Teaser(s) - Nikki and Jaehwa

GAME | New girl group of C.J.S. Entertainment {Closed}

-Jaehwa POV-

Nikki unnie and I were casually walking along the streets of Seoul. I know what you people might be thinking. "Unnie?! WTH?! What is this!" "Such different people! Sure they are dongsaeng and unnie?!!?" Well, now you can confirm it. Yes, Nikki unnie is my dear cousin. Surprised much?

Anyways, back to my story.

"Jae! Look at that!" Nikki suddenly pointed to something and jumped up and down. 

Seriously, sometimes I don't even know why she's called Ice Princess. When she's with me, she's the total opposite, bubbly and full of life.

"What?" I asked and turned to the direction she was pointing to. "OH MY GOD!! I can't believe it!!" 

Like a flash, I ran towards that direction with Nikki following behind me. Guess what it was!

It. Was. A. Gigantic. Poster. On. A. Wall.  

But not just any poster! It was a poster of... that's right! It was a poster with the words:


And it was written in BIG BOLD letters! Clear for ALL TO SEE!! The only sad part was that they didn't show the faces! Damn! I wanted to see my unnies!!

Just then, a few teenaged students walked past us and saw the poster. 

"I can't wait for GAME's debut!"

"I bet they're going to rock the K-pop industry!"

"Have you heard who the members are yet?"

"Of course! Daily K-pop News already released them! The maknae is really young! The oldest is also quite young too!"

"Wow! Who knew! We are famous even before debut!" Nikki whispered to me.

"Ne!!" I clapped my hands happily.

"Whoa~ Fantastic Baby~~" Nikki unnie's phone suddenly rang.

Yes, she is a VIP. 


I pressed my ears to the back of her phone and tried to listen to her conversation. Epic fail. Nikki pushed me away and gave me an evil glare. So scary!

"Jaehwa is with me, yes," she continued.

This time, I got puzzled. What was she talking about?

"So Thursday, 2PM?" 


"Okay, bye," Nikki hung up and placed her phone into her bag.

"So what was it about unnie?" I immediately asked.

"I don't know. Some meeting on Thursday at 2PM. You better be there!" she shot me another evil glare. 

"Okay! I wonder if we get to meet the members then!" I beamed.

"Hopefully..." was the only reply I got.


Annyeong! *waves* This is your co-author, SHINeeRoxx speaking!

Last teaser done! Hope you enjoyed it! The story will be on it's way soon!! 

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nice logo :)
love that you chose four leaf clover as our logo ^^
_mrsmjjeje #2
I like the four leaf clover cover. Did you choose it because of what four leaf clover meant? I think the girls are really lucky to be able to debut soon and they've got supporters~ anyways, shall wait for the next update!
I am glad that all of you like the way I wrote about the interaction part.
I felt so appreciated!! I wanna cry now!!
wobuzitao #4
I love this chapter~! Its so cute! <3
The interaction between the girls are just too cute ! ahh , I just adore it ! <333 I can't wait for the next update <333