Its Me, Ren Ur Lovable Puppy, can you guess?

And my mom said I can never have a boyfriend...



*Hugs my masters*

Chapter 6


Ren's POV

I woke up extra early today. It is my first day being Mimi's bodyguard.

My face ------> (>_________________________________<)

I couldn't stop smiling. I did my normal routine and went to the living room just to be ambushed by my hyungs. Baekho tackled me on the ground.


"Yah hyung! I gotta go!" I said.


"Go where? You still have an hour and a half before your school starts." Aron said and I kept quiet.


"It's only been 2 days but you're not like you're normal self. You're happier and you smile way too much. Spill it!"JR said.


"What are you talking about?!" I demanded.


"Who's this Mimi person?" Minhyun said and I looked at him. He was holding my calendar.


"Yah!! Who gave you permission to enter my room?!?"I said.


"Omo!! Our dongsaeng's lips are no longer pure!!" Minhyun shouted, completely ignoring my question.


"BWOH!?" Aron, JR and Baekho said. Then Minhyun raised my calendar.


At that moment everyone went to Minhyun and looked at my calendar. I tried getting it back but Minhyun is just too tall and they wouldn't let me through. Then JR grab me by my shoulders.


"Explain. Who's she? and what did she do?"JR asked me in a serious expression.


I sighed.


'Mind as well tell them. How would they react? By the way, when did they actually care?' I thought.


"Give me my calendar. Let go off me. Then I'll tell." I said in defeat.


They did what I asked and as promised, I told them everything xcept for the part that she was a total genius who got her degree at 13. I was waiting for a sermon until they suddenly gave me a ronud of appluase.


I looked at them like their crazy.


"Congratz bro!"Aron said in English.


"My baby dongsaeng is all grown up and is now kissing girls while they sleep."Minhyun said.


"Yah! Minhyun, you're making Ren sound like a ert." JR said then Aron, Minyun and JR started bickering.


"So, what does she looks like?" Baekho said. Instantly, the others stop fighting and looked at me with curious eyes.


"She's nice." I replied.


"Body measurement?"JR asked.


"Yah! Don't go being ert to my best friend."I scolded.


"He's hiding something!!"Minhyun added.

"I gotto go bye!!" I said and run off.




After about 5 seconds since Ren run off.


"Who wanna follow him?"I asked and everyone raised their hand.


"Stalker mode!!"We chanted.


We were able to tail on Ren without him realizing it. We then stopped at a two story house. Ren seemed to be invited by the owners.


"So this must be Mimi's house."Baekho said.


"Seems like it. It is his first day on the job."Aron said.


"I wonder how that Mimi girl looks like." I said.


(Authors note: I just took photos i think are cute, I got lazy and just searched google for pictures... I won't put a picture on what Mimi would really look like so that I wouldn't steal other people's face.)

"She probably looked like this ( ." Baekho imagined.


"I think she'll look like this. ( Didn't  Ren said she was smart?" Aron said.


"I say it's more like this. (" Minhyun said.


"I think she's more of this. ( Didn't Ren also said she was boyish." I said.


"Good point." Minhyun said.


"Hey! Was that Ren who just walked out of the house?" Aron asked and we all looked at the direction.


We saw Ren holding her bag but we could barely see her face nor her features.

"Why did you just tell us now?!"Baekho asked.


"Because I just saw them now. Besides, don't you three have school to attend to? All of you are still in high school."Aron said.


"Oh shoot!!" Baekho, Minhyun and I said as we rushed to our school.


Ren's POV

Those guys really think I didn't notice them following me?


I rang the Park's doorbell and was greeted by Mr. Park.


"Ren, good morning. Come on in and you can sign in for today." Mr. Park said.


"Thank you sir." I said and signed the paper. 


'I'm so gonna win that date.'I thought.

"So where's Mimi?" I asked.


"Here!" She said as she rushed down the stairs.


"Let's go!" She said as she grabbed me but was stopped by his father.


"Breakfast. March!" Mr. Park said.


"But--" Mimi said.


"You still have an hour before school starts. Ren, you too. You're gonna need you're strength."Mr. Park said.


Mrs. Park served us bacon and eggs. We started to eat like a family.


"Isn't this lovely yeobo?" Mrs. Park said.


"Yes it is. Ren, you are welcome here anytime." Mr. Park said.


"Thank you sir. I feel honored." I said.


After eating breakfast, Mimi and I were readying to leave.


"Kitty, wait."I said to Mimi. I looked at outside and saw my hyungs looking into space.


