are you? Tell me, I’ll come get you…please.”
“.............Sorry” and she hung up.

I dial her number again “This number is not in service” I threw my phone on the ground in anger.


Later when I got home I walked into her room again. I took the bouquet off the night stand and saw a piece of paper fall off.

Sorry is all I can say…I don’t know what to say. But I’ll leave so you can become what you want, I’m sorry I was in your way. To your parents tell them I’m sorry make sure to call them once in a while when you are away. John take him out for ice cream when you can. JunHyung…become a great star so where ever I go I can see you.
You’re once loveless wife JiYoon

don't you guys just love unhappy endings -_- i know who am I kidding.
please don't hurt me lol in life you don't get the things you want...sometimes...this is the first fanfic i finish so fast i usually take like 3-4 months to finish but this one like a month and a couple days....
even though i ended this story like this i hope you guys still enjoyed it anyways
okay i'm going to go hide now (not really i still read other fanfics here)

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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 22: OMG...i almost to cry...T.T
very very loved with your story!!!!!
Chapter 22: Owh..so sad.
I'm JUNAH Shipper.but i love this story
I love this story very much, even though it has ended. But to me, this is the best writte fanfic I've ever read. The feelings you portrayed the 2 of them is really strong. And it moved me to tears. It was so good! I have read this story for about 4-5 times already (including your sequel) it was realy awesome!
I hope you would continue to write more fanfics on Jiyoon and Junhyung ^ ^
Chapter 22: I cry alot., why why why.. T.T
gotta read the sequel
Nice story
e4ever #6
omg i almost cried this is so sad i was too shoked when i relized that she left but i love the story i realy love it thanks
snowff88 #7
this is really good. one of my favourite fanfic ever!!
modueca #8
It was a really good fic.<br />
You made me laugh, squee (many times), and cry.<br />
I can't wait to read the sequel.
PureEvilness #9
OMSquigglez I won't lie I cried after I finished this. And call me crazy but I once wanted JiYoon to get with Joon. It was a beautiful story and I'm gonna start on the sequel immediately!