Himchan reveals what he thinks of Ariya. Well, sort of.

On secrets and love


She whipped around. Oh. Himchan was calling her. She waved him over. "What's up?" she asked, looking left and right. She was waiting for the bus.

How had Himchan found her?

"I..I..Hold on a sec." he breathed and she waited patiently while he caught his breath. "As I was saying. What time are you meeting Jongup?" he asked, clearing his throat. "Oh..I..I don't know." she replied simply. She mentally facepalmed. How had she forgotten to ask?

"Well. Here's his number. I suggest you call him and arrange it soon. Jongup...Jongup isn't the brightest person I know. He's...He's pretty aloof." he continued, smiling slightely. Ariya nodded. She knew what he meant. That was exactly why she had chosen him.

"Thanks oppa. I'll make sure to get on it as soon as I get home." she bowed and got ready to get on the approaching bus. "Oh and wait!" he shouted, hand outstretched. Ariya, already half-way up the bus, turned around. She raised an eyebrow.

"I...The jacket. You look..Much better without it. Really, you do. Don't bring it on the date tomorrow, okay? Promise?" he stuttered and wait-Was he blushing? Maybe. She wasn't like any other girls he had met before. She wasn't ty. Or attention-seeking. And those eyes.

Just the perfect shade of green with a tinge of sadness behind it.

He liked her. Felt the need to protect her. Ariya opened to refuse. No. Without the jacket at all? Like..Not wearing it? H-How would she cope? But then she saw the look on Himchan's face. His eyes sparkling and hope reflected in their obs. She nodded once and smiled. A happy smile.

The complete opposite of what she was feeling.

Himchan sighed in relief and waved her off as the bus drove on. She wouldn't wear the jacket. His mouth set in a determined line. He had helped her.

Or at least he hoped so.

"Jongup oppa!" she waved to him. He was jogging towards her. Wearing a shirt that had an angry green bunny on it. It was cute. She bit her lip. He had that smile on his face. The happy smile. She looked at her watch, he was on time. "Hey Ariya." he greeted and waved shyly.

Ariya resisted the urge to hug him and pinch his cheeks. "I..So. What should we do today-" she began. "You're not wearing the jacket." he pointed out and smiled again. That smile. Ariya nodded, slightely thrown off. But she found his aloof and 4D-ness adorable.

"As I was saying..Where do you wanna go?" she asked again. He smiled. Again. But then frowned. He hadn't planned anything. Although Himchan hyung had called him up and reminded him. Three times. He shruged. And smiled. She resisted the urge to facepalm.

"Well..If you hadn't planned anything..Then..Then, let's go.." she looked him up and down. What to do. What to do. It was getting awkward. She had to think of something. She wished she had her jacket. Clenching her fists, she observed Jongup's outfit.

The shirt was cute. But it was faded. And so were the jeans. Like it had been washed and worn, washed and worn over and over. She nodded again.

"Let's go shopping." she looked up at him to see his reaction. Jongup looked back at her.

And smiled. Again.

Short-ish update? I was in the mood for some fluff:PPPPPPPP Jongup smiles a lot. I just. I love that boy. But he's got to express something other than happiness all the time. And guess what? This fanfic is THISSSSSS close to getting 20 subscribers! YAYYYY *throws confetti* And thanks to the wonderful(I think there were two?) people who bothered to comment. I read and re-read them~ I appreciate all comments! So comment a lot this time okay? Like anything. Even questions. And don't forget to subscribe~~~ Loves<3

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How many time does JongUp wanna smile??? O.o
Ah~never mind.....I like it when he smiles......he look so sweet when he smile........
Oh so sweet......
Snipesesness #2
Let the stalking commence! Hehe, adorable update. JongUp should totally do things to provoke them XD
Lol, himchan XD
And stalker daehyun...:/ and here I thought bang was supposed to be the stalker 0_o
Haha, sorry dear author for not commenting longer :P
I still feel bad for daehyun, and even worse for Ariya now that jieun's in the picture :|
oh boo, daehyunnie :(
Snipesesness #6
*happy dance* yay update! Loved the change in mood. Can't wait to see how this will effect everything, teehee
Snipesesness #7
Love this story, a very cute idea. Only bad part...finding it six chapters in and having to wait for an update *puppydog eyes* But it is fun to read, keep up the good work! Ariya fighting!
jumpinjac #8
yaaaay i like hyosung here, she's gonna stand up to jieun and save ariya ^O^ i hope ariya will come to realize how beautiful she is! but seriously, something really bad must've happened to make her have such a twisted image of herself :( looking forward to updates!
awuhh cutee! daehyun's so cutee!
uhaha update soon! c:
YAY! Comments<3 but okay. So. Yea, Ariya DOES think that other people find her ugly and it's because of this severe inferiority complex she has and also like, they didn't talk to her so how would she know what they think? So it's also kind of a misunderstanding. But like yes, that's why she wears the jacket. Because of the inferiority complex. Hope that clears things up! <3