'My chance.' I thought.


"Let's go. Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Park." I said and gave them a 90 degree bow and dragged Mimi.


"Quickly while their still staring at the space." I told Mimi.


"Who?" She asks.


"My hyungs. Something happened earlier and they wants to see you."I explained.


"Why can't they see me?" She asked.


'Because my hyungs are better looking specially JR hyung and Minhyun hyung. You might fell in love with them and they might also fall for you and I would get really really jealous.' I thought.


"I have my reasons. Now, move faster." I said and we started running.


When I was sure they weren't following me anymore and stopped running.


"You're up early."I said to her.


"I always wake up early."She lied.


I know she's lying cuz she wasn't looking at me in the eyes.


"You're lying. I found your deformed alarm clock yesterday. Let me guess, you broke it cuz it broke your sleep."I said.


"How did - - I mean, of course not. It.... fell... on the floor... really hard.... Gravity must have been messed up that time." She said and laughed nervously while I just giggled at her excuse.



At school...


We first went to our lockers and thankfully, her's is right next to mine.


I opened my locker and was ambushed by letters and gifts. I saw Mimi laughing as she opened her's and the same thing happened only this time, I'm the one laughing.


"Who's laughing now?" I taunted.


"You, yourself, are in no position to laugh either." She countered.


"Good point. Here let me help you up."I said as I extended my arm and she reached for it.


It was the first time I ever held her hand and I couldn't help but blush at that thought. She brushed her skirt and looked at me.


"Looks like you got a lot of admirers there." She said as she pointed at my letters and gifts.


"Like you don't have as much admirers as I have."I said and pointed at hers.


"At least I'm unavailable to guys here unlike someone who could just pick the prettiest girl in this school and date her without worrying about rejection."She said in an annoyed tone.


'Ouch. Mimi if you only know that the only person I want to have is you and that for me, you are the prettiest, coolest and the most awesome girl ever.' I thought.


"Girls here are not my type. Besides, is my kitty jealous?" I joked.


She looked down for a minute and looked at me with sad eyes.


"When you get a girlfriend, I'm afraid you'll just forget about me and leave me forever. I'm selfish, I know. Hate me if you want." She said as tears run down her lovely cheeks.


I hug her. I didn't care who saw. I just hugged her tight, not wanting to let her go.


"Forget you? That's probably the last thing that would happen. I don't hate you. Be as selfish as you want as long as its me. I don't mind. Now stop crying, what would girls in this school would think of you now?"I comforted.


"Yeah. Sorry." She said.


"Its ok. When you have any problems at all, I'm here." I said as I started to wipe her tears away.


"Dogs are known to be loyal to their masters and right now until forever, you're my master even if you are a cat." I said and she laughed.


"You're the best puppy." She said as she gave me a hug.


I was surprised by her sudden action and I became paralized.


"Puppy?" She said as she let go of her hug.


"Yes, kitty?"I asked.


"Can you help me put these on this paper bag."She said as she pointed at the letters and gifts.


"Whoa. Prepared much."I said.


"It's always like this to every school I transferred."She replied.


"What do you do with these?"I asked.


"I keep them at home. I eat the chocolates, read their confession and keep them."She explained. I felt my heart sank after hearing those words.


"Why? I just throw mine away."I asked.


"Well, these are gifts so I have to accept them. Second, I love chocolates. Third, i get to have more flowers to decorate my room with and lastly, its fun reading someone's confession. It's funny how they can write their confessions yet they can't get near me and using my 'beauty' as an excuse." She replied.


"So kitty is a heart breaker?"I asked with a hint of sarcasm.


"Nope. I didn't exactly break anything. I just accepted but didn't reply. It's their choice to wait or not. Besides, I never really experience being confessed to in person. That's why I was shocked when you asked me yesterday." She explained.


"Ohhh..."I said trying to hide the sadness of my voice.


"We gotta go to class. Just put the bag in the locker. I'll get it after school." She said.


I put the bag filled with love letters, chocolates and bouquet of flowers in her locker and we went to our classes.



Mimi's POV


'Damn it. Why did I go emotional?! Am I developing feeling for him? Have I already got feelings for him? Why am I so jealous? What's this weird painful feeling inside that makes me wanna punch every girl in this school? Yah! Choi Minki, what did you do to me?!' I thought.


Those thoughts kept repeating itself. Even a genuis like me couldn't figure it out.


'Why are humans equipped with this kind of emotion!?' I thought.


After school...


Ren and I went to my locker to pick up the paper bag. He insists of carrying it so I let him.


