And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...

And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...

Here's the next chapter...




Ren's POV


I always wanted to take my first date at an amusement park.


"An amusement park?"She asked.


"Why? You don't like it?"I asked.


"I spent my childhood in college. Of course, I don't like it."She answered.


I was sad because I felt like a complete loser who just made an epic fail on his first date.


"I love it."She added.


I looked at her with a confused look and said, "What?'


"I spent my childhood in school. I always wanted to go to an amusement park but I can't since I don't have friends before and I don't like guys."She explained.


My whole world lit up and I started jumping up and down like a kid as she laughed at my reaction.


"Stop hopping, puppy. I wanna go on rides!!!"Mimi said as she dragged me inside.

We played on booths first. We both wanted to save the rides for later. We tried the basketball booth where in we have to shoot 3 balls on a 15 feet court. Being naturally taller and good at basketball, I won that oversized stuff dog and gave it to Mimi.


"Wow. This is one big stuffed toy. It kinda looks like you though."She said as she put the toy next to me and differentiate.


"Ha! I'm way better than that toy. I'm also prettier and was more gorgeous than it."I said.


"Hmmmm.... I'll think I'll call you 'Minki'. Cuz you remind me a lot about Ren."She talked to the toy, completely ignoring me.


"Yah!!! What do I resemble that?!"I asked.


"It's cute, cuddly, innocent looking and it looks after me like you."She explained while ignoring my gaze.


'Awww... That's so sweet. I must not blush or smile like a complete idiot.' I thought.


"Yah! Minki!! You better take a good care of Mimi especially when she's asleep. Guard her from nightmares. If you don't do a good, I'll tear you to pieces."I said to Minki.


Mimi's POV


"Yah! Minki!! You better take a good care of Mimi especially when she's asleep. Guard her from nightmares. If you don't do a good, I'll tear you to pieces."Ren said to Minki.


My heart kept beating like crazy, my face is heating up and I couldn't help but smile.


'According to my research last night, these are normal symptoms when you are with someone you like (more than a friend) and that person is flattering you or etc.' I thought.


'So I like him. I can now assure that I definitely like him more than a friend but that's not enough.'I though.


I checked at my watch. It's already 12:14 pm.


Ren probably saw me looking at my watch and checked his.


"It's already this late."Ren said in a shocked voice.


"Time flies when you're having fun." I replied.


"So you're having fun? Cuz I'm completely enjoying every moment."Ren said.


"My first date is getting better and better. Better not disappoint me Mr. Choi Minki."I challenge.


"My lady, we are just getting started."He replied.


We ate at the foodcourt and chatted while eating.


"You know, there's one thing I don't get about you Ren."I said.


"What is it?"He asked.


"For someone with those looks, how come you never had a female friend and/or a girlfriend?"I asked.


"No female friend probably because every girl just throw themselves at me. Girlfriend? I guess its because I haven't met the right girl yet."He answered.


"Ohhh... You're future girlfriend would be very lucky to be with a sweet caring man like you."I said trying to hide my depressed voice.


"Yeah. By the time I really do have a girlfriend already, I would do everything to make her happy. Her sad tears will kill me but I will make sure I will be there to wipe it away and make her smile once more."He said while smiling.


'According to my research, when a guy gives a detailed explanation about what he would do for his future girlfriend and has a glowing aura then it means that he already likes someone.'I felt my heart sank in that thought.


"Seems like someone's inlove."I teased amd I saw his ears blushed.


"I-I-I... No... I mean..."He kept stuttering while I laughed out loud trying to hide my pain.


"You know what? Let's just forget I asked that."I said.


"Sure. Now, let's ride until we can ride no more!"He replied and he dragged me outside.


We first rode the rollercoaster. Then we rode the log ride, we got a little wet but it was so fun that we rode it again 5 times. Then we rode other huge rides except for the viking cuz both of us doesn't like that ride.


Time flies when you're really having the most fun in your life. It was already 7:30 pm.


"It's already late, wanna enter the haunted house??"He asked.


"Sure unless you're afraid."I said then made chicken noises.


"As if."He said and we went to the line.


"Welcome to the haunted mansion. Please follow the lighting on the floor and please hold hands with your partner at all times."The lady at the counter said.


"You don't have to. I'll just be by your side."I said but instead he held my hand and dragged me inside.


'I'm holding his hand.'I thought and blushed.


'It's a really good thing it's dark in here.'I thought.



