A small request

One-Sided Love

“Naeun!” a male voice called, and both you stopped eating and turned your head to the direction.

Yoseob quickly jogged to you two and sat at the empty sit next to you. Although he didn’t speak, his eyes were telling everything. They were sparkling as he was cutely blinking to you who were sitting next to him. You felt her cheeks getting hotter, mesmerising in his glance.

“Yah, yah, yah! What are you two doing?” Eunji interrupted your moment. “I exist too, stop the flirting” she joked.

You turned your head to Eunji and turned back to Yoseob, then nodded.

“Do you have something to say?” you asked.

In a second, Yoseob changed his expression and became shy. He started to draw small circles on the table without looking at either of you. You exchanged glances with Eunji to see if she knew anything, but she shrugged. Since both of you were curious, you stop eating and gave all attention to the only male at the table.

“Yoseob-oppa, if you’re not going to talk, then we’re going to leave~” Eunji threatened him.

Yoseob sat back up straight and faced you again.

“Naeun…” he started. You looked at him, patiently waiting for what he wanted to say “I was wondering if—”

He suddenly got cut by Eunji’s loud sigh. You turned your attention back to her, still clueless of what was happening.

“Don’t tell me you want my precious Naeun to tutor you” she shook her head and sighed. “Oppa, you’re older! How can you ask Naeun to teach you?”

Yoseob frowned at her and turned back at you with a cute pout.

“Please?” he made the infamous cute puppy eyes that you could never resist.

“What subject?” you couldn’t take it anymore, you were weak against those eyes.

“Yah, Im Naeun, you’re not going to give in so easily?” Eunji scolded.

Yoseob glared at her, which instantly made her close but it wasn’t for long. Nothing could actually make the blabbering Eunji to stop talking.

“Oppa, aren’t you too pitiful? You’re asking your hoobae for help.” she started to make fun of him.

He grimaced at her, and their fight started. Good thing you were there or it would’ve been endless. Although you thought each expression they did were funny, you stopped them.

“Oppa… Eunji…” you called between your laugh “Will you stop? People are going to look at us as if we were some strange animals in display at the zoo!”

“So you’re going to help me?” he asked with a bright expression.

“Molla, it’ll depend” you shrugged “Which subject?” you asked again.

“Math, what else?” Eunji rolled her eyes. Four times out of five, Yoseob would ask help for math. Eunji still couldn’t understand how you could get the subject so easily after one glance and be able to explain everything to Yoseob in an instant. At times, she’d also want to be smart like you.

After you agreed, you two looked in your schedule to see any free time. Obviously, Yoseob had nothing to do. Although he was already a senior, all the time he’d go out and play, no wonder his grades were never extraordinary.

“How about tomorrow afterschool?” he asked.

“Tomorrow?” you asked back.

“Can’t.” Eunji answered for you. “She’s doing to semester project with Jinyoung”

When you heard the name, you unknowingly blushed, which made Yoseob get curious about this stranger to him.

“Jinyoung?” tilted his head to the side.

“He’s just my project partner, nothing else” you clarified your relation with him.

“You sure?” Eunji wiggled her eyebrows, teasing her friend “Apparently, uri Naeun, she—”

“That’s not true!” you cut her, and frowned. “Oppa, how about during our long break?” you changed the subject.

Yoseob felt his heart sink a moment but quickly composed himself. He smiled at your with his 1000-watt smiled and nodded.

“I knew I could count on you” he ruffled your hair and stood up “I need to go, see you tomorrow~”

Once he was out of sight, you turned at your friend and frowned.

“What were you going to say about Jinyoung?”

“Nothing?” she acted innocent.

You naively believed her with a sigh. Without you noticed, she chuckled and was amused by it.

The next day passed by quickly and you found yourself with Jinyoung in the school’s library again.

“Jinyoung! Jinyoung! Jinyoung!” you called him as you continuously hit his arm until he gave you his attention. He titled his head a little asking what was wrong. You pointed your screen while they were many windows opening. Although you have good grades at school, you weren’t a professional when it came to computers. Jinyoung laughed at your cuteness.

“Calm down, there’re only pop-up ads” he said as he close every of them.