"Aren't those heavy?" I asked.


"These bag contains papers, chocolates and flowers. How can it be heavy?" He answered.


"Papers with sticker, chocolates and flowers that is thrice the amount of boys in our school. That's heavy." I replied.


"The more I couldn't let you carry it. It's ok. I'm your bodyguard, remember? I can handle this."He explained and I just smiled.


We reached my house and was invited by my dad. He signed the paper that shows he survived the day without me doing something really bad to anyone.


"I have to leave now." Ren said.


"Please, stay for a while and eat dinner with us."My mom said.


"I'm sorry but I have to decline. My hyungs want me to be home early since I was pretty late yesterday and my parents are sending me the proper uniform today."He explained.


"Well then, we can't argue with that. Thank you, Ren."My dad said.


"See you tomorrow, puppy."I said with a smile.


"Of course, kitty. I should start to work out more. I would be dealing with those papers, chocolates and flowers everyday."He said and we laughed.


"I told you that you didn't have to. I can carry those myself. I've been doing that for 3 years already."I said.


"But I'd rather do it. See ya~!"He said and went on his way.


'He really knows how to end a conversation with him winning in the end.' I thought.


"Mimi, dinner!"My mom said.


"So how was school?" My dad asked.


"The usual only its a lot more fun since Ren's around."I answered.


"You know Mimi, Ren's a nice guy."My mom said. I know where this is going.


"Ren's my best friend. He's also very popular in the school. He wouldn't like me anyways. And I don't want to ruin our friendship. Excuse me but I have chocolates to attend to." I said as I finished my dinner and grabbed a liter of milk.


I carry the paper bag to my room and started eating the chocolates given to me and reading the letters.


"Geezzz.... it's the same. 'I like you, please go out with me.' Don't they have any originality?!" I said as I ate. I really look like a depressed girl. Drinking milk and eating chocolates to drown the pain.


I kept eating and reading until one letter caught my attention.


Dear Mimi, 


First day I saw you was when you were provoking the girl on your first day. I don't know why but I suddenly got the urge to know you more. 

The more I see you and the more I know about you, I just can't help but feel weird. I even daydream about you at school. 

Whenever I see girls giving you dirty looks, I just wanted to yell at them. I want to protect you. 

I know that you wouldn't feel the same but I just want to tell you that I'm falling for you.

I wrote this letter so that you would know my feelings but that doesn't mean you have to know who I am.


From: IM, RULP <3

Weird but the whole time I was reading that letter, I remembered Ren. Those are the exact things I felt whenever I'm with him.


"I'm falling for Ren?" I said to myself completely dazed.


I shook my head and put all the love letters except for the last on in the drawer where I put all of the letters I recieved.


Then my phone vibrated.



To: Mimi <3

Good night my kitten^^

From: Ren <3



I smiled at his text.



To: Ren <3


Sweet dreams, puppy. ^_^

From: Mimi <3



I kept smiling until I saw how I look in the mirror.


I look like a love strucked kitten.


"Guess, I am falling for you."I said in defeat and went to bed.



Ren's POV




To: Ren <3


Sweet dreams, puppy. ^_^

From: Mimi <3



After that message, I sat on the bed.


"I wonder if you've read my letter yet. If you did, did you know it was me." I said to myself then layed on the bed.


"IM, RULP. It's a good codename. Simple and complicated. It's Me, Ren Ur Lovable Puppy. I wonder if you guessed it." I said before drifting to sleep.



This is probably the longest chapter I ever wrote.


My masters, how is it??


Comments your suggestions my dear masters.


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glorysandra #1
maybe alyssa will ruin the relationship between ren and mimi. they break up and headed their own paths. they coincidentally meet up again when they are older, but both of them already have new partners.Love will bloom again.
StarlightN #2
Great job author-nim, and best of luck to you and your fanfic!
jamyung #3
alyssa i wonder what can she do
update soon
she can't do anything to mimi
4everALonE_26 #4
Update soon~
Here comes the ____..
And I bet she's in for a very very bad revenge.
updates please
TheGermCafe #7
I Love it!!U ask how was it?well it was......AWESOME,WONDERFUL, AMAZING,AND ONCE MORE AWESOME!!!
Congrats on getting into college!!*throws confetti*
Hey every one on AFF has updated late before so no worrys plus u were busy with graduating and getting into to college!!!
I still haven't updated my fanfic yet(T^T)I have writers block and it (TT^TT)
jamyung #8
they are going the Amercia
update soon