My Puppy and His Kitten

And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...

I'm gonna start writin now before I start my university years...


Park Mimi's POV

I woke up because of my stupid alarm clock. I picked it up and literally threw it God knows where. I don't really care if it broke, it's just fair anyway, it broke my sleep.

I yawned, obviously still tired and sleepy. I lazily went to the bathroom and do what any normal high school student do. I went to the kitchen afterwards, not even bothering how I look.

"Morning dear." My mom said as she prepared the pancakes, not even looking at me.

"Morning. Ohhhh~! Pancakes. I shall devour you my favorite morning food.!" I talked to the pancakes. Yes, I talk to food, problem?

"PARK MIMI!!! Is 'combing' a part of your dictionary?" My mom yelled.


"It has to be in my brain since I would look like a total moron if I don't but though I know the word and its meaning, i don't really bother about action." I explained.

"Don't you go sarcatic with me young lady." She warned.


"Sorry." I squeaked.


"Morning my angels. Mimi, think fast." My dad said as he threw me something.

"Chocolate!!" I screamed and was about to unwrap it until mom stopped me.


"Breakfast first. And you, how do you expect us to have grandchildren when we would be lucky enough to actually have a son-in-law." My mom said to my dad.


"I'm 16!!!!" I said.


"Normal 16 year old girls dated at least one guy." My mom said.


"I dated that guy before." I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What guy?" She asked.


"Ummm... You know that guy. The one who keeps on coming in our old home back in Japan." I said.


"Ah! Lee Chan Hee. Really?? How long have you been in a relationship with him?" My mom asked excitedly.

"3 minutes and 5 seconds." I said cooly.

"you call that a relationship?" My mom asked as she tried not to say something offensive.

"Yeah. At least he was able to call himself my boyfriend once and it would be the highlight of his life. I'm gonna be late. Gotta go." I said then left.


"Well at least she's not like those easy to get girls who are already pregnant at that age. We should be happy. She'll find someone." I heard my dad say to my mom.

So here's the thing, you're boyish but inside you're a girl. You just never show it. You've met men and they're all useless except for dad. That guy I dated, even if it was just 3 minutes, he already grabbed me and made a move. He's in the hospital right now and that's why I have to move to Korea. Let's just say, its not your first time being transferred for 'unimaginable' reasons.

I was on my way to the gate when a girl bumped hard on me.

"Yah! Watch where you're going you idiot." She yelled making a scene.

'Hmmm... first day of school and a just approached me. This will be fun.' I thought.

"Me? An idiot? How sure are you that you're not?" I said in English.

"Judging by you're current image, chances are you're 99.99% a school flirt or maybe even a and about 0.01%, because I'm nice, that you have brains. I should know, I met people like you and believe me , I'm not wrong, am I?" I continued while giving her my infamous you-just-lost smirk.

"Hmp!" She said with a noticable red face and left. Soon everyone, left.


But not soon after another girl bumped into me.


"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. I got in between guys and was dragged until i bumped onto you." She tried to explain.

"Don't worry. It's ok." I said with a smile.


"You're not angry?" She asked.


"Nope. I'm happy I met someone like you. Seeing the students for at least 5 minutes, people here need some attitude adjustments and would never give up their huge egos and pride to apologize." I explained.


"Oh. by the way, I'm Choi Minki but please call me Ren." She said.


"Park Mimi. I'm sorry but are you a boy?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I get that a lot." HE said.


"Are you new? Are you even a student?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was transferred by my parents here just last night so I don't have the uniform yet. They say that my self confidence might grow here." He explained.

"Let's hope not. You're my first friend here and I don't want you to change into someone like them." I replied.

"You're right. Let's go?" He asked.

"Sure." I answered and off we went to the office.

At the office

"Choi Minki?" The director asked.

"That's me." Ren said then the director gave him an envelop

"So you're the infamous Park Mimi?" The director said as he looked at me.

"Yeah. I guess but I'm not famous." I said.


"Well you are. You're very famous to all the school directors worldwide. The devil behind an Angel's face. I have to say you look very innocent. You're looks are enough to make the directors think twice whether you really did those things." The director explained.

"I had my reasons." I simply answered.


"You hospitalized 5 people. 3 are still in a unconcious." The director said in disbelief.