Ren's POV


'I'm holding her hand. Her soft little hand. It's a really really good thing that it's dark in here. I'm sure I have a goofy smile painted on my face right now.'I thought.


It wasn't scary just a little shocking. Well, that's what I thought until we reached the second floor. It was way scarier like really scary.


I looked at Mimi and to see whether she's scared. The lighting here is lighter than the first floor so I can see her face. She looks uncomfortable. I was about to ask her if she was ok when some person grabbed us behind. Mimi screamed at the top of her lungs and hugged me.


"Can we leave now?"She asked and I can feel her shaking.


"It's ok. It'll be over soon. Just hold onto me, I won't let you go."I said.


We continued the rest of the tour with the two of us hugging one another. When we finally got out, I looked at Mimi and I noticed that she was still hugging me. Not that I mind, I'm really loving this.


"Mimi, wanna take a picture together? As a remembrance for our first dated?"I asked as I pointed at a photo booth.


"Sure!! I would love to!"She said and we went inside.


We made funny faces and expressions. After that, we shared the pic.


"Today is super fun!!!"Mimi said.


"It's not over yet. The night is still young."I said.


"Huh?" She looked at me, confused.


I went to the shop nearby and bought a cloth and a box of pizza. I went back to Mimi and dragged her to the park.


"Picnic?"She asked.


"Yeah. Picnic at night is a quieter than daylight plus there are no noisy kids."I explained.


"Like we weren't noisy when we were young?"She said sarcastically.


"Good point."I said in defeat.


"I love star gazing. The sky is clear too."She added.


I layed the cloth next to a tree and we both sat on it.


"Have you seen the japanese drama 'Koizora'?"I asked.


"Of course! I love that drama. I cried throughout the whole time."She replied and ate some pizza.


I took a piece and we ate in silence.


After finishing the pizza, we started talking again.


'It's now or never I guess.' I thought.


"Mimi, remember earlier when you were teasing me about being in love?"I asked.


"Yeah. What about it? It was just a joke, dude. Don't be too serious."She said to me with that smile.


"I know. But you are my first female friend, so I actually like someone." I said.


Mimi's POV


"I know. But you are my first female friend, so I actually like someone." Ren said.

'Ouch. Either I ate too much causing a heartburn or this is what they call a 'broken heart'. If it is, then I can now say that I love him.'I thought.


"I'm happy for you. Let me guess. It's that girl from home economics. The one that bake you those cookies."I asked trying my best to give a smile.


"Well, sure she's nice but she isn't near the girl I like." He said.


"Oh.. So tell me, what is she like?"I asked.


"First day I saw her was when she was provoking the girl on her first day. I don't know why but I suddenly got the urge to know her more. The more I see her and the more I know about her, I just can't help but feel weird. I even daydream about her at school. Whenever I see girls giving her dirty looks, I just wanted to yell at them. I want to protect her. I know that she wouldn't feel the same but I just want to tell her that I'm falling for her. I wrote her a letter so that she would know my feelings but I never told her who I am." He said then I remembered the letter that reminds me of Ren.


"It was you?"I asked then he smiled while looking down.


"I don't deserve you, I know but I just want to let you know that I love you."He said, ignoring my eyes.


I blushed at what he said and my heart is going crazy like it wanted to jump out of my chest and go to him.


"What made you say that I don't deserve you?"I asked.


"You're smart, you're so unique, you're different, you're always game for anything, you're too nice and you deserve someone better than me."He explained.


"So you're giving up on me?"I asked while looking at him with a bored expression.


"I guess so."He said while lowering his head more.


"Too bad though. Just when I know for sure that I really do love you."I said as I looked at another direction with disinterested face.


I could feel his stare. I looked at him with serious eyes.


"If you don't want me to be your girlfriend, then I'm - -"Ren cutted me. I felt his soft lips onto mine and at that moment, everything was perfect.


Even though it was just a simple kiss but it took a long time. Everything just froze. I will kill time if 'it' sped time again. Feeling his lips next to mine and the love being shared between the two of us. He pulled away after about 5 minutes, showing his red face.


"First time wearing this, first male friend, first time going to an amusement park, first time to go to an evening picnic and my first kiss."I said.


I don't know why but he just started laughing.


"The first 4 firsts are true except for the last one."He said.


"What do you mean? I have never kissed a guy before."I defended.


"Well, you are my girlfriend now, right?"He asked.


