
I Survived A Korean Dating Game Show

Just then, the door flew open.

"Are you two okay?!" Mia and the other four members of DBSK came into the room

Hana quickly pulled the blanket over the bed.

"Yeah...yeah..what brings you guys here?"

"Oh thank god you two are fine!" Yoochun pretended to wipe tears off his face

"We thought you two decided to commit suicide together." Junsu answered with a straight face

"Yeah. We thought something happened cause we couldn't get through the phone, and nobody answered the door. We've been knocking for half an hour so Yunho decided to get Mia to open the door with the spare key." Changmin looked around the room suspiciously

Mia looked at Hana with her arms folded, "Come with me."

"Okay." Hana nodded meekly and made a face at Jaejoong before leaving the room.

"Is Hana sick? Why is she limping?" Junsu asked innocently, but nobody heard him

"So pal, what were you two up to last night?" Yoochun was about to jump onto the bed when Jaejoong stopped him.


"Woah chill..take it easy man." Yoochun raised both hands, "Why so agitated?"

"AAAH! I KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN UP TO!" Changmin pointed to the dustbin, looking perfectly horrified

"....condoms...? That's alot...." Yoochun blinked, "....OH MY ING GOD YOU !"

"Stop looking at me like that. I have my needs too." Jaejoong covered his face with his hands

Yunho and Junsu looked each other awkwardly

"Poor Hana. No wonder she was limping." Junsu shook his head

"I'm glad you finally regained your manhood after a year of inactivity." Changmin was being snarky as usual, "But at the same time I mourn for Hana's purity."

"Instead of making such unconstructive comments, someone please tell me what I should do with the bedsheets?" Jaejoong kicked the blanket away once again

"......I think I'm gonna throw up." Changmin turned away

"My heart can't take this." Yoochun clutched his chest dramatically

"Hyung. Are you sure you did not secretly abuse Hana last night? Did you beat her?" Junsu seemed very concerned

"You can try washing it on your own?" Yunho suggested

"Mia sounds angry." Changmin tried to eavesdrop on the conversation in the study room

"My poor girl. I wonder what's happening." Jaejoong was worried

In the study room, Mia gave Hana a dressing down.

"I really don't know how I can drum some sense into you. I can turn a blind eye to the fact that he stays over at your place but now you are sleeping with him? You are getting out of hand! I know I cannot control your personal life, but you are about turn 19 and yet you still don't know how to make decisions?! What if someone finds out and tells Director? All hell will break loose! Your mother told me to take good care of you, but it seems like Kim Jaejoong is doing a better job at this! That boy spells trouble!"

"Unni-ah don't say that of him...." Hana pouted, "Jaejoong's very good to me.."

"Good to you? You never used to drink, and now? You get so drunk you wake up only late in the day! And why were there cigarettes in the room? Don't even make me bring up the tattoos, was he not the one who took you to get those?"

"He went with me but I got them with Key and BoA! And this one on my wrist, I got it with Jiyong!" she explained, referring to G-Dragon

"No use getting all defensive, you know what I'm talking about."

"Well..I'm sorry." Hana looked at Mia with the saddest face she could muster and she was immediately forgiven.

The rest of their stay in Japan was surprisingly smooth as they went about their activities and completed whatever they had to complete without any problems. Nothing was mentioned about the airport incident too. Everything went so well that the members thought they were lucky for once.

When the time came for them to go back to Korea, they gathered at the conference room for a debrief.

"We'll head to the airport at 10PM so from now till then you are free to do anything you want. Try to stay in the hotel if you can Hana, I don't think there's time for you to go to your cousin's place. You have a little more than two hours."

The DBSK members looked on curiously, Mia seemed to be only addressing Hana. So what about them?

"Seungwoo-hyung, so we are free to do anything too? Are we taking the same bus as she is?" Yunho questioned

"Who said anything about going back?"

Jaejoong silently cursed under his breath, he knew he wouldn't have it so easy.

"What do you mean?" Junsu was surprised

"We'll be staying in Japan. Mr Lee has shelved all your plans in Korea for the time being, he thinks that it's a good chance now for you to promote Mirotic and hold some fan meetings with the japanese fans in preparation for your Japan Tour at the end of the year. You will have a short break before commencing work, we shall have another briefing session tomorrow morning in this room."

"Good chance my arse." Yoochun rolled his eyes and whispered to Yunho, who shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

Hana and Jaejoong exchanged looks, they both knew they were the cause of this.

"Man I saw this coming." Jaejoong groaned, sprawled on the bed while the others were outside checking out the television, "I wonder how long do we have to stay here."

"Do you think...." Hana turned doe-eyed for a second, "Someone found out we've been having everyday for the past six days? That's why they are separating us?"

