Arrange marriage meeting to rejected boyfriend proposal to movie marathon

And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...

The second chapter for today^^

Mimi's POV

So here we are eating lunch with my best friend Ren and my parents who are doing an amazing job embarrassing me.


"So Ren, when our Mimi still a baby, she loves to play while her father and I are talking to our relatives and she sleeps wherever as long as she's tired. There was one time we couldn't find her and we thought she got kidnapped or something until her father found her sleeping under the dining table." My mom said and everyone laughed except for me who's trying not to meet Ren's eyes.


"Yeobo, don't forget the time she was playing on the playground when she was 10." My dad added.


'When I was 10? Damn my short memory.' I thought.


"How could I forget! That was the first time we have to switch her to a new school." My mom added as I looked at her in confusion.


"What did I do?"I asked.


"Don't try to act like you don't remember. That poor boy was only asking you to be his girlfriend." My mom said and Ren just suddenly choke from the water he was drinking.


"Ren, are you ok?" I asked.


"Yeah. Mrs. Park, please tell me what she did?"Ren said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Bwoh!? Mom, please don't." I begged my mom.


"Don't be such a kill joy. Ren is you're first friend. And this is what parents do, they embarrass their kids to their friends." Dad said.


"But daddy." I whined and Ren burst into laughter.


"What's so funny, Minki?"I asked giving him my death glare.


" 'Daddy'... hahaha... It's just so adorable!!! It's just so unexpected!" Ren said while laughing. He was laughing so hard that even my parents couldn't resist laughing.


"Our Mimi is such a daddy's girl. I guess that's why she's so boyish. Studying in that school was her final chance, actually." My mom said then dad suddenly elbowed my mom causing her to cover .


"what do you mean by 'last chance'?" Ren and I asked.


"You didn't know?" Ren asked.


"No clue."I answered.


"About that boy that asked her to be his girlfriend."My mom tried to change the topic.


"I said no but he wouldn't stop and started annoying me so I beat him up. Now tell me." I said.


My parents looked at each other while Ren and I exchange confused faces.


"This is your last chance in school. If you got kicked out again,our collegues and us have discussed to put up an arrange marriage between you and their son."My dad explained.


"WHAT?!" I yelled while Ren just kept quiet.


"I'm 16!!! I'm still on my 2nd year of high school." I reasoned.


"All of us in this room, except of Ren, knows that you have already earned you're college degree at 13."My mom said.


"You got you're college degree?!" Ren asked.


"Yeah, I got into college at the age of 9. Finished my course of computer programming." I answered and Ren gave me an O expression.

"I want to live like a normal teenager. That's why I went to high school again." I added.


"You called being one of the scariest girl in every school you've attended, normal?" My mom asked in an angry tone.


"Rather than being flocked by dumb men and stupid es being plastic to me then yes, being the scariest girl in school is normal." I replied.


My mom was about to say something again when Ren stood up causing everyone to look at him.


"Mr. and Mrs. Park, you said that if Mimi gets kicked out in the school then she'll be arrange in marriage, is that right?"He said with a serious expression. My parents just nodded.


"Mimi is my first female friend and I don't tend to loose her. I assure you that she wouldn't get kicked out of that school." Ren said then he smiled at me.

I felt this weird feeling again but it seems like it's crawling up to my heart.


'You're not falling for me, are you?' I suddenly remembered his words.

'Am I?' I thought. I looked at my parents, they were still shocked by Ren's words.


"Yah! How do you expect to keep me from torturing at least one in our school when I always have to keep them away from you? And the guys? What'cha gonna do about that?" I asked.

Then he looked at me seriously. He looked at me with those mesmerizing eyes at could reach my soul.


"Be my girlfriend!'He said with a sweet smile.


"WHAT?!"My parents and I said then we looked at each other.


"Have you gone crazy?"I asked.


"Ren, are you sure?"My dad asked.


"Yeah. The last boyfriend Mimi has ended after 3 minutes and 5 seconds." My mom added.

"I'm not crazy. I'm sure and I don't mind."He answered.


"Mimi, I want you to be my girlfriend so that girls won't bother me anymore, boys would leave you alone and if they don't do that I will be always with you so that you wouldn't be able to do something that could get you kicked out."Ren explained.

I wouldn't deny that I feel sad that it's just sort of like a pretend relationship.


'Wait what? Why am I sad? Am I seriously falling in love with my first friend? and if I am, love hurts.' I thought.


"If that's the case, then you should've said, 'Mimi, would you please be my PRETEND girlfriend'" I corrected and hid my emotions.


My parents looked at me in disbelief.


"Yeah, you're right."Ren said as he awkwardly laugh.


"You don't have to do that, Ren. I can stop myself from hitting anyone. You don't have to share my burden but thank you."I replied.

My mom looked really disappointed right now.


"Hey! That's what friends are for. So that means you just rejected my boyfriend permission, how about me being your personal bodyguard?"Ren asked as he gave me a huge grin.


"You? Body guard?"I said as I faced him.


"Yeah. What? Think I can't do it?" He asked.


"Honestly, yes." I said.


"If I do a good jo being you're body guard for 2 weeks, then...." He said thinking of a reward.


"If you do a good job, I would wear a mini skirt, make up and go on a date with you."I continued and I swear I just saw him blushing.


"Fine! If you win, I would wear a girl's outfit, your pick, and go out in public wearing it."He said. 