"Yep and you're mine. Girls at our school better stay away from you. I can share everything except MY man and chocolates."I said giving emphasis to the word: My. He laughed at my comment so hard that he's even holding his stomach.


"Would it be very creepy if I told you that I sort of... kinda... a little... may have... kissed you when you're sleeping?"He asked in a very awkward tone.


"You did what?!"I asked trying not to shout.


"Hey, I was checking whether you're feeling better but then you said my name and you're face looks like you wanted to kiss someone. So I did you a favor."He explained.


"Feeling better?"I asked  then dug deep in my memories.


I realized what he was talking about.


"No wonder it felt so real."I whispered to myself.


"By the way, who was that person you were trying to kiss in your dream. You skipped that part when you told me your nightmare. That person better be me or - -" I cutted him by giving him another loving kiss but this time, it's only for a few seconds.


"You're such a drama queen."I said.


"And a diva."He added.


"Whatever."I said.


"So, who was that person?"He asked again.


"It was you."I said in a very very low voice.


"What?"He asked.


"It was you."I whispered.


"I really can't hear you."He replied.


"IT WAS YOU!! I DREAMT KISSING CHOI MINKI IN MY DREAM!!"I yelled. I looked at my surrounding and thank God no one's here.


I looked at Ren. He was giving me a naughty smirk. He leaned for another kiss but I blocked him.


"Awwwww.."He whined.


"Take me home." I said.


"One last kiss."He asked.


"No. Take me home."I said sternly.


"Just a peck."He begged.


"No. If you don't want to take me home then I'll go home alone."I said and started to walk away.


Ren caught up with me and stopped me.


"I'm sorry. I know what you're going to say. I know its not my fault but I did push you to do it. I'm really happy that it was me whom you've dreamt and not some guy. I promise I'll do everything to make you happy."He explained.


I smiled at him and held his hand.


"You're still not getting that kiss though."I said.


"Why not?"He whined.


"Punishment for kissing me when I'm sleeping."I answered.


"But you did liked it."He replied.


"Whatever."I said while smiling.


We walked hand in hand until we reached my house. I rang the doorbell and my parents greeted me and Ren.


"Mom, dad, I don't want to get married to some guy that you want me to marry if I get kicked out. You love me right? And my happiness means a lot to you."I said.


"Of course we want you to be happy but we also want to be happy, dear."My mom said.


"Not unless someone just volunteers to be your boyfriend, we would continue with our plan."My dad explained.


"Mr. and Mrs. Park. Would you take me as your future son-in-law?"Ren asked out of nowhere and we all looked at him with this expression - - - -> O.o

"Mimi, is my girlfriend now. Please accept me."Ren added as he bowed to my parents.


"Is this true, Park Mimi?"My dad asked in a serious tone.


"Yes."I squeaked.


My mom shrieked and we all looked at her. She hugged Ren tightly and said, "Thank you!!!! I knew this was going to happen!!! Now your dad owes me a shopping spree."


I looked at her then dad.


"We made a bet. If you two got together after this date, I treat her a shopping spree. But either way, I'm very happy for the two of you. Ren, I've asked you this once and I'll ask you again, take care of my daughter."My dad said.


"Yes sir. With my life if I have to." Ren said with a smile.


We had a small chit chat about Ren and us being an item. My dad even offered Ren to bring him home.


'This is officially the best day ever.'I thought.


From what I wrote in the forewords or description, this is suppose to be a short story.

And from the title, its only until Mimi gets a boyfriend...

Should I continue this story???

Comments my masters~!!!


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glorysandra #1
maybe alyssa will ruin the relationship between ren and mimi. they break up and headed their own paths. they coincidentally meet up again when they are older, but both of them already have new partners.Love will bloom again.
StarlightN #2
Great job author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfic!
jamyung #3
alyssa i wonder what can she do
update soon
she can't do anything to mimi
4everALonE_26 #4
Update soon~
Here comes the ____..
And I bet she's in for a very very bad revenge.
updates please
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it!!U ask how was it?well it was......AWESOME,WONDERFUL, AMAZING,AND ONCE MORE AWESOME!!!
Congrats on getting into college!!*throws confetti*
Hey every one on AFF has updated late before so no worrys plus u were busy with graduating and getting into to college!!!
I still haven't updated my fanfic yet(T^T)I have writers block and it (TT^TT)
jamyung #8
they are going the Amercia
update soon