The Crap and The Geek

Falling For You Is BitterSweet

YES! An update! ^^ But.. you guys have to comment. Or else I will sulk and cry in the corner and might consider going to Hiatus. :( I just feel crappy whenever I update.. Only 1 or 2 people will comment! TT^TT I just feel like crap whenever that happens. TT^TT So please comment. TT^TT





From: Me

    No! I'm not texting anyone.. Just don't mind what I texted you.. My.. ugh.. sister is.. uhm. pranking on me. ^^ Yeah..


Who the heeeeeeeeeeelll is this?



I am very curious.



Who would even get my phone number?



I mean, Only Mom, Dad and Gummy knows my number..



..who could it be?!!



From: Gummy ♥ C

    Oh. I see. Say 'Hi!' to her from me! :) Anyway, I'll text you later. Still have some unfinished bussiness to attend to. And it's giving me a headache. @_@



From: Me

      Unfinished bussiness with.. Cheolyong.♥ Kyaaaaaaaaa~



From: Gummy ♥ C

      YAH! Stop that! Do you want my evil minions to attack you?!



From: Me

     Arasso! Arasso! See you then ~



I stared at my phone as sent my reply and thought about that message I recieved from that unknown number..



Still wondering who could it be..



Who texted me?



Who the hell are you!?!






Well, whoever this is, he/she won. Because curiosity is killing me and I just sent him/her a text message.





Jiyong's POV





"Sorry, man. I can't go tonight. Gonna meet Dad."



I sighed as I hung up and threw my phone to the other side of the bed.



Dad.. why do you have to show up now?



AGHH! I sat up and furiously threw all my pillows at the wall. What the is happening?!



Everything is in shambles right now..



Mom and Dad and Pops. Can't they just.. NOT argue?



As I stood up, I slipped and my landed flat on the floor.



"Ouch.. ."



Just as the moment I tried to stand up again,



my phone slipped down from the edge of the bed to the top of my head.



"OW! .." I cursed.



"You're so stupid and clumsy Jiyong." I mentally reprimanded myself as I grabbed my phone and searched through it.



I randomly clicked and pushed the buttons on my keypad and I don't give a on who will send some random blank message. I won't give a damn. Darn it!



I was about to step and crush my phone when it suddenly vibrated under my foot, startling me.



From: Sandii Park ;)

   Who the crap are you?




I was dumbfounded.



So.. she got the blank message.. 



How the hell did I got her phone number and why does it have a freaking wink on it?



And what did she call me?



'Crap', huh? 



You. Call. Me. Crap?




From: Me

   Who are you calling 'crap', Geek?




That's what you get for calling me 'crap', Sandara Park. 



I chuckled at my sudden immaturity. How did this girl even managed to intimidate and at the same time make me feel happy?



Nahh. What the hell am I thinking?



I am so corny.. Psshh.



The phone vibrated again and I laughed hysterically at her response.



From: Sandii Park ;)

   YAH! I am NOT a geek! If I'm a geek, then who are you? Harry Potter?! Youfreakingsonofaholymushroom! How dare you call me a geek?! I also have a social life you know! Geeks are for those who only study, study, study and freaking studaaaaay~ and only have books as friends. Do you think my friends are books?! Huh?! Huh?! You think so?!  (Wanna Fight?!) But, guess what? YOU'RE WRONG! Cause I'm not a geek! >:( And I have a lot of friends!!



She is HILARIOUS. I just called her a geek, and she started blabbering about books and friends and social life and Harry Potter.



She's a genuine one.



A geniune Geek. Haha! 



But, seriously speaking.. What is wrong with being called as one? If I were called a Geek, I would be hella proud.



From: Me

     Woah. Woah. Woah. Hold your horses, Geek. It's like you detest the whole species of Geeks. What is wrong with that? Geeks means Genius. So you should be proud right? 'Cause you're a genius. And when did I say your friends are books? So.. I'm a book? Hahaha. You are funny, Geek.



I cannot believe this girl. Is she in 4D World or something? Or is it her twisted sense of humor? Hahaha!



From: Sandii Park ;)

     First, I do not have horses. They STINK. Detest, my friend, is an overstatement. I do not detest, I dislike being called one. Well, you have a point about the genius thing, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE RIGHT! You're my friend? Why would a friend call his friend a geek? No. I am not funny. What you said was an understatement. I am HILARIOUS. No, I am AWESOME. And why am I replying to you anyway? You're a stranger! And answer my very first question. WHO THE CRAP ARE YOU?



HAHAHAHA! She is excessively funny! I have to clutch my stomach because of the laughing mode overload! Is she human?! I cannot believe people like these exist! She is one heck of a million. Hahaha!



From: Me

  See? Even you agree with me about the Geek = Genius thing. So that means I AM RIGHT. Yes, I'm a friend. Well, I think I am one. And in regards with your very first question? You'll know when the time comes, Geek. Don't rush. :P And I'm sorry to say that I have to sleep now, Dearest Geek. There's still school tomorrow. Wanna be late, new comer Geek? Mrs. Lee would never like that you know. Hahaha!



From: Sandii Park ;)

  I DO NOT AGREE! It's only what 'you think' not me! ASDFGHJKL. What do you mean 'When the time comes', huh?! Oh . If I happen to know who you are, YOU WILL BE OCTOPUS FRIED TOMORROW because you're the reason I'll be late!! GAHHH! I know! She will kill me if I'm late. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN IGNORE MY QUESTION! Answer me!! WHO THE CRAP ARE YOU?!



From: Me

  It's already late, Geek. Go to sleep. You'll have dark circles by tomorrow.. and then you will become the panda geek. Haha! Good Night. And go to sleep.



After my last reply, I still felt my phone vibrated, but I was too tired to move my fingers.



And that's when I decided to call it a day.





See you tomorrow, Geek.







A/N: 30 SUBBIES!~ <3 Omona! I love you people! And don't forget to comment. :)

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I have an unsubscriber~ TT__________TT Anyway.. it's okay. I still have you my 42 subbies! :D TT________________TT I feel sad though.


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woohoo... an update! and i'm really grateful that you're all better now... XD
so, it's based on your true story? hmmm.... interesting and soooo hilarious!

and may i give a suggestion? never, ever... i mean really dead serious never... write your secrets in your handphone... it's dangerous and easily leak out. trust me, dongsaeng!
browneyesmouse04 #2
ahahaha I love it!! omg been laughing like an idiot:))
Dongsaeeeeeeng! how are you????? I miss you XD
is your injury getting better? I hope you can recover soon.

the update is sooooo funny! so, they all acted like a group of toddler, with two in love toddlers... how long G can play the catch-me-if-you-can game? and how long will it take for dara to realize her crush on him? i'll keep waiting.... ;D
Author-niiim..... I'm sorry to hear that. It must be painful. I've once sprained my ankle and it was hurt darn much. I bet you feel hurt much too. Don't push yourself. You better get rest to recover soon.

Get well soon...
By the way, thank you for the update! Hahahaha... This is the start of a war between The Geek and The Crap.

hahahaha... seriously, dara was so funny! so, her pet name is geek, and his is crap. It's a sign of love. LOVE IS HERE, EVERYONE!!
Hahahaaha... G felt something for D, right? But i think The conflict hasn't rise up and the love hasn't bloom yet.

I love the way they involved in each other life.
exonemiatic #7
dramatic is it...*.^
Well thought...different...
my zone's really *green*
This one's heartwarming i guess
keep it up!^.^