Loveless Marriage

KiKwang kneel down to me “JunHyung don’t you think you been working out too much? It’s weird seeing you work out so much. JiYoon still not talking to you?”
“I don’t care if she’s not talking to me. I mean I don’t want to talk to her anyways, why would I want to talk to her if she’s all mean looking and won’t EVEN LOOK AT ME!”
He backs up “Whoa…I think you do care.”
“I don’t.”
“Well are you two going to my parent’s Chirstmas Winter Dinner Ball together?”
“I don’t know, I’m going straight there after working out. She’ll come with my parents I guess.”
“If you don’t want her to be mad at least go pick her up, it is Christmas eve.”
I push KiKwang away with my finger. “No”

JiYoon pov

I ran to the bathroom and sneeze into a bath towel. I blew my nose for the hundredth time today. I caught the cold. Auntie came in and handed me some tissue.

“Honey don’t use that, use tissues.”
“Sorry Auntie, I just grab whatever I could. I ran out of tissues in my room.”
She place her hand on my forehead. “You’re still burning up. I don’t think you can go to the Chirstmas Winter Dinner Ball.”
“It’s okay I don’t feel like going even if I wasn’t sick.”
“Go to sleep honey I’ll bring you something to eat before I leave.”

JunHyung pov

“Oppa!” HyunAh ran over to me.

I turn away to run before she actually got closer but she grabs me before I got the chance.

“Oppa didn’t you hear me?”
“Oh, I think I heard my mom calling me.”
“Are you here alone? I didn’t see JiYoon come in with your parents.”
“That’s why I have to go talk to my mom. Excuse me.”

I remove her grip and walked over to John. He was flirting with some girls.

“John what are you doing?”
“Not now Hyung.”
I pull him away “Where’s JiYoon?”
“Noona? She stayed home.”
“She’s too sick.”

JiYoon pov

I open the pot of rice porridge Auntie had left me and scope me a bowl.

“Ughhh I’ve been eating this for two days now. I’m tired of it.”

I place the bowl on the table and jump on the couch to catch the Secret Garden marathon. A chicken commercial appeared. My mouth started to water. So many food commercial, the next one was a duboki commercial. I wipe my drool and ran to my room to grab my coat. Auntie won’t know, I’ll just be gone for a moment.

I ran to the nearest snack cart.

“Ahjumma one serving of duboki and one to go!”
“How could you eat that much?”
I turn around to find Joon, I’m so use to him being there now. “Because I can.”
“You’re not going to the Christmas Winter Dinner Ball?”
“I’m here so no.”
“Aren’t you scared of HyunAh seducing JunHyung away from you?”
“Go away Joon.”
He backs up “Going, I don’t want you to cry again.”

Ahjumma gave me my serving. Just tasting the duboki made me feel better already.

“You’re not supposed to be eating that.”
“Didn’t I tell you to go away Joon.”
“Joon? I’m not Joon.”
“I don’t care what your name is.” I continue eating.

He turns me around.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you sick?”
“What are you doing here aren’t you suppose to be at the Christmas Winter Dinner Ball. Gosh what a long name.”
JunHyung pulls me away from the cart. “Let’s go home.”
I resist “My duboki!”
“You are sick, you should be watching what you eat. No more for you.”
“I don’t want to waste it.”

JunHyung quickly grabs my duboki and we started walking home. I kept rubbing my hands together to keep them warm.

“How many times did I tell you to wear gloves?”

JunHyung stops walking and pulls off his glove on the right and slipped it on my hand. He grabs my left hand and stuffs it inside his pocket.

I look at him “Why you keep doing this it feels weird.”
JunHyung didn’t answer me.
“Why are you back already. That place is two hours away from here.”
JunHyung squeeze my hand and started running.


As soon as we got home snow started to fall.

JunHyung looks back outside. “I heard it was going to be a blizzard tonight.”
“You can let go of my hand now.” I try tugging my hand away.
He lets go “I don’t want to hold it anyways.”

JunHyung ran to the kitchen.

“Yah give me my… duboki!”

I ran after him. He was stuffing them down.

“Yah!!! I want some.”

He held the last piece up.

“Please, just one. JUNHYUNG!”

He put it into his mouth before I got over to him. He hands me a bowl of rice porriage.

“If you finish this I’ll give you something.”
“Really what?”
“It’s a secret.”

I follow him back into the living room and sat down next to him.

“If you tell me I’ll finish it.”
“No, you finish first.”

I pout and quickly finish the bowl.

“Here” I hand over the bowl.
“Where’s my surprise?”
“I lie I don’t have anything.”

I punch him. I walk to the kitchen and wash my bowl. I came back to the living room.

“Here, mom got this for you.”

I happily jump towards him. He hands me a spoon.

