Chapter 13

3 months....


Finally it is Friday, tomorrow is weekend!


Mir: Yeay! It is weekend, Sue, I want to go to the beach…

Me: Ow..then lets go picnic!

Mir: Yeay!!!


I look at Seungho, he just chuckle when he look at Mir reaction.  Yea..lately I feel more comfortable around him, seems like he has a magic to make feel like that.  Sometimes if one day I didn’t see his face, I feel like something is lack.  did I fall in love again?

No..No I can’t because he already have Nana.  I want to ask him if still with Nana but I don't have courage to ask and I am afraid to hear the answer.


Seungho: Why don’t you ask the other to join us Sue..

Me: Ah..yeah..i will text them…


Mir start to babbling what he should bring to the beach, what is the suitable food for picnic and bla…bla… I start to send the others to inform about this and hope that everyone can join us!


Mir: Sue, we should go to the shop to buy something for tomorrow.

Me: Yes, Mir! Lets go to my car..and what we should we buy…

Seungho: Something to eat I guess…

Me: Oh yeah…totally forgot!  What should we do? Sandwich?

Seungho: Can’t wait to eat what Sue cook for us…

Mir: Yeah, if I recall I haven’t taste any of Sue’s cooking..

Me: No.. I didn’t really know how to cook..keke

Mir: can a girl didn’t how to cook…right Seungho?

Me: Yeah…my bad…(pouting)

Seungho: I didn’t really mind that, as long as we can eat it…

Me: See…hear that Mir!

Mir: AIgoo…poor you Seungho got a girlfriend who is don’t know how to cook…

Me: What?

Seungho: Nothing Sue…forget it!


I look Seungho glaring at Mir…Mir become like a mouse in front of the cat..actually I heard it but I think Mir just joking..yeah..just joking..suddenly I got message from the others, yes! They agree to join us!


In the car, I drive, Mir is co-driver and Seungho sit at the back.  Actually I am not really used to drive with male passenger, I feel like they watched everything that I do while I am driving.  Mir keeps on talking about the beach and I just nodded while Seungho stay silent at the back.

Finally we arrived at the mall, search for a parking.  After park my car, Mir go out from the car and left saying that he want to take a trolley first.  Then I look at the behind, Seungho is sleeping that’s why he really quiet at the back.


Ah..i got to wake him up..oh can I do this… I open the door as gentle as I can because I don’t want to make him surprise…


Me: Seungho..(as gentle as I can)


Seungho still don’t move..


Me: Seungho, wake up we already arrive.


Still don’t move, I try to shake his arm gently…


Me: Seungho…wake up


I don’t know why, but he look really cute while sleeping, his black eye bag look cute to me..his nose..his lips…look really red and…aigoo…what I am thinking about….


Me: Seungho wake up….


I try to shake his arm a little bit hard from before…His open his eyes..really cute..aish…I turning into ert now…suddenly he hold my arm..


Seungho: We already arrive?

Me: Ye..yeah…(suttering because surprise by his action)

Seungho: Sorry because you have to wake me up.

Me: Not at all…


He tries to stand up while holding my arm but suddenly he fell down again the result of his action make me fall forward to him.  It happens so quick I just realized that my face only an inch in front of his face…I quickly stand up again..


Seungho: Sorry Sue..i got cram on my foot…

Sue: got a cram? Oh my..what we should do?

Seungho: Nevermind it already gone a little bit, I think I can stand right now..


Without realize I offering my hands to help him, finally he can stand up and walk but not really fast.  Because of that I don’t have any choice; I have to hold his arm to prevent him fell down again.  There, I can see Mir is waving at our direction.  Aigoo…this kid…


Mir: Why took a long time…I already found a trolley… a big trolley! Wait..


Both of us look at Mir…


Mir: Why both of you holding hand?

Seungho: Sue helping me because I got a cram not like another person who just leave me in the car…

Mir: Seungho, I said it before I want to take a big trolley for us..and Sue..why did your face really red right now?

Me: Nah..nothing…here hold Seungho…I will hold the trolley…

Seungho: Nah..i already ok…not need Mir…

Me: Eh..already ok…

Mir: Of course he already get his medicine..

Me: I didn’t give him any medicine before…

Seungho: Shut up Mir…lets go Sue…


Already take my hand and bring me along, leaving Mir alone at the back..


Mir: How dare you leaving me alone!


Both of us just laughing then we start our shopping for tomorrow.  We go to the food section to buy something to eat tomorrow.  I just realize that Mir is not with us…just both of us..feels like a newleyd couple…huhu…I getting married to Seungho…aigoo…what I am thinking about…


Seungho: Where is Mir?

Me: Don’t know..

Seungho: Ow…Sue what will bring tomorrow..

Me: Don’t know yet maybe sandwich..

Seungho: Yeay, cant wait for tomorrow..

Me: Why?

Seungho: I can eat sandwich made by Sue!


Blushing again..aigoo Seungho…


Me: Nah…it just a simple sandwich Seungho…ya…of course Nana already give you a lot of her cook right…

Seungho: No she didn’t and she will not…

Me: Why? I cant believe it..

Seungho: Nothing…Sue what is the food that you think you cook the best..?

Me: Me?Ermm….pasta!

Seungho: Really? I like pasta…I wish I can eat it

Me: Just a simple pasta Seungho, maybe I can make it for you later..but not tomorrow..

Seungho: Yeah? Promise?

Me: Promise so that you can eat it with Mir…

Seungho: don’t want it, I want to eat it alone…I don’t want to share with Mir…don’t make it for Mir…(pouting)

Me: Eh..ok2..i will make it for you not Mir…ok….

Seungho: Promise?

Me: Yes I promise you…




Mir: What are you talking about? Don’t want to eat ‘it’ with me? Are you try to leave me behind…Sue…Seungho?

Seungho: Nothing…lets go over there Mir..

Mir: Sue, what both of you talking about…??


Seungho already left with Mir…aigoo…Seungho did he really want to taste my pasta?



look like i have a new subscriber..

hello jennifer1801!

thank you for subscribing my story...

actually i planning to write until chapter 10

but i wonder

it already chapter 13

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: thank you for reading my story
LongLegsGirl: glad that u like it!
LongLegsGirl #2
I love this story :)
new reader here........... and I really love your story........ :D
So sweet. .I really love it. :D
ahh. so sweet! keke. the one "romantic way to answer proposal" does it even exist? hahaha. btw, great story. love it!
at last you update! I've been waiting what will happen btween them. haha. gumawo for update. :)
jennifer1801 #7
thanks for mentioning my pleasure....i really like your story..i hope you update always...
OMG! you're the best! at last Seungho meet her again!! haha. now there's a chance for them to be back together! XD
hdjdbaksb OMFG YAY!!!!