'Hmmm... Ren in girl's clothes.' I thought then imagined him and laugh.

"Deal! Mom, dad, you are the witness of our friendly bet so you'll be the judges."I told my parents.


"Kids these days."My dad said.


"I know. Fine. We'll be the judges of your bet. And to make things fair, I will be picking the clothes. Both of you better prepare."My mom said threatingly.

Somehow, I sort of regretted asking my parents to judge.


"Ren, here are the things you would do: go to school together, make sure she doesn't get kicked out, and bring her back home and sign this paper everyday starting tomorrow for 2 weeks. Got it?" My dad asked.


"Got it!" Ren said while giving a sallute.

"Mimi, you better be fair and not purposely make a fight with anyone, okay?"My mom said.


"Of course." I answered.

"Let the bet begin." Ren and I said as we gave each other a handshake.

Ren's POV

'So I failed to become her boyfried, ouch, and she thought I was kidding about my proposal, double ouch, but I get to be her body guard and either way, I get to go out with her, yay! Plus being her body guard is also kinda like her boyfriend. I get to fetch her and stuff.' I smiled at my thought.

After lunch, Mimi and I went to her room. 

"What are we gonna do now?"I asked.


"I always wanted to have a movie marathon with a friend." She replied.


"Cool. What movie do you want to watch comedy? horror? romance?"I asked.


"Romance?"She asked in a low voice and I blushed.


"I don't wanna watch romance. I hate knowing what would happen. Plus I don't think I can watch kissing scenes yet."She answered.


"So you haven't watched kissing scenes ever?"I asked and she blushed.


"Yeah. You're point?" She asked as she hid her face.


"Aigoo!! You're so cute, kitten." I said. I just couldn't resist her.


"Whatever." She replied.


"So it also means you never had your first kiss yet?" I asked.


"Yah! I wanna watch horror movies!! The grosser, the scarier, the freakier, the better." She said and I was shocked by her statement.


'I smiled at the thought. She's so gonna kill me when she finds out I just took her first kiss. I feel so bad.' I thought


"You are really different."I said.


"Of course I am. I'm not pirated."She replied and we both laughed.

We started to watch movies such as the grudge and one missed call.

She would occasionally scream in terror and hug me. So I just simply took the chance of hugging her back. The whole time we were watching, we were hugging each other and as much as it hurts my man pride, there are times that I would scream along with her and sometimes even louder than her.

We didn't even notice her mom went in her room (without knocking), and saw Mimi and I hugging each other.


"Ehem."Her mom said and we both look at her direction and quickly let go of each other.


"M-m-mom!! Do you ever knock?" Mimi shouted.


"Dinner's ready, you two. Come down." Her mom said with a mischievous smile.


"Let us just finish the movie. It'll be over after 10 minutes."Mimi said.


After the movie, we sat down to dinner.


"I'm really sorry for staying this late, Mr. and Mrs Park."I said.


"It's no trouble, Ren. We're just really happy that Mimi found a reliable friend who wouldn't leave her."Her mom said.


"And Ren, since it's already late, I'll give you a ride home. I won't take 'no' for an answer." Her dad said.


"Believe me, he really doesn't" Mimi said with a serious expression and we laughed.


We had a fun filled dinner but I have to go home.


"Ren, thanks for today and yesterday." Mimi said.


"Hey, anything for my kitten." I replied.


"Whatever, puppy." She replied.


Then I left and got home with the help of Mr. Park.


"Take care of my daughter." Mr. Park said before he left.


"I promise." I said and bid goodbye.


I entered the dorm seeing my hyungs scattered.


"Dongsaeng, how was your day?" Aron asked.


"It was fun and amazing." I replied.


"At least one of us had a good day." JR said.


"What happened?" I asked.


"Whatever you do, do not eat what Minhyun just cooked." Baekho said.


"I agree!" Minhyun added.


"It's ok. I ate already. I'm going to bed now." I said and sprinted to my room.


My hyungs were knocking at my door asking questions. I knew they would do that. I went to my calendar and wrote on it.


(month) (day) 2012, first kiss given to best friend. <3

I giggled like a little girl and smiled to myself. I touched my lips and said, "Will you be able to like me? How about love? I hope I can dream about you tonight."

Then I went to dreamland.

second chapter for today...

how is it???

did I make you happy??

(\(>_________________<)/)     <--------------- I really love this face... haha..


comments my masters.... ^^

you could also recommend something, anything, I will accept them^^

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glorysandra #1
maybe alyssa will ruin the relationship between ren and mimi. they break up and headed their own paths. they coincidentally meet up again when they are older, but both of them already have new partners.Love will bloom again.
StarlightN #2
Great job author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfic!
jamyung #3
alyssa i wonder what can she do
update soon
she can't do anything to mimi
4everALonE_26 #4
Update soon~
Here comes the ____..
And I bet she's in for a very very bad revenge.
updates please
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it!!U ask how was it?well it was......AWESOME,WONDERFUL, AMAZING,AND ONCE MORE AWESOME!!!
Congrats on getting into college!!*throws confetti*
Hey every one on AFF has updated late before so no worrys plus u were busy with graduating and getting into to college!!!
I still haven't updated my fanfic yet(T^T)I have writers block and it (TT^TT)
jamyung #8
they are going the Amercia
update soon