Romeo and Juliet, Who won?

And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...

Thank you for all your comments!!

I really really really appreciate it.

Chapter 7...

I gonna fast forward a bit^^


Mimi's POV

Today's the last day of our bet. Throughout the whole 2 weeks, we became closer than ever. He goes wherever I go, we eat luch together, I met his hyungs, and we often eat dinner together but along those 2 weeks, I found myself falling more and more each day. I found out things I never knew such as he's amazingly smart, he's actually strong (they had an arm wrestling competition one time when I visited their dorm), and he never had a girlfriend, EVER! Apart from these, the same love letters, chocolates and flowers kept on coming. I wouldn't deny that I nearly got into a fight with dumb girls here, if it weren't for Ren, I would've been kicked out. He really doesn't want me to get married to some strangers.That would've been sweet if it's because he likes me but let's face the sad reality, HE JUST LIKE ME AS A FRIEND. I feel so friendzoned.


We're currently in our English class, the only subject Ren is having trouble.


I looked at him from time to time and would often just look at him by the corners of my eyes. 


'I feel like a complete stalker.'I thought then sighed.


"Mimi, are you ok?"Ren asked. Seems like he caught you sighing.


"Yeah. I'm ok. You don't have to worry too much."I replied.


"How can I not worry about my best friend?"He replied. 


'Ouch.' I thought.


"I'm fine, just a little bored. You better listen to the teacher, it's the only class you're weak in."I said. He just nodded and smile then went back to listening to our English teacher.


"If you only knew... Friendzone much."I whispered to myself.


"Ms. Park Mimi, you seem to look uninterested with my class. Please read me the famous lines of our heros in today's literature?"Our English teacher said.


I looked up with wide eyes. I wasn't listening really, I've read every literature known to mankind. 


"Mimi!"Ren whispered and I looked at him. He was showing his book entitled "Romeo and Juliet"


'What the hell?! Come on! Could the timing ever be so right?!' I thought.


I stood up, Ren trying to give his book to me but I declined the offer.

"The famous lines of Romeo and Juliet is a short conversation between Romeo and Juliet. If you want me to recite it, give me a Romeo and I shall be thy Juliet." I said in perfect English.


"Ok. Who wants to be Mimi's Romeo? It's only one line."Our teacher said in English so that it won't be chaotic.


No one raised their hands since they didn't understand what our teacher said except for Ren. Ren is weak at English but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand.


"Here is your Romeo. Proceed."Our teacher said in Korean making everyone in the class do either a face palm or gave a depressing sigh.


I looked at Ren with the eyes of a lover.


'This is a sign. I won't let it slip. You won't even know since I am playing Juliet.'I thought.


"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet." I recited.


"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"Ren said looking at me straight in the eyes.


At that moment, I let my emotions run wild.


"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy:

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot,
Nor arm nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O be some other name!
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
and for thy name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself." I said.


After I finished, our teacher gave us a round of appluase. I changed my Juliet wanting her Romeo look to my usual poker face.


"That was magnificent! The two of you should play Romeo and Juliet! I shall plan it right away."Our teacher excitedly.


"I'm sorry, teacher but I have no plans of being a part of that play. Get another Juliet of you wish to continue." I said, emotionless.


"Yes, teacher. Please don't make her Juliet. The world might end if we saw her wearing a dress."A girl said from behind.


"What more a skirt?"Another girl said then they gave each other high fives.


I stood up but Ren gave me the let-me-handle-this look. I didn't listen and continue to stand up.


"How sure are you that the world might end if I wear a dress cuz in my opinion, it'l end when you finally got your face, body and attitude a transplant. Do you think you look that good? What? Confident that no one can notice that your face and body went under plastic surgery? Judging at those so called 'birth marks', you couldn't hide the truth to me, ." I said to the first girl and everyone went "ooooooooohhhhhhhh....." while some laughed at her and the others starts to make gossips. She sat down and covered her face then I looke at the second girl.


"And you stupid little , I don't know whether you never used your brain or you were just born stupid. Do I look like I'm wearing pants right now? I don't remember the girls school uniform includes pants."I said and she sat down and glared at me.


"What? You think I'm scared of you? I could break you as easy as a toothpick. Hmmm... You're depressed, after school, you'll be going to that night club and go on a one night stand with random men. You heard me. Men as in the plural of man. More than one."I added and she gave me a shocked look and did what the first girl did.


"We shall not talk about this later."I told Ren without looking at him. I was pissed off. What do you want me to do?


"Well said ms. Park."The teacher complimented and those girls just looked at him like he's crazy or something.


"Don't give me those looks, young ladies. At least whether or not Mimi is listening she can still perfect my exams and answers all my question. Unlike some students who kept looking at Ms. Park and Mr. Choi."The teacher said then the bell rang.


"Mimi!" Ren called.


