Chapter 9

3 months....


2nd day before I am going home…I still haven’t tell Seungho about it…Mir had offered himself to tell Seungho but I refused.. I want to tell him I will spend my day with Mir… Mir promises me to buy me a food and bring me to the shop so that I can buy something for my families and friends.  While I busy on thinking how will I tell Seungho about this matter..i got a call from Mir


Mir: Sue, lets go I already infront of the hostel

Me: Right away!


I take my entire necessary thing and run towards the outside of the hostel and I can see Mir!


Me: Sorry.. I am late..

Mir: Nevermind.. I just arrived

Me: Where will go today??

Mir: Lets see..we will find something for your families and friends first then we go to eat!

Me: Yeay!! Lets go!


We walk to the shop because it was not far from my hostel..



Mir brought me inside the shop and it was a lot of things 




After that Mir brought me to the kpop shop, everything in the shop sell all the things about Kpop…I have to buy it for my friends!



While I am choosing something for my friends….


Mir: you like KPOP too?

Me: Of course..

Mir: Why I didn’t it?

Me: Because you didn’t ask me

Mir: Aigoo (trying to pinch my face)

Me: Haip! (this action make me remember Seungho)

Mir: Why?

Me: Nothing…

Mir: So which you group do you like?


Mir: 5 boys who is debuted during Rain concert?

Me: Oh Yeah!!

Mir: I like SNSD!

Me: Gee gee gee baby baby…

Mir: Aigoo…


Finish choosing, we decided to take a lunch..ordering our lunch luckily there are not so many people we got it quickly!


Mir: this is the last time we will hang out

Me: did you forget something?

Mir: What?

Me: you promised me to apply exchange student program to my university..and we will hang out as usual..

Mir: I can forget about it! Ok2! I will….

Me: Yeay! I promised I will take care for you if you are in my university!

Mir: I just hope that you will not forget us..

Me: I will not…lets not talk about this..i feel like crying…I want to it right now!

Mir: Hehe..sorry…can I ask you something?

Me: What?

Mir: Have you tell Seungho about you leaving?

Me: Tomorrow I will tell him…

Mir: Make sure you tell him ok..he still our friend…

Me: I promise!


Mir: Good girl!


After lunch we still walking, talking and goofing around.  Mir brought me to the place we had not gone before.  Finally its time to say goodbye..


Me: Good bye Mir! Take care of yourself..

Mir: You too Sue…

Me: Don’t forget our promise ok…

Mir: You too..dont forget to tell Seungho too..

Me: Thanks for being my friend!

Mir: you too…yah..dont make me cry…

Me: kekeke…aigoo…even we a far way..we can still chat online!

Mir: Yeah…can we chat everynight?

Me: Of course Mir!!


We hugged for the last time how we wish that Seungho will be here together with us..even after finish hug we still cannot let our hand go.  This feel is killing me before I cry infront of Mir I send him to his car..


Me: Good bye Mir

Mir: Bye Sue..sorry because I cant send you at airport tomorrow..

Me: Nevermind Mir..take care…

Mir: Bye…

I watched Mirs car go outside the hostel and I cannot hold it anymore my tears automatically fell from my eyes…


That night I decide to send a text to Seungho


To: Seungho

From: Sue


Seungho, can I meet you tomorrow at 9 the park?


After a few minutes I get a reply from him.


To: Sue

From: Seungho


Sure..see you tomorrow..


After that, I start to look at my checklist make sure that all the my things already packed.

Finish with my check, went to my bed and try to sleep.  Suddenly…


To: Sue

From: Mir


Good night Sue..enjoy your last night here..waaa….i am really sad…


Mir’s text really make me cry.. I reply back to him


To: Mir

From: Sue


Good night Mir….dont be like that…I don’t want to take a plane with my eyes puffy tomorrow..keke


Then I got a reply from him…


To: Sue

From: Mir


Ow…sorry…but do enjoy last night ya…I wish I can spend my night with you..kekeke..

By the way..have you told Seungho?


His message make me want to laugh..aish…people will think I crazy…first cry then laughing….


To: Mir

From: Sue

Want to spend the night with me??feel like something wrong when I read this statement..kekeke…I will tell Seungho tomorrow!


After a few minutes..maybe not.a few seconds


To: Sue

From: Mir


Yah.. I didn’t think that way ok!!look like someone is ert..i didn’t know you have that kind of thought..aigooo..make sure to tell him tomorrow…!!!arasso!!

Got to sleep Sue!!pray for my presentation tomorrow!!


Aigoo… am I being a ert tonight?


To: Mir

From: Sue


Yahhhhhh… I am not a ert ok!! I pray the best for you tomorrow!!

Good luck Mir!!!yeah..i will meet him and tell him tomorrow…good night Mir!!


I try to sleep but I can’t..keep on thinking…how do I meet Seungho tomorrow..

And I didn’t realize when I asleep…

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: thank you for reading my story
LongLegsGirl: glad that u like it!
LongLegsGirl #2
I love this story :)
new reader here........... and I really love your story........ :D
So sweet. .I really love it. :D
ahh. so sweet! keke. the one "romantic way to answer proposal" does it even exist? hahaha. btw, great story. love it!
at last you update! I've been waiting what will happen btween them. haha. gumawo for update. :)
jennifer1801 #7
thanks for mentioning my pleasure....i really like your story..i hope you update always...
OMG! you're the best! at last Seungho meet her again!! haha. now there's a chance for them to be back together! XD
hdjdbaksb OMFG YAY!!!!