Still Sit Here Alone


When the car came to a stop, Selina didn’t notice. She only turned when the car door opened and she realized that Jiro had already gotten out of the car. He smiled while waiting for her to get out as he held her door open. Selina bit her lip and stepped out of the car. As she stepped forward toward the door Jiro gently grabbed her arm bringing her to a pause.

“What is it?” Selina questioned.

“Close your eyes,” Jiro instructed. Selina stared back at him. “Just close your eyes and don’t open them.”

Selina frowned at him then closed her eyes. Jiro smiled and grabbed her hand leading her into the house. Only after Jiro sat her down was she allowed to open them. The lights were all dimly . In front of her sat a warm glowing candle, a thin vase occupied with roses, and dishes of food. Selina let her eyes run through everything slowly and turned to look at Jiro who sat across from her.

“Do you like it?” he asked nervously.

“What is it for?” Selina questioned.

“Mom said she was going was going out tonight,” Jiro began then smiled childishly, “I know she just wants to leave us alone.”

“Did you order these foods?” Selina asked poking at the dishes with her chopstick.

“Hey, I now know how to make more than just cookies, ok?” Jiro said.

Selina laughed and took a bite and nodded her head, “It seems ok.”

“I guess that’s better than not ok,” Jiro smiled.

“What? You sound disappointed,” Selina said and dropped a piece of the food into .

“No…but I have to start work next week,” Jiro told, “I still wanted us to have some more time together.”

“We’re spending time together now, aren’t we?” asked Selina.

Jiro grabbed his chopsticks, “Guess I should pig out before you do.”

Selina shook her head at him and grabbed one of the dishes off the table and pushed the food into .

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Jiro shouted as he reached across the table and grabbed a dish away from her. “No more for you.”

Selina looked back at him and laughed, “Just keep the atmosphere up. It’d be gloomy if you start yapping about other things.”

After eating Selina and Jiro washed the dishes together and when they were done they sat down to watch an old time classic cartoon movie they used to watch together when they were young. Halfway through the movie Jiro had already started yawning and rested his head on Selina’s thin shoulder.

“I already said I still really, really, really like you right?” Jiro said quietly.

Selina glanced at him but couldn’t see anything else except for his wild hair. That feeling and the thought of wanting to move out hadn’t left her yet. She couldn’t help but keep having those thoughts of guilt for staying with Jiro and keeping him away from what the world could give him.

“For what seems like a million times now,” Selina answered then Jiro snuggled closer.

“I wish we could stay like this forever,” his voice became quiet.

Selina pressed her lips together starting to feel overwhelmed.

“I want to hear you say it. You haven’t said anything.” 

“What?” Selina asked.

“You still have plenty of things you need to say to me,” Jiro began, “and you can start off with telling me you still love me and you need to tell me what you’ve been up to all these years, and you need to tell me how you grieved over me when I wasn’t here, and all those stuff.”

“That’s plenty,” Selina replied.

“Say it,” Jiro urged, “I’ll take it as a bedtime story.”

“You big baby,” Selina commented.

“I want to hear you,” Jiro said.

Selina was silent for a long moment as she stared at the movie screen.

“I…” Selina paused.

How would she say it when she didn’t know if she meant it?

“Jiro? Jiro?”

Selina glanced at him one more time to find that he had fallen asleep.

“I would tell you I did miss you…and that’s about it that I can say to you,” Selina said quietly leaning her head gently on his. “And I’ll continue to miss you after this.”

Selina awoke the next morning to find that she was laying on her borrowed bed with the covers draped over her. She sat up sleepily guessing that Jiro must have brought her back to the room. As she got out of the room she found Mrs. Wang up and about in the kitchen.

“Jiro’s gone out,” Mrs. Wang told, “I’ll have your breakfast ready in a few.”

“Thanks,” Selina said, “but I think I’ll grab breakfast on the way to work.”

“Then it’s just me?” Mrs. Wang asked.


Before Selina could leave Mrs. Wang quickly stopped her, “How did it go last night? Did Jiro make a candle dinner?”

Selina smiled back, “Just your idea of romantic. I have to go, see you.”

“Don’t come back to late. When Jiro picks you up tell him I won’t be home again,” Mrs. Wang called after Selina.

Selina wasn’t surprised when her feet walked her to the restaurant. Selina had to admit that she did feel a little scared going in, and why she felt that way she didn't know. She glanced at her watch. It wasn’t too early and she wasn’t too late so where were Calvin, Sam and Aaron? Selina suddenly turned to look around at the empty street and she felt a little shiver and a sudden pounding of her heart. What was it? It felt as if someone was watching her…but from where? Selina slowly gazed all around her, but found that there was no presence except for her. She gulped slowly and turned to face the door with her eyes closed.

“It’s ok. It’s ok. Stop hallucinating. I’m sure it’s no one. You’re just trying to scare yourself. It’s ok….” Selina told herself over and over.

She gave out a shout when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Turning around to look at the culprit she found that it was only Calvin. He stared back at her with a lost confused look which came out into a humorous laugh.

“Why so tense?” Calvin questioned.

Selina stared at him trying to calm down but her blood refused to.

“Were you expecting someone else?” Calvin asked as he unlocked the door.

Selina took in big deep breaths as she went inside.

“Are you ok? Sorry if I gave you a scare,” Calvin apologized a few minutes later when Selina hadn’t spoken to him.

Selina turned to look at him.

“N…nothing,” Selina replied. “I just thought…”

“You thought what?” Calvin questioned when Selina didn’t finish her sentence.

“Never mind,” Selina told then took a seat.

