Chapter 6

3 months....


Kringg…..huh…already morning…suddenly I remembered what my friends had told me yesterday….did I really fall in love with Seungho…naahhh…if so I would not help him with Nana..arghh..i am late. Quickly take my toiletries and go to the bathroom. 

Get ready….everything seems in order…so I have to go to meet Seungho and Mir.  I am walking to our faculty and saw Mir at the park at decided to join him.

Me: Hi!

Mir: Morning Sue…wahh…you look really good today…

Me: Nah…any news from Seungho?

Mir: Actually I am waiting for him..


Suddenly I felt someone hold my shoulder and I saw…

Seungho: Hi everybody….am I look ok…?

Mir: you look good!! Right Sue?

Sue: (stilla amazed with Seungho new look)…yyeeahh….(suttering)

Seungho: Why Sue? You don’t like it?

Me: Aish…how come I don’t like it…so today is the day…we will see how your Nana will react…can’t wait for it…

Seungho: …

Mir: Why?

Seungho: Nothing…nothing at all

Me: You supposed to be happy Seungho..Nana will fall for you…believe me..

Seungho: yeah..maybe…

Me: Huh?

Seungho: Lets go to the hall..


We walked to the hall, everybody whispering each other when they look at the ‘new’ Seungho.  I smiled and this means I am succeeded!


Sue: Look like somebody will be a new kingka…(whispering to Seungho)

Seungho just smile and say while whispering back to me..

Seungho: I am nervous…thanks by the way..


Suddenly my heart beat so fast…when Seungho whisper to me.  Why I am like this? I am really fall for him?


Mir: Look Nana and his group…they look like want to eat Seungho (whisper)

Me: Really..i should see it too (whisper back)


Yeah, look like Nana already hook with Seungho.  Suddenly I saw Nana walk to our direction..


Nana: Good morning Seungho!


Yes, she already on the move.  I look at Seungho, he just smile.


Seungho: Morning Nana..(smile)

Nana: You look different..

Seungho: Thanks to my friends..(while referring to us)

Nana: (look at us) care to join us during lunch..

Seungho: erm..maybe..

Nana: ok, can’t wait


Nana walked away.  I don’t know why when I heard she invite Seungho for lunch I don’t feel really happy.


Mir: Yah…she only see you Seungho..did she realized that we are here too..and that was so fast…

Me: (just smile)

Seungho: (smiling too and look at me) do I have to accept the invitation?

Me: Of course. This is what you are waiting for..(saying but not really happy when saying it).

Seungho: what about you guys?

Mir: We can take care our self, don’t worry, right Sue?

Sue: yeah..


I don’t why I feel like this, suppose I am happy when my plan succeeds.  At least I already help my friend to get his dream girl.  While I keep on thinking about it the lecturer already in the hall, the class continues like usual. Until we reached lunch time, I saw Nana walked to our direction again for today..


Nana: Lets go Seungho..

Seungho: OK guys, got to go…anything I will text you all..Sue about the work, can we meet at the library after lunch break?

Sue: yeah…at the library…after lunch break…

Nana: Come on Seungho (leave us and glaring at us look like she already claim that Seungho is her already)

Mir: aigoo Nana…already change her direction to Seungho..i don’t know what will happen to Lee Joon…right Sue?

Sue: erm…

Mir: Why Sue? You seem not happy since this morning…

Sue: nothing mir, lets go and eat..i am hungry..

Mir: Let’s go!!


At the cafeteria, we take a table and from our table we can saw Seungho, Nana and the gang table.  I feel pain again inside my heart…aigoo…relax Sue..relax…while I and Mir enjoying our lunch suddenly we heard something come from direction of Seungho table, and I saw Lee Joon..


Lee Joon: Yah..Nana who is he?Why don’t you join us lunch?

Nana: Lee Joon it is my decision who I want to take a lunch with…

Lee Joon: but you’re my girl…how can you lunch with other men

Nana: Lets break up Lee Joon, I bored of you…and now I am not your girl anymore..

Lee Joon: how dare you…and you (pointing at Seungho)  beware of this fox..


Lee Joon walked away..again my plan succeed…I look at Seungho and seem like he doesn’t happy with it.  Why he looks like that, supposed he should be happy because he got his dream girl.


Mir: Look like somebody had been dump…

Me: keke…serve him right..

Mir: Sue, I got to go to my class already..see you tomorrow!!

Me: Yeah mir, see you class aready ended!!! Take care…

Mir: I wish my class already ended like you…

Me: Figthing!!!


Mir walked away and I prepared to go to the library.  Arrived at the library, I put my bag inside the locker and bring necessary thing into the library.  I choose the table far from the other student so that I can’t focus on what I am doing.  Suddenly I felt something poke into my cheek..and I saw seungho beside me and smile at me.  Ais…that smile..make my hear beat rise again…


Seungho: got you!!

Me: so, how was it?

Seungho: how?

Me: already have Nana..

Seungho: i feel ok..

Me: ya…you should be happy and excited and bla…bla..

Seungho: Miss Sue, I knew it and thanks to you…

Me: (smile)

Seungho: bla..bla..(Murmuring)

Me: What are you saying?

Seungho: Nothing..lets start..(smile again)

Me: Don’t smile at me like that…(aish..what I am saying)

Seungho: why? I cant smile? Aha…did you already fall for me..(make his face close to mine and stare right to my eyes)

Me: hehe(laugh nervously) if I fall for you..where will you put Nana…keke(laugh nervously again).

Seungho: Sue..whatifidontlikenanaanymoreandilikesomebodyelse?

Me: what did you said?

Seungho: nah..forget it!


We start our discussion and suddenly Seungho’s phone ringing.


Seungho: Yes..ow..Nana..i at the library right now...yes I am with Sue why?  You car breakdown?ow ok..wait till I arrive there..

Me: Woah..already change phone number?

Seungho: (smile) got to go Sue..see you tomorrow…and we continue discuss it tomorrow ok?

Me: ok…bye Seungho

Seungho: bye Sue…


Start from that day, it is really hard for me and Mir to meet Seungho.  Everytime we set for a date, Seungho will call us and said he had to cancel the date because he had some othe business.  We already can guess it, maybe because of Nana.  Sometimes I feel empty without him.  Yeah..I guess it is true that I already fall for him…

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: thank you for reading my story
LongLegsGirl: glad that u like it!
LongLegsGirl #2
I love this story :)
new reader here........... and I really love your story........ :D
So sweet. .I really love it. :D
ahh. so sweet! keke. the one "romantic way to answer proposal" does it even exist? hahaha. btw, great story. love it!
at last you update! I've been waiting what will happen btween them. haha. gumawo for update. :)
jennifer1801 #7
thanks for mentioning my pleasure....i really like your story..i hope you update always...
OMG! you're the best! at last Seungho meet her again!! haha. now there's a chance for them to be back together! XD
hdjdbaksb OMFG YAY!!!!