“It’s not some kind of virus, right?” you asked worriedly.

“Not really, they’re just some ads. It doesn’t take long to close them” he shrugged.

As he was fixing the rest of your report, you looked outside and saw dark clouds. You frowned, looking at the sudden change of weather. *Eotteoke? I didn’t bring an umbrella…*

“Neh, Jinyoung..” you tried to distract him the less as possible “Do you have an umbrella?”

He lifted his head from the screen and grimaced.

“No, why would I?” he asked “The forecast said that it’ll be sunny tod—”

You pointed to the window and the expression on his face changed.

“Aw man, I hate rain” you giggled at his comment which made him notice that he said it out loud. “How about going home before the rain falls?” he suggested. You accepted and both of you turned off the computers.

Jinyoung and you quickly made down to the lockers to change your shoes. Once you were outside, you were glad it hadn’t start raining yet. Jinyoung insisted to walk you home although he knew he’d have to go back to his house in the rain later.

It didn’t take long before the first drop fell on you. You looked up and silently cursed the rain. Jinyoung took off his jacket and covered the both of you and you both ran to the closest shelter. Although the shirt could’ve fit the two of you, Jinyoung didn’t want to get you wet so he covered more on your side even if it meant that he’d get drenched.

Once you two arrived, Jinyoung was shaking his hair like a puppy and you smiled at his action.

“Yah, you’re getting me wet!” you amusingly complained.

“You’re already wet” he snickered back as he was shaking his head again but this time nears you.

You laughed and went to sit on the dry bench. You two were safe under the park shelter. You looked up at the sky and sighed.

“I hope it’ll stop soon…” you said shivering, as you were getting cold.

Noticing that you were trembling a little, Jinyoung walked toward you and sat down. He took your hands and rubbed them, creating small hot frictions. You looked at him surprised by his small and gentle actions. He looked back up at you and smiled. This time, you felt your heart thumping faster.

“Aren’t you cold too?” you asked concerned because he was wet from head to toes.

“As long as you’re warm, then I’ll be too” he cheekily said. You laughed at his cheesy comment.

“Come here” you patted the empty space next to you. He followed your order and sat there.

Without knowing why you were doing it, you took his hands this time you were the one to rub them.

“But I said I was o—”

“At least I have to do something back” you cut him “Now, we’re equal” you giggled.

Jinyoung smiled and unconsciously pulled you toward him and hugged you.


“Can we stay like this for a while?” he asked without releasing his grip. His heart was beating loudly and he was hoping for you to get the hint.

As you didn’t know what to answer to his question, you only snuggled a little to get in a more comfortable position. With your free hands, you hugged him back, hoping this moment could last longer.


Author speaking
Waah, I'm sorry for not updating for a while ;~;  I had a writer block...
I'll try to update more this week, even if I'll be busy with school. =="  / I hate myself to have chosen physics in summer. TT^TT

Random, but is anybody a BABY here? Yes? No? Well, too bad. I'll spazz here, kekeke. B.A.P is going to release a new song tomorrow! gndkgjr!! :D
Sadly, I won't be home when it'll be out. D;  but when I'll get home, for sure, I'll listen to it like 537289543 times(?) hehe ^^ ~


oh, and. gifs are not mine..

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Pinkpandainspiritexo #1
Chapter 14: Please update author nim~~ I want to know what happens next~
xhoneybae #2
Chapter 14: Eunji x Yoseob,please?
AncientWriting #3
Naeun obviously likes Jinyoung that's what I think :) I hope she ends up with Jinyoung :D
aww so cute :3
AncientWriting #5
WAH!!! That's so ADORABLE!!! hahaha Wah!! Jiyoung and Jinyoung's Parents are so adorable hahaha
AncientWriting #6
AncientWriting #7
WAH! They should just tell each other that they like each other!!
Kpoplover_621 #8
Update soon
New reader here!!!!!!
Her mum is sooo funny!!!!
TROLOLOLOL oh her mom is hilarious xD kyaaah! I love this story! <33 update soon pwease :3
AncientWriting #10
Hahaha Her mom is so funny!! >.<