Her mind felt like it was buzzing and spinning around in big circles. The day soon started after Aaron and Sam arrived. At all means Aaron ignored Selina and tried not to make eye contact with her even though Selina noticed he stole a few glances her way every once in a while. Other than that, she felt that the day was progressing on as usual until a boy of about 10 came walking through the door. He had thick glasses with small frames and he looked like a healthy stick.

“A man outside told me to give this note to you,” he said.

Selina turned to look at him, a stack of plates in her arms, and took the note with her free hand. Before she could say anything the boy had already ran out. Selina frowned and opened the note.

“I’m finally back. Now I can watch you everyday.” The note read.

Selina’s eyes widened in fear and felt as if she was locked inside a room full of ice. It was a dark, dark room. She noticed her heart pumping wildly, her breath quickening, her hands sweating, but the only thing she didn’t notice were the shattered plates on the ground.

“Selina! Selina! Are you ok!?” a voice asked.

It took a while for her to wake back up to reality. Sam was standing in front of her, a hand on her arm worriedly. Selina gazed into his eyes with deep terror then quickly dropped her gaze crumpling the piece of paper in her hand. Selina placed her hand on her head.

“Sorry…I was uh…feeling a little dizzy,” Selina lied unsuccessfully.

“You sure you’re alright?” Sam asked. “You should go sit. I’ll pick these up.”

Selina then finally noticed the broken plates lying on the ground.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Selina apologized as she bent down and quickly grabbed a piece giving herself a deep careless cut.

“Just go sit down.” Sam said nudging her away.

Giving in, Selina went into the back of the kitchen and grabbed a towel to wipe her blood away.


“Something wrong?” Calvin asked coming over to her.

Selina looked up at him and felt something in her hand. She opened up her tightly squeezed left hand to find the note and quickly slid it into her pocket.

“No, I’m fine,” Selina lied, but at least she sounded more convincing.

“Quite a show out there,” Calvin commented, “you know that little boy?”

“Huh?” Selina asked.

“You know that kid that just came in and left,” Calvin restructured his sentence.

“You didn’t see?” Selina asked.

“See what?” Calvin asked.

He didn’t notice the note. Selina didn’t know rather to be relieved or panicked. She didn’t notice that for the rest of the day she’d became clumsy tripping over chairs and making the wrong orders. When they finally closed for the day Selina didn’t feel at all any better, but Aaron who was watching noticed things that Calvin and Sam didn’t see. Selina was obviously hiding something and she was bad at acting.

“Good night,” Sam nodded. “Are you sure you don’t want a ride? Jiro hasn’t shown up for some reason. Are you sure this is ok?”

It felt like the hundredth time that Sam had said that but it didn’t matter to Selina.

“I’ll make it home,” Selina assured.

“If you keep on insisting, I won’t bother you then. Be safe,” Sam told and climbed into his car.

Calvin waved and went to sit beside Sam. Without one more glance at the three musketeers Selina turned around and slowly started walking toward the corner of the block.

Aaron stared after Selina’s lone figure debating whether he should follow her or not. He opened Calvin’s door and poked his head in.

“I’ll come home later, ok?” Aaron told.

Calvin looked at Aaron then glanced at Selina knowing what Aaron was after, “Fine, go ahead, just don’t come home crying.”

Without a last word Aaron closed the door and walked after Selina. She seemed frozen on the spot as if she was really deep in thought and spaced out.


Did he really find her after all? After all these years of trying so hard to hide and find a normal life. Did he really find her again? What would she do? How would she get away again? Because this time there was no one to help her. No one who understood…why did it have to be her? Why did he have to pick her?

Selina could see feel the note tucked into her pocket. Was he really following her? She could feel cold invisible hands wrapping themselves around her.

“Selina?” Aaron asked.

When she didn’t respond after he had called her name a few times he lightly placed his hand on her shoulder to find her screaming. His heart jumped alarmed by her reaction.

“Get off me! Don’t touch me!” Selina shouted loudly turning away as she slapped his hand.

Her eyes widened and she quickly looked around at the stares she was receiving from those around.

“Miss? Is something wrong?” a stranger asked walking over.

Selina glanced Aaron then at the stranger shaking her head no. As the stranger walked away Selina apologized. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. Aaron wouldn’t stalk her. He wasn’t that kind of a person. She was just thinking too much.

“You seem really distracted,” Aaron pointed out.

Selina looked at him and scratched her head. She didn't need to be told that.

“I’m ok,” Selina lied then waved a cab over.

“I’ll acquaint you home,” Aaron offered as he sat in the cab next to her. “Why didn’t Jiro come pick you up?”

“Maybe he’s busy preparing supplies and stuff. He’s starting work next week,” Selina explained.

Then they sat in an awkward uncomfortable silence. When the car stopped in front of Jiro’s house Selina turned to say good bye and opened the door then closed it. Aaron watched as Selina walk inside the door before the cab started off. It was only when the car was a block away did Aaron decide to get off.


Selina unlocked the door slowly and closed it behind her. Everything was deathly silent, but she thought it was normal because Mrs. Wang was out but she wasn’t sure about Jiro. Had he met up with some friends or was he just taking his time shopping? Selina shrugged as she walked into the kitchen but paused a few feet away from the stove when she noticed something very strange. There was a cup filled with water sitting on the counter and the light in one of the hallways was turned off. Mrs. Wang never turned off the light in the hallway.

Selina frowned as she slowly headed toward the hallway taking a small step at a time. When she reached the light switch she quickly turned it on and just as she did so, one of the doors to a guest room opened and Selina found herself being pulled inside. The room felt awfully cold. A large hand covered and she was pushed against the wall.

“I found you,” a raspy voice declared.

Because of the dark, it made it difficult for Selina to see her attacker’s face, but she almost recognized the voice.

“Keep your mouth shut,” he warned then he grabbed something from the ground and grabbed her wrists.

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leichanla #1
I read this before! I think ?