Chapter 12

3 months....


Since that day, everytime I meet Seungho I can feel my face turn into tomato my hear rapidly beat.  I try my best to keep my composure so that Seungho will not realize it not only Seungho but the other too.  Today, our class finishes early and me, Seungho, Yan and Mir decide to go to the library to search reference for our assignment.  Yeah, for your information Mrs.Ida had put us into one group the reason is I can help Seungho and Mir a lot.  We walk to the library, me and Yan while Mir and Seungho.  Inside the library we are searching the table far from the others because afraid that if we need to discuss something and make a noise.


Yan: Ok, I’ll go first since I already know the question of this assignment.

Mir: Bring me too..


Ok, they left both of us.  It is my mistake for not read the question first, if I already it then I can go too.  I sit down and take out the assignment, in front of me Seungho doing the same thing.  Ok Sue…calm down…but why I feel really hot here…


Seungho: Are you ok? 

Me: Yeah..i am ok (try to sincerely smile but I feel like plastic smile)

Seungho: are you sick?

Me: Why? No…

Seungho: Your face look red..i wonder if you have a fever

Me: No, I extremely healthy! 


Seungho suddenly put his hand at my fore head…automatically I froze…


Seungho: Sue…you look really sick…

Me: No…no… I am ok..

Seungho: if you say so…I already finish read the will go to find the suitable book..

Me: Oh ok…I will behind you…got to understand this more…


Seungho stand up and went to the section.  I try to read the question slowly..and..i get it…why did it took too long…aigoo…this is Seungho fault!  Now, I am trying to put the blame on Seungho..Sorry Seungho…(keep on talking to myself).


Yan+Mir: You apologize to whom?

Me: Just talking to myself…hehe..(Laughing awkwardly)


Yan and Mir didn’t satisfy with my answer, and I quickly stand up to leave both of them.  I am safe!  I walk to the section, while searching for the book; I can see Seungho through the bookshelf.  He look really focus and he didn’t realize it I was in front of his bookshelf.  I keep on looking at him, his face, his action, I cannot stop.

I feel like stalker now..




Seungho: Boo!


Oh my…did he realize it..did he know I am stalking on him…how embarrassed ..Where I should I go…to be safe…I walk to our table without saying anything to Seungho.  Before I just leave him there, I glance at him, he just smiles…


At the table

Mir: Why took so long…

Yan: Yeah…and why your face looks red lately…

Me: Which question I should answer first? Ok..Mir’s question, I am late because I am giving you a chance to live alone with Yan..

Mir: Yah…(quickly look down at the book)


Yan face turn to tomato too…

Hehehe….there he goes…I win! Miahaha…evil laugh…Mir you think I didn’t know that you already fall for Yan..keke…




This voice..oh my..suddenly I remember what happened before…I quickly sit…aish..why should I sit in front of Seungho..


Seungho: Sorry I am late…lets start…

Yan+Mir: Yeah..lets start..

Me: Woah..same word at the same time..i impressed!

Yan+Mir: What you are talking about…

Seungho: Woah…both of you really synchronized!


I am laughing when I heard Seungho’s comment..Yan keep on pinching my thigh..I try to move my leg below the table because of Yan but suddenly I kick on somebody’s leg..


Me: Oh my..did I kick your leg Mir…

Mir: Me? No…


Seungho face look red…and I know whose leg was that…


Me: Sorry Seungho..did it hurt?


I stand up try to look at Seungho’s leg..


Seungho: I am ok Sue…

Me: Oh my…that really hard kick…oh my..


Already on my knees to look at Seungho’s leg without realizing happen so fast when I feel Seungho’s hand hold up my chin and try to make me look at his face…


Seungho: I am ok Sue…nevermind…


Aigoo…Seungho…why did you do this…my face really hot…


Me: Oh ok..sorry…

Seungho: Nevermind ok…


Ehem ehem…


Yan: Lets start…oh my Sue your face look like tomato..

Mir: Yeah…are you sick…(smile evilly)

Me: No..this is because Yan keep on pinching on me…

Yan: I am pinching on your leg but it affected your face…(smile evilly)


Such an evil couple! Aish…I look at Seungho and he just smile..but this time his smile is different…I don’t know why…


Seungho: Friends! Let’s start!


After that we start our discussion and I still cant look to Seungho’s eyes…

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: thank you for reading my story
LongLegsGirl: glad that u like it!
LongLegsGirl #2
I love this story :)
new reader here........... and I really love your story........ :D
So sweet. .I really love it. :D
ahh. so sweet! keke. the one "romantic way to answer proposal" does it even exist? hahaha. btw, great story. love it!
at last you update! I've been waiting what will happen btween them. haha. gumawo for update. :)
jennifer1801 #7
thanks for mentioning my pleasure....i really like your story..i hope you update always...
OMG! you're the best! at last Seungho meet her again!! haha. now there's a chance for them to be back together! XD
hdjdbaksb OMFG YAY!!!!