"Don't be silly. How would anybody find out?" Jaejoong laughed and ruffled her hair

"I don't know. What if there's a hidden camera in the room?"

Right after she ended her sentence, the two of them went into silence for a full minute, imagining the worst-case scenario.

"Bad news!" the other members burst into the room in a flurry

"Seungwoo-hyung just told us that we will be relocated to an onsen at Akita." Yoochun seemed truly alarmed

"Isn't that a good thing?" Hana was confused, "I thought you loved hot springs!"

"I do. But I don't love having ten cameras in my face while I'm half and paddling around in the spring water."

"You mean..." Jaejoong raised an eyebrow, "We are going to be filmed?"

"Yes! And THAT is the short break he was talking about." Changmin growled, "Break? Pack of lies."

"Think on the bright side, at least we got a break." Yunho tried to placate s even though he wasn't even convinced himself

After a long make out session in the toilet, which was Jaejoong's idea of a farewell, him and the other members saw Hana off to her car before going back to the room.

The next day back in Korea, Hana was taken to the office to see Director Lee.

"Sit down."

Hana could sense the imminent danger heading her way.

"The last time reporters caught you wearing a couple ring with Jaejoong, did I not already warn you to stay away from him? Not only did you not heed my advice, you made things worse. The airport incident is atrocious." his tone was so calm it was frightening, "I understand that you two are good friends-"

He paused after saying 'good friends', and stared at her for the longest time ever.

"-but there is no need to spend so much time together. I know it's not your fault. Jaejoong has always been wayward. He will have to be punished for his mistake this time."

"But he did nothing wrong!" Hana exclaimed, "You can't punish him for nothing!"

"Nothing? You might think that I am making a big fuss over nothing, but I am doing this for your own good. Do you still remember last month, Heechul uploaded some photos you took with Jaejoong onto his cyworld?"


"Do you remember how your fans left messages threatening to destroy DBSK if you two are together? And how his fans said they will harm you?"


"Exactly. You should know better. I want you to stop seeing him in private for the time being." he had a weird habit of looking her straight in the eye whenever he spoke to her, "And this is not a request. This is an order. I have already scheduled for them to remain in Japan for the whole of next month."

"..but..but he's my friend!"

"You have many other friends. Spend more time with Key. Catch up with Hara and Shinhye, weren't you very close to them in high school? What about Jessica and gang? You don't have to be with Jaejoong. He will be busy with activities in Japan anyway, so that shall be it. No arguing from you."

"....alright." she looked down at her shoes lifelessly

"Anyway, while we are still in the midst of collecting songs for your next album, I want you to release a single. You will do a duet with either Kyuhyun or Jonghyun."


"Better to let the media have something else to discuss. I want them to forget about what happened at the airport. Also, you are going to go on We Got Married."


"We received an invitation from the TV station so I've decided to let you go on the show."


"No buts from you. Let's go for lunch now."

Hana nodded wistfully, could already hear Jaejoong's voice in her head spewing vulgarities.

On Jaejoong's side, as a form of punishment he was excluded from the trip to Akita. He was made to remain in Tokyo and undergo training for three full days. He was also not allowed to take leave and had his pay docked.

The days without Jaejoong were terrible. Hana had to attend various variety shows and was made to declare repeatedly and tirelessly that she and Jaejoong were merely friends. The management also released weird rumours about her and other male celebrities to the media in a bid to divert their attention.

Their only form of communication was the phone, and even then Jaejoong had to make the phone calls secretly. The other members were also prohibited from contacting Hana. Because he had no leave to take, when the members were allowed to return to Korea for two days to visit their family, he had to remain in Japan. Despite trying to sneak back, he was caught and this time, Director even confiscated his handphone.

After losing contact with him for five days, Hana was horrified to see in the news that he met up with a japanese model for dinner. According to the report, which even came with photos, there was only the two of them. She never got jealous when he was around other females, but this time, she actually felt bothered. Perhaps it was because she hasn't seen him in a long while, or perhaps it was because he actually looked very happy in the pictures. Fine! Go ahead and be happy with another girl while she was withering away then!

"Why do you look so listless?"

"Ah? Nothing."

Hana was out with Taecyeon, one of her many fanboys, having dinner in a quiet restaurant. These days she has been going out with various guy friends in an attempt to fill up the void in her heart. She had agreed to come out with him provided the other members came too, but it turns out they were all not free. Hana wondered if he had even asked them.

Looks wise, Taecyeon was rather handsome. Plus he was really nice and caring towards her, but the problem was that he was slightly egoistic and always seemed jealous of her other guy friends. He would often question her about Nichkhun, whom she dated for a short while when she first entered AB Entertainment and was now her good friend. He also seemed to have some sort of rivalry with Junho, who liked her as well, and it made her uncomfortable sometimes.

