Loveless Marriage


I stood outside of JiYoon’s classroom and waited for Joon. Just like I expected he came early today, it was his cleaning day. “Let’s talk for a while.”
Joon looks back at me “Me?” He looks around.
“Of course you who else?”

He follows me to the roof.

“What is it? I’m busy.”
I turn around and grab him by the collar “If I see you around JiYoon again I will beat you up for real. I don’t care what the reason is I will beat you up.”
“Go ahead beat me up.”
“What are you trying to do? Break us up like HyunAh? JiYoon is different from HyunAh she won’t fall for you easy.”
“I know. I’m not trying to do anything.”

He removes my grip and walks back in.

JiYoon pov

“Joon where did you go? You have cleaning duty today.”
“I just went out for fresh air.” He walks pass me to go inside the class.
I look down the hall and saw JunHyung come out of where Joon came from. “You were with JunHyung?” I ask him.
Joon push me to the wall and stared at into my eyes………. “You like him too.”
“Remember when I told you I saw loneliness in your eyes…it’s not there anymore.” He lets me go and started washing the chalk board.
“How can you tell?”
“I’m good with those thing, don’t worry I’ll help you.”
“Help me do what?”
“Get closer to each other.”
“What are you talking about…you must be still asleep.” I shook my head and walk away from him.


Joon pov

I put my arms out and stop him. “If you want to beat me up let’s do it.”
“Let’s box…because I can’t help it but to get near her.” I smirk. KEKEKE this will get him so mad.
“You really want to get beat up.” Just like I expected he got mad easily.
I held in my laugh and confidently say “Let’s see who beats who up.”

JunHyung push my arm away and walk off.

“What are you trying to do?” HyunAh ask.
“Helping someone out.”
She thought about it for a while “I don’t need your help, I can get JunHyung back on my own.”
“I’m not helping you. Why are you trying to get him back? You left him, you don’t deserve him.”
“I left him because of you.”
I laugh “Did I tell you to leave him? You left on your own, now someone new is by his side you should give up.”
“You’re helping JiYoon then? Why? JunHyung and you hate each other.”
“He hates me…I don’t hate him.”
“None of your business.” I wave and left.

This is the only way for me to get rid of this guilty feeling inside me. To get them together since I…HyunAh left him for me….

JiYoon pov

I walk behind JunHyung on the way home. He looks like he was in a bad mood and I didn’t want to mess with him.

“I’m HOME!!!” I yell out.

I ran over to auntie and did my regular routine of hugging her and John and then snacking on what ever she handed me before I head up to change.

“What are you doing in my room?”
JunHyung was in the closet going through some stuff. “I’m looking for something.”
“What? Maybe I can help find it.”
He pulls out his gloves “Found it.”
“Why do you need those? Are you going to fight?” He didn’t answer me. “You’re going to fight are you! With who? Tell me I want to come too! HAHAHAHA the thought of you losing is funny.”
“You stay home.”
“You might get scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Me…I will be very scary.”
I look at him, he wasn’t looking at me he was just dusting off his gloves trying to avoid my eyes. “You…are going to fight Joon…I’m right am I? Why are you fighting him? I told you nothing happen last time.”
He place his hand on top of my head “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

As soon as he walked out of the house my phone ring.

“Come over.”

JunHyung pov

YoSeob and KiKwang prep me and sent me into the ring. I walked over to Joon.

“Get ready to get you’re a** kicked.”
He didn’t look at me he kept his eyes on his gloves as he secures them “I never took away anything that belongs to you never ever. HyunAh, your place on the soccer team, middles school class president, I never took any of them from you, they came to me. Even though you hate me, I never once hated you.” He looks at me “If I win hand her over.”
“In your dreams.”
Joon starts laughing.

DooJoon ring the bell and I started swinging.


JiYoon pov

I walked in and heard them cheering JunHyung’s name. What was he doing? Is he really fighting Joon? I walked over to them and saw him. He was in the ring with Joon. YoSeob and KiKwang saw me and got quiet.

“Ah you came…” KiKwang greeted me.
“What are they doing?”
“They’re just testing it out.” YoSeob explained.
“Why didn’t you guys stop them?”

They looked at each other and ran off. I look over to HyunAh she was glaring at me. She rolled her eyes at me and continues to cheer for JunHyung. I looked at JunHyung worried but he had the upper hand, he was winning. Well he was until he saw me. Joon punched him in the face when he was looking at me. I cover my mouth terrified.