“Thank you for the cake. I know you got it for me, I’m not stupid.” I stuck my sppon in and started eating.

JunHyung pov

After eating about half the cake together we glued our eyes to the t.v. we didn’t even notice how much snow there was outside. The snow had been falling for couple of hours now and it was not stopping. I walk up to the window and look out. Every thing was covered in snow.

“Hopefully our power won’t go-” The power suddenly went out. “Out”
“Great you jinx us.” JiYoon walked over to me.
“Let’s go get the candles and emergency flash lights.”

We use our cell phone as flash lights and walked to the storage house outside. My parents kept a lot of junk and this was where they stored them. Our emergency things were in a red box so it would be easy to find.

“I see it!” JiYoon ran to the back and pulled out a red box.

We sent one lamp in the kitchen and one in the living room in case my parents came home they would be able to see. We each took some candles and a rechargeable lamp for our rooms.

JiYoon stop me from going to my room. “Let’s stay in the same room.”
“No, are you crazy.”
“I’m scared.”
“No.” I ran to my room and close the door.

JiYoon pov

“But I’m scared!” I yell at him but he kept running up the stairs.

I set the lamp on my nightstand and started lighting candles. My hands shook as I try to get the match to work. I was being paranoid. Suddenly something hit my window, I drop the match and ran out of my room to JunHyung. Good thing he didn’t lock the door, I ran right in and jump in his bed.

“I’m scared let’s share room tonight.”
“Yah get out.”

I felt his hands on my ankles, he pulls me to the foot of the bed and place my foot down. I sat up and met his face. He put his hands down beside me and moves in closer. We were sooooooooooo close.

He whispers into my ear. “If you stay here I might kiss you.” He gently brushes his lips on my cheeks and smirks.

I look down on the floor embarrassed and nervous. I tightly close my eyes and waited for him to kiss me. My heart felt like it was going to jump out. I held my breath.

He whispers into my ear. “You must be really scared to let me kiss you.” JunHyung pulls away.

I open my eyes and let out my breath.

“What scared you?”
“Something hit my window.”
“Did you look to see what it was?”

He hands me a small flash light and took the lamp with him down. He came back up in a couple minutes with my lamp.

“It was just a branch.” He hands me my lamp. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“But the floor is cold. We shared this bed before it’s okay if we share again.”
He was surprised to hear me say I’ll share a bed with him.
I gave him the excuse “The floor is cold.”

We lay on our backs and stared at the ceiling.

“Why aren’t you at the Dinner..Christmas Ball Winter thing what ever it’s called.”
“It was boring so I came home.”
I turn to my side to look at him. “You came home for me didn’t you?”
“No, why would I.” He turns his back towards me.

I stared at his back for a moment, it looks warm. My hand reaches to touch it but I restrain myself and pull back. My finger started to move forward and poke his back.

“Why are you touching me?”
"Are you upset with me for yelling at you the other day? I was really mad at you but I was wrong for yelling at you."

I roll to my other side, now our backs were facing each other. In the process of turning my leg brushed against his.

“UGHHH” He stood up and started doing push ups.
“What are you doing?” I sat up to look at him.
“Trying to get rid of extra energy emot1-whoo.gif

He got on his back and started kicking the air.

“What does kicking the air help you with? Looks fun, let me try.” I lay back down and started to kick the air like him.

JunHyung got up and took out a sleeping mat, a blanket and a pillow. He snatches his pillow on the bed.

“I’m sleeping on the floor, now go to sleep.”

He turns off his lamp and went to sleep.

"What?" He ask annoyed.
"Merry Christmas, it's midnight already."



Yeah I was bored so I made a poster ^^

thanks for reading everyone

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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 22: OMG...i almost to cry...T.T
very very loved with your story!!!!!
Chapter 22: Owh..so sad.
I'm JUNAH Shipper.but i love this story
I love this story very much, even though it has ended. But to me, this is the best writte fanfic I've ever read. The feelings you portrayed the 2 of them is really strong. And it moved me to tears. It was so good! I have read this story for about 4-5 times already (including your sequel) it was realy awesome!
I hope you would continue to write more fanfics on Jiyoon and Junhyung ^ ^
Chapter 22: I cry alot., why why why.. T.T
gotta read the sequel
Nice story
e4ever #6
omg i almost cried this is so sad i was too shoked when i relized that she left but i love the story i realy love it thanks
snowff88 #7
this is really good. one of my favourite fanfic ever!!
modueca #8
It was a really good fic.<br />
You made me laugh, squee (many times), and cry.<br />
I can't wait to read the sequel.
PureEvilness #9
OMSquigglez I won't lie I cried after I finished this. And call me crazy but I once wanted JiYoon to get with Joon. It was a beautiful story and I'm gonna start on the sequel immediately!