"What?"I said while fixing my things. English was the last subject in school.


"Look at me."He said.


"Busy." I replied and he forced me to look at him. His eyes were sad and regretful.


"What?"I said, completely emotionless. 


Then he hug me tight out of nowhere. I felt my heart beating really fast.


'I hope he doesn't hear my heart.'I thought.


"Ren?"I asked.


"Didn't I tell you to let me handle everything?! Do you know how hard I'm trying so that you wouldn't leave me and get married to a complete stranger?! Do you know how hard I'm trying just so I couldn't loose you?" Ren said sobbing quietly.


"I'm sorry, I didn't. Ren, even when I get married, I would never forget you. You are my first best friend and I'll always be."I said trying comfort him.


I heard him say something but I didn't understand it.


"What?"I asked.


"I said let's go home?" He said as he let go of the hug. 


I felt sad but I felt like dying when I saw his tears.


"You know, you're such a drama queen." I said as I wiped his tears away and he laughed.


"So does that mean you're the drama king?"He joked.


"Yah!"I said then laughed.


We were about to go out of the gate when I remember that I left my bag in the classroom. Ren insisted that he come with me but I told him to stay and that I'll be back in 5 minutes.

"Arrasso. But if you're not back by 5 minutes I'll look for you."He said.


"Fine. Exactly 5 minutes."I said as we timed our watches.


I went back to the classroom and looked for my bag.


"Where is it? I left it here, there's no way I could be wrong."I said to myself then I looked at my watch.


"It's already 2 minutes. Where is it!!"I half yelled then I saw my bag under the teachers table. There was a note attached to it.


It says: "I gave you your bag. If you don't meet us at the school's soccer field then the whole school will know you're a coward. I told everyone about this, let see how brave you are little miss smart ."


"A threat? Really? Whatever."I said then I remembered Ren. I looked at my watch, 3 minutes.


'If I don't get back to him in two minutes, he'll come. Mind as well leave this note here so that he would know where I am.' I thought and grabbed my bag then went to the soccer field.


I saw the two girls from English class earlier in the middle of the field.


"Well well well, look who showed up."The first girl said.


"What the hell do you want? Someone's waiting for me."I said.


"That someone better not be our Ren."The second girl said.


"Last time I check, Ren isn't own by anyone." I countered.


"Yeah, he also doesn't belong to you."The first girl said.


"Besides, he will soon be ours."The other girl said.


"Of course he doesn't belong to me, that's why I said he isn't owned by ANYONE!! What'cha gonna do? Share him. please, I wont allow my best friend to be with any of you."I replied.


"I'm really getting tired of your attitude."Girl # 1 said.


"Girls."The other girl said. The next thing I know is that I was surrounded by girls.


The first girl approached me and tried to slap me but I blocked it. I was about to hit her so hard until I remembered Ren.


'He tried so hard for me not to get in trouble.' I thought and let go of hand.


As soon as I let her hand go, she slapped me. Then the other girls started throwing raw eggs and water balloons at me.


I just let them do whatever they wanted. I wouldn't want to disappoint Ren.


'It's just egg and water." I kept repeating those words with my eyes closed. I was already sitted on the ground until I felt a familiar wam hug.


"Ren!! Move!!" One of the girls said.


"What do you think you're doing?!"Ren shouted in anger. I was shocked. It was the first time I ever saw him get angry.


"But Ren, we're doing this for you." Another one said.


"For me? FOR ME?! I NEVER ASKED ANY OF YOU ES TO DO SOMETHING FOR ME!!! I WOULDN'T GO OUT IN PUBLIC WITH ANY OF YOU, I'D RATHER DIE IF I DIDN'T HAVE ANY OTHER CHOICE!!!"Ren shouted. He carried me bridal style and left the soccer field.


The whole time he was carrying me, I kept looking at him.


'How come he's more handsome when he's angry?' I thought.


"Ren, you can put me down now. We're far from the fields and I'm pretty heavy."I said and he followed.


"Some genuis you are."He said.


"Bwoh?"I replied.


"You should've known it was a trap."He replied.


"Of course I know it was a trap but I never could've thought that it was for something as silly as that." I said.


"Silly?"He asked.


"They were telling me to leave you alone so you can be theirs. I turned them down and one of them got lucky and was able to slap me."I explained. He held my face and saw that my left cheek is red.


"Why didn't you fought back?"He asked in an angry tone.


"Because I didn't want you to be disappointed at me. You tried so hard for me not to get in any trouble. I couldn't just ignore that."I answered.


He put his hand on my left cheek and kissed me on the forehead. I swear I blushed at that moment.


"I'm sorry if I was late. I should've insist more and went with you."He said in a depressed tone while feeling disgusted of himself.


"It's not your fault. Don't worry. It's just eggs and water. Put me on fire and you can get scrambled eggs."I said and we both laughed.


