Ren!!! Why u messing with my thoughts?!?!

And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...

Here's the next chapter my masters... 



Mimi's POV

I was walking on the park when I spotted Ren who was surrounded by girls. I approached him and scared of the girls away.


"Leave before I rip all of your brainless little head off."  I growled and they fled in terror.

"Thank you! You just save me." Ren said.


"You could've just ask them to leave, you know?" i said.

"I did. They wouldn't leave!! I don't even know most of those girls." He added.


"Do you even know a girl?" I asked.


"Of course I do!" He said.


"Except for me and your mom." I said.


"Then, no." he said and we laughed. I sat next to him.

"You're so lucky that I happened to past by." I said.


"Really? I thought you were stalking me." He said.

"Don't get too cocky puppy." I warned and he just laughed.


"I have a favor." I told Ren.


"What is it?" He asked.


"I'm kinda tired. Ummm..." I couldn't get the right words.

Without even asking, he led my head on his lap.


I smiled at him and looked at the sky.

"I hope we stay like this forever." He said out of the blue.


I look up to him and went near his face. I saw him blushing.


"You wouldn't be falling for me now, are you?" I said to him with a smirk on my face.


"What if I am."He replied with his face inching from mine.


"Ummm... Ren...?" I said with an unsure voice. Some weird feeling was building i my stomach.


Then he kiss me. It was soft and loving.


'My first kiss. I gave my first kiss to my first friend, this is so wrong but my lips are seriously not responsing.' I thought.

After about a minute, he let go of my lips and stared at his mysterious eyes. On that exact moment, our surroundings went dark. I wasn't on the grass with him but we were still at the park. The atmosphere feel disturbingly sad like someone died or something.

"Ren?" I said as I grabbed his sleeve.


He just looked at me and got out from my grip.


"Sorry, I don't know you. Please stop bothering me." He said in an emotionless way. I felt different emotions all at once: shocked, angry, sad and hurt.


"It's me. Mimi, Park Mimi. You're kitten? Come on. Stop joking, we just met yesterday." I said in a worried voice.


"I'm sorry but I really don't know you. I got to go."He said as he grabbed his luggage which somehow appeared.


"Go? Go where? What's with the luggage?"I asked.


"I'm going abroad. I'm going to America." He said and disappeared, leaving me all alone in the dark.


"Ren? Ren? Ren!!!" I shouted and tears are now running down my cheeks.

"Mimi? Mimi!! Yah! Babo! Wake up!!" I hear Ren's voice and the next thing I saw was my room and Ren inches away from me while shaking me madly.


"Ren!" I shouted and hugged him tight. He hugged me back and told me that everything is going to be alright.

'It's all a dream. A scary depressing dream.' I thought.

"What did you dream about? Are you ok? I'm here, don't worry." Ren assured while I just continued sobbing.


By the time I finally calmed down, I told him my dream without the kissing part. hehe...


He gave me a smile and said, "Don't worry. I won't leave besides, I at English. No way I'll be able to survive in America."

We both laugh at the thought.


"So how are you feeling?" He asked.


"I'm feeling better. Thanks to you."I replied.


"I mean are you ok physically? I went here when I found out you were sick."He explained.


"Oh, that. Actually, yes. I forgotten all about it."I replied.


"Hey, you're not falling for me, are you? He teased.

I threw a pillow at him and hit him with another. The next thing we knew, we were having a pillow fight.


"You should give up, kitty."He said.


"Why should I when I'm winning?"I said with confidence and I got hit by the pillow he threw on the face.


"You were saying?"He said.


"You've got five seconds to live!"I said and he ran. We started chasing each other in my room until my dad knocked on the door and called us for lunch.


"Truce?"He asked and I hit him in the face  with a pillow.


"Truce. Now get out of my room." I said.


"Why?" He asked looking at me with a confused expression.


"You wanna stay here in my room while I take a bath?"I asked him and he immediately blushed.


"See you down stairs!" He said in 3 seconds and sprinted out of my room. I giggled at his cute reaction.


I went to the bathroom and took a bath. My mind suddenly drift off to what Ren said earlier.


"You're not falling for me, are you?" That sentence kept repeating in you're mind.


Then I remembered the kiss in my dream.


I touched my lips and thought about it.


"It felt so real though." I said then Ren's sentence entered my thoughts again.


"Falling for you? I don't even know what love is!" I said in fraustration and ended my bath.


I went downstairs greeted by my mom, dad and Ren.


I looked at Ren again. "Am I falling for you? Nah, it's probably because you are kind to me that I'm feeling weird things. You are the first best friend I have." I thought and smiled.


Is this chapter short? I feel like it's short... hehe...

I will be making another chapter after 5 hours or so... ^^

Double chapter for today because my masters are happy about my work^^


Comments your thoughts my young masters... 

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glorysandra #1
maybe alyssa will ruin the relationship between ren and mimi. they break up and headed their own paths. they coincidentally meet up again when they are older, but both of them already have new partners.Love will bloom again.
StarlightN #2
Great job author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfic!
jamyung #3
alyssa i wonder what can she do
update soon
she can't do anything to mimi
4everALonE_26 #4
Update soon~
Here comes the ____..
And I bet she's in for a very very bad revenge.
updates please
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it!!U ask how was it?well it was......AWESOME,WONDERFUL, AMAZING,AND ONCE MORE AWESOME!!!
Congrats on getting into college!!*throws confetti*
Hey every one on AFF has updated late before so no worrys plus u were busy with graduating and getting into to college!!!
I still haven't updated my fanfic yet(T^T)I have writers block and it (TT^TT)
jamyung #8
they are going the Amercia
update soon