"Like I said, I have my reasons. Can you please give me my schedule? We are simply wasting time talking about disrespectful, annoying, untoleratable, immature, jerks and y students whom I hospitalized." I said.

"So I see. With that statement, I could now understand you're reason." The director said as he gave me my envelop.

"You should know those kind of students well. You're school is full of them. I just met a girl earlier. My first day so I let her off, lucky ." I said.


"I'm sorry and i know but please do control your language." The director said.


"I don't say those words until I have to. Thank you sir and good day. Ren, let's go." I bowed and dragged Ren out of the office.


"You really hospitalized 5 people?" Ren asked in disbelief.


"Yeah, if you don't want to be my friend, I completely understand." I told him.


"No. I would be honored to be you're friend. I have never met a girl like you before. Kitty got claws." Ren said and we both laughed.


"Well, Kitty also got sharp teeth. I bite. Rawr." I added and we laugh more.

"Hey Mimi. Can I ask you something?" Ren asked.


"Yeah, sure. Hit me!" I said.


"Can I call you Kitty?" He asked.


"In one condition." I said.


"What?" He asked.


"I get to call you Puppy." I said.

"Why?" He asked as he gave me an irresistable pout.

"Cuz you're as cute, adorable and innocent looking like a puppy." I explained.


"Yes and looks can kill. Fear me." He said.


"In your dreams, puppy." I said and we both laugh again.


"Well, looks like we're one of those rare cases of being friends. A cat and a dog." He said.


"Yeah but rare cases are always the pure one." I replied.


"Ahw, my kitten can be so sensitive." He teased.

"Yah! When did I became your kitten?" I said.

"Since I became you're puppy." He comebacked.


"Ohh.. Puppy got skills." I said.


"I got some tricks off my sleeves, Kitten. Let's go to class or we'll be late." He said.


"On the first day of school, no way. Last one to get to the classroom buys sundaes!" I said.

"You're on. One, two, three." he said and we both run off.

We arrived at the classroom at the same time. The teacher and our new classmates looks at us crazily.


"The two of you are nearly late. I'm Park Hyun Mi, your homeroom and mathematics teacher. Come in and introduce yourself." She said.


"Annyeong~! Choi Minki imnida. I am a boy, please don't be mistaken." Ren introduced. I looked at my classmates and seems like every girl in class was giving him flirty eyes or drooling. I honestly feel weird. Something I never felt before.

I shrugged off the feeling and introduced myself.


"Annyeong~! Park Mimi imnida." 

Ren's POV

When I introduced myself it was hard not to notice girls giving me flirty looks and some are near to literally drooling. I looked at my Kitten and see her reaction. It wasn't a shock that she gave a disgusted look. I smiled at that thought.

Then she introduced herself.

"Annyeong~! Park Mimi imnida."

I looked at the class. Girls are giving her death glares while she doesn't even care while the boys where shouting like cavemen and whistling in a flirty sound. Crazy as it may be but I hate it so much. I guess I maybe jealous but Mimi is my first (girl) (friend), complete separation of the two words. I hate it when people disrespects her. She's still a girl for pete's sake!

She probably didn't notice my annoyed face. I just looked at the class and gave them  my killer smile.

I know it's the first time I met you Mimi but I vow to protect you. I will make you happy since I completely understand your life. Acting like a silent hero while looking like an evil villain. I want to be help you with your burden. 

'That'sit. Protecting you is now my goal and I vow in my name to accomplish it.' I said to myself.


First chapter is done~!

what do you think???

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glorysandra #1
maybe alyssa will ruin the relationship between ren and mimi. they break up and headed their own paths. they coincidentally meet up again when they are older, but both of them already have new partners.Love will bloom again.
StarlightN #2
Great job author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfic!
jamyung #3
alyssa i wonder what can she do
update soon
she can't do anything to mimi
4everALonE_26 #4
Update soon~
Here comes the ____..
And I bet she's in for a very very bad revenge.
updates please
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it!!U ask how was it?well it was......AWESOME,WONDERFUL, AMAZING,AND ONCE MORE AWESOME!!!
Congrats on getting into college!!*throws confetti*
Hey every one on AFF has updated late before so no worrys plus u were busy with graduating and getting into to college!!!
I still haven't updated my fanfic yet(T^T)I have writers block and it (TT^TT)
jamyung #8
they are going the Amercia
update soon