Taking Care of Babies: Part 2

My Cappy Love My Heart (Hiatus)

Alright readers I'm not dead just was kidnapped (can I really say that considering my age?) for my birthday for like a week! Six Flags was boss! And for those who went to the kmf tell did you think it was bomb? I did! Comments are loved.

Oh and by the way please go back to chapter 31 apparently I skipped the origninal chapter!

Also I'm using the new feature that they have on this sight so instead of the ~~~~~~~ you will see your user name instead I think it's pretty cool tell me what you think!

"We didn't order any delivery!"



TOP shouted out as he looked towards the lady who is currently clinging on to him.


"Whoa whoa whoa! I don't know you, yeobo I don't know her, she;s not my style."


Not your style? Not your style you say. Puh-lease anything walking with two , two legs, and an is your style!


"Um can I come in?"


Is this chick some crazy a** freak or something? She wants us to invite her in and we don't (well at least I know for sure I don't) know her!


"How can we just let you in? You didn't even say who you are yet! Do you have business with my husband?"


Oh this chick is getting out of hand right now. If she has anything to do with TOP he's dead than she's next!


"Yes I do."


What the (bleep)!!! Oh he's dead! Dead I tell you! After sneaking behind my brothers back this is what he does to me?


"You do?"


Oh that's right dumb let’s keep denying, feigning innocence. It's not going to work you fool! Give him the crazy eyes you let him be afraid, very afraid!


"I've never met her before! I never met you before!"


Suddenly Shaggy's song popped in my head and all I can hear is wasn't me. You know what it was him so fool better recognize and check himself before he (I) recks himself.


Alright I think I just need to calm my flow


(Author's inner mind: Flow what is this the time of the month for ya?)


Well I'm seeing red and a whole lot of blue and black on TOP's face right now. His death wish will be answered at some point but right now I got to figure this chick out.


"Well what brings you here today?"


"Well I heard that the two of you will be taking care of babies for a day."


At this point TOP and I are somewhat scared.


So we both shout out, "We never said we would."


Ok so technically speaking that was an utter lie. Obviously we agreed to take care of a fake baby for our assignment. Basically the two of us had a lapse of judgement.


"I came to help you."


Why does she need to help us out anyways... omo! omo, double omo! She can't mean what I think she means can she?


"It must be a real baby."


(No one's point of view)

At this point the two idiotic teenagers look towards one another.

“Real babies?”

you starts to whine out, “ What do we do?!!!”

you is not only in a panic TOP is freaking out as well and putting his English to good use.

“Baby? Infant? Baby?”

Freaking out to the extent has now passed the stage of WTF run kids run!

“Omo I’m getting goose bumps!”

“I came to teach you the basics in caring for babies.”

Now the two are acting as if they are calm and poised inside.

“You will need to learn this so do you have any confidence in doing well in taking care of babies?”

you’s quick to respond, “Anio”

At you’s comment they all start to laugh.

The tension seems to ease down well in that moment anyways.

“So I brought a baby with me.”

The now known child care instructor points to her Marry Poppins like bag.

“In there?”

Let’s just say the range of emotions that the two had previously gone through has now repeated tenfold.

TOP is freaking out like a man on crack while you are nervously getting your courage up.

“In there now?!”

“Yeobo, she’s going to be big trouble! I knew it when I first saw her!”

TOP seemingly ignores  you’s comment.

“How could you bring a baby in there? Omo…, wait, wait, wait!”

TOP now stands up and moves as far away from the instructor as possible.

“We’re not joking around here! You’re scarring us!!!”

you runs to TOP’s side and says, “ I think she’s a scary woman.”

“Hey lady I go to church!”

TOP starts to perform the sign of the cross then creates a cross using his fingers as he pushes you behind him.

Why was he doing this? Is it some type of protection barrier that he was trying to create? The world may never know.

(Author’s inner mind: Whatever works for him to make him feel safer makes him hotter.

you: Don’t be talkin’ about my man like that, he’s taken!

Dang you why are you popping out in my thoughts? Get back to the story!!!)

“I go to church too!”

Now the instructor takes out a play doll from her bag.

“What are you doing? Are we playing house?”

“We’ll we can’t practice with a real baby, right? It would be bad if you both screw up hard. So I brought a doll that’s like a baby. We’re going to learn many things with this baby.”

TOP seeing the fake baby reverts to his first day of CPR practicing with dummies.

“We’re not practicing CPR right now… with a fake baby.”

“It’s not a fake baby!”

Oh yeah this lady is off her rocker, she’s got a few screws loose up there if you know what I mean.  Most likely she ran away from some mental institution.


“She’s my baby!”

Thank you and now I conclude my analysis that this lady is cra- to the f*ing-zy!!!

you and TOP who are in a catatonic shock at the moment have somehow reached the other side of the room.

Once TOP is in his right mind if his mind is ever right now blocks you by putting her behind him again as his arms are now a shield set outwards to keep the lady from going near.

Well, all I have to say is go go power rangers!


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Daragonhwaiting #1
You're not continuing the story? :(
dzeny4 #2
LOL!~ xD My name? Strange,but i still lovee your series,i never really check my subscriber's stories,but thiss one was interesing~ ^ ^
Kekekeke :3:3 thanks for putting mr in your story ^^V -peace sign-
Niice xD
TOPxlover1 #6
new reader here!!!! pls upload soon!!! i love ur story!!!
i didn't know you write...huhuhu..i just saw it now!! ginna subscribe and read it!!!
Woahhhhh lol
Hh chibi!! =D lool<br />
bday cake yumm xD<br />
I love the new chapters sooo freaking much