He got up again and Joon knocked him down again. He’s going to break JunHyung…my mouth open but words weren’t coming out. I wanted to yell for Joon to stop or for Junhyung to get back up but words weren’t coming out no matter how hard I try.

The bell suddenly rings and Joon won.

Joon jumps down and headed towards me. He smiles to me “Take good care of him, don’t let HyunAh do it.” He waves to me and walked away.
I followed him out “What did you just do? How is this helping me?”

He didn’t answer me and I kept following him. He finally starts talking as we enter his apartment.

“Use that brain of yours. I beat him up, you take care of him you two get closer and you two get together. Simple.”
“You’re weird.”
“I’m not weird. JunHyung is weird. He likes you and everyone could see that he does but he won’t admit it, same with you. I’m helping him and you see how much he likes you. Why would he get into the ring with me to fight over you if he doesn’t feel anything towards you? Think about it JiYoon.”
“Ohhhh” I look around his apartment “What’s up with all these boxes? Re decorating?”
“Moving…I thought I should at least do this much for you two before I left. Go home JiYoon tell him you like him before he gets away. I’m pretty sure he’s piss off that you ran out with me instead of helping him.”
“OMG, you’re right. Why didn’t you stop me.”


I ran up to the attic and bang on his door. “Let me in.” I bang his door again and again. “Are you mad at me? Open up.”

I twist his door knob, it wasn’t even locked. Yeah I felt pretty dumb there. I look inside, he wasn’t there. I went in my room, he wasn’t there too. I bust into the bathroom.

“AHHH” I ran out with my hands over my eyes. I close the door and lean against it “SORRY!”

I ran to his room and waited for him to come in since I know for sure he would close the door on me later.

I heard the door open “Are you done?”

I saw JunHyung with only a towel wrap around his waist. He had a smaller towel on his head to dry his hair. He covers his chest with the small towel.

“How long are you going to look, TURN AWAY!”
“SORRY” I pull my hood over my eyes.

I didn’t even notice I was staring at him for so long, oh my gosh I should have waited in my room.

“, you better not look while I’m dressing.”
I pull down my hood lower “Sorry”
“What do you want?”
“Are…you mad?”
“Go away I don’t feel like talking to you.”
“I’m sorry…for leaving you back there. I should have stay and help you.”
“UGHHH go way.”
“Next time I won’t do it again.”
“There will be no next time. We don’t have much time left to be together. When time ends you can go to Joon. I don’t want someone like you who leaves with other guy when I need you. You also don’t listen, I want someone who listen to me instead of arguing with me twenty four seven. I don’t want you, I hate you, you annoy me.”
“I don’t like Joon…but what you said is kind of cold.”
“I don’t really care. Go away.”
“I…like you…” I remove my hood. JunHyung was already in bed with the lights off. “I..said I like you.”
He sighs annoyed “I’m tired go away.”
“But I said I like you.”
“It’s late go to your room and sleep. You say you like me but I don’t like you, you annoy me.”

I stood up and left him. I close my door and sat down against my bed facing my window.

“He said he doesn’t like me…” I hit my head “STUPID…why did you say you like him…” I grab a pillow and hug it burying my face in it. “I’m so stupid” I cried…

okay got rid of Joon, he's not that bad right.........
T_T Junhyung no likey JiYoon T_T
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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 22: OMG...i almost to cry...T.T
very very loved with your story!!!!!
Chapter 22: Owh..so sad.
I'm JUNAH Shipper.but i love this story
I love this story very much, even though it has ended. But to me, this is the best writte fanfic I've ever read. The feelings you portrayed the 2 of them is really strong. And it moved me to tears. It was so good! I have read this story for about 4-5 times already (including your sequel) it was realy awesome!
I hope you would continue to write more fanfics on Jiyoon and Junhyung ^ ^
Chapter 22: I cry alot., why why why.. T.T
gotta read the sequel
Nice story
e4ever #6
omg i almost cried this is so sad i was too shoked when i relized that she left but i love the story i realy love it thanks
snowff88 #7
this is really good. one of my favourite fanfic ever!!
modueca #8
It was a really good fic.<br />
You made me laugh, squee (many times), and cry.<br />
I can't wait to read the sequel.
PureEvilness #9
OMSquigglez I won't lie I cried after I finished this. And call me crazy but I once wanted JiYoon to get with Joon. It was a beautiful story and I'm gonna start on the sequel immediately!