"It's so hard to get to you. There are always so many guys around you."

"Well..aren't you with me now?" she smiled at him

"Yeah.. the last time we went out was nearly four months ago. I'm so glad you finally agreed to come out with me. I was so afraid you'd reject me again."

"I was really busy the past few times you asked me out, I didn't mean to-"

"No no it's okay," he touched her hand, "I'm not blaming you."

After a casual chat about recent interesting happenings, Taecyeon finally got to the point, "So, I don't suppose you have a boyfriend now?"

"What do you think?"

"Are you seeing Jaejoong?"

She took a sip of her fruit juice, "Nope. Can we talk about something else?"

He nodded and decided to talk about his sister, much to her relief, and after awhile he suddenly asked, "I heard your mother recently opened an art gallery?"

"Yup she did. She enjoys the arts." Hana's mother was a professional pianist during her youth and has since retired.

"Ah.. Nichkhun told me that she is eurasian?"

"Yes, my maternal grandfather is french and my grandmother is japanese. Dad is pure korean though. He met my mother while they were both studying in england, that's why I was born there too."

"Your family is really interesting."

They continued their boring conversation about her family until dinner ended. While on the car, Hana received a call from Junho, who sounded angry. Her guess that Taecyeon didn't even bother to ask the others was right. In the end, in order to placate him, they drove back to town to meet the other members at a bar.

Unbeknownst to Hana, Jaejoong was even more miserable than she was. His so called date with that japanese model was a set up. The producers had arranged for the both of them to meet because she was going to be featured with him in a photoshoot and they wanted him to familiarise himself with her. He innocently believed them and even went out of his way to be nice to her, only to find his photos splashed all over the tabloids. The first thought in his mind was to clarify matters with Hana, but it turns out the management had confiscated everyone's handphones and forbade the staff from lending them any communication devices. Then, when he finally managed to sneak a phone call from a public telephone booth, Hana's phone was not on. Like his life was not sad enough, his already meagre pay was docked until there was nothing much left.

At the bar, Hana couldn't really be bothered about what everyone was talking about, her miserable heart was pining for her lover boy Jaejoong. She wanted to know how he was doing now and if that report about him and that model was true.

"You've had enough to drink." Nichkhun took her glass away, "Look, your face is all red."

"Should we send her home already?" Junho asked, then covered her shoulders with his jacket

Hana stared into space silently as they decided who gets to take her home, her mind was a blank. She rested her head on Nichkhun's shoulder.

"Since you guys didn't drive, I'll send her back." Taecyeon cast a jealous glance in Nichkhun's direction

"I'll go with you. The rest can go back first." Nichkhun couldn't trust Taecyeon alone with her

"I drove the convertible today." Taecyeon looked at him icily, "The car can only take two."

"Yeah, Hana will be safe with him." Wooyoung patted her face, "Are you okay?"

Hana nodded slightly.

"Yeah even she says so. C'mon man Taec knows what to do. Stop being so over-protective you two." Chansung dragged Nichkhun away while Wooyoung did the same to Junho.

While they were making their way up to her apartment, Taecyeon's arm never left her waist. Hana thought he was just holding her in case she fell down and tried not to read too much into it. But she was wrong.

"It's pretty late now, you should get going." she wanted to walk to the door, but lost her balance and fell right into his arms. She should never have drank so much just now, she couldn't even think straight.

"I..I really like you."

Then, without warning he closed in and kissed her. For a whole 10 seconds she was unable to react, and when she finally came around to her senses, she pushed him away.

"I'm sorry but I..."

"Just go.." she turned away, refusing to look at him.

After he left, she went back into the bedroom, where all the smiling photos of her and Jaejoong rubbed salt into her wounds. Where the hell was he when she needed him?

Feeling sick and tired of life, Hana searched around for her handphone. There were dozens of messages and missed calls as usual, but all she wanted to do now was to call Key and complain to him.

However, while dialing Key's number, a face suddenly appeared in her mind.

Great! I shall call him instead.

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Yourasianawesomeness #1
That Lee so man dude is creeepy. <br />
Poor Hana, she misses Jaejoong alot. <br />
New reader! Update.
jelly1139 #2
YUEKKKK.<br />
jelly1139 #3
i meant to comment earlier.. but your story is toooo INTERESTINGGG.<br />
but hahhaha
jelly1139 #4
oh god. drunkeness..<br />
not good.
jelly1139 #5
jelly1139 #6
LOVE IT.<br />
and jaejoong.. found the condoms?<br />
heyheyhannah #7
FINALLY YOU UPDATED MY FAVORITE STORY <3333333333333333333333333333333<br />
hyeamazing #9
Wahh. I like this <3 New reader here :D
I like this story(: Update soon?(: