The Challenge

Try Smiling


Yoona was standing center stage with the microphone in her hand looking for me.

“Oh there you are” She smiled sweetly beckoning me forward. I walked forward cautiously towards her stopping only a few feet away.

“Do you need something Yoona?” I asked as nicely as possible. It took a second before I realized the room was drop dead silent. Even the noise backstage stopped. Everyone’s eyes were focused on us, probably waiting to see if I would slap her.

“Yes Jordan, I invited you out here to ask for one thing.” She smiled. I could see Minho standing at the corner of the stage looking worried for someone. Probably Yoona, it’s really a bold step to invite me out here to ask for something after she stole my boyfriend.

“And that would be?” I asked curious.

“Your crown” She stated simplify there was a loud gasp as everyone took in a sharp breath.

Challenging the Queen to her crown was something people didn’t often do. My crown was a symbol of status and acceptance and me losing it would be a big thing. I’m not as attached to my crown as another Queen or Ji Yong might be to theirs but I didn’t want to lose it all the same.

“What exactly are you challenging me to do?” I question.

“A performance, you always go around saying how you ‘produce’ your friends’ performances but I want you to prove it. Singing and dancing” She smirked. So she thought I was either lying or one of the fat coaches who can’t play the game but push you until you’re perfect. 

As I pondered over this I noticed BIGBANG and 2NE1 had gathered side stage looking at me.

“Should I do it?”  I asked them. They all nodded knowing fully well what I could do by myself. I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to her.

“Ok Yoona I except your challenge winner by student vote gets the crown.” I tell her confidently turning to my friends walking towards them.

“You can go first” I toss a winner smile over my shoulder before I’m yanked back stage.

“Ok Jordan, for this performance you can perform twice and with other people. You can sing and or dance. What songs are you doing? I want to give them to the DJ. Oh and we need to get you into another outfit, a performing outfit.” She said as she dragged me back stage. I didn’t even get a chance to respond before I was pushed into a changing room with some different clothes.

“You should do ‘I am the Best’ ” Bom told me standing in the doorway.

“I thought that was you girl’s song.” I question turning to look at her.

“It is but right now you need to go out there and assert the fact that you are the best.” She had that look on her face that meant she was ready to go in for the kill. I just chuckle and tell her to give the DJ that song and Let me love you by Mario so that I could dance with Taeyang. She just disappeared from the door way leaving it slightly ajar behind her. I quickly slip into the clothes she left me and check my appearance in the mirror.

I gasped and whirled around when I noticed someone’s reflection in the mirror.

“Oh Daesung you scared me.” I sighed releasing my breath.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said stepping into the room fully.

“It’s alright as long as I didn’t kick you in the face, your smile is to pretty to lose.” I told him sitting down in one of the chairs. I decided to just do my own makeup instead of waiting for someone to come do it for me.

He smiled and blushed slightly as he continued “Jordan I just wanted to let you know that Taeyang-ah is tired so he told me to dance with you instead.” I turned to glance at him.

“You know the choreography?” I asked. He nodded nervously “Yeah Taeyang-ah taught it to me a while back, just in case”

“In case of what?” I ask suspiciously.

“This I guess” He smiled. I nodded thoughtfully as I sweep a bit of eye shadow over my eye lids.

“You are really pretty without makeup, why are you wearing it?” He asked coming to stand next to me

“Because Bom would kick my if I went on stage without it. It’s supposed to show respect for your audience and she told me I better not be disrespectful to them. But thanks for the compliment anyway.” I smile brightly before going back to the daunting task of applying makeup.

“No problem, you’re totally worth it.” He said the last part so quietly I didn’t think I heard him right.

“What?” I asked referring to the last part of his sentence.

“Hm?” He questioned pretending not to hear me.

“What do you mean I’m worth the compliment?”

“Just what it means. Complimenting you makes you smile and I like it when you smile.” Ok how could I not blush and try to stop a huge face tearing smile from coming across my lips. I tried to hide it but I could tell he saw me and that made him laugh.

“Don’t laugh at me” pout “How could any girl not smile at a compliment like that?” I question him innocently.

“Who’d you sing that song for?” I asked him my mind flashing back to the beautiful song he sung about the girl he wanted to see smile more often.

“Someone close to me, she was hurt by her boyfriend and I want to see her smile more often” He glanced up at me a bright shine of hopefulness in his eyes before he turned and started to walk out of the room.

I could feel an attraction drawing me towards him not wanting him to leave me yet. I stepped forward and grabbed his arm. He turned back around and looked surprised as I pulled him towards me.

Without fully thinking I kissed him softly on the lips. He didn’t initially respond because of shock but after a few seconds he kissed me back full force. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair tugging it softly. His arms s around my waist holding me close to his warm body. Our lips moved in sync they kiss got more heated. I stepped back until my body was pressed up against the wall. He nibbled softly on my bottom lip. I opened my mouth for him and he slid his tongue into my mouth explore every inch of it. I began to fight back for dominance but he won.

His fingers brushed across the bare skin of my back sending jolts of electricity through my body causing me to melt into his body. His large warm hands cupped my face softly and pushed my hair back away from my face.My head is in the clouds and my body was almost shaking with bliss. But eventually we had to come up for air. Even so we were both breathless staring into each other’s eyes.

“I promise to smile more just for you” I whisper snuggling my face into his chest breathing in his heavenly scent.

Just then the door burst open and we jump away from each other in surprise.

“Aish you guys still back here? It’s almost time for you two to perform.” Bom cried grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. I dumbly stumble after her still slightly dazed. Daesung wrapped an arm around my waist to stabilize my steps but let go before Bom turned around again.

“Go over there Daesung and wait for your cue” She told him waving him away. He just pushed his fedora lower down on head before walking away to his spot.
Bom turned to me and inspected me. She stopped at me face and asked “Why are you lips swollen?”

My fingers immediately went to my mouth and she was right. My lips were slightly swollen and my lipstick was smudged.

“Uh...” I for a response as she slowly starts to put it together. Her eyes grow extremely wide as she points at me then into the direction Daesung then back to me. I nod and say “I’ll explain later I promise”                  

Next thing I knew I was darting over to my spot for the dance. I smiled slightly as I turned my back to the audience. The music started and I listened to the lyrics of the song as I moved.

Mario knows he can love her so much better than her boyfriend could ever begin to. Just like Daesung for me. I should let him love me because I know he’s someone who deserves my love because he will never hurt me the way Minho has.

I rested my head into his lap smiling cheekily up at him. He smiled back down his eyes disappearing again into cute crescents. We stood up and bowed as applause filled the room.

Ducking behind the stage we shared a quick peck before I snuck off to my dressing room again.

“I SAW THAT UNNI!!” CL screamed causing my eardrums to vibrate painfully.

“Saw what?” I asked plugging the ear closer to her.

“You kissed him just now, and Bom told us about your backstage performance.” We giggled raising her eyebrow at the double meaning.

“Ugh I can’t tell you anything without it spreading can I?” I asked fluffing my hair.

“Oh unni your lipstick is a little smudged there.” Minzy teased wiping my bottom lip.

“Hey Minzy when are you going to ask Seungri out? or should I just go over there and ask him myself. We both know you don't want that.” I smile evily shutting her up for a few good hours. Soon the girls where off teasing her as I practiced my vocals.

The sound of “U Go Girl” by Lee Hyori was playing loudly from the stage. I snuck over to the side stage and peeked around the curtain. I saw Yoona and a bunch of her friends singing and dancing along to the song.

As much as I didn’t like her she was actually pretty popular in school. Not really with the girls but most definitely with guys. I watched her danced and realized she was actually really good.

I continued to cast nervous glances towards the stage but as soon as her eyes met mine I turned confident and strong. I would never show the enemy my weakness.

The sharp ring of the school bell cut off the last few notes of her song. Everyone looked around dazed and confused as teachers and security started to try and direct us out.

“But the completion is not over yet.” Someone cried from the large crowd.

“Too bad, everyone must clear out of the school” One of the deans commented showing no sympathy. I looked around at all of the disappointed faces of the students as they began to file out of the auditorium.

I grabbed a nearby mic and cried out “Don’t worry everyone, we will be continuing this completion at the park right up the block. So we will just gather there”

There was a cheer of relief as every moved a lot quicker to get out. I turned around and Bom was holding my stuff.

“Come on you have to get there quickly.” She shoved my bag and other miscellaneous objects into my hands before dragging me away with Dara and Minzy on my heels.

“Where’s CL?” I asked looking around for her distinct blond hair. “She’s rounding up the guys.” Minzy explained following behind us carrying her and CL's bags.

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Almost finished with the story Chapter 9 is up


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Chapter 9: GD must love his crown LOL!!! :)
aww i liked your story it was so nice! i smiled every time you wrote about Daesung smiling^^
garagarago #3
Update soon please! I love your story!! ^-^
WHOOO :D SO GOOD :D I'm glad you wrote it!! Update, and dont quit writing !!!
MsKitten #5
Can't wait to read more! Plus I love Crystal Kay's music!