"Let's get you home."He said.


At my house.


"Welcome home! Ahhh!!!!"My mom said.


My dad came rushing towards the door after hearing my mom screamed.


"What happened to the two of you?"My dad asked.


"Long story but girls in our school are crazy."I said.


"Ohh...kay..."Was all my parents can say.


"Here Ren, sign this and you win the bet."My dad said.


"I'm sorry Mr. Park but I can't sign that. I failed protecting Mimi today. Mimi wins."Ren said.


"No you didn't--"I was cut by Ren.


"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Park, I have to be home early today. I'm on cooking duty tonight at the dorm. Mimi, just text me when will I wear the girl outfit."Ren said and left.


"What happened? We got time."My parents said at the same time.


While eating dinner, I told them what happened.


"Youth these days are getting crazier and crazier."My dad said.


"I know right!"My mom and I said.


"So that means Ren's going to wear the clothes. I really thought he was going to win."My mom said.


"He was doing a good job too."My dad added.


"Mimi, a deal is a deal. The clothes are on your bed, just bring it to him tomorrow. And take a bath afterwards."My mom said.


"Sleep early too. Tomorrow is weekend."My dad added.


I went to my room and spotted a pink girly box. I felt the guilt building up.


"No fair. He did protect me. If he didn't came, I'll look worse than this." I said to myself.


I took a bath to relieve my stress a bit.


"You're such a baddie. Why do you want my burden too much? If only I could,..."I said when an idea hit me.


I quickly finished my bath and called Ren.


"Hello?" A voice said.


"Ren?"I asked.


"No, this is JR. Ren is still taking a bath. Mimi?" JR explained.


"Yeah."I answered.


"I heard what happened. Ren is really depressed. Our poor maknae."JR said.


"JR oppa, can you do me a favor?"I asked.


"Tell Ren to come to my house tomorrow at 9 am. He lost the bet and the clothes are here."I said.


"Ah! You mean the girl outfit?"He asked.


"Yeah. Make sure he comes. I gotta go. Bye and thanks!!"I said and end the call.

The next day...


Ren's POV


I woke up early and did my normal morning thing. I dressed (

Authors note: I couldn't find any picture of Ren that shows what he's wearing. Don't mind Jr. And isn't he cute here????!?!!? Chibi Ren. <3


I went to Mimi's house only to be greeted by her parents then Mimi came out from the door revealing what she's wearing.


I was speechless and I think I just dislocated my jaw.


"Are you gonna check me out all day or are we going on that date?"She asked.


"Huh?"I said. Completely confused.

"Bye mom and dad." I said.


"Make sure you bring her home, Ren." Her dad said and Mimi just grabbed me.


"Date?"I asked.


"You deserve it. I lost fair and square. If you hadn't came, it would've taken me hours to get the egg yolk out of my hair. You protected me. So you won. This is the dress mom picked. If you don't want to continue, I could just go home right now."She said.


"No!!! I mean, I would love to go on a date with you. But you could've told me the real reason."I said.


'OMG!! I'm going on a date with her. Park Mimi!! I could die right now. I got to make sure that this would be the best first date she'll ever had.' I thought.


"If I told you, it wouldn't be fun. And I wouldn't see your reaction."She said and I looked away, embarrassed.


"Mimi, I'm gonna make sure that you'll have the best day ever!!!"I said and dragged her to a place where I really want to go.


Mimi's POV

'OMG!! He looks so so so HOT!!! No!! I shall not drool. I have a whole day ahead of me. I must not do something embarrassing. Ugh... This dress is too short. Ren's reaction was so cute. Best day? Every day is the best day as long as I'm with you. Either way, by the end of the day, I should finally assure my feelings whether I like him as a friend, I like him more as a friend, or I love him.' I thought.



My masters, how is it?

Not that I'm back on being pessimistic, but I really feel like I made a corny chapter...




Comments your suggestions....


<3 Ren <3

Thank you for reading~!!!!!!

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glorysandra #1
maybe alyssa will ruin the relationship between ren and mimi. they break up and headed their own paths. they coincidentally meet up again when they are older, but both of them already have new partners.Love will bloom again.
StarlightN #2
Great job author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfic!
jamyung #3
alyssa i wonder what can she do
update soon
she can't do anything to mimi
4everALonE_26 #4
Update soon~
Here comes the ____..
And I bet she's in for a very very bad revenge.
updates please
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it!!U ask how was it?well it was......AWESOME,WONDERFUL, AMAZING,AND ONCE MORE AWESOME!!!
Congrats on getting into college!!*throws confetti*
Hey every one on AFF has updated late before so no worrys plus u were busy with graduating and getting into to college!!!
I still haven't updated my fanfic yet(T^T)I have writers block and it (TT^TT)
jamyung #8
they are